sfem::element Namespace Reference

Contains classes defining element types, their topology and physical behaviour. More...


class  ElementData
 ... stores data used by for the complete element (base class) More...
class  ElementDataET
 ... stores data used by for the complete element and which may be precomputed to be used by the class ET More...
class  ET
 ... the abstract base class for element types More...
class  ET_hexahedron
 ... the abstract base class for hexahedral element types, it already defines faces and edges parameterization and node numbering as in Bathe! More...
class  ET_tetrahedron
 ... the abstract base class for tetrahedral element types, it already defines faces and edges, parameterization and node numbering as in Bathe! More...
class  ETEdge
 ... the abstract base class for edges of element types More...
class  ETFace
 ... the abstract base class for faces of element types More...
class  ETFaceShell
class  ETFactory
 ... a factory which provides element type objects More...
class  ETHyperFace
 ... the abstract base class for faces/edges of element types More...
class  ETIntegrationPoint
class  ETNode
 ... the abstract base class for faces/edges of element types More...
class  IntCell_ET
 ... the abstract base class for integration types of finite elements (on element type side) More...
class  IntCellData_element
 ... contains element specific data for the corresponding IntCell object More...
class  IntegrationCellData
 ... contains data describing a single integration point More...
class  IntegrationCellData3d
class  IntegrationNode
 ... manages the integration of all surrounding elements which belong to the same element type class (same nodal integration type) More...
class  IntegrationNodeType
 ... provides element specific methods for IntegrationNode objects More...
class  IntegrationNodeType_Dummy
 ... an empty nodal integration type, provided for element types that are not nodally integrated More...
class  IntegrationNodeTypeFactory
 ... a factory which provides integrationNode type objects More...
class  IntegrationType
 ... the abstract base class for integration types of finite elements More...
class  IntegrationType_Hexahedral27
class  IntegrationType_Hexahedral8
class  IntegrationType_Tetrahedral11
class  IntegrationType_Tetrahedral4
class  IntegrationType_Tetrahedral5
class  IntegrationTypeData
 ... contains data describing a single integration point More...
class  IntegrationTypeData3d
class  MaterialIntptData
 ... stores data in order to evaluate a material within the element More...
class  MaterialIntptDef
 ... stores data used by IntegrationNode (data for ONE specific nodal integration type, but different materials) More...
class  MaterialNode
 ... stores data used by IntegrationNode (data for ONE specific nodal integration type, but different materials) More...
class  VectorOfSparseVectors


< ETFactory
 This class defines a singleton for ETFactory. An element type is accessed by 'ElementTypesinstance().getElementTypes()[typeId]' or 'ElementTypesinstance().getElementTypesbyIdent()[ident]'.
< IntegrationNodeTypeFactory
 This class defines a singleton for IntegrationNodeTypeFactory. An integrationNode type is accessed by 'IntegrationNodeTypesinstance().getIntegrationNodeTypes()[typeId]' or 'IntegrationNodeTypesinstance().getIntegrationNodeTypesByIdent()[ident]'.
typedef VectorOfSparseVectors< 3 > VectorOf3SparseVectors
typedef VectorOfSparseVectors< 9 > VectorOf9SparseVectors

Detailed Description

Contains classes defining element types, their topology and physical behaviour.

Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:35:54 2010 for 'sfem' Module Programming Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6