T o o l s   a n d   c o n t r o l s

Objects Edition

The edit mode allows to modify the outline of an object.
You first have to select an object by the selection mode and then press on the space bar or the buttonof the main window.
When edit mode is activated, the outline, constituted of knots represented by little squares, is visible.

Move knots or modify them by their handfuls that appear when you click on it.
This handfuls only exist for Bezier curves and won't appear for angles.

Sketch offers lots of possibilities to modify Bezier curves. Additional tools and information are available with the Curves menu and the Curves floating window. You will notice that a knot is represented by a black square when selected and a transparent one when not.
When Edit mode is activated, you cannot modify the scale and the pitch of the object (first activate the select mode).

Press on the space bar to quit this mode.
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