1bc03d9d65 GDNative: Add Core API 1.4, move `Transform2D::determinant` there (Rémi Verschelde) b958e8a236 bullet: Sync with upstream 3.25 (Rémi Verschelde) 1c63c54ab3 [3.x] Warn against using non-uniform scale for 3D physics (in class reference only) (MJacred) f6b918a1ca Stop dragging when a slider changes editability (David Turner) 96ad972dc5 [3.x] Clarify range of various ID values are 32 bit (Ninni Pipping) 94d6c3dcc6 Augment the `InputEvent` class with a `CANCELED` state (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 8a23fa41a8 Linux: Don't use udev for joypad hotloading when running in a sandbox (Rémi Verschelde) 2509c1691d Follow up to https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/76400 to fix input ANR in the Godot Android editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) c4becb0ca4 [ci/web] update mymindstorm/setup-emsdk to v12 (Unai Martinez-Corral) 6f8e632848 Make acos and asin safe (lawnjelly) c65967c17f Document 3D particle color properties requiring vertex color as albedo (Hugo Locurcio) 43b6205887 Multirect - Fix refining regions for all derived Textures (lawnjelly) 0ce6ef7215 Fix GridContainer max row/column calculations not skipping hidden children (kleonc) e5b399be65 Allow concurrent buffering and dispatch of input events (Pedro J. Estébanez) b78935ef51 Adds a `scale_gizmo_handles` entry to the `Touchscreen` editor settings (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) aac5558760 Add allow_search property to ItemList and Tree (needleful) 92f0c9272f [3.x] Fix small mistake in docs, "antecedents" -> "ancestors" (Aaron Franke) 12c923cb8b Fix rendering tiles using nested AtlasTextures (kleonc) ab8792cc7b Add vertex color support to OBJ importer (Bartłomiej Karwacki) 48347499c2 Fix size error in `BitMap.opaque_to_polygons` (Ninni Pipping) cc60359a6c MessageQueue - Fix max usage performance statistic (lawnjelly) 30e3e301e0 Update the gradle build tasks to generate play store builds. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 571e4189fd [3.x] Implement physics support in the GLTF module (Aaron Franke) d20305a718 Improve documentation related to ubershaders in ProjectSettings (Hugo Locurcio) d6672d8fe4 Make create folder popup support nested folders (Haoyu Qiu) 392f65fe09 Fix inconsistent file dialog settings usage (Haoyu Qiu) e31b1a76f8 Make `EditorPropertyLayersGrid` responsive to touch taps (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) de20011cbe Make tab's close button responsive to touch taps (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 141783d90f [3.x] Expose `determinant` in Transform2D, rename internal method (Aaron Franke) 8dae3d71b2 Suggest class_name in 3.x autocompletion. (HolonProduction) 837db0b051 Downgrade android gradle plugin to version 7.2.1. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) efb4a0a6d5 Backport from Godot 4 - Fix RigidDynamicBody gaining momentum with bounce #55313 (belzecue) 77deae0483 Disable blending before blitting to framebuffer from WebXR (David Snopek) 2ca86ef449 [3.x] Expose more compression formats in Image (Ninni Pipping) 1c66257568 [3.x] Don't apply scale to autohide theme property (Ninni Pipping) cec8e09948 Fix null in android text entry system. (Jason Knight) e9add1182e Add preliminary changelog for Godot 3.6 (Rémi Verschelde) dd6c213dac Fix Polygon2D skinned bounds (for culling) (lawnjelly) 0f24d6ecf7 Update make_rst.py to match the master version (Yuri Sizov) 61e41facc7 Enable granular control of touchscreen related settings (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 5f1e7e6fbc Make MessageQueue growable (lawnjelly) 3cfbabfa59 Fix for 2D viewport not updating in the editor when the camera moves (Richard Adenling) 7d48dd7782 [3.x] Document lack of iOS support for WebM (Ninni Pipping) 2803c471e8 Bump the target SDK version to 33 (Android 13) (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) f3cdff46fc Add benchmark logic (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) e2c7d3e6c0 Fix directory access when the running app has the `All files access` permission (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 3544cd1dad Add Color + alpha constructor for Color (Haoyu Qiu) 01d0b9ad15 Fixed Whitescreen Issue in GLES2.0 Glow Setting (Alex Nogueira) 6d7bc801f6 Set the unlit / unshaded extension when importing / exporting GLTF (Haoyu Qiu) befdafdbf6 [3.5+] Fix GridMap free navigation RID error spam (smix8) fdae01de10 Add set_value_no_signal() to Range (Tomasz Chabora) 19f2006ec0 Use hash table for GDScript parsing (lawnjelly) 1730fab22a Consistent render ordering for CanvasLayers (lawnjelly) ef914dac31 GDScriptParser - don't use index operator on linked list (lawnjelly) 57306bf0e3 Fix TextEdit color_region_cache bug (lawnjelly) 910ddd13c4 Batching - Add MultiRect command (lawnjelly) 18d7d36b63 Eliminate collision checks between geometry in rendering BVH. (lawnjelly) 0227fcc4cc fix shadows pass viewport calculation (Ansraer) 608317213e Fix NavigationServer free error print (smix8) 914182ffe3 increased max touches to 32 for ios (Chris Weber) 669749fa39 Fix Standard Gamepad Mapping triggers (Julien Reichardt) e814861950 Change message of unknown joypad property from error to warning (Ricardo Subtil) bab7f1c0a6 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 50c598e229 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 2c18066231 Add PS3 controller guide button (Julien Reichardt) 5faa423944 Math: Prevent division by zero in posmod (Rémi Verschelde) a836b6bc88 Mention `String.match()` is also called "glob"/"globbing" (Hugo Locurcio) 07b37b6b6c Fix Xbox Series controller duplicate input (PrecisionRender) 16757a80a8 Fix AltGR getting stuck on Windows right alt-tab (Juan Linietsky) 0e2292f341 Configure maven central snapshot versions for the Godot Android library (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 62b6529fed CI: Pin SCons to 4.4.0, the new 4.5.0 is broken (Rémi Verschelde) 9bdb585318 Use the new API for virtual keyboard height detection on Android, bugfix (necrashter) 1a6343729b Document using `String.percent_encode()` with `OS.shell_open()` (Hugo Locurcio) 7173565250 Backport a simpler version of the accent color for check icons (Michael Alexsander) 5766134610 [3.x] C#: Fix crash when errors occur before language initialization. (RedworkDE) 8185fa8e2a [3.x] Backport Tree::set_selected (Ninni Pipping) e90ac4b0e7 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) c7a92f68a1 Add error messages for collision exception functions (smix8) 0a85e4db71 iOS: Implement missing gamepad.buttonOptions, buttonMenu, and buttonHome joy buttons (BZ1234567890) 5639be5f4f BVH - fix lockguards for multithread mode (lawnjelly) 32a9227f5b Robustify multi-threading primitives (Pedro J. Estébanez) 28b11a0785 iOS: Fix memory leak on touch input Replaces iOS gesture with touch implementation (Travis Veralrud) 1949b7c652 [3.x] Improve the clarity of Viewport's documentation (Aaron Franke) 424bda217c TileSet: Fix resizing collision shape when vertex is outside the tilesheet (DashCell) 32b3ef7727 RichTextLabel: Fix hint string for custom_effects property (Rémi Verschelde) 6528f984fe Fix the issue causing long-press on a selected node on the scene tree to trigger both the context menu and the rename functionality (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) eebc983df8 UWP: Fix build with Google ANGLE not supporting EGL_ANGLE_DISPLAY_ALLOW_RENDER_TO_BACK_BUFFER (Antokolos) f5693969f0 UWP: Fix app crash when `managed_object->update_clipboard()` is called (Antokolos) 70316aab91 Fix Line2D UVs when using BOX end cap mode (Brian Semrau) 0876a16bde Default update_vital_only to true for Android and Web editor (lawnjelly) b04c9a71f4 Implement file provider capabilities (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 9cd84224bd Warn users about unsafe usage of InputEvent (Pedro J. Estébanez) b5213cceac Fix navigation related nodes not propagating parent class config warnings (smix8) 7d135cb962 Fix code style and consistency of RWLock and Semaphore (Pedro J. Estébanez) 48a55ffad3 Provide a delegate implementation for the `killProcess` logic on Android (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 5a0cb54b3a Improve error messages and classref for occluders and portals (lawnjelly) e59752bcb7 Update the Godot Android Editor name from `Godot Editor` to `Godot Editor 3` (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 82be475a85 Correctly apply world_scale in WebXR (David Snopek) 1647f4d85e Add dumb theme item cache to Control (Yuri Sizov) 86945ffc78 Windows: Fix heap overflow setting native icon (Jordan Schidlowsky) 646a2d9d94 Document Environment's `background_energy` property affecting lighting (Hugo Locurcio) 8170b7ae1e Add a theme usability setting which updates the touch area of UI elements (e.g: scrollbar) for the editor on touchscreen devices (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 48aedb239e Update the logic to calculate the screen scale on Android (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 6a5992c9f1 PopupMenu rework and enhancements (Eric M) f747967444 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) 6a45e56e5c i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) 52919ff352 Fix writing value for hand-tracking V2.0 to AndroidManifest.xml (Tom Beckmann) 04225415c3 Document image size restrictions for custom mouse cursors in HTML5 (Hugo Locurcio) a297a69ac8 macOS: Fix sprintf deprecation warning (Rémi Verschelde) 373e545f55 Let make_rst.py be forward compatible with 4.0's (Pedro J. Estébanez) c6a428b3d6 GLES2 fix octahedral half float unpacking (lawnjelly) badcfa2523 Expose `OS.read_string_from_stdin()` to the scripting API (Hugo Locurcio) e09d4d255e Add independent spinbox arrow step precision (Jóhannes Gunnar Þorsteinsson) a93d651293 Mark C# editor settings to require a restart to be effective (Hugo Locurcio) d16a1c7579 Make CollisionShape selection box use shape AABB (Haoyu Qiu) 2d5f9c49a4 CI: Use clang-format 15 (Rémi Verschelde) aa8d6c5633 Fix `get_path()` is not working when files are opend with `open_compressed` (heppocogne) 5703cc861f Support Git worktrees in generation of hash header (Pedro J. Estébanez) 90132061f5 Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /platform/web (dependabot[bot]) bf577a6c2a iOS: Add new model identifiers for DPI metrics (Marius Seufzer) a49fa86cca zlib/minizip: Update to version 1.2.13, remove zlib from freetype (DeeJayLSP) 456cdf84c1 [macOS] Fix stylus tilt Y direction. (bruvzg) 1426cd3b3a One Copyright Update to rule them all (Rémi Verschelde) 398ed4efc3 [3.x] Fix wrong `SpriteFrames` docs (Danil Alexeev) d0ba1517a7 [Web] Expose API to force file system sync. (Fabio Alessandrelli) f26069e94d Fix for PoolArray comparison (Ninni Pipping) 9fa4d3b1b0 Fix local variables not showing when breaking on final line (Saracen) 0a386084bc Fix RichTextLabel discards appended BBCode text on window resize when using DynamicFont (OsakiTsukiko) 36a21a43af Fix Tree overflow without scrolling being enabled (Haoyu Qiu) fa304b5130 Fix RichTextLabel: BBCode [color] tags are not counting in font char spacing (Marius Hanl) accdd575f6 Make `dict2inst` to work with arbitrary `_init` parameters (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 717cbbd6e7 Tweak particles animation offset property hint to allow more precise values (Hugo Locurcio) ca898a7b77 [3.x] GLTF: Fix wrong error macro used in a few spots (Aaron Franke) 15d6f341a7 [3.x] Fixed: `Save Branch as Scene` not workking in Remote Tree (only work when u pause) (stmSi) 147de75e52 Set touch input as handled only after _gui_call_input (necrashter) bdcfb0877b Fix error when dropping script into script editor (Haoyu Qiu) 18f44a4b67 Suggest Filename in Remote Tree File Dialog (stmSi) 28e1fc4af9 Fix Editor hanging if audiostream's pitch_scale is NaN (stmSi) 0f10eafb38 mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.28.2 (Rémi Verschelde) c531d0fd43 libpng: Update to upstream 1.6.39 (Rémi Verschelde) d41ce4d492 Do not ignore x86 source code directories anywhere under thirdparty directory (ipsoftdev) df301de95f Fix Driver Name editor setting not requiring an editor restart (Hugo Locurcio) e771804e78 Fix some Clang -Wunused-but-set-variable warnings (Rémi Verschelde) 62e10daf70 [3.x] Backport the GLTFDocumentExtension system (Aaron Franke) 7b196dd0ee AtlasTexture Fix calculating rects when flipping (kleonc) ddd7189b39 Fix `BitMap.resize` error spam (Paweł Fertyk) 6a2912c856 Fix