I n t r o d u c t i o n


Fortunately, Sketch just requires 6 Mo RAM at the maximum (it depends on the number of objects on screen). Therefore, the use of layers optimizes the use of memory. In the processus list, Sketch appears under the name of Python. Pentium 200 with 64 Mo RAM is sufficient. Based on floating toolboxes, Sketch requires a large screen (17'').
Although it's impossible to recommend a Linux distribution, Sketch needs the following libraries:

This libraries are available in .rpm, .deb (Debian and Corel) or sources if you want to adapt it on special platforms (Sparc or alpha).
Please visit the official site : http://sketch.sourceforge.net for further information.
P r v i o u s   p a g e
S u m m a r y
N e x t   p a g e