Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
sfem::element::ElementData... stores data used by for the complete element (base class)
sfem::element::ElementDataET... stores data used by for the complete element and which may be precomputed to be used by the class ET
sfem::element::ET... the abstract base class for element types
sfem::element::ET_hexahedron... the abstract base class for hexahedral element types, it already defines faces and edges parameterization and node numbering as in Bathe!
sfem::element::ET_tetrahedron... the abstract base class for tetrahedral element types, it already defines faces and edges, parameterization and node numbering as in Bathe!
sfem::element::ETEdge... the abstract base class for edges of element types
sfem::element::ETFace... the abstract base class for faces of element types
sfem::element::ETFactory... a factory which provides element type objects
sfem::element::ETHyperFace< dim >... the abstract base class for faces/edges of element types
sfem::element::ETNode... the abstract base class for faces/edges of element types
sfem::element::IntCell_ET... the abstract base class for integration types of finite elements (on element type side)
sfem::element::IntCellData_element... contains element specific data for the corresponding IntCell object
sfem::element::IntegrationCellData... contains data describing a single integration point
sfem::element::IntegrationNode... manages the integration of all surrounding elements which belong to the same element type class (same nodal integration type)
sfem::element::IntegrationNodeType... provides element specific methods for IntegrationNode objects
sfem::element::IntegrationNodeType_Dummy... an empty nodal integration type, provided for element types that are not nodally integrated
sfem::element::IntegrationNodeTypeFactory... a factory which provides integrationNode type objects
sfem::element::IntegrationType... the abstract base class for integration types of finite elements
sfem::element::IntegrationTypeData... contains data describing a single integration point
sfem::element::MaterialIntptData... stores data in order to evaluate a material within the element
sfem::element::MaterialIntptDef... stores data used by IntegrationNode (data for ONE specific nodal integration type, but different materials)
sfem::element::MaterialNode... stores data used by IntegrationNode (data for ONE specific nodal integration type, but different materials)
sfem::element::VectorOfSparseVectors< dimension >
sfem::Exception... the standard exception class for the SFEM library
sfem::groups::ElementSetGroup of elements
sfem::groups::NodeSetGroup of nodes/points
sfem::groups::SetBaseBase class of sets/groups
sfem::material::Material... the base class for material laws
sfem::material::MaterialEvaluate... a class encapsulating methods to evaluate material points and quantities
sfem::material::MaterialPoint... the base class for material laws
sfem::material::MaterialType... the base class for material laws
sfem::material::MaterialType::StrainMaterialTypeClass that encapsulates the material routines for a specific strain formulation
sfem::material::MaterialTypeFactory... a factory which provides material type objects
sfem::mesh::DofHandler... the abstract base class for element types
sfem::mesh::Edge... the base class for mesh edges
sfem::mesh::Element... the base class for mesh points
sfem::mesh::Face... the base class for mesh points
sfem::mesh::InternalConstraintDefinition... the abstract base class for element types
sfem::mesh::MeshAssembly... the base class for an editable mesh
sfem::mesh::MeshPart... the base class for an editable mesh
sfem::mesh::PhysicalElement... Represents an element with associated physical data
sfem::mesh::Point... the base class for mesh points
sfem::mesh::Section... the base class for element sections
sfem::mesh::SectionType... the base class for section types
sfem::mesh::SectionType_Continuum3d... the base class for element sections
sfem::mesh::SectionTypeFactory... a factory which provides section type objects
sfem::mesh::Step... the base class for analyses steps possible data on: geometrical linearity/nonlinearity, time intervals (from to), time increment length, loading
sfem::mesh::Structure... the base class for a structural analyses
sfem::mesh::TSectionCompatibilities... a (globaL) container associating compatibilities of element sections and element types/material laws

Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:35:54 2010 for 'sfem' Module Programming Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6