I n t r o d u c t i o n


Installation or libraries checking

Sketch needs these libraries:

- Tcl/tk
Generally included in the major distributions, Sketch uses tcl/tk 8.0 but Tcl 7.6 et Tk 4.2 should also work.
Find it at http://www.scriptics.com/software/download.html

- Python
Python is a interpreted programming language, available at http://www.python.org in .rpm format or directly in source code.
This package is almost always included in all distribution.

Sketch works with Python 1.51.1; previous versions are not supported.
If you compile Python on your system, please check that you allow the compilation of the Tkinter module (see Installation of Python). Tkinter is the TK interface.

-Python Imaging Library (PIL)
The Python Imaging Library is a library that allows manipulation of different picture formats. .rpm package is available at http://www.pythonware.com . If you decide to compile it, please refer to the installation instruction included with the sources. Version 1.0 works perfectly.

-Python XML (optional)
This library is required if you want to import SVG files. If you don't know what is XML an SVG jump to next step. Sources are available at this address http://www.python.org/topics/xml/download.html

Installation from the .rpm package ( redhat package manager)

It's the simpliest method. Provided all the quoted libraries previously are correctly installed, you just have to run :
rpm -i /the_folder_containing_the_rpm/sketch-0.6.x-1.i386.rpm
Sometimes, one or several libraries are correctly installed but don't appear in the libraries database. When the package manager check the libraries, it could block the installation if a library doesn't appear.
If you are sure the library is present (you have compiled it) you can add -force in command line so as to "force" the installation.

Installation from the sources

Extract the archive, open an xterm from the directory and then:

P r e v i o u s   p a g e
S u m m m a r y
N e x t   p a g e