b6968ab060 validate input in Time.get_datetime_string_from_dict() (RedHeadphone) 8aa30eee2f Fix EditorProperty text and icon overlap bugs (FireForge) 21bdadbf79 Fix `GridContainer` not ignoring toplevel children (Michael Alexsander) 198d147f8e Added p_shape check to avoid engine crush (KingCakeTheFruity) c52d842435 NavMap::get_path Fix not resetting least_cost_id (kleonc) c0513268bd Fixed #59985 leading spaces autowrap boundary problem (DESKTOP-893BK8A\howar) 19a0145742 Fix undo history for function name autocompletion (Haoyu Qiu) 4e0547afe9 Add option to paste animation as duplicate (Haoyu Qiu) ebaca9d432 Added set_extra_headers() to WebSocketServer (Oğuzhan Eroğlu) b0b1e55305 Add a note about collisions in different canvases. (Markus Sauermann) 861c5fe567 Fix Visual Script's jump to function relative to zoom (Nicholas Huelin) 6bf7e8e010 String.Capitalize() in C# now matches the behaviour of String::capitalize() in C++ (Igor Kordiukiewicz) 6598eb9547 Improves EditorInspector documentation (Haoyu Qiu) f82cd740cf Fix toggling GraphEdit's minimap with `minimap_enabled` (Eric McGuirk) bf6e7dc6f6 Fix GraphEdit's valid connections being reversed (Tomasz Chabora) 8d9071542b Localize unnamed project name in editor window title (Haoyu Qiu) 24d40ebed9 Clarify Array.erase for nonexistant element. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 1d476d7737 Consider chained operation when selecting text in TextEdit::undo() (Haoyu Qiu) 6ca73386d1 Improve autoload inheritance error message (Jason Yundt) 427480aa35 Mention how to add dragging for SpinBox's LineEdit (Tomasz Chabora) a3b445d7e8 Remove duplicate `resizable` settings (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 4ff726b933 Update `resize` settings: (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 73248ccf89 Fix TouchScreenButton error spam (Tomasz Chabora) 8235005c99 Fixing some of my own typos... (nova++) e1beca0232 zlib/minizip: Update to version 1.2.12 (Rémi Verschelde) e17967a7c2 Cleanup and reorder .gitignore (Rémi Verschelde) 722d28adeb Clip animation track keyframe rects (Haoyu Qiu) 423ca42a9b Capitalize names in the debugger (FireForge) e86a64a2a5 Add optional 'default' argument to get_meta() (Tomasz Chabora) f28309aa86 Keep editor at normal priority on windows. (Lyuma) 5f05cb8696 Restore hidden folder behavior for project manager (Ricardo Subtil) 71f5a88b04 Remove get_data() from CowData (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) a5e58f102d Hide .gdignore'd folders (Ricardo Subtil) 65aac2cfae Fix popup dialog UI in AnimationTreePlayer editor (Haoyu Qiu) 1f51bae294 [macOS, 3.x] Fix OpenGL color space on HDR displays. (bruvzg) cd1432eb12 Hide Viewport properties not applicable to the current rendering backend (Hugo Locurcio) e54a4646c7 Add selection getter methods to `LineEdit` (Chaosus) d2b1d29634 Physics interpolation - Move out of Scenario (lawnjelly) 931bc4592a Fixes variable node not showing updated name in visualscript editor (Umang Kalra) b9dd0180eb Hide Tonemap White property when tonemapper is Linear in Environment (Hugo Locurcio) 79317f9cb1 BulletPhysicsServer::area_get_space: null check (Ricardo Buring) 32488b46a6 Improve Select Frames dialog of SpriteFrames editor (Haoyu Qiu) 7c80d03669 Scroll to selected item when filtering VisualScript nodes (Haoyu Qiu) af8d85a15e Fix crash when dragging from Input Map to VisualScript editor (Haoyu Qiu) 4bf6cbe4fe Allow `size` values as low as `0.001` in Camera's orthogonal/frustum mode (Hugo Locurcio) 2a6199aa0f Add WebXRInterface.xr_standard_mapping flag to attempt to convert button/axis ids to match other AR/VR interfaces (David Snopek) 5c039ccc72 Free region RID when cleaning NavPoly in TileMap (Haoyu Qiu) f24312380f Rename NavigationServer's free method to free_rid (Haoyu Qiu) f0908df8b9 Disable "Open in Inspector" when there is no animation (Haoyu Qiu) cfe0991b20 Retrieve primary monitor size in fullscreen mode (C.Even) f196532de6 Focus filter LineEdit after Theme Type dialog popup (Haoyu Qiu) 820728aa52 [3.x] Expose get_selected_text in RichTextLabel (ConteZero) f6251724af Add an explicit way to remove a theme type (Haoyu Qiu) bba6d18973 Add missing period in classref of 3D render layer (Haoyu Qiu) 5e714051ea [3.x] Add deselect() to RichTextLabel (ConteZero) 9a9f86ec12 Fix event transform in ViewportContainer (Markus Sauermann) 3ba0508f79 Update the editor display scale based on the device's scaled density (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 21c3048397 Add missing argument names in bindings (Rémi Verschelde) 1136a9b58a Add missing CheckBox & CheckButton editor icons (Haoyu Qiu) 21580f94ad NavigationObstacle2D: estimate agent radius only when configured to do so (Ricardo Buring) fad77ecc39 Fix debug navmesh errors, fixes #59845 (Pawel Lampe) c69689ab5a fix unable to change directory in user access mode (keptsecret) 6188e427b4 Fix Copy Selection on editor_log (ConteZero) 9e2d5120c1 Fix crash when passing null to AudioStreamPlayer::set_stream() (Pedro J. Estébanez) 57b616fb21 Fix Right-Click clearing selection (ConteZero) 3035b9c44c Fix navmesh baking, fixes #57148 (Pawel Lampe) f0ca73892a Fix argument type generation with typed method binds (George Marques) 053b54b67c Add missing newlines to the generated `default_env.tres` in new projects (Hugo Locurcio) 663978e8ba GDScript: Properly check type info in release builds (George Marques) 226103d166 Enable type information on release (George Marques) bccd23f4bf Fix memory leak when handling Linux primary clipboard (Haoyu Qiu) df39e0f472 Fix crash in AudioServer when switching audio devices with different audio channels count (connecting PS5 controller, bluetooth 5.1 headphones etc.) (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) b5c5c2d52b Fix shader crashing when attempting to access length() at global space (Chaosus) f9da6f6978 Extract theme property names for localization (Haoyu Qiu) 59fb6c9ef0 Fix X11 is_window_maximized (ConteZero) 4e6dfac969 Improve documentation related to 3D material vertex lighting (Hugo Locurcio) 027546ee8a [3.x] instance audio streams before AudioServer::lock call (Ellen Poe) b89befe173 Fix crash when using Camera2D::set_custom_viewport() (Haoyu Qiu) 196c4fff13 Clarify what `set_as_toplevel()` does in CanvasItem (Hugo Locurcio) 14c13f7c4a Strip feature tag manually when extracting property paths (Haoyu Qiu) 79d3fc5319 Add more patterns for property path extraction (Haoyu Qiu) 8ca32d1727 Fix flickering issues with low processor mode on Android (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 17ce0fcc7c Simplify FBX importer project settings registering (Haoyu Qiu) 37f6fff7ae i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 15dc747de8 i18n: Sync editor translation template after #59349 (Rémi Verschelde) 0db753ef54 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 7f787857ef Fix inspector group name capitalization (FireForge) ad0c4bf32d Replace copies with constant refs (Aleksey Smirnov) 6c778a19d1 Hide "Normal Map" import option when using lossless compression on Texture (Nicholas Huelin) 7ed3bfc2fb Fix persistent favorites after rename (Daniel Kříž) 8d1827cf7c Made reload current project ask for confirmation with unsaved changes (Vitika9) c4897c4b8d Improve range property hints for various collision shapes (Rémi Verschelde) 81eda4eee0 doc: Fix String.rsplit code example (Rémi Verschelde) e97893ba0e Remove space in MeshLibrary editor button (FireForge) 1f080e203d Use 3001 instead of 1001 when destroying a websocket. (Jason Knight) d20cf762b3 Update properties to properly filter for templates. (taigi100) 60fe14c595 Add TTR context for pagination button texts (Haoyu Qiu) 98069fa6f1 Document how to specify explicit value for `PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM` names (Haoyu Qiu) 50ba2d3051 Fix crash when exporting projects with shared libraries (Haoyu Qiu) 113102aa51 ResourceImporterWAV: Allow configuring loop mode on import (Rémi Verschelde) f062e967f5 Mention default output node name for AnimationNodeBlendTree (Haoyu Qiu) 77a386aa08 Removed extra separator in absence of ChangeType and Rename (Vitika9) 5e5154e5b9 Change godot.ico to uncompressed/fixed size (Pawel Kowal) 0118a95976 set StartupWMClass in linux `.desktop` file (backwardspy) 6f2442b17a Cleanup the gradle build configuration (Fredy Huya-Kouadio) cb0b2aefc3 Android port of the Godot Editor (Fredy Huya-Kouadio) b1044b9b86 Add property name style toggle to Inspector (Haoyu Qiu) 37d4306c2e Update SceneTree debug colors when settings changed (Haoyu Qiu) 7b7ef59552 Mark Editor SSL Certificates setting as require restart (Haoyu Qiu) fd2fba7c2c Add binary MO translation file support. Add brotli decoder and WOFF2 support. (bruvzg) 292ad704e6 Increase the maximum number of concurrent DNS queries from 32 to 256 (Hugo Locurcio) 3086d7c035 Avoid modifying csproj globbing includes on remove (Raul Santos) 60511e9fd9 Update default proxy port to 8080 (Haoyu Qiu) 3b52200e01 Fix icons for tile bitmask copy & paste buttons (Haoyu Qiu) 1d16153881 collide_shape: return contact points in world space (Ricardo Buring) 91b6c287d9 Update inspector layer names when project settings changed (Haoyu Qiu) ff8e0519a8 Document BakedLightmap atlas generation only being compatible with GLES3 (Hugo Locurcio) 292f7cbafd Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 3fe37f9635 update _init() description (zacryol) e822145be2 Fix inversed ADD_GROUP parameters in AnimationNodeOneShot (Haoyu Qiu) 0e25cd0788 Mention that Node's `owner` must be set for persistence to work (Hugo Locurcio) 545e2ceb8a Refactor editor `extract.py` (Haoyu Qiu) 09e4672f0d Bind NOTIFICATION_LOCAL_TRANFORM_CHANGED (Jason Knight) 1bf30d7be0 More editor `extract.py` improvements and fixes (Haoyu Qiu) 88c723c33c Ensure minimum modifiers are pressed when matching actions (Marcel Admiraal) 9e978bf989 Use Time singleton in VersionControlEditorPlugin (Twarit) 812d45ea7c Document that PhysicsServer's get_process_info is implemented only for Godot Physics (Ricardo Buring) d76c9f8d92 Add a GradientTexture2D editor plugin (FireForge) 0de7cfc60f i18n: Sync editor translation template after #59265 (Rémi Verschelde) 4228d320bd i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 177c60fc52 Improves editor property name extraction (Haoyu Qiu) 009b286e31 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 93a3d47edc i18n: Sync editor translation POs with template (Rémi Verschelde) 972c6687ff i18n: Add property paths to editor translation template (Rémi Verschelde) 98b8f4043a i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 7e0d814603 Improve inspector filtering (Haoyu Qiu) 8d7ec5075b Remap property path based on path substrings (Haoyu Qiu) 658877c350 Fix DST Error on Windows (ztco224) e49d8f8b4c Update color constants to use HEX codes (taigi100) d537a88299 Add item tooltip access to OptionButton (Haoyu Qiu) b33eed23ae Fix children visibility check (taigi100) b8178a7f0a Setup logic to publish the Godot Android library to MavenCentral (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 1a300503c6 Document Range's `value_changed` signal is also emitted with code changes (Hugo Locurcio) 8eb539d5c1 More icon updates on theme change (Haoyu Qiu) 8db39b82ea Include platform_config.h in thread.cpp and thread.h (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 797321fec4 RID: Change comparison operators to use RID_Data id instead of address (Rémi Verschelde) c77b710035 Fix crash on get index for non-existing string (snowapril) bb257543d8 Add missing navigation node icons (Haoyu Qiu) b087538119 Add an XML schema for documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 04eb5c486a Add note about encryption key to export dialog (Haoyu Qiu) 72837b8ecd Fix RichTextLabel underlining does not respect visible