ExportGmsh Class Reference

A class which exports data from SFEM to GMSH. More...

Inherits sfem_import::gmsh::ImportGmsh.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void exportDisplacements (const sfem::mesh::Structure &src, const std::string &viewident)
 saves nodal displacements in the parsed structure
void exportElementNodalMisesStress (const sfem::mesh::Structure &src, const std::string &viewident)
 saves Mises stresses in the parsed structure at element nodes
 ExportGmsh (const std::string &ident)
void exportMesh (const sfem::mesh::Structure &src)
 recreates the parsed data structure in such a way that it reads from the given SFEM object and
unsigned int gmshElementType (const std::string &ident) const
 returns the ident of the gmsh_type as integer, given by a string. Returns zero if not existent
unsigned int gmshElementTypeFromSFEM (const std::string &sfem) const
 returns the current setting of the GMSH type in SFEM; Returns zero if not existent
const GmshParsedData & parsed_data () const
 returns a reference to the parsed data
void store (const std::string &filename) const
 stores the parsed data structure into the given GMSH file (overwrites it on existence)
void translateElementBy (const std::string &sfem, const unsigned int &gmsh)
 sets the element type of SFEM which will be used for the given GMSH type id
virtual ~ExportGmsh ()

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string,
unsigned int > 
 contains user-defined mappings between element types

Detailed Description

A class which exports data from SFEM to GMSH.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:35:54 2010 for 'sfem_import' Module Scripting Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6