package CPANPLUS::Dist::Build; use strict; use vars qw[@ISA $STATUS $VERSION]; @ISA = qw[CPANPLUS::Dist]; use CPANPLUS::inc; use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; ### these constants were exported by CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants ### in previous versions.. they do the same though. If we want to have ### a normal 'use' here, up the dependency to CPANPLUS 0.056 or higher BEGIN { require CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants; CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants->import() if not __PACKAGE__->can('BUILD') && __PACKAGE__->can('BUILD_DIR'); } use CPANPLUS::Error; use Config; use FileHandle; use Cwd; use IPC::Cmd qw[run]; use Params::Check qw[check]; use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load check_install]; use Locale::Maketext::Simple Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext'; local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1; $VERSION = '0.06_02'; =pod =head1 NAME CPANPLUS::Dist::Build =head1 SYNOPSIS my $build = CPANPLUS::Dist->new( format => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build', module => $modobj, ); $build->prepare; # runs Module::Build->new_from_context; $build->create; # runs build && build test $build->install; # runs build install =head1 DESCRIPTION C is a distribution class for C related modules. Using this package, you can create, install and uninstall perl modules. It inherits from C. Normal users won't have to worry about the interface to this module, as it functions transparently as a plug-in to C and will just C when it's loaded. =head1 ACCESSORS =over 4 =item parent() Returns the C object that parented this object. =item status() Returns the C object that keeps the status for this module. =back =head1 STATUS ACCESSORS All accessors can be accessed as follows: $build->status->ACCESSOR =over 4 =item build_pl () Location of the Build file. Set to 0 explicitly if something went wrong. =item build () BOOL indicating if the C command was successful. =item test () BOOL indicating if the C command was successful. =item prepared () BOOL indicating if the C call exited succesfully This gets set after C =item distdir () Full path to the directory in which the C call took place, set after a call to C. =item created () BOOL indicating if the C call exited succesfully. This gets set after C and C. =item installed () BOOL indicating if the module was installed. This gets set after C exits successfully. =item uninstalled () BOOL indicating if the module was uninstalled properly. =item _create_args () Storage of the arguments passed to C for this object. Used for recursive calls when satisfying prerequisites. =item _install_args () Storage of the arguments passed to C for this object. Used for recursive calls when satisfying prerequisites. =item _mb_object () Storage of the C object we used for this installation. =back =cut =head1 METHODS =head2 $bool = CPANPLUS::Dist::Build->format_available(); Returns a boolean indicating whether or not you can use this package to create and install modules in your environment. =cut ### check if the format is available ### sub format_available { my $mod = "Module::Build"; unless( can_load( modules => { $mod => '0.2611' } ) ) { error( loc( "You do not have '%1' -- '%2' not available", $mod, __PACKAGE__ ) ); return; } return 1; } =head2 $bool = $dist->init(); Sets up the C object for use. Effectively creates all the needed status accessors. Called automatically whenever you create a new C object. =cut sub init { my $dist = shift; my $status = $dist->status; $status->mk_accessors(qw[build_pl build test created installed uninstalled _create_args _install_args _prepare_args _mb_object _buildflags ]); ### just in case 'format_available' didn't get called require Module::Build; return 1; } =pod =head2 $bool = $dist->prepare([perl => '/path/to/perl', buildflags => 'EXTRA=FLAGS', force => BOOL, verbose => BOOL]) C prepares a distribution, running C's C method, and establishing any prerequisites this distribution has. When running C<< Module::Build->new_from_context >>, the environment variable C will be set to the full path of the C that is being executed. This enables any code inside the C to know that it is being installed via CPANPLUS. After a succcesfull C you may call C to create the distribution, followed by C to actually install it. Returns true on success and false on failure. =cut sub prepare { ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object ### just via a different dist object my $dist = shift; my $self = $dist->parent; ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything ### prepared from another installer $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan; $self->status->dist_cpan( $dist ) unless $self->status->dist_cpan; my $cb = $self->parent; my $conf = $cb->configure_object; my %hash = @_; my $dir; unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) { error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) ); return; } my $args; my( $force, $verbose, $buildflags, $perl); { local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1; my $tmpl = { force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'), store => \$force }, verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose }, perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl }, buildflags => { default => $conf->get_conf('buildflags'), store => \$buildflags }, }; $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return; } return 1 if $dist->status->prepared && !