character (Haoyu Qiu) c0bd05762e Revert "Fixed underlines and striketrough not respecting visible character" (Haoyu Qiu) fd968157a4 Revert "Fixed 0 width issue of rich text label" (Haoyu Qiu) 878cf8262a Add context support for editor translation (Haoyu Qiu) 5f175828f0 Add editor icons for OccluderShapePolygon and OccluderShape (Hugo Locurcio) d2c0ee700a Update documentation for Control rect_pivot_offset to include rotation (Marcel Admiraal) 6c2bd12031 Revert "Fix detected leaks/heap-use-after-free by AddressSanitizer at startup" (Rémi Verschelde) 9031d264e4 Improves SpriteFrames editor (Haoyu Qiu) 95c672e1b4 Separate 2D grid visibility and grid snap (Haoyu Qiu) 62fa80afd7 Cleanup internal GUI state, if event is accepted in _input. (Markus Sauermann) 2ff0735329 Added primary clipboard for Linux (ConteZero) 3d7821bf1f Drop mouse focus and over when gui input is globally disabled (Pedro J. Estébanez) c2c0c8067d Add missing property name capitalizations (FireForge) 0ffacff998 [3.x] Add option to make selection unique (ConteZero) 4167e98088 Add drag and drop to TextEdit, LineEdit, RichTextLabel (ConteZero) 5f9c13b980 Improve display of freelook/zoom speed indicator bars in the 3D editor (Hugo Locurcio) 871a73341b Fix crash when is-operator right-hand-side is null (Haoyu Qiu) caf2c20655 Don't store and show current file/directory/path FileDialog properties (Hugo Locurcio) 846416afe8 Copy full project setting path from dialog. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) f280712215 Fix missing grid lines when TileMap has half offset (Haoyu Qiu) 36ec71bcef Hide smart snapping line when guideline dragging ends (Haoyu Qiu) c96336449e Prevent non-smoothed face normals to participate to smoothed face normals (MythTitans) c731cda3d8 Clarify the position of points in `Curve{2D,3D}.add_point()` (Hugo Locurcio) 743f2d232a Use `RTR()` for VisualScriptNode captions and texts (Haoyu Qiu) 93447eb1ae Use get_cursor_shape for identifying the cursor shape in AnimationNodeStateMachineEditor (Markus Sauermann) e2bd1ad6da Use get_cursor_shape for identifying the cursor shape in AnimationTrackEditTypeAudio (Markus Sauermann) d92406751b Use get_cursor_shape for identifying the cursor shape in AnimationTimelineEdit (Markus Sauermann) 15aab4cde0 Remove unused code in `AnimationPlayerEditor::_update_animation_list_icons()` (Haoyu Qiu) a17c6e5325 Fix normals computation at the 'seam' of smoothed torus shape (MythTitans) 3040285b27 Add offset string from minutes conversion method to Time singleton (Aaron Franke) 0b650b3e41 Clear owners when pruning even out of the tree (Pedro J. Estébanez) 7d219b6793 Fix RichTextLabel shadow color when text has transparency (Haoyu Qiu) bc924d4b41 Correct docs for Environment background keep mode (lawnjelly) 2fb998bfbc Fix alpha scissor support (Ansraer) 86ec09faf5 Improve TileMap editor grid (Haoyu Qiu) 2cafaf3adb Fix documentation about depth and width of Height map (Markus Sauermann) cec7c908ca Add `get_screen_refresh_rate()` to OS (Hugo Locurcio) 622ef48dae Fixed ccd enabled by default on Bullet bodies (PouleyKetchoupp) 5d7b3e10ee Create parent directories on export. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 3b04f59354 Fix some Animation panel icons not updating after theme change (Haoyu Qiu) c2297215e3 Fix TextureRegion editor grid color for light themes (Haoyu Qiu) 2c3646b37b Add missing i18n to various strings (Haoyu Qiu) 5514126234 Don't show Lock & Group buttons for nodes hidden by CanvasLayer (Haoyu Qiu) 2ccd4fd030 Fix animation resource name after duplication (Haoyu Qiu) a26afe807f Update audio effect icon when theme changes (Haoyu Qiu) 8a6b066ab7 Allow absolute file paths in file dialogs (miremrie) fa56990170 [macOS and iOS export] Add localized application name to the translation .plist files. (bruvzg) db9d426798 Remove extra separator when TextEdit is read only and unselectable (Haoyu Qiu) 86bcac5a5e Fix text color of TileMap editor info overlay (Haoyu Qiu) a4088a995c Properly handle `CSGShape` parent and visibility updates (hoontee) 94a5f9edb0 Fix capitalization of boolean output in classref (Haoyu Qiu) 6c56433997 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 751769ed45 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) a73bd2dec4 Revert "[HTML5] Fetch API now passes credentials." (Rémi Verschelde) 690020d385 Revert "Fix ProjectSettings has_setting() when used on a overriden setting with feature tags" (Rémi Verschelde) d13e1278ac Fix normals computation at the 'seam' of smoothed sphere and cylinder shapes (MythTitans) 84a27308c1 Use ToolSelect icon for TileMap editor select button (Haoyu Qiu) bee9a6cc0d Fix add child error when opening the Editor (Haoyu Qiu) c37be0f31b Expose TextEdit get_visible_rows() and get_total_visible_rows() to GDScript (Wilson E. Alvarez) b76147ec16 Fix top level CanvasItem visibility (Haoyu Qiu) d0901d4d55 Revert backport of "Rework CanvasItem visibility propagation" (Haoyu Qiu) ba0a17a458 Revert "Fix CanvasItem visibility propagation" (Haoyu Qiu) 424dbf70af Increase VARIANT_ARG_MAX to 8 (Wilson E. Alvarez) de79e10951 [3.x] Add option to filter the stack variables of GDScript debugger (Chaosus) 0bcda22d7c Protection for array operator for Vector2 / 3 in DEV builds (lawnjelly) 76df26b110 GLES2: Fix VersionKey comparison in `ShaderGLES2::bind()` (Rémi Verschelde) b28eea610c Fixed issue where Extend Script option would show up even without script attached to the node (Igor Kordiukiewicz) cc65147250 Update scroll position when zooming TileSet editor (Haoyu Qiu) 733a84f7a4 GLES2 Compression on Blend Shapes Fix (Omar El Sheikh) 9988739332 Fix shader state caching when blend shapes used (Omar El Sheikh) 2e6a305b8f Improve display for unsupported debug draw modes in GLES2 (Hugo Locurcio) 61e35b4f6e Make name of editor file dialog filters translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 0e8a76dbb2 Add