pairing crash in physics Octree (lawnjelly) 8e4f8c82c5 [3.x] Move navigation server finalize before physics server (smix8) 608cbd8296 Include the follow-viewport-transform into CanvasLayer transform calculations (Markus Sauermann) 51859286a6 EditorInspectorSection is not folded when clicking under the font (Marius Hanl) f974bcf074 Add `uri` property for LinkButton (Zak Stam) 4951f50b0f Keep property values when extending script (Tomasz Chabora) daa4be06b0 Enable material editor preview to be rotated. (Anilforextra) 17e6d76de6 Fix Navigation agent callback wild pointer crash (smix8) be3017114f Silence `Input.vibrate_handheld()` warning as it's already documented (Hugo Locurcio) b2e5c8fe10 Fix possible Tween leak on exit (Haoyu Qiu) 9056cc9c2a Fix property link not working in MultiNodeEdit (Rindbee) 0d602ce881 Add Vector2/3 linking to more properties (FireForge) 9499ebecee Add vector value linking (Tomasz Chabora) 65465f309c Add a project setting to make the root viewport transparent (Hugo Locurcio) 4110d48b63 Add boot splash for the Godot Editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 09f974b21d Check for null event in Tree._gui_input to avoid engine crash (Marius Hanl) 7779164096 Add math operators to Visual Shader node names (Alfred Reinold Baudisch) 78b8cf7edb Avoid compiling Editor checks in release builds for VisibilityNotifier2D (Wilson E. Alvarez) 4d8b9be48d embree: Sync build flags with master (Rémi Verschelde) 6963ba631e Fix typos with codespell (Rémi Verschelde) 55441f2301 handle ambiguous input events as touch events (Dennis Ranke) 583aea8cd2 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 0825859a94 Update the visibility logic for the spatial editor navigation controls (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 6a8bae4e35 Do not fire VisibilityNotifier screen_entered and screen_exited signals in the Editor (Wilson E. Alvarez) 0b7eb2f744 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) e25d6a0ec2 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) 6f69d29398 Fix crash after executing ItemList.set_icon_scale (Haoyu Qiu) ff714fbe02 SurfaceTool - efficiency improvements (lawnjelly) 55deecb9a3 Update stb libraries (DeeJayLSP) 776c9d0579 VariantParser make readahead optional (lawnjelly) a412922c2b LSP: Improve handling of file URI scheme (Lamia) 56ac14fbf0 Use circular fade instead of linear fade for distance fade (Hugo Locurcio) f694ab1c64 Update embree to 3.13.5 (DeeJayLSP) 39b1c06a59 SCons: Fix MSVC D9025 warning overriding opt level (Rémi Verschelde) 99aa9a99f9 Force optimized builds for thirdparty Embree files (JFonS) 759ce9b689 Upgrade Embree and enable ray packets (JFonS) c54c1b0b6b Fix infinite loop when calling `Control.popup_centered_minsize()` (Hugo Locurcio) 84d2f884f8 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) ecef4804f2 Fix errors while deselecting all tree items; issue #65185 (Dawid Marzec) b5bf60e04f Fix crash in EditorPropertyArray (Tomasz Chabora) de45636fd3 Upgrade Android gradle plugin to version 7.2.1 (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) eda014197f [Web] Add the "serve" and "run" scons targets. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 816db5c215 Replace local web server setup for web editor with a Python-based solution (Hugo Locurcio) b0b759e6da SCons: Cleanup `DEBUG`, `_DEBUG` and `NDEBUG` defines (Rémi Verschelde) bd248650d1 Update miniupnpc to 2.2.4 (DeeJayLSP) 912cd43418 miniupnpc: Update to version 2.2.3 (Rémi Verschelde) 41b880582e [Web] Add PS3 gamepad mapping for FF+Linux. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 7afbd5904e Fix Script editor completion doesn't suggest members of a script for type hints (ray90514) 06c266f231 Only support XDG directory path configuration on Linux (Hugo Locurcio) 4475a93736 Document debanding only affecting 3D rendering by default (Hugo Locurcio) c404cc0e58 Revert "RID: Change comparison operators to use RID_Data id instead of address" (Rémi Verschelde) 433be4aa3e Add open scene button in Inspector for PackedScene resource (Haoyu Qiu) 5e0ef339ff Document `print_stack()` and `get_stack()` requiring a debugger connection (Hugo Locurcio) 0873cf0656 Keep a single, portable implementation of `OS::get_processor_count()` (Pedro J. Estébanez) 0754c7ee1a Fix `InputEventAction`'s `is_action` method ignoring `exact_match` parameter (Emmanouil Papadeas) 8f5ccfa21f Fix burning CPU with udev disabled on Flatpak (nyanpasu64) 9ac09dfb64 incorrect range value with min value and step (Phnix) 16bb34d23d Add detail to NavigationPolygon outline error msg (smix8) 8770197731 doc: link GPUParticles2D to the 2D Particles demo (Steve Cotton) ae94cc4ecc SCons: Fix MSVC warning LNK4042 about dupe objects in regex (Rémi Verschelde) 40357471dc Fix typo bug in heightmap shape (Ricardo Buring) ac14c31ca6 Fix libtheora source code being mistakenly `.gitignore`d (Hugo Locurcio) dd1c96b547 Add note about GROUP_CALL_UNIQUE not considering arguments (Haoyu Qiu) b661ed90f5 Update CA certificates to 2022.10 revision (DeeJayLSP) 5978268f79 [MSVC] Use symbols from .pdb only, to avoid incorrect names in the backtrace when symbols are missing. (bruvzg) e8c2e0e876 Add VS's enc_temp_folder to .gitignore (ocean (they/them)) 7b20f05db6 Add MSVC problem matcher to CI (Josh Jones) 72b6c4062a Add GCC problem matcher to CI (Raul Santos) a887f48d1d [3.x] Backport moving camera and light logic to GLTF subclasses (Aaron Franke) d8b1c9ff3c [3.x] Consistently use `p_` for parameters in GLTFDocument (Aaron Franke) aca8999cc9 Fix GLES 2 Spotlight Bug (norrath-hero) 7669f6e660 Store Bullet total gravity, linear damp and angular damp calculations so they can be retrieved from PhysicsDirectBodyState (Marcel Admiraal) 5115db63aa Fix BackBufferCopy `rect` property appearing when not relevant in inspector (Hugo Locurcio) efa6b01c97 [TextMesh, 3.x] Fix auto-translation and ignore control chars. (bruvzg) 7bdbfbf822 Fix TreeItem.remove_child not updating Tree immediately (Haoyu Qiu) 1a45268639 Fix animation signal caches_cleared firing timing (Silc 'Tokage' Renew) cbc8ccbe20 Add more info to WAV import errors (alex-pahdo) bf54ed9124 Add JetBrains Fleet folder to gitignore (Ignacio Etcheverry) 9a0a9bbaec Document `Array.sort()` and `sort_custom()` using unstable sorting (Hugo Locurcio) aa8c63f8af Add note regarding RefCounted to EditorScript docs (Zak Grumbles) b18ef4dc83 SCons: Remove redundant `-fomit-frame-pointer` and `-ftree-vectorize` (Rémi Verschelde) 2ef0052113 Fix array-bounds warning in BVH (lawnjelly) da3b8b324d Add 16-bits TGA support (Ithamar R. Adema) df1a0b25ea Prevent AnimationPlayer from being added on GLTF import if the option is unchecked. Fixes #63954 (Hakim) 3f8bb6fb53 Improvements to EditorResourcePicker (Tomasz Chabora) 22f93bccb4 Fix MIDI input with ALSA. (Ibrahn Sahir) a6a89356b7 Fix CanvasLayer visibility toggle can only run once per frame (Haoyu Qiu) f1e6ecd3b5 Minor tweaks/polish to the navigation controls to prevent interference: (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) fd101d9def [3.x] Add missing argument to AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_delete_nodes_request (asalazar516) d8aa3b32c9 [3.x] GLTF: Organize structures and extensions into subfolders (Aaron Franke) 9ea2ef7c44 Update project window title when a project setting was changed (Marius Hanl) 1a123070c8 Remove auto selecting the first file for FileDialog with Save file mode selected (Dawid Marzec) 06920544b8 Add an exception for thirdparty subdirectories in file_format.sh (Riteo Siuga) fdc21747be Improve editor property capitalization (Haoyu Qiu) 2363d0f9ba Improve editor property capitalization (Hugo Locurcio) 57c429975c Make Camera3D gizmo clickable (Haoyu Qiu) 2f13adbdb6 Remove error condition from get_global_transform() (Tomasz Chabora) 21856280fa Describe the left mouse button constant as the primary button (Haoyu Qiu) 37efeaad72 Remove LGTM badge (RedMser) a001932790 clarify [member polygons] functionality in the Polygon2D class documentation (streq) 22ecc0561d Create reset tracks with the right update mode (Pedro J. Estébanez) 0ae562c9dc Update root order on layer change (Markus Sauermann) 099e90e00d Make Node editable_instance methods available to GDScript (Lyuma) 1b607b04b4 Advance animation after confirming (Tomasz Chabora) 7f0b3bc2a0 Add editor setting for AcceptDialog OK/Cancel buttons positioning (Rémi Verschelde) b28bcb4cfc Fix the logic used to route `InputEventScreenDrag` events to `Control` nodes. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 42e01da3c4 [macOS] Fix export button incorrectly disabled when using login/app password for notarization. (bruvzg) ccb9ffb6a3 Fix unused exitcode in macos export plugin (Markus Sauermann) 84904da07a [Export] Use image loader directly to avoid "resource as image file" errors. (bruvzg) d08e057194 Fix parsing of the `keep_screen_on` display setting (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 477d24b6d1 Fix wrong android key mapping. (HolonProduction) 3b869e8027 Fix crash of queue_free() when main loop is not SceneTree (Haoyu Qiu) 6d030f93b7 Document PopupMenu id behavior (Ricardo Subtil) d69a9f43ea Actually set the execinfo flag on non-glibc systems (Riteo Siuga) fc4d35432e Automatically use execinfo for crash handler on *BSD and musl-based Linux (Hugo Locurcio) 10073768cf [macOS] Fix ⌘ + . + other modifier triggering twice. (bruvzg) f1bafe8131 Take FXAA samples from half-pixel coordinates to improve quality (Clay John) 2ab79719b2 Fix ColorPicker always emitting color_changed on html submit (Micky) 7284230ebe Fix MIDI note-on events being converted to note-off events (voidshine) 3b35454ac3 Stopped edge stripping when using Find in Files (VolTer) 9a340a2868 Project Manager: Fix hacky code for project rename (Rémi Verschelde) 5193e4a7dd Updated Recast to 4fef044 (Graham Pentheny) ab7765997b [macOS] Update activation hack to work on Ventura. (bruvzg) 5ada214c51 Fix static object destructors being called on gpu selection with X11 (Abdulrahman Al Zeidi) d7f6cc26d2 Fix Image::bump_map_to_normal_map incorrectly keeping mipmap flag (dzil123) d3735d8b21 Cast dragged file extension name to lowercase, closes #68104 (Alfred Reinold Baudisch) 7f2c318e6e `SpriteFramesEditor` Fix calculating frame index from mouse position (kleonc) dd76858c2c Add buffer size check to Image.load_tga_from_buffer(). Fixes #67985 (Mark Riedesel) c15bb8147e Handle closed splines in Collada importer (Mark Riedesel) e359ba3733 Fix exporting big templates (Rafał Mikrut) dd807ca5e7 Changed normal of CylinderMesh to account for slanted side. (jbcolli2) 4150749698 Fix Skeleton3D falsely assuming all physical bones will be children of their first bone (hare_ware) de6b5f992b Fix newlines not honored in Windows console (Pedro J. Estébanez) 9d6c3b5151 Debugger: Fix fetching source to link C++ error on GitHub (Rémi Verschelde) e1a39d66b0 Fix DirAccessWindows::make_dir() choking on ".." (nikitalita) 24eb91cd5b Fix checking if script is attached to any node belonging to scene (kleonc) 239b2e4bbc Update AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback.xml (Fireflash) 6997482dbf Don't try to import unknown dependency from scan (Windy Darian) 6903922ace set exit code EXIT_FAILURE when --build-solutions fails (dogboydog) d0386660cb Update nanosvg to GIT (2022.11) (DeeJayLSP) b957816736 Add built-in action toggle in Input Map settings (Haoyu Qiu) f1febed469 [3.x] GLTF: Move shared defines into a separate `gltf_defines.h` file (Aaron Franke) 8979208713 [3.x] GLTF: Only list used extensions when they're actually used (Aaron Franke) 7106905a5b C#: Deprecate string extensions that will be removed in 4.x (Raul Santos) 85811c2b99 [3.x] BakedLightmap add null bake_end_function check (dzil123) ffbaa7fff0 Enhance null checking for input event (Nong Van Tinh) edc85d22fc Faster queue free (lawnjelly) 29d4d4105e Add readahead to VariantParser (lawnjelly) d789ad4b20 fix exporting Android APPLICATION_ATTRIBS (3.X) (Dan) ea46617f12 Add Gradient resource preview generator (Hendrik Brucker) 37ccdb201a Backport navigation crash fixes (Haoyu Qiu) 44739a121e [3.x] Windows icon export improvements. (bruvzg) 4c26cac0e6 Improve collision exception error messages for easier understanding (Hugo Locurcio) 6f7228e2da Fix Tooltips do not work properly when selecting multiple nodes (MultiNodeEdit) (Marius Hanl) aa0b91ca52 [3.x] Fix shader compiler asan out of bounds (dzil123) b3812750da [3.x] PCKPacker Fix error spam (dzil123) cc59e18c9b Add navigation control