$force; $dist->status->_prepare_args( $args ); ### chdir to work directory ### my $orig = cwd(); unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) ); return; } ### by now we've loaded module::build, and we're using the API, so ### it's safe to remove CPANPLUS::inc from our inc path, especially ### because it can trip up tests run under taint (just like EU::MM). ### turn off our PERL5OPT so no modules from CPANPLUS::inc get ### included in make test -- it should build without. ### also, modules that run in taint mode break if we leave ### our code ref in perl5opt ### XXX we've removed the ENV settings from cp::inc, so only need ### to reset the @INC #local $ENV{PERL5OPT} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt; #local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5lib; local @INC = CPANPLUS::inc->original_inc; ### this will generate warnings under anything lower than M::B 0.2606 my %buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_hash( $buildflags ); $dist->status->_buildflags( $buildflags ); my $fail; RUN: { # Wrap the exception that may be thrown here (should likely be # done at a much higher level). my $mb = eval { my $env = 'ENV_CPANPLUS_IS_EXECUTING'; local $ENV{$env} = BUILD_PL->( $dir ); Module::Build->new_from_context( %buildflags ) }; if( !$mb or $@ ) { error(loc("Could not create Module::Build object: %1","$@")); $fail++; last RUN; } $dist->status->_mb_object( $mb ); $self->status->prereqs( $dist->_find_prereqs( verbose => $verbose ) ); } ### send out test report? ### if( $fail and $conf->get_conf('cpantest') ) { $cb->_send_report( module => $self, failed => $fail, buffer => CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string, verbose => $verbose, force => $force, ) or error(loc("Failed to send test report for '%1'", $self->module ) ); } unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir back to start dir '%1'", $orig ) ); } ### save where we wrote this stuff -- same as extract dir in normal ### installer circumstances $dist->status->distdir( $self->status->extract ); return $dist->status->prepared( $fail ? 0 : 1 ); } sub _find_prereqs { my $dist = shift; my $mb = $dist->status->_mb_object; my $self = $dist->parent; my $cb = $self->parent; my $prereqs = {}; foreach my $type ('requires', 'build_requires') { my $p = $mb->$type() || {}; $prereqs->{$_} = $p->{$_} foreach keys %$p; } ### allows for a user defined callback to filter the prerequisite ### list as they see fit, to remove (or add) any prereqs they see ### fit. The default installed callback will return the hashref in ### an unmodified form ### this callback got added after cpanplus 0.0562, so use a 'can' ### to find out if it's supported. For older versions, we'll just ### return the hashref as is ourselves. my $href = $cb->_callbacks->can('filter_prereqs') ? $cb->_callbacks->filter_prereqs->( $cb, $prereqs ) : $prereqs; $self->status->prereqs( $href ); ### make sure it's not the same ref return { %$href }; } sub prereq_satisfied { # Return true if this prereq is satisfied. Return false if it's # not. Also issue an error if the latest CPAN version doesn't # satisfy it. my ($dist, %args) = @_; my $mb = $dist->status->_mb_object; my $cb = $dist->parent->parent; my $mod = $args{modobj}->module; my $status = $mb->check_installed_status($mod, $args{version}); return 1 if $status->{ok}; # Check the latest version from the CPAN index { no strict 'refs'; local ${$mod . '::VERSION'} = $args{modobj}->version; $status = $mb->check_installed_status($mod, $args{version}); } unless( $status->{ok} ) { error(loc("This distribution depends on $mod, but the latest version of $mod on CPAN ". "doesn't satisfy the specific version dependency ($args{version}). ". "Please try to resolve this dependency manually.")); } return 0; } =pod =head2 $dist->create([perl => '/path/to/perl', buildflags => 'EXTRA=FLAGS', prereq_target => TARGET, force => BOOL, verbose => BOOL, skiptest => BOOL]) C preps a distribution for installation. This means it will run C and C, via the C API. This will also satisfy any prerequisites the module may have. If you set C to true, it will skip the C stage. If you set C to true, it will go over all the stages of the C process again, ignoring any previously cached results. It will also ignore a bad return value from C and still allow the operation to return true. Returns true on success and false on failure. You may then call C<< $dist->install >> on the object to actually install it. =cut sub create { ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object ### just via a different dist object my $dist = shift; my $self = $dist->parent; ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything ### prepared from another installer $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan; $self->status->dist_cpan( $dist ) unless $self->status->dist_cpan; my $cb = $self->parent; my $conf = $cb->configure_object; my $mb = $dist->status->_mb_object; my %hash = @_; my $dir; unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) { error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) ); return; } my $args; my( $force, $verbose, $buildflags, $skiptest, $prereq_target, $perl, $prereq_format, $prereq_build); { local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1; my $tmpl = { force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'), store => \$force }, verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose }, perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl }, buildflags => { default => $conf->get_conf('buildflags'), store => \$buildflags }, skiptest => { default => $conf->get_conf('skiptest'), store => \$skiptest }, prereq_target => { default => '', store => \$prereq_target }, ### don't set the default format to 'build' -- that is wrong! prereq_format => { #default => $self->status->installer_type, default => '', store => \$prereq_format }, prereq_build => { default => 0, store => \$prereq_build }, }; $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return; } return 1 if $dist->status->created && !$force; $dist->status->_create_args( $args ); ### is this dist prepared? unless( $dist->status->prepared ) { error( loc( "You have not successfully prepared a '%2' distribution ". "yet -- cannot create yet", __PACKAGE__ ) ); return; } ### chdir to work directory ### my $orig = cwd(); unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) ); return; } ### by now we've loaded module::build, and we're using the API, so ### it's safe to remove CPANPLUS::inc from our inc path, especially ### because it can trip up tests run under taint (just like EU::MM). ### turn off our PERL5OPT so no modules from CPANPLUS::inc get ### included in make test -- it should build without. ### also, modules that run in taint mode break if we leave ### our code ref in perl5opt ### XXX we've removed the ENV settings from cp::inc, so only need ### to reset the @INC #local $ENV{PERL5OPT} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt; #local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5lib; local @INC = CPANPLUS::inc->original_inc; ### but do it *before* the new_from_context, as M::B seems ### to be actually running the file... ### an unshift in the block seems to be ignored.. somehow... #{ my $lib = $self->best_path_to_module_build; # unshift @INC, $lib if $lib; #} unshift @INC, $self->best_path_to_module_build if $self->best_path_to_module_build; ### this will generate warnings under anything lower than M::B 0.2606 my %buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_hash( $buildflags ); $dist->status->_buildflags( $buildflags ); my $fail; my $prereq_fail; my $test_fail; RUN: { ### this will set the directory back to the start ### dir, so we must chdir /again/ my $ok = $dist->_resolve_prereqs( force => $force, format => $prereq_format, verbose => $verbose, prereqs => $self->status->prereqs, target => $prereq_target, prereq_build => $prereq_build, ); unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) ); return; } unless( $ok ) { #### use $dist->flush to reset the cache ### error( loc( "Unable to satisfy prerequisites for '%1' " . "-- aborting install", $self->module ) ); $dist->status->build(0); $fail++; $prereq_fail++; last RUN; } eval { $mb->dispatch('build', %buildflags) }; if( $@ ) { error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build', "$@")); $dist->status->build(0); $fail++; last RUN; } $dist->status->build(1); ### add this directory to your lib ### $cb->_add_to_includepath( directories => [ BLIB_LIBDIR->( $self->status->extract ) ] ); ### this buffer will not include what tests failed due to a ### M::B/Test::Harness bug. Reported as #9793 with patch ### against 0.2607 on 26/1/2005 unless( $skiptest ) { eval { $mb->dispatch('test', %buildflags) }; if( $@ ) { error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build test', "$@")); ### mark specifically *test* failure.. so we dont ### send success on force... $test_fail++; if( !$force and !$cb->_callbacks->proceed_on_test_failure->( $self, $@ ) ) { $dist->status->test(0); $fail++; last RUN; } } else { $dist->status->test(1); } } else { msg(loc("Tests skipped"), $verbose); } } unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir back to start dir '%1'", $orig ) ); } ### send out test report? ### if( $conf->get_conf('cpantest') and not $prereq_fail ) { $cb->_send_report( module => $self, failed => $test_fail || $fail, buffer => CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string, verbose => $verbose, force => $force, tests_skipped => $skiptest, ) or error(loc("Failed to send test report for '%1'", $self->module ) ); } return $dist->status->created( $fail ? 