icon_color_normal to Button in editor theme (Raul Santos) 9d6f4a76d1 Fix X11 memory leak after drag & drop file into the editor (Haoyu Qiu) aaff2e3982 i18n: Make property paths and sections translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 2893090a50 Color 3D editor FPS label depending on the performance level (Hugo Locurcio) 413689559c Always register the Smooth Trimesh Collision project setting (Hugo Locurcio) f2166ba92f GDScript: Don't coerce default values to the export hint type (George Marques) c63ab664d2 Revert "PitchShift effect quality and performance tweaks for different pitch scale values" (Rémi Verschelde) 56fd92ca76 Fix `UndoRedo::create_action()` invalid memory usage (Haoyu Qiu) e3cd47f6cc [iOS] Fix multitouch not working correctly (Sergey Minakov) 7e07d4781a Fix AnimatedSprite infinite loop (Haoyu Qiu) 824eaabd7b Print every file exported with `PCKPacker.flush()`s verbose parameter (Hugo Locurcio) e66003b09a Upgrade stb_rect_pack to 1.01 (JFonS) a1155b86e4 Fixed 0 width issue of rich text label Fixes #37746 (janglee) 8bbcc624fd Fixed underlines and striketrough not respecting visible character (janglee) c4041ca8c0 Added or improved documentation to a few more String methods (Nova) 54eac2aba5 Update doc for match: empty argument doesn't match anything (Markus Sauermann) e5102872c0 Translate class brief description in Editor Feature Profile dialog (Haoyu Qiu) 7b9a912ff6 fix cubic interpolate when looping 3.x (Silc 'Tokage' Renew) 4ec4b5a60d Portals - fix duplication of instanced scenes during conversion (lawnjelly) 322e3a9567 Joint2D and Joint: make set_exclude_nodes_from_collision respect signals (Ricardo Buring) f197e5eebb Joint2D and Joint: update joint on NOTIFICATION_POST_ENTER_TREE (Ricardo Buring) 1348f868c9 Make string inside TTR() single-line (Haoyu Qiu) 036bace9e9 BVH - Fix area-area collision regression (lawnjelly) 89ce63a84f AreaSW and Area2DSW: fix premature return in call_queries (Ricardo Buring) 688dc534e5 Fix get_global_transform_interpolated() with multiple ticks per frame (lawnjelly) d24c715678 Float literals - fix math classes to allow 32 bit calculations (lawnjelly) 0959ff2fe4 Add sanity checks to lightmap unwrap texel size (JFonS) 76de874f01 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 310adf533d Add more information on triangulate polygon (skyace65) 595d67ae8b Document glow rendering caveats when using GLES3 on mobile (Hugo Locurcio) e3f84916de Fix GIProbe gizmo out of bounds crash (lawnjelly) 4c2ffa7af3 Fix test_shader_lang (for 3.x) (Chaosus) 6475c676a8 CI: Use mono_static=yes for Mono builds (Rémi Verschelde) cb108fb4f8 Portals - improve STATIC bounds on conversion (lawnjelly) 7e2c4aac7e Fix external textures not working correctly with viewport texture (Bastiaan Olij) e6f1a44b4d In final phase of test_body_motion, move and cull AABB for body once instead of for every shape (Ricardo Buring) b90f1a3ec0 Disable jitter fix when physics interpolation is enabled. (lawnjelly) fdded6b44d Fix 2D instance drop position (Tomasz Chabora) 156d9d1643 simplify calculation of max in grayscale (Markus Sauermann) 0d8fa9baca Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 642591b6a9 Fix CanvasItem visibility propagation (Tomasz Chabora) 52ce161787 [HTML5] Add Stadia controller to database (Powerbyte7) 2e75471a48 Fix GLTF exporter crash when using GridMap (Haoyu Qiu) 2c00b90613 Fix deleting of directories on Linux (Mai Lavelle) 66085e210e Optimize String::copy_from(const CharType &p_char) (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 3d35f29f27 Optimize String::copy_from_unchecked (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 069e8f32d8 Optimize String::operator+= and CharString::operator+= (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 177041b968 Allow disabling the alpha trim on texture atlas creation. (Jason Knight) cfba65fa23 Expose `AudioServer.capture_device` as a property (Hugo Locurcio) 60f9c0fb42 Fix decompression functions not returning errcodes (Ricardo Subtil) 92e6c2a33d Use versioned URL for "Online Documentation" buttons in the editor (Hugo Locurcio) f61ce6ee89 Fix wording in AnimationNode classref (Haoyu Qiu) 4282076ab5 [iOS] Fix incorrect method name for input dragging event (Sergey Minakov) def35898e4 Document that meshes and lights must be fully set up before baking GIProbe (Hugo Locurcio) 85be83ebbb Fix typo in CanvasItem visibility propagation backport (Haoyu Qiu) 3b25190494 Only store `_edit_use_anchors_` metadata if value is not the default (Hugo Locurcio) d9c99f64c1 Improved region-select in the 3D editor viewport (Marcus Brummer) 67b879edbd Deselect nodes in the 3D editor when pressing ESC (Marcus Brummer) c0d9e4fd07 Fix `get_simple_path` behavior in 2D, fixes #56852 (Pawel Lampe) df13466139 Add type variations to Theme (Yuri Sizov) ac0d37dcef Add a property hint for the Line2D Round Precision property (Hugo Locurcio) d09a023339 Translate link titles in classref XML (Haoyu Qiu) c9f9e06775 Fix documentation about TreeItem button ID (Haoyu Qiu) 0f76143444 Make VMap::find_nearest return -1 when empty (Haoyu Qiu) 9135074cc2 Fix VisualScript crash when using Set Index node (Haoyu Qiu) 2ed43f940b Added show and hide methods and updated doc API. (Wagner Scholl Lemos) 8f14941ffd Fix mismatched BBCode tags in classref (Haoyu Qiu) 9171737e2b Document Light contact shadows often looking broken (Hugo Locurcio) 7f9e974a8b Add an `OS.get_processor_name()` method (Hugo Locurcio) 0e9a9a7ee2 Fix description of OccluderShapePolygon.two_way (Haoyu Qiu) a91a24f822 Don't translate numbers in VersionControlEditorPlugin (Yuri Sizov) 5688ca688c Backport editor type icons (Haoyu Qiu) 3c2df49832 Fix Occluder to properly share resources (lawnjelly) 522bce1159 Fixed Timestep Interpolation (3D) (lawnjelly) 9cb169504a i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 9f09251027 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) b2c012a8c8 Add GridMap.get_used_cells_by_item (Haoyu Qiu) 3dc0e97d05 Fix incorrect buffer upload size in GLES2 draw_gui_primitive (lawnjelly) 690f9716fa Add support for saving multiple Images in BakedLightmap (JFonS) 8b49a62745 [3.x] Fix AnimationTrack mouse wheel zooming at low zoom level (Jean-Michel Bernard) 7dcb25e37b Improve documentation for AudioServer device properties and methods (Hugo Locurcio) 273abf5225 Fixed variant decoding Segmentation Fault (Max) 51d028fce0 Audio quality improvements in PitchShift (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 6471d0a57a Pass audio samples untouched for pitch_scale around 1.0f (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 5ca3a360d1 Clarify identical `hash()` return values due to collisions (Hugo Locurcio) 48f3237477 [macOS] Add missing translation file. (bruvzg) 695da68188 Tweak logo max width on the web editor (Hugo Locurcio) d0fba915dc Allow using the web editor on any device orientation (Hugo Locurcio) 9b7147157d Hide Polygon2D lines and handles when node is not visible in tree. (Jean-Michel Bernard) cb885e97c5 Hide CollisionShape2D handles when node is not visible in tree. (Jean-Michel Bernard) b343660dac has_setting now correctly returns true when the setting is present due to a feature tag (BimDav) a25137c48e Utilize mouse position when zooming with shortcuts in 2D editor (Haoyu Qiu) ff06d0978a NavMap Fix polygons being treated like triangle strips instead of triangle fans (kleonc) 08128351a5 Clamp environment light sky contribution to the [0.0; 1.0] range (Hugo Locurcio) 53b96095eb Improve completion scroll bar visibility in the script editor (3.x) (Hugo Locurcio) 614dc363ab Fix GL buffer upload size bugs (lawnjelly) aaf29c2d58 Make duplicate animation prompt for new name (Haoyu Qiu) ff55157d3f Don't use prepass threshold with alpha scissor (Firepal) f1d289f6eb Improve the `AudioStreamPlayer2D/3D.area_mask` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 8988a9bcec [HTML5] Fetch API now passes credentials. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 7a16bb2ee4 Fix typos with codespell (Rémi Verschelde) 1865f06bef Extract link titles for translation if available (Yuri Sizov) 115b65308e i18n: Exclude `$DOCS_URL` links from classref translations (Rémi Verschelde) 1747becfc7 Fix GridMap memory leak (Haoyu Qiu) e5fd6a5086 Don't display empty Class Properties in feature profile (Haoyu Qiu) 52e0613638 Recommend using GitHub attachments for minimal reproduction projects (Hugo Locurcio) 14a1303f2d [Net] Non-blocking WebSocket hostname resolution. (Jordan Schidlowsky) 6d867b6d13 Make parser treat all exponent literals as float (Hayden) 61cd26be28 Added hex and bin literal support to Expression parser (Hayden Leete) e4e3f7d157 Add a signal to notify when children nodes enter or exit tree (Juan Linietsky) ca432727d9 Fixed opening new instances of VS 2022 while a instance is already open (Densorius) 1afefea330 Add Visual Studio 2022 support with fallback to 2019 (Densorius) 72e338e8e7 libwebp: Sync with upstream 1.2.2 (Rémi Verschelde) ef0ec3fcfd Add warning for Windows export when rcedit is not configured (NeilKleistGao) 49059e3f26 Expand description for warp_mouse_position method (TechnicalSoup) 6bcb24f1b8 Add empty translation files to the exported app bundle, to allow translation detection by the OS. (bruvzg) 5378d13c92 [macOS] Add empty translation files to the editor app bundle, to allow translation detection by the OS. (bruvzg) 12841d536f DOCS: Object.set() does nothing on type mismatch (Max Hilbrunner) 8231303dec Backport FlowContainer (Haoyu Qiu) e7934661da Tweak the Bullet RigidBody kinematic trimesh warning message (Hugo Locurcio) f49ffe4bb0 Backport CanvasLayer visibility (Haoyu Qiu) f50c7f7415 Core: Move generated `VERSION_HASH` to a `.cpp` file (Rémi Verschelde) a672f0db17 [3.x] Fix CanvasItemEditor scale editor not using the editor methods (Aaron Franke) 6dbb67cc73 SCons: Make compilation database generation optional (Rémi Verschelde) ec12e24e18 SCons: Add `fast_unsafe` option for faster rebuilds (Rémi Verschelde) c27b05febb use exact match when checking focus next / previous (Nathan Franke) a3fe028809 GDScript: Infer variable types on release (George Marques) f0af29346b ProjectSettings add dirty flag and project_settings_changed signal (lawnjelly) b15ad8e786 Fix for S3TC on Android and IOS devices (lawnjelly) 134aac5725 Fix Vector2 and Vector2i coord access via operator[] (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) a3f6033513 Improve TreeItem button API (Haoyu Qiu) 74a4795fb1 Fix RayCast{,2D}.clear_exceptions clears parent (Haoyu Qiu) 1d3de163dc Add alignment options to icons on buttons. (Raul Santos) 6f7cef601a Use ScriptServer::get_global_class_base instead of script_class_get_base in script_class_is_parent. (Jason Knight) 1b505ef8ca Document performance limitations with CSG nodes, link to tutorial (Hugo Locurcio) eddb99b9be Attach mono thread before getting nativeName field (Raul Santos) 87b4db9e63 SpriteFramesEditor Fix crash when selecting non-Texture file for splitting (kleonc) 4c23a902c1 [HTML5] Implement JavaScript PWA update callbacks. (Fabio Alessandrelli) afdfe7c03b [HTML5] Improve editor progressive web app behavior. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 73f396572a [HTML5] PWA service worker prefers cached version. (Fabio Alessandrelli) f9fdd526d5 fix portal_occlusion_culler compilation with target=debug tools=no (Jérémy Zurcher) a4f0e02798 Update definitions of get_mouse_position methods (Marcel Admiraal) bf5b2f48e6 Re-fix Disabling Half Floats on iOS (Omar El Sheikh) 0d1ec9a7cf Improve ubershader compatibility (Pedro J. Estébanez) cf1b3fdd55 Bind mesh merging functionality in MeshInstance (lawnjelly) ee979d321a Add fflush to error macros (lawnjelly) de47cb0c5b Fix PoolByteArray.decompress_dynamic return value and memleak (Haoyu Qiu) f63bea9ef2 Make popup menus focus items automatically when not using the mouse (Michael Alexsander) 10eb9564ca Portals - Improve mesh merging (lawnjelly) aeb9925615 Revert "Fix ViewportPreview upside-down in 3.x." (Haoyu Qiu) 4a52016aa9 Revert "[HTML5] Better engine config parsing." (Fabio Alessandrelli) aba5f6d9be [iOS] Fix touch handling for overlay views (Sergey Minakov) 94dd9c26dd Server: Fix skip libstdc++ static linking on macOS (Rémi Verschelde) 80306cc88a EditorProperty: Fix range hint parsing with optional step (Rémi Verschelde) f44b7c3188 Fix iOS export with manually specified signing/provisioning data. (bruvzg) 90bea27e82 BVH - fix leaking leaves (lawnjelly) 9150fe5c9a Add documentation for StreamPeerBuffer (Haoyu Qiu) 6c6e50bf0c Fix navigation merge errors, fixes #56786 (Pawel Lampe) d86061d7ae Portals - fix DYNAMIC particle systems (lawnjelly) 621cf7d8d5 Update the minimum size of ViewportContainer (Tomasz Chabora) a0c6d16c90 Add editor vital redraws only option (lawnjelly) 7f00317f67 Clarify documentation for Rect2's `has_no_area()` (Hugo Locurcio) 8ea20f5fdd Add OccluderShapePolygon (lawnjelly) 58edf04240 Windows: Fix GCC -fpermissive error with 'pck' section workaround (Rémi Verschelde) 3095dcef19 [3.x] Backport Windows subsystem build option. (bruvzg) 32d83053c4 TextureButton Fix logic for drawing only the focus texture (kleonc) aa3ef20fcb [Net] Simplify IP resolution code, fix caching. (Fabio Alessandrelli) c25365d5ff Be more verbose about why msbuild tools could not be found (Marcel Admiraal) ba2e891ec8 [Windows] Disable console I/O redirection, if it's already redirected to the pipe or file. (bruvzg) 82c83a0636 [HTML5] Fix gamepad samples not being properly reset. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 6209eede00 [HTML5] Better engine config parsing. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0a77d2d850 Merge create_physical_skeleton undo entries. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 423a90043d Prevent LTCG (MSVC LTO) from removing "pck" section (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) fa906f70e9 Fixes invalid links to tutorials in AudioStreamGenerator, AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback, and AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer class references (Ev01) 3fd186c0c2 Improve documentation for `ReflectionProbe.max_distance` property (Hugo Locurcio) 83298da9b8 Backport improved look_at docs and errors (SnailRhymer) a118837af4 Fix button icon_color_disabled alpha channel (mashumafi) 4d8e6fdd2d Fix transforms involved into navmesh baking (Pawel Lampe) c7f716e2ea Mono/C#: Fix Android AAB export failing to load native libs (Ignacio Etcheverry) 94ddd4168d Simplify usage of OS::get_window_size() in SceneTree methods (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) c6890c6d12 Fix "mass" and "weight" properties of the RigidBody (and RigidBody2D) in the Inspector view (Fitch24) 5deeb38a70 Fix XR Android manifest metadata (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 584efcd1ab Make WebXR touch events proportional to render target size, not viewport (David Snopek) 797bb1d97e Ensure that NavMesh baking updates the inspector (Yuri Sizov) eb975b7cea [Export, 3.x] Instead of removing unsupported options, hide it. (bruvzg) f8afd16c89 Fix memory leak when move to trash fails on Linux (Haoyu Qiu) 941879f601 Expose BitMap's `convert_to_image` and `resize` methods to GDScript (Manolis Papadeas) 58191c4b7e Make sure `MeshLibrary` shape array has correct number of elements (rafallus) 7a7eab06f8 Fix crash after renaming an animation node (Haoyu Qiu) 6340e4c83f Expose AnimationNodeOneShot::mix_mode as a property (Wysocki Patryk) 2eb12f1d71 doc: Clarify expected type of `Object *` parameters in Tree methods (Rémi Verschelde) 4f1f76c7ce Add local web server configuration designed for web editor development (Hugo Locurcio) 822da984bb [Net] Fix get_response_body_length for large files. (Fabio Alessandrelli) dd57c321bf Fix Array and Dictionary id() and dictionary test bug (cdemirer) 5b240d833a SpriteFramesEditor Show AtlasTexture's source texture path in the frame's tooltip (kleonc) 164ef0763a Update AssetLib network settings when Editor Settings change (Haoyu Qiu) b531a49265 Added the smart word wrap property to preview label (Navdeep Singh Rathore) b8a7a74264 Tweak theme color to match the Godot editor's background color (Hugo Locurcio) d3473b2a95 Rework Node::get_node to omit is_absolute() check in best case scenario (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 96a325dec8 Force threads when compiling web editor instead of erroring out (Hugo Locurcio) 38240fd0c8 Portals - Fix gameplay monitor ticking (lawnjelly) fa96505418 Store ObjectID instead of raw pointer for Shape Owners (Haoyu Qiu) 85deed9207 Backport some changes to 3.x shaders (Chaosus) 75fcb31cee [3.x] Consider gridmap collisions in navigation bake (rafallus) 6ac800aab7 Add clarification to tile_set_modulate (SnailRhymer) 7df2f31c27 Use refval() instead of separate ref() and get() (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 6cecb2210e Fix GDNative docs links (Max Hilbrunner) 54de063890 [3.x] Fix make_rst.py on Windows (Max Hilbrunner) 36c7110c1b Fixed accessing a null MeshInstance object in BakedLightmap instead of the GeometryInstance (Mack) 357e7e8f9f Use a fixed-width font for internal references in the editor help (Hugo Locurcio) 67cf622935 Improve `Navigation2D` default settings, fixes #56852 (Pawel Lampe) 0af26280b6 Fix some errors in Environment documentation (LoserFox) c29258e850 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) aa6465cd5b Fix style error from previous merge (Rémi Verschelde) 1e1fb145b3 Improve CSGPolygon3D documentation (Hugo Locurcio) a5b9f9f1ed [3.x] Fix Create Root Node dialog expanding in favorites tab (fire540) 7dcfe6b878 Improve Groups dock panel and the Group Editor (Haoyu Qiu) dc14636e68 