to the spatial editor viewport for the Android editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 5aab84befb Fix 'save & restart' logic for the Android Editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) eb5b297fef add ability to pick random value from array (Nonunknown) de40dfaac0 Correctly compute inverse_mass when inertia is defined by user (BimDav) dbb52395bc [macOS] Disable Dock and Menu in fullscreen mode. (bruvzg) 3acc0779a4 Fix error when having BoneAttachment before PhysicalBone (Haoyu Qiu) 7a682236df Stop centering clicked suggestions in the autocomplete popup (Michael Alexsander) 5d0c29460a Add alignment options to flow container (Teggy) 872e36b8f9 expose ARVRInterface::get_transform_for_eye to gdscript (avemort) d17d6d6cc4 Document (Omni/Spot)Light ignoring Spatial's scale property (Hugo Locurcio) 5149311316 Add support for pointer capture (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) bdcb1ff228 [3.x] Fix c# Array.Shuffle incorrect mono bindings (dzil123) afdf00c40f [3.x] AtlasTexture in radial modes of TextureProgress (arkology) 79ebba0f6b [3.x] Prevent docks to be reset to first tab when switching dock visibility (Jean-Michel Bernard) 3f407dc65c (3.x) Fix compilation with custom "GODOT_VERSION_STATUS" (dzil123) e538771d4f [3.x] Add ProMotion Support to iOS Exports (Zach Coleman) 5e7b0e3a61 [3.x] Add iOS UI Options (Zach Coleman) 3e373c4eec Add `ShapeCast2D/3D::get_collider_rid` method (kleonc) f32f4ec051 Improve dragging scene into 3D viewport (Haoyu Qiu) fef0a82183 Clarify offset parameter behavior in RegEx methods (Haoyu Qiu) 5f01413774 Docs Clarify Array.fill behavior when reference type is passed in (kleonc) 78981d2e0a Make NavigationAgent `target_location` a property (Haoyu Qiu) 51fcc013c0 Only show named layers in layer menu (Haoyu Qiu) 0025ab89c7 Fix spatial gizmo still active when node is deselected (Haoyu Qiu) 3e186ae043 fix: emit target_reached signal after updating state (Sam Briels) 987723b386 [iOS] Fix build with warnings=extra. (bruvzg) be4b07c3e4 Add `double_tap` attribute to `InputEventScreenTouch` (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) d50cfd9f18 Fix wrong owner for editor plugin created nodes in instanced scene (Haoyu Qiu) 14391ef344 Document known issues with CylinderShape (Hugo Locurcio) 46e2e0f62e [3.x] Improve font glyph cache packing shelf best height fit heuristic, delay font texture update, until texture is accessed. (bruvzg) 5d6dc206bc Fix get_path() error when calling get_node() (Haoyu Qiu) 71c76a4ff2 Update the `clean` task configuration (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) dc5226ecfd expose additional global enums in 3.x which are available in master (Jordan Schidlowsky) 15062a22d4 WebM: Fix Android armv7 build after #64839 (Rémi Verschelde) 6059cf2594 Expose various color themes for `Button` (Michael Alexsander) 6102f3cfc2 [3.x] Rename `set_indexed` & `get_child`'s params to be clearer (Micky) 7e840ae883 Properly initialize use_aabb_center in visual server (Clay John) a0ad958582 Hide text of RichTextLabel if BBCode is enabled (Tomasz Chabora) d6805e8c33 Fix Editor crash when MeshLibrary gets replaced while used in an open GridMap scene (smix8) 456c0ecda6 Remove leading spaces from enumerator name hints (Haoyu Qiu) 6812e66f33 Change auto to default in cursor css settings. (Jason Knight) 1100f217d7 Make it clear that obstacles don't affect pathfinding (Haoyu Qiu) 90e9e7c37d Center icons vertically in editor docs' hierarchy (Haoyu Qiu) 78ea140bb3 Improve StaticBody description (Haoyu Qiu) 46f091a803 Add cursor shape support for the Android platform (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 31fe6848e8 Fix null in android keyboard handling. (Jason Knight) 08c801738e GLTF import external images correctly (LunaticInAHat) e8c92fc7b5 update messaging for focus to be less keyboard-specific (Josh Anthony) 6f6c8b114b HTML5: Add missing `OS::get_cursor_shape()` implementation (Rémi Verschelde) d955d4a1c1 Fix GDScript export hint for Navigation2D layer names (smix8) bb34c55b3c GLTF imports & exports material texture filters (The Tophat Demon) b84b003bc3 Document editor settings in the class reference (Hugo Locurcio) f15cb16b14 Fix avoidance calculation on NO_THREADS build (smix8) f33dfe8236 Fix crash executing `MultiMesh.reset_instance_physics_interpolation` (Haoyu Qiu) 199f3d99c3 Support multiline strings in buttons (Waridley) fdce2a1dfc [3.x] C#: Add Basis Euler angle code to match 4.x core (Aaron Franke) 1a7c1eb858 Debugger: Clear stack dump on execution stop (Rémi Verschelde) acf86efebc Fix NavigationObstacle not estimating radius (Haoyu Qiu) fba5a4ab9a Fix NavigationObstacle not registering to default navigation map (Haoyu Qiu) 7104647c65 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) ce0abbe6fb i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) ed109b3938 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) d3bfa9f3b4 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 6f0c852c9b Port `Input.action_press/release()` changes (Michael Alexsander) 6d0d9037cd Fix debanding strength being affected by environment adjustments (Hugo Locurcio) 77fc88e9a6 [Windows, 3.x] Fix WM_CHAR processing code using Unicode char instead of Virtual key. (bruvzg) eccc802d7e [3.x] Fix crash when ScriptEditor accesses Script with no language set (Micky) 881e49c375 Fix TileMaps with origin offset placing NavPolygons wrong without a Navigation2D node (smix8) 1af4ba04cd Fix "!script_data is true" when updating placeholder scripts for GDNative libraries (Andrew Dunai) 84f0e470a1 [3.x] Add type icons to editor docs' hierarchy (Micky) 9d4bc8528e [3.x] Make "Access as Unique Name" a shortcut (Micky) 811f814f45 Document Mesh vertex color compression clamping overbright/HDR colors (Hugo Locurcio) 257305c58d Enable ANSI escape code processing on Windows 10 and later (Hugo Locurcio) f9b91d8d24 Style: Ensure consistent formatting with clang-format 15 (Rémi Verschelde) 47d2b4e732 [macOS export, 3.x] Simplify code signing options, add support for rcodesign tool for signing and notarization. (bruvzg) 17f42e8e66 Improve signal already connected error message (lawnjelly) 76a14cfd02 Expose the "restart on exit" OS functionality (Hugo Locurcio) dbce96abd9 