0 : 1 ); } =head2 $dist->install([verbose => BOOL, perl => /path/to/perl]) Actually installs the created dist. Returns true on success and false on failure. =cut sub install { ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object ### just via a different dist object my $dist = shift; my $self = $dist->parent; ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything ### prepared from another installer $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan; my $mb = $dist->status->_mb_object; my $cb = $self->parent; my $conf = $cb->configure_object; my %hash = @_; my $verbose; my $perl; my $force; { local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1; my $tmpl = { verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose }, force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'), store => \$force }, perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl }, }; my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return; $dist->status->_install_args( $args ); } my $dir; unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) { error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) ); return; } my $orig = cwd(); unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) ); return; } ### value set and false -- means failure ### if( defined $self->status->installed && !$self->status->installed && !$force ) { error( loc( "Module '%1' has failed to install before this session " . "-- aborting install", $self->module ) ); return; } my $fail; my $buildflags = $dist->status->_buildflags; ### hmm, how is this going to deal with sudo? ### for now, check effective uid, if it's not root, ### shell out, otherwise use the method if( $> ) { ### don't worry about loading the right version of M::B anymore ### the 'new_from_context' already added the 'right' path to ### M::B at the top of the ### On VMS, flags need to be quoted my $flag = ON_VMS ? '"install"' : 'install'; my $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), $flag, $buildflags]; my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo'); unshift @$cmd, $sudo if $sudo; my $buffer; unless( scalar run( command => $cmd, buffer => \$buffer, verbose => $verbose ) ) { error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build install', $buffer)); $fail++; } } else { my %buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_hash($buildflags); eval { $mb->dispatch('install', %buildflags) }; if( $@ ) { error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build install', "$@")); $fail++; } } unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir back to start dir '%1'", $orig ) ); } return $dist->status->installed( $fail ? 0 : 1 ); } ### returns the string 'foo=bar zot=quux' as (foo => bar, zot => quux) sub _buildflags_as_hash { my $self = shift; my $flags = shift or return; my @argv = Module::Build->split_like_shell($flags); my ($argv) = Module::Build->read_args(@argv); return %$argv; } sub dist_dir { ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object ### just via a different dist object my $dist = shift; my $self = $dist->parent; ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything ### prepared from another installer $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan; my $mb = $dist->status->_mb_object; my $cb = $self->parent; my $conf = $cb->configure_object; my %hash = @_; my $dir; unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) { error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) ); return; } ### chdir to work directory ### my $orig = cwd(); unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) ); return; } my $fail; my $distdir; TRY: { $dist->prepare( @_ ) or (++$fail, last TRY); eval { $mb->dispatch('distdir') }; if( $@ ) { error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build distdir', "$@")); ++$fail, last TRY; } ### /path/to/Foo-Bar-1.2/Foo-Bar-1.2 $distdir = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, $self->package_name . '-' . $self->package_version ); unless( -d $distdir ) { error(loc("Do not know where '%1' got created", 'distdir')); ++$fail, last TRY; } } unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) { error( loc( "Could not chdir to start directory '%1'", $orig ) ); return; } return if $fail; return $distdir; } =head1 KNOWN ISSUES Below are some of the known issues with Module::Build, that we hope the authors will resolve at some point, so we can make full use of Module::Build's power. The number listed is the bug number on C. =over 4 =item * Module::Build can not be upgraded using its own API (#13169) This is due to the fact that the Build file insists on adding a path to C<@INC> which force the loading of the C Module::Build when it shells out to run it's own build procedure: =item * Module::Build does not provide access to install history (#9793) C runs the create, test and install procedures in it's own processes, but does not provide access to any diagnostic messages of those processes. As an end result, we can not offer these diagnostic messages when, for example, reporting automated build failures to sites like C. =back =head1 AUTHOR Originally by Jos Boumans Ekane@cpan.orgE. Brought to working condition and currently maintained by Ken Williams Ekwilliams@cpan.orgE. =head1 COPYRIGHT The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Jos Boumans Ekane@cpan.orgE. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # Local variables: # c-indentation-style: bsd # c-basic-offset: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: