S p e c i a l   e f f e c t s

Complex gradations

The different types of gradations here are impossible to realize with the classical tool "gradient", they use the "Blend" function.


This gradation was obtained with the following method: create a gradation yellow/orange/red in an ellipse, place a little green circle on it, apply "Blend" with 100 steps.

In this case, fill a square with a red/blue gradient diagonnaly oriented (blue in the left lower corner)
Place on this square a tiny circle filled with the same gradient but oriented at 180° (blue in the right upper corner).
Use "Blend" with 300 steps and see the result!

Thi effect needs curves with different colors.

We first apply "Blend" on the red and green curve

Then on all the curves. To select a curve that already belongs to a blend effect, use deselect function "Last/First Element" of the "Blend" dialog box.
Use your imagination with clors, curves, steps...

If you want to use this kind of gradation in an ordinary form, use "create a mask", see the Effect section of the "Menu rubric" and the next page.
P r e v i o u s   p a g e
N e x t   p a g e
R u b r i c   s u m m a r y
S u m m a r y