Don't store frame of playing AnimatedSprite (Tomasz Chabora) be5d18163d Document behavior of areas with concave shapes (Ricardo Buring) 00e686b8c1 libpng: Update to upstream 1.6.38 (Rémi Verschelde) 5c81213231 SCons: Add `methods.get_version_info()` method returning a Dict (Rémi Verschelde) 1aee1b1720 Fix crash when playing Tween right after finishing (Tomasz Chabora) ce310c1e39 Exclude disabled CollisionShapes from Navigationmesh baking (smix8) 41e63559bb Fixes doc/Makefile fails if path contains spaces (Voylin) 4356077153 Check for ios_simulator when building for x86_64 (Ted Spikes) dd0077b963 Fix building VHACD with GCC 13. (marxin) 13fec0a237 Shrink shader editor's oversized borders (Michael Alexsander) c86f4c7f58 Ignore node rename if already exited blend tree (dzil123) c8a748e7b6 VCS plugin: SSH key dialog defaults to HOME (Rémi Verschelde) 577b562428 Add more clarifications about Tween processing (Tomasz Chabora) d5c1baa288 SCons: Refactor handling of `production` flag and per-platform LTO defaults (Rémi Verschelde) 4bc1ea0ac4 Fix typo in CollisionObject documentation (Haoyu Qiu) fdd82f4754 CPUParticles initialize data on set_amount (lawnjelly) 0a64c2eba5 `SpriteBase3D` Fix drawing AtlasTextures with vertical margins differently than in 2D (kleonc) 0bf2b8e813 Move duplicated drawing code from `Sprite3D`/`AnimatedSprite3D` to `SpriteBase3D` (kleonc) 1e4f47ffe0 Fix variables highlighting as types (dzil123) a300505066 Prevent drawing MultiMesh with zero instance count (lawnjelly) 1f23bac645 Disable menus and functionality that are not relevant on the Android Editor port (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) da332d69c0 Exclude small screens from the set of supported devices. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) f37390cbc5 Update the versioning logic for the Godot Android Editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 09befec1ed Portals - Show RayCast debug helper (lawnjelly) dcf52103a6 Portals - clarify docs VisualInstances only (lawnjelly) 54a939a029 Low priority redraw request for AnimatedSprite (lawnjelly) 46104d4886 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) 74097dc3ab i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) (Rémi Verschelde) d52a25fdec CI: Downgrade Emscripten to 3.1.18 (Rémi Verschelde) 93943bc1b9 Prevent HTTPRequest from polling invalid client (Micky) 7957dc7755 SCons: Fix compilation database generation with MSVC (Rémi Verschelde) b21a3418f4 Fix tool script button color overriding custom type color (Micky) 477c7f9b74 Updated gamecontrollerdb.txt to latest to include new mappings for various controllers, including Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, and 8BitDo (Andres Hernandez) 36bda802e5 Fix typos in Dictionary.xml (volokh0x) 884f368c24 Improve the description of follow_viewport_enabled (Tomasz Chabora) 9496254737 Fix parameter references in Theme documentation (Yuri Sizov) 7ed2b09bc0 Fix parsing of XML CDATA and add test cases (Haoyu Qiu) 13d9a8c88f Fix UTF-8 validation in static checks (Gergely Kis) 4be7c91cd9 Fix issue causing the project manager to crash because of missing path argument (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 63df48a59c Enable long press, pan and scale gestures for the Godot Android Editor (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 440fa10246 Cleanup the Android input logic implementation (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 968af50449 Changelog: Mention compat breaking removal of illegal '1f' syntax for shaders (Rémi Verschelde) 8acc25578e Fix code folding icon color not matching defined color (Abhinav Chennubhotla) d60eae3dbc Fix uninitialized data reads in Input (lawnjelly) c8a39f6fb3 Fix RayCast2DEditor uninitialized value (lawnjelly) 9b294b298e Fix GLES directional shadow uninitialized data (lawnjelly) fa4a325180 FlowContainer fix uninitialized data (lawnjelly) c254e97c6b FindBar fix uninitialized results_count (lawnjelly) 23fedc0d1a Batching - fix uninitialized color read (lawnjelly) 466c912344 Add GraphNode 'selected' and 'unselected' signals, simplify GraphEdit (Maxim Kulkin) c875f23750 Disable logic that triggers automatic focus gain as the Godot Editor is loaded (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) ea1e4bf9ac Fix missing `import sys` in `methods.py` (Hugo Locurcio) fdbef1c074 Add Dictionary.find_key() (Tomasz Chabora) 5271d69909 HTML5: Fix warning with Emscripten 3.1.20 (Rémi Verschelde) b14754d984 Modify newlines in Editor Spin Slider tooltip (Micky) b9eed3a455 Mention an issue with infinite scroll on mirroring of Parallax layer (Leonardo Santagada) d3c9817300 Use verbose prints when registering cameras in CameraServer (Hugo Locurcio) 0511f48c49 Fix Viewport size change not updating textures (Tomasz Chabora) 2969922ba9 SCons: Enforce version 4.0+ when `compiledb=yes` is used (Rémi Verschelde) c030cc1ef6 doc: Clarifying NavigationAgent and NavigationAgent2D velocity_computed requires avoidance_enabled to be true to emit (BenniKane) a01ae706ae Mark Script button if it's tool in Scene Tree Editor (Micky) 739919469e Mention that grab_focus is more reliable deferred (Tomasz Chabora) 737bfa57d3 Allow to change the Stop shortcut used at runtime (Tomasz Chabora) 9ca40f0e0a Cast between float and ints in SceneTreeTween.`tween_property()` (Micky) 570e6c1730 SCons: Refactor LTO options with `lto=` (Rémi Verschelde) ac31fac9a5 Improve documentation related to audio input permissions (Hugo Locurcio) 3cbc6330bb Fix Geometry::get_closest_points_between_segments() returns NaN (Marcel Admiraal) 8d22a5f4c0 Fix build failures for Android on Windows (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 105e8a8111 Add ability to extend the set of Git pre-commit hooks (Pedro J. Estébanez) a6ed4649de Make Git hooks work on worktrees on Windows (Pedro J. Estébanez) 9910d4681d Additional fixes to the Android `get_current_dir()` implementation. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 96a1b86717 Bind Physics Interpolation functions in VisualServer (lawnjelly) acdcbefa4e added options for sorting transparent objects (Ilaria Cislaghi) f624acef42 Add missing parameters for signal in docs (Atlinx) 77a4615031 Update all AnimationTree's editors when editing (Kongfa Waroros) 3a24839cb2 [3.x, macOS / iOS Export] Fix generation of duplicate locale property list files. (bruvzg) e3b3462187 Remove HDR warning if on low end (Atlinx) 8c9cd1d3ae Hide prefix/suffix on SpinBox focus (Tomasz Chabora) 6e95397180 Update UPnP documentation (Max Hilbrunner) 4f3c12c23d UPNP: Don't delete mappings when adding mappings (Max Hilbrunner) 44af879438 Linux: Fix GNU ld detection for pck_embed linker script (Rémi Verschelde) 5d0cd8659b Fix forwarding of CLI arguments taking an option (Pedro J. Estébanez) 9644e9a046 Fix missing URL text in the classref (Haoyu Qiu) 29e235b341 Add FileAccess::get_access_type() (Pedro J. Estébanez) cb821f2245 Fix SceneCreateDialog signal connection (Haoyu Qiu) fed2879463 Improve documentation for `get_animation()` (Haoyu Qiu) 3b31ff9008 Optimize `String.repeat()` (Hugo Locurcio) 1e80b17a8d Fix some corner cases in the `Menu/OptionButton` item auto-highlight (Michael Alexsander) f0d380c9fd Fix crash when pressing up on an empty `PopupMenu` (Michael Alexsander) e2dac6ecd9 Fix header guard in error_macros.h (Marcel Admiraal) 72d1156286 Remove Inspector tooltip hack that never actually worked (Yuri Sizov) 89892e4f32 Determine ProjectSettings' resource path early (Pedro J. Estébanez) ed380cc0fa Add a `[kbd]` tag for highlighting keyboard shortcuts in the editor help (Hugo Locurcio) 576da2bd50 Remove unused Create Signal Callbacks editor setting (Hugo Locurcio) dcacecaed0 Fix output port type mismatch for some VisualScript nodes (Perrier Mathis) b3210c5cd6 Hack as a hot fix for Bullet's collision margin issue (fabriceci) 03940b77a2 CI: Remove unnecessary extra cache step for Emscripten (Rémi Verschelde) abaa76fcf9 CI: Sync configuration with master branch (Rémi Verschelde) e9cbe9517b Improve %f formatting for inf and nan (Marcus Elg) c4885c8be8 Use clang as assembler to ensure preprocessing is done, and add assembler "target" flag. (bruvzg) b7c9eb1a3c Add arch flag to assembler to fix build on ARM64 macOS / iOS. (bruvzg) bda382684f zstd: Update to upstream version 1.5.2 (Rémi Verschelde) 2c92594fa6 Simplify Subresource Saving (Juan Linietsky) fd91b2dbb9 Keep Perspective menu open on selection (Jummit) bf33de769a Add boot splash display time setting (Danil Alexeev) 7dd322f83e libwebp: Sync with upstream 1.2.4 (Rémi Verschelde) 245d70bec0 Fix `ItemList` selection visual when the scrollbar visibility changes (Michael Alexsander) 1ed1a3067b workaround for angle project issue 7245, safari, iOS (Jordan Schidlowsky) a53264ab41 Add support for documenting most editor settings in the class reference (Hugo Locurcio) 562d7c616d Improve performance of screen_get_dpi() in Javascript (Jamie Pate) c8810395a2 Fix Windows list dir handle leak (bitsawer) cfa9b772da Improve documentation of CanvasItem's draw logic (Micky) a0fc7e80d9 Mention the stretching behavior of PopupPanel (Tomasz Chabora) 457a985d70 Fix jumbled error output when using Windows spawn fix (Pedro J. Estébanez) 0876491983 Clean iOS platform config of long gone macro (Pedro J. Estébanez) b808923b54 Fix error when switching to another `GridMap` with an item with higher index selected (Michael Alexsander) 09fb05bc05 Add note about using AudioListener2D (Dan Boorstein) ddb568731a Added to Sprite3D Documentation (Marlin Watts-Woods) 637330b866 Improve InstancePlaceholder documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 284af7be96 Allow exporting PCK files without export templates installed (Aaron Franke) 90762b9660 [3.x] Backport panning strength parameters from 4.0 (Marcin Nowak) 052257e9b7 nanosvg: Sync with upstream bd16c4e (Rémi Verschelde) cf002d4a99 Improve visibility rect/AABB generation usability in Particles (Hugo Locurcio) ceef056146 Mono: Show custom error explaining that UWP is not supported (Rémi Verschelde) 13d1ee6058 Fix VisualScript editor crash when deleting selected nodes (Rémi Verschelde) 4d0c0f3ffa Fix color modulation of the grayscale glyphs in font with mixed color / grayscale data. (bruvzg) d2ef3bf8a6 Improve documentation related to anisotropic filtering (Hugo Locurcio) 73470e1b16 Expose `set/get_tab_button_icon()` to scripting (Michael Alexsander) c988deb3b1 Fix has_filter of AnimationNode not being called in scripts (Olivier Bombardier) b5e1096c61 Fix issue with `get_current_dir()` returning the wrong path on Android (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 50506e19a6 Make `Menu/OptionButton` item auto-highlight behave better (Michael Alexsander) da3aecff01 3.x: ios: force app store icon to be opaque, use proper errors, fix memory leak (Nathan Franke) 39f46613bb Backport fixes to documentation for paths, curves and navigation servers (Yuri Sizov) c92ceca5ce Make audio thread control flags safe (Pedro J. Estébanez) 4dd3e95377 Overhaul CLI argument forwarding to processes started by the editor (Pedro J. Estébanez) 51fd1c27aa Fix String::word_wrap() for long words (Haoyu Qiu) 4ee4c7954a [doc 3.x] Clarify that AnimationNode virtual methods need to be implemented rather than called directly (Andy Maloney) cdd60416ed Fix axis mapped to DPad buttons not releasing opposite button (Marcel Admiraal) 6417b999ee `SceneTreeDock` Toggling unique name in owner for all selected nodes (kleonc) 31d09a807e C#: Use custom project setting for C# project files name (Raul Santos) e6dd71d227 Fix action name completion for `Input.get_{axis,vector}` (Haoyu Qiu) 3ac6b6a596 Disable threads used to check on plugins to load (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 30479543b0 Fix issue preventing the Android Editor from displaying the project content (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) ef44e63f22 Fix GodotTTS native initialization (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) cac69ea132 [3.x] Fix incorrect Camera3D size documentation (Aaron Franke) d331e5c7ac Fix binary internal cache not being filled (Francois Belair) d2213f76a9 Refactor the export checking logic to improve separation of concerns (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 3396f45eef Document run-time SceneTree debug property changes not working correctly (Hugo Locurcio) 47b39ce4c2 Fix NavigationObstacle nodes not registering to default navigation map (smix8) e1fb4b4f21 `SpriteFramesEditor` Reallow deselecting