7a0977ce2c Bump version to 4.0.2-stable (Rémi Verschelde) 9099ac39cf i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 0a8fdde924 Add changelog for 4.0.2 (Yuri Sizov) d0e906327d Fix typo and slightly reword in @GDScript.xml (Araraura) ed1eb1e18f Update UndoRedo description (Tomasz Chabora) 1c66b24325 Fill random docs (Tomasz Chabora) 103d23539f Improve CanvasItem.self_modulate docs (kleonc) 0c24ee363f [TextEdit] Fix block caret size at the end of the line. (bruvzg) c114a7bab4 Remove reference to clipboard in OS class doc (skyace65) 1deda0f003 Add navigation renames to 3to4 converter (smix8) 87929d9ab0 Add _get_configuration_warnings() example (Tomasz Chabora) 040b432a12 Fixed property hint for platform layers on 3D physics body (Brennen Shaughnessy) b912905d23 Fix xml namespace in org.godotengine.Godot.xml (Paragoumba) e243dfa9f6 Fix NavigationAgent enable avoidance crash (smix8) 50f26811b0 [macOS] Fix infinite loop caused by global menu callbacks which trigger EditorProgress dialog. (bruvzg) c9ee508089 Bump version to 4.0.2-rc (Rémi Verschelde) 4323c8b78b Replaced operating system alert dialog with a warning log message, toggled by a project setting. Fixes #73141 (Chris Hutchinson) 1e94881484 Exposing more project settings for documentation (Ninni Pipping) d6b36e800d Improve POT Generation dialog (Haoyu Qiu) ae0a98ef9b Hide internal settings from the classref (Haoyu Qiu) 493e39860d C#: Fix Array.AddRange index out of bounds (Redwarx008) fe71d33033 Project converter: Remove Tween properties/signals from renames (Rémi Verschelde) 9f20659c62 Fixups to list handling in SceneReplicationConfig (Mai Lavelle) 1056996200 [X11] Fix layout bug in `keyboard_get_keycode_from_physical` (Sabrehull) 74a35c9ca2 Don't allow selecting nodes without owner (Tomasz Chabora) b39cbe71b4 Fix typo in OpenXR pose orientation check (Bastiaan Olij) 07beae98f0 GDScript: Fix false positive `REDUNDANT_AWAIT` warning (Danil Alexeev) 47c4044d03 TileSet editor AtlasMergingDialog crash fix (kleonc) 838a82f885 Update GPUParticles2D/3D speed scale on ENTER_TREE (Brian Long) dc100cbebb Bump the target SDK version to 33 (Android 13) (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 5f9990e25d Add "filesRoot" path to Android provider paths xml (lewiji) ff15e2384a Configure maven central snapshot versions for the Godot Android library (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) bafc6372b2 Exposes the apply_floor_snap function to allow a snap to be made regardless of velocity. (fabriceci) 843f5adbc5 Improve documentation of int (VolTer) 6fedc728f6 Use 8×8 default grid size for TextureRegion and 2D polygon editors (Hugo Locurcio) 4750b77d2d Fix typos and inconsistencies in classref (Haoyu Qiu) 2ea8dd7232 More i18n improvements (Haoyu Qiu) 5e9e95c34c Make Add Scene button the same height as scene tabs (Haoyu Qiu) 50ea0951fe Fix height of subresource button in Inspector (Haoyu Qiu) 7de181f524 Fix `NodePath` subname index range documentation (Ninni Pipping) a08bee8d10 [ci/web] update mymindstorm/setup-emsdk to v12 (Unai Martinez-Corral) 65c52087c2 Remove disabled plugins from active plugins (Tomasz Chabora) b85cead4b9 Document how to use logarithm of base 10 with `log()` (Hugo Locurcio) 38595b8470 Fix "hides member" warnings in `csharp_script.cpp` (Ninni Pipping) adc7edd907 C#: Do not print errors about missing references to intentionally ignored members (RedworkDE) 9573574788 Port robust signal (dis)connection to ShapeCast2D (Ricardo Buring) 58d8368481 Fix collide_shape return type (Ricardo Buring) 2a52307936 Fix `AnimatedSprite2D` autoplay warning (Ninni Pipping) 9a4a0d042c Improve documentation for Area monitor callbacks in `PhysicsServer3D` (Ninni Pipping) 7a827f979e Fix ResourceImporterLayeredTexture::import() high_quality type (nikitalita) b3f121d108 CanvasItem Fix ENTER_CANVAS / VISIBILITY_CHANGED notifications order when entering tree (kleonc) fa9f92112c Make `Gradient` resort points on `reverse` (Ninni Pipping) 9a3b52dc2d Fix "Download Project Source" for Web Editor (ator-dev) ce4ab71957 Fix some wrong descriptions in the docs (Rindbee) 989d556f8e [Windows] Remove meta_mem update on keyup/keydown. (bruvzg) 9ac978190e Fix directory access when the