C o n c e p t s

Free forms

Create a Bézier curve. This requires at least two click-drag-release cycles. The first cycle defines the start point of the curve and its tangent. The next cycles define the rest of the points and tangents in the same fashion. Click <Button2> or press Space to finish.
To modify an outline with this tool, you must be in Edit Mode ( icon)
then use this dialog box.

First place a point, then a second holding down the button of the mouse you can drag it and create a curve with its tangent; the second tangent will be created with the third click.
This tool can be difficult when you begin with it but with a little practice you should be able to obtain good results.
See floating toolboxes section and toolbar for more details on Bézier curves.
See also Objects Edition from the "Tools and commands" sections to learn how to manipulate curves and transform them.


Create a polygon. The first click-drag-release cycle defines the first line segment. The next cycles define the rest of the segments. Click <Button2> or press Space to finish. The object created is actually a Bézier curve consisting only of straight lines.
Holding <Ctrl> allows you to move around the centered point with 15°

Close an outline
When an outline is complex, closing it can be better if you want to fill it:

This is an object created this 2 tools: Lines and curves.
It is created with 2 parts.
This is what happen if you want to fill it with a color:

There is color outside the outline because it is not closed.
(Note that the problem remains if you try at the bottom of it)
One solution consists in use "Curves" -> "Associate Bezier". Here is the result:

Although it is possible to bring parts together so as to eliminate the little white and green lines, the result is not perfect.
The best way to proceed consists in associating the curves and join the knots:

In Edit Mode, select the 2 knots (select the first one, hold <shift> and click on the second). In the floating toolbox named "Curves", select "join" (the central upper button.

Here is our perfect and fillable form...
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