ImportGmsh Class Reference

... a class that imports a structure from a GMSH file More...

Inherits sfem_import::Import.

Inherited by ExportGmsh [protected].

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void apply (sfem::mesh::Structure &dest) const
std::string elementType (const std::string &group_ident, const unsigned int &gmsh) const
 returns the current setting of the GMSH type in SFEM and GMSH physical entity id
std::string elementType (const unsigned int &gmsh) const
 returns the current setting of the GMSH type in SFEM
unsigned int gmshElementType (const std::string &ident) const
 returns the ident of the gmsh_type as integer, given by a string. Returns zero if not existent
 ImportGmsh (const std::string &ident)
void importPhysicalEntitiesOnly (const bool &mode)
 sets if only elements which are part of physical entities should be imported
virtual void parse (const std::string &filename)
 Parses a given input file and writes data to the parser data base.
const GmshParsedData & parsed_data () const
 returns a reference to the parsed data
void setElementType (const std::string &group_ident, const unsigned int &gmsh, const std::string &sfem)
 sets the element type of SFEM which will be used for the given GMSH type id and GMSH physical entity id
void setElementType (const unsigned int &gmsh, const std::string &sfem)
 sets the element type of SFEM which will be used for the given GMSH type id
void setSection (const std::string &group_ident, const std::string &section_ident)
 sets the section of all elements which belong to a specific physical entity
virtual void translate ()
 Translates the parsed data into the own database format.
virtual ~ImportGmsh ()

Protected Attributes

bool m_importPhysicalEntitiesOnly
 if only elements which are part of physical entities should be imported
std::string sfem_element_types [GmshElement::NUM_ELEMENT_TYPES_PLUS_1-1]

Detailed Description

... a class that imports a structure from a GMSH file

Member Function Documentation

void apply ( sfem::mesh::Structure &  dest  )  const

This method applies the imported data to an existing sfem::Structure object.

structure is the FE structure the data is exported to.

Reimplemented from Import.

Member Data Documentation

std::string sfem_element_types[GmshElement::NUM_ELEMENT_TYPES_PLUS_1-1] [protected]

defines which SFEM element type is used for GMSH types (if not set, then use defaults!) This is used for all elements which are NOT part of physical entities.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Nov 17 17:35:54 2010 for 'sfem_import' Module Scripting Interface by  doxygen 1.5.6