[Galette-cvs] Added template for self_adherent [...] (November 23, 2005 - 19:24)

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Title: Added template for self_adherent [...]
Commit from stephs 2005-11-23 19:23 CET
Added template for self_adherent
Template self_adherent,index and lostpasswd pass validation xhtml 1.0 strict
Rewrite self_adherent with ajouter_adherent code
Function custom_mail now return 1 if there is no error
Lostpasswd now use mail preferences
Code cleanup and minor buxfixes
Module File name Revision
galette ajouter_adherent.php 1.49 >>> 1.50
galette lostpasswd.php 1.12 >>> 1.13
galette self_adherent.php 1.12 >>> 1.13
galette includes/functions.inc.php 1.28 >>> 1.29
galette templates/default/ajouter_adherent.tpl 1.5 >>> 1.6
galette templates/default/index.tpl 1.3 >>> 1.4
galette templates/default/lostpasswd.tpl 1.1 >>> 1.2
galette templates/default/page.tpl 1.9 >>> 1.10

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