frame with LMB press in select frames dialog (kleonc) d7ba3b73a9 Clarify invalid RID errors in Server free() functions. (Cory Petkovsek) c65360eed1 Optimize theme usage in editor log (Tomasz Chabora) 93493843b0 Document `outline` parameter of `Font.draw_char()` (Haoyu Qiu) f7f112ab1f Fix free(RID) abuse by various classes (Cory Petkovsek) 2d93718cd2 Add clear method to pool arrays (Haoyu Qiu) 420794b61d Force external resources to have their path set (Francois Belair) e8035ffe84 [iOS] Extend iOS plugins to support Swift runtime (Sergey Minakov) 4c47c6ab75 Tree: Don't draw selection background of individual cells in Row mode (Haoyu Qiu) 520d341836 Add root_subfolder to FileDialog (Tomasz Chabora) 0cf4ba0d84 Fix locale resource remapping with binary conversion on export (David Snopek) 1be078ebcb Fix Time.get_unix_time_from_system() not including msecs (Haoyu Qiu) edb140839e Fix GI probes not working in the ubershader (Pedro J. Estébanez) c9e59457e5 Disable the OK button when no node is selected. (Chia-Hsiang Cheng) 0e5a99390e doc: Clarify `MultiMesh.set_instance_color` re: white albedo color (Cristiano Simao) 1799189202 Fix axis snapping of CollisionPolygon2d's newly created vertex (Grzegorz Puławski) 8f426262c8 Avoid paths with invalid characters in `IsRider` (Raul Santos) 9d1a972b49 Fix typo when setting NavigationRegion travel_cost (Josh Jones) ee5eb943f7 [File] Fix FileAccessCompressed::get_buffer return value. (Fabio Alessandrelli) e1dfcbad16 [Websocket] Remove dummy JS server implemenation. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 666ca36b99 `FileSystemDock` Fix crash when renaming a file in split mode (kleonc) f12f59ef0f Fix broken rST reference in HTTPClient documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 3ec8296ffc Make "Godot source files" comment consistent in modules (Aaron Franke) 90c6056b70 [Net] IP uses print_verbose when getaddrinfo fails. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 295b531e3d updated the String class with info about the 'allow_empty' optional argument (Tom) 60031ea275 Improve `range_lerp()` and related methods documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 543e74a988 Improve tooltips for grouping/ungrouping nodes (foxydevloper) ea6ed9658d Fix emission not working in the ubershader (Pedro J. Estébanez) 4f5c268a60 Add area monitor callback error checking (Ryan Heath) a2ed82d3b2 Fix shadow flickering with async shader compilation (Pedro J. Estébanez) 53f4ff243d Remove FOV adjustment with Alt + mouse wheel in the 3D editor (Hugo Locurcio) 659fa79479 Use interleaved gradient noise for distance fade (Hugo Locurcio) 373e3dffb4 Improve Shape2D's `custom_solver_bias` description (Hugo Locurcio) 53adb2a142 Add `TorusMesh` (hoontee) 30d4555c65 Fix TileMap error msg when optional navigation node is not set (smix8) c084dbbf05 Various fixes to C# documentation generator (Raul Santos) c9734b6ceb Document C# RPC attributes (Raul Santos) 9fbdace917 Remove redundant thread sync counter draw_pending (Manuel Moos) 8147f04db6 [Linux] Disable speech-dispatcher, pulseaudio and udev wrapper builds, when library is not found. (bruvzg) eb176b135a Make theme tests compile in Visual Studio 2017 (Haoyu Qiu) 9be7c49a5d doc: Fix version number after PR merge (Rémi Verschelde) be3d331f26 Backport spatial shader built-ins (Patrick Exner) 0a8d5d7098 Bump version to 3.6-beta (Rémi Verschelde) e7c5468192 [3.x] Add NavigationMesh baking for HeightMapShape (smix8) ab9a95f266 Add `hint_transparent` to use a transparent black placeholder texture (Hugo Locurcio) 47a62e28ac [3.x] Add `ShapeCast` and `ShapeCast2D` nodes (PrecisionRender) 0d6e2d1090 Add MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN to MouseMode enum (Aaron Franke) b0d2f839bc Optimize AudioServer::_driver_process() (lawnjelly) 842c3a644f Use FlowContainer to handle toolbar overflow more gracefully (Yuri Sizov) 26223fe855 Don't process input in hidden EditorProperty. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) ab644a9913 Add option in VisibilityEnabler2D to hide the parent for better performance (BimDav) 18bb668a2e Fix skeleton 2D stale bounding rect (lawnjelly) efed5087ae Change code folding behavior to include terminal indented comments (SnailRhymer) 2f7de4c8ed Fix incorrect Android scancodes (Marcel Admiraal) 2ceb93bbef Fix custom res caching sub-res even if no-cache (Francois Belair) 8ae246f15e AnimatedSprite Fix updating inspector when SpriteFrames is modified (kleonc) ce24b48e50 Add support for multiple virtual keyboard types (Brian Semrau) cda0692159 Rework scene creation dialog (Tomasz Chabora) 90cf6688f2 Automatically add root node when drag-and-dropping in 3D editor (Hugo Locurcio) a8eb779ac3 Backport locale selection improvements. (bruvzg) 0992621200 Fix mouse_over not dropped when mouse leaves window (Marcel Admiraal) 36ff8962cc remove redundant check preventing checkbox theme style to apply hover_pressed (Hana) 6489fe890e Backport text-to-speech support. (bruvzg) 5bcc3d476c Fix parsing inner class declaration when "pass" keyword is on the same line (Kirill Diduk) 16517ecb3d visual instance layers are regarded during shadow culling (Markus Grafen) 84898dfc22 Make `Mesh::generate_triangle_mesh()` handle `PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP` and `PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN` (kleonc) 8ed297fc83 Fix theme propagation for children of top level controls (Yuri Sizov) 6d53c60bf7 Mark node groups as dirty for every children if parent is moved (Yuri Sizov) 2be0738304 Visual/Physics/Navigation Servers validate RIDs with documentation update (Cory Petkovsek) 32cdf9fad2 Fix get_visible_line_count in RichTextLabel with newlines (Paweł Fertyk) 862691a9f7 Support explicit values in flag properties, add C# flags support (Raul Santos) 967821f719 Clamp SpatialMaterial triplanar sharpness to values that never look broken (Hugo Locurcio) 3d96d7d9fb Fix mouse speed not changing fast enough (Marcel Admiraal) c4a3560884 Allow negative scale in Particles and CPUParticles (Hugo Locurcio) fd5e3d9702 Add an `use_hdr` property to GradientTexture to allow storing HDR colors (Hugo Locurcio) c2e93a5e4d Hide triplanar sharpness when triplanar is disabled in SpatialMaterial (Hugo Locurcio)