running app has the `All files access` permission (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 94e90b0593 Fix get_drag_data not overridable in some Controls (Tomasz Chabora) 9559bbcb18 Improve Color8 documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 30a9b5fe9b Open up bounds of `Shape3D.margin` to support other physics engines (Mikael Hermansson) 465be40e10 Change documentation of `Shape3D.margin` to reflect current situation (Mikael Hermansson) 47c3f44c0a Fix typo in the type-safe examples (Dipal Zambare) 8575010e88 TileMapEditor Fix preview rendering and transform calculations (kleonc) 9278da6f9b Fix ndc calculation for LinearSceneDepth VS node in GLES3 (Patrick) b43f847808 Fix `Array.slice()` rounding for `abs(step) != 1` (Ninni Pipping) ac1b26c7c5 Fix agents with disabled avoidance getting added to avoidance simulation (smix8) f089782411 XR: When an sRGB target is used, check hardware sRGB conversion (Bastiaan Olij) dd94380b11 Fix GridMap signal "cell_size_changed" disconnect error (smix8) 22b5f0f608 Fix GridMap free navigation RID error spam (smix8) e99b184b6c Added drag and drop support for shaderinclude (Fahad Shihab) 7fe9c48e2b Fix type check for max/min (Ninni Pipping) fcedf5dfdf OpenXR: Enable access to the Valve Index grip force sensing (Zac Luzader) c0c5bdc510 Add dedicated setter for `ImageTextureLayered::_images` to fix `create_from_images` being hidden from the C# bindings (RedworkDE) 516323f4ab SCons: Cleanup pulseaudio defines for Linux (Rémi Verschelde) 597b83aedf change some sys.exit() to be fatal (Omar Polo) 4da5fc9203 Fix Variant hashing for floats (Ninni Pipping) 636d7905b0 Update property keying state without a full Inspector rebuild (Yuri Sizov) e1de9f9fc4 Fixes  gutter set width results in receiving only half of the desired size (Nong Van Tinh) b54ff430aa Rename mkv_list to mvk_list (MoltenVK path list). (Ron B. Yeh) 6e85d4efea Add conversion for Vector2 method tangent() -> orthogonal() (Marius Hanl) 60ceecb1ab Reload built in script to get its methods on signal connection (Hakim) de08766656 Fix IME position in the single window mode sub-windows. (bruvzg) d91a3985ae Fix EditorUndoRedoManager's handling of MERGE_ENDS (Tomasz Chabora) 68e6234595 Fix concave/convex polygon shape documentation (Ricardo Buring) 0dab32f317 Fix `Find in Files` Search Results cannot open builtin script (stmSi) 865a0b4507 Use the new API for virtual keyboard height detection on Android, bugfix (necrashter) 6782cd7291 Fix several clang-tidy bool literal conversion warnings (bitsawer) bb5a6e29ab C#: Fix building projects for MSBuild before 17.3 (RedworkDE) c4618bcc1b C#: Encode GodotProjectDir as Base64 to prevent issues with special characters (Raul Santos) a397474bd0 Fix randfn to prevent generating of nan values (Chaosus) 2e37c05fe6 Make GDScript number highlighting stricter (VolTer) 46d475b067 Fix crash in resource load (Pedro J. Estébanez) a94a2062af Add XRServer.world_origin property (Bastiaan Olij) 7a3f8a83da Fix GDExtensions library export when multiple architectures are set. (bruvzg) 559d09c140 [TextServer] Add mutex for FreeType face creation/deletion operations. (bruvzg) ff125a638a Commit Fix for GLES3 point size not working (LandoUWB) 149f16b2fa fix spotlight shadows in volumetric fog (RandomCatDude) bf8ab62ca3 Fix `GraphNode` resizing when its bottom border is too thin (Michael Alexsander) 6ed9e03449 Fix data races in startup/teardown (myaaaaaaaaa) db3fadc560 Improve layout direction/locale automatic selection. (bruvzg) 24c4b5e8ad [macOS] Re-add support for the _sc_ inside app bundle. Update docs. (bruvzg) 3cae980c17 Fix some ways to create inconsistent Viewport sizes (Markus Sauermann) 34a087cc2c Incorporating the availability of screen and depth textures for the GLES3 backend (LandoUWB) 74b5a0ca4f Fix cancelling selection (pressing escape) while gizmo editing making uncommitted changes. * Pressing escape while gizmo editing will discard the changes made during that edit 'session' (Eric M) ca0ba83f03 Fix scrolling behaviour with low page value (Pawel Kowal) 5262fe21de Delete unused compression formats from .imoprt files when exporting (Clay John) d8f0c2bdca Revert attempted fix of trimesh CCD (Ricardo Buring)