[Galette-cvs] - Mass mailing is now functional [...] (June 16, 2005 - 01:41)


Title: - Mass mailing is now functional [...]
Commit from deelight 2005-06-16 01:40 CEST
- Mass mailing is now functional
- E-mails can be sent as plain/text or html/text (that's bad, i know...)
Module File name Revision
galette mailing_adherents.php 1.13 >>> 1.14
galette includes/functions.inc.php 1.25 >>> 1.26
galette templates/default/mailing_adherents.tpl 1.1 >>> 1.2

You are on the gna.org mail server.

Generated by mhonarc, Thu Jun 16 02:00:06 2005