I n t r o d u c t i o n

Difference between Vectorial and Bitmap

Two types of software can be used to draw : vector drawing programs such as Sketch and bitmap softwares like The Gimp or Adobe Photoshop (r).
Although twice are able to help you draw graphics, the way they work, the way you understand them and finally their use are totally different.

Bitmap drawing :
Bitmap drawing means you work with pixels. Pixel is a point which can have color and transparency values. Images used on the internet or digital pictures consist of a cloud of pixels. Let's magnify a bitmap image :

We can see that the zoom factor (600%) makes pixels visible. Bitmap drawing software can select these pixels and manipulate them. This kind of image suits retouching, mounting, special effects or working with a drawing tablet allowing the use of tools like pencil, airbrush, ... You can easily understand that the "weight" of an image is proportional to the number of pixels it is made of.

Vectors based drawing :
Contrary to bitmap (with pixels), a vector drawing consists in objects that are mathematics curves (Bezier curves) or lines and segments which have a color and a size. Their primary advantage comes from the fact that there is no visible pixel even if you magnify a lot.

When a zoom is done, curves that compose the drawing are automatically re-calculate so as to be scaled. That allows you to work on an element or a group of elements without changing the quality. High resolution works often requires this kind of image. In that case, the "weight" of the image is independent of the size.
P r e v i o u s   p a g e
S u m m a r y
N e x t   p a g e