====== XNova:Legacies ====== ===== Introduction ===== ==== What is it? ==== Xnova:Legacies is a game engine written in PHP aimed to build [[www.ogame.fr|OGame]]-like game servers. XNova:Legacies takes its origins from XNova version 0.8-sp1, a project abandonned in 2008 by its lead developpers. Since summer 2009, XNova:Legacies aims to be a security-related and a patching [[en:definitions#fork]], and a pre-release of XNova:Next-Gen's game engine. ==== What are the aims of the project? ==== The project is aimed to build a first version of a game based upon the [[fr:definitions#zend-framework|Zend Framework]]: XNova:Next-Gen. The next major version will be based upon it and will exploit the benefits of a modular MVC-based application. ==== Which license is used? ==== XNova:Legacies's versions 2009.x are distributed under the terms of the [[license:en:gpl|GNU General Public Licence]], as of its parent project. From the future major version currntly in the [[legacies:fr:svn#le-tronc-de-developpement|trunk]], the sources will be distributed under the [[license:en:agpl|GNU Affero General Public Licence]], which extends the [[license:en:gpl|GNU General Public Licence]] by adding a i. ===== Téléchargements ===== Les téléchargements sont disponibles à l'adresse http://www.xnova-ng.org/?page_id=6 ===== Documentation ===== * [[legacies:fr:start|Premiers pas...]] * [[legacies:fr:player/intro|Guide du joueur]] * [[legacies:fr:admin/intro|Guide de l'administrateur]] * [[legacies:fr:templating/intro|Guide du graphiste]] * [[legacies:fr:svn|Accès aux sources sur le dépôt SVN]] === Extras === * [[o3d:fr:start|Affichage d'objets 3D sur le site]] ==== Refonte du moteur de jeu ==== === Général === * [[legacies:fr:general:start|Bootstrap]] === Gestion utilisateur === * [[legacies:fr:user:start|Gestion utilisateur]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-entity|Table user_entity]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.session|Table session]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-auth|Table user_auth]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-log|Table user_log]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-options|Table user_options]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-group-link|Table user_group_link]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-group|Table user_group]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.alliance-entity|Table alliance_entity]] === Gestion d'empire === * [[legacies:fr:empire:start|Gestion d'Empire]] * [[legacies:fr:combat:start|Moteur de combat]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-technologies|Table user_technologies]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.user-stats|Table user_stats]] === Administration === * [[legacies:fr:admin:start|Administration]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.acl-role|Table acl_role]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.acl-role-group-link|Table acl_role_group_link]] * [[legacies:fr:db:table.acl-resource|Table acl_resource]] ==== Notes ==== Le contenu de cette documentation fourni sous licence [[license:en:fdl|GNU Free Documentation Licence version 1.2]]