BVH templated mask checks and generic NUM_TREES (lawnjelly) 6c1e243fa2 Portals - fix gameplay monitor unloading (lawnjelly) 061ee6cdb3 Disable ScriptEditor's menu items when they do nothing (Haoyu Qiu) 8948b36f0d Add project setting to change scene file casing (Hugo Locurcio) 1c3d3af6ef backported method get_rid for NavigationAgent (Mak Kma) 856f2d0f8f Add shortcuts for New Scene and New Inherited Scene actions (Hugo Locurcio) adf14bfdde Add nodiscard to core math classes to catch c++ errors. (lawnjelly) f8f83f05f2 Fix RichTextLabel uninitialized content height value. (bruvzg) 30ee208bd9 [macOS export, 3.x] Implements ad-hoc signing on Linux/Windows, adds extra privacy settings, entitlements warnings and error checking. (bruvzg) c540a17efc Better explain JSON print indent parameter (3.x) (skyace65) 94b1ae5599 Document that soft bodies should be avoided for gameplay purposes (Hugo Locurcio) 752fbc7f4e Fix indexing of polygon points when building path. (Dardan Bujupaj) 9753fe7aec Print a notice when compiling with `target=debug` (Hugo Locurcio) 742c54d0a7 Fix import hints breaking node paths in animations (Ricardo Buring) 684b7fdf47 Fix "Convert to MeshLibrary" not respecting collision transforms (Ricardo Buring) 37910dd10f Allow selection of option 'Open in File Manager' even when a file/folder is not explicitly selected. (Saracen) 58c460b3b7 Removed redundant ClassDB::is_class_enabled() and moved second dynamic_cast inside worst case if (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 27fc50d54a Fix `input_ray_pickable` documentation for `CollisionObject3D` (rafallus) 3641ec61bb Prevent renaming to an unkown extension from FileSystem dock. (Jean-Michel Bernard) ccb52db232 Clarify to_float() and to_int() methods (Tomasz Chabora) 7eb8339f6c [Documentation] Add instruction how to execute built-in commands of various shells. (bruvzg) 0e5f063b5b Improve iOS icon / loading screen export. (bruvzg) ac144e7e8c Fix invalid read when using LightOccluder2D (Haoyu Qiu) 28ae995a1a Fix crash when undoing node creation of BlendTree editor (Haoyu Qiu) 08af6e0407 Replicate load-as-placeholder state on node duplication (Haoyu Qiu) 986b99ed5c Mention that modifying text erases BBCode stacks (Tomasz Chabora) 7bd13a4325 Automatically go up if current dir was deleted (Tomasz Chabora) a36ca80493 Improve the SnapGrid editor icon (Haoyu Qiu) d4790455ba Fix marshaling values of generic Godot Dictionary (Raul Santos) 4f1e33b556 freetype: Update to upstream version 2.11.1 (Rémi Verschelde) d76a26e086 Bump mbedTLS version to 2.28.0 (new LTS). (Fabio Alessandrelli) 76297e744d Add `OS.has_clipboard()` to check clipboard content (Haoyu Qiu) 342035b635 Fix ColorPresetButton's overbright indicator in default theme (Haoyu Qiu) 8109902492 stb_vorbis: Add clearer error messages when failing to import OGG file (Rémi Verschelde) cab89124ff Fixed a typo in BakedLightmap documentation (QueenOfSquiggles) 365486543d Improve Colorpicker presets (Hendrik Brucker) 7f49e5beec Expose `Image.COMPRESS_SOURCE_LAYERED` to scripting (Haoyu Qiu) 1ee44b2366 ImageLoader: Remove references to unsupported svgz extension (Rémi Verschelde) a80187f5bc Fix visible background line in intersections in screen-space reflections (Hugo Locurcio) 64fcf7ee77 Fix LineEdit center and right alignment (Haoyu Qiu) 3b085e2665 C#: Allow configuring Mono debugger agent with cmdline args (Ignacio Etcheverry) e39f62876d Fix touch events when using smartphone AR with WebXR (David Snopek) 5bad0778b6 Dont set elapsed to 0 when a tween is finished. (Jason Knight) 63fd172fce Fix AtlasTexture nesting (kleonc) 36c3b87883 Fixes shader compile due to undefined 'diffuse_color' variable with Oren Nayer + Vertex Lighting (Jason Neufeld) 8a42ab7a85 Fix crash when `is` keyword is tested against a String variable (Haoyu Qiu) 949ea2b326 Simplify InputDefault::joy_axis code by using float instead of struct JoyAxis (Marcel Admiraal) 2232168ede [3.x] Fix action exact match (Nathan Franke) 9d2070ee19 Modify texture of selected tabs to better blend with the panel (Michael Alexsander) 6556442d46 Fix for RegEx.search() memory leak on Windows (GlyphTheWolf) a627cdafc5 Update copyright statements to 2022 (Rémi Verschelde) 58319564fa Unify theme item lookup in Controls and respect default font (Yuri Sizov) 21ca1c9cd7 Fixed a number of ",or_greater" for the bug #56324 (Albin) b7545631de Use mouse event relative motion to calculate mouse speed (Marcel Admiraal) b6f0460520 Remove duplicated sentence in EditorVCSInterface classref (Haoyu Qiu) 027a584faf Document using SpriteBase3D's `modulate` property with material override (Hugo Locurcio) b9b23d2226 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) da5a11fe45 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 458f65171c Add BBCode escape sequences (Danil Alexeev) 6fc587a6e5 Reword "Open Project Data Folder" as "Open User Data Folder" (zacryol) 89da3d7103 Improve error when attempting to build with `tools=yes target=release` (Hugo Locurcio) 9f7f7377dd Set max value of inactive TextEdit scrolls to 0 (Tomasz Chabora) a28955ac46 Fix normal map description (skyace65) 3fad43acad Path2D: Check points count before rendering. (Anilforextra) 8edc8a95b1 Improve FileDialog filters (Tomasz Chabora) 2f92d5900a UWP: Simplify QueryPerformanceCounter usage (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) e1429dd80f Windows: Simplify QueryPerformanceCounter usage (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 57cceb47d1 Fix memory leak in RichTextLabel.remove_line (LeaoLuciano) 4621b41bfc Add drag start/end signals for Slider (Haoyu Qiu) 0b6b2015f0 Fix too broad assumption of null property defaults (Pedro J. Estébanez) 5d9117d4bd Assume that non registered properties default to null (Pedro J. Estébanez) 46f65f9d79 Improve description of mouse_exited signal (Tomasz Chabora) 40b7b575c6 List AnimatedSprite3D in SpriteFrames description (zacryol) 16bb18c453 [macOS] Improve window activation hack. (bruvzg) ea2080112d Fixed typos in MeshDataTool documentation (Sam) 21526aa578 Update description of FileDialog `filters` property (zacryol) a51f3f2a58 Fixed incorrect property types (Arnav Vijaywargiya) 6eac65d4fe Add joystick button index boundary check. Increase max. button number to 128 (max. buttons supported by DirectInput). (bruvzg) e1f96d5ee8 Fix crash on importing FBX file (Haoyu Qiu) 44d436add6 Skip Draco-compressed glTF 3d format files. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 7c61e6f72f Document how to erase project settings with set_setting (skyace65) fe1e6eb995 Explain what 2D cross product means (Haoyu Qiu) 99195cc163 Fix TextureButton focus texture logic (Tomasz Chabora) c2a9de23f5 Update default port_grab_distance_vertical (David Cambré) 99416a21fb Fix the "AudioEffectRecord" descriptions. (follower) 09884f17a3 Revert "Warn when using an AABB or Rect2 with a negative size" (Rémi Verschelde) 08b89a95d2 Fix wrong RGBA channel mapping when saving OpenEXR. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 4df4d72caf Wrong call for create_offscreen_gl (Bastiaan Olij) e1557dc4c8 i18n: Make VisualScript node caption & text translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 5e57b850b6 Issue 56488 fail when image and texture size are different (Paweł Fertyk) 09397f10c5 Fix BBCode underline prevents strikethrough from rendering (Haoyu Qiu) 39070291ef Android export plugin passes absolute file paths to gradle for keystores. (Jason Knight) 4bd1ce49e6 Add note om when tween methods return false (3.x) (skyace65) 22750b1c03 Replace String::find_last with rfind where possible (backward compatible with old API) (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 8c11c28a8a Fix `GradientTexture2D` not working with `Light2D` (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) dd462f512d Misc documentation improvements (Haoyu Qiu) 37a38ece59 Allow showing both left and right side panels (Haoyu Qiu) 47f0cf7460 Add type validations when setting basic type (LATRio) b7273b6f7a Fix selection of CSG objects (Saracen) 6093d59b17 Fix NavigationObstacle errors (Pawel Lampe) 756d5531b6 Fix the importer dock being blank when selecting multiple files. (Morris Tabor) 4737f563df Fixup class reference after #54824 (Rémi Verschelde) defb801120 i18n: Sync classref translations with current 3.x codebase (Rémi Verschelde) e9484e057d i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) c62de9abec i18n: Make more `make_rst.py` strings translatable (Rémi Verschelde) 02d9ac1071 i18n: Sync template with current 3.x codebase (Rémi Verschelde) 321d5f0861 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (last 3.4 sync) (Rémi Verschelde) 10e63b8dd6 backport moving_platform_apply_velocity_on_leave (fabriceci) 36af1abbe0 Windows input: fix bracket -> brace for US input (Max Hilbrunner) 7dd8e364b1 OSX: Add signing of directory structure in Library when exporting for OSX. (Pierre-Thomas Meisels) b197de6f5f Fix typos with codespell (Rémi Verschelde) 305d7bd49e bullet: Sync with upstream 3.21 (Rémi Verschelde) c58391c9d1 Skip formatting .bat files in file_format.sh (Aaron Franke) 6f81a8ee2c Fix multiple missing UTF-8 decoding. (bruvzg) 9b149d5848 Add physics material to GridMap (Tomasz Chabora) e97cae86b8 Add missing break in NavigationObstacle2D (Haoyu Qiu) df527b37d5 Unify similar method descriptions (Haoyu Qiu) cf76e1e001 CI: Update links to regression test project and prebuilt SwiftShader (Rémi Verschelde) 2056e8b028 Prevent saving branches in foreign scenes (Saracen) 4106f95f30 Expose autotile_coord parameter in TileMap.set_cellv (Wilson E. Alvarez) 2f333d6059 Fix an incorrect exposed property type in Tree (Yuri Sizov) a0cc90a908 Editor: Resolve being able to move control nodes in containers using arrow keys (LlamaLad7) 0adc1ebf41 Make Import Dock more obvious to use (Tomasz Chabora) 05eb33e701 Unfocus Control on NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE (PucklaMotzer09) 2dc30888bf Fix get_v_scroll() desctiption in ItemList (Tomasz Chabora) ad767b2ec4 Don't edit foreign resources when restoring scene (Tomasz Chabora) 0448d4e26e Fix Android Studio builds. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 942f15fa4e Fix error in Vector2.reflect() description (Lertsenem) 664f36308a Add drag and drop for NodePaths (Tomasz Chabora) d2558bdc8c Fix decoding UTF-8 filenames on unzipping. (bruvzg) 8d3e16676d Document keyboard ghosting caveats in Input and InputEvent (Hugo Locurcio) f76430670c Fix glTF scene export crash on null normal texture (RedMser) 098a8dab0d Add warning to only use convex hull points when setting the point property for convex polygon shape (skyace65) e3292633be Fix http limitation for large "content-length" (Cnidarias) ea637f641e State that get static memory usage only works in debug (skyace65) 97695d3796 Improve mouse input event class reference (skyace65) 347823c275 Fix TabContainer not setting layout immediately (Tomasz Chabora) b4be27a68b add missing emit_changed() to set update mode function (Kodi) 172f66a40e Fix `KeyValuePairAt` memory leak (Raul Santos) 4ec6513c42 Improve error messages related to failing to open files (Nick Swoboda) 299d277c9c Warn when using GPU-based particles on macOS due to low performance (Hugo Locurcio) 09bc9eb101 Backport NavigationServer with RVO2 to `3.x` (Jake Young) 571e05d3d3 Clear only owners that are no longer in the same tree (Pedro J. Estébanez) 717801c9cb Fix docs links in 3.x after docs reorg (Max Hilbrunner) ccd8cdc363 Improve the CanvasItem class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 73ec2c6ece Improve the CameraServer and CameraFeed class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) 3f0248dc8e Fix method validation in Thread (Tomasz Chabora) da88e42f16 [3.x] Document InputEventMIDI and add some missing 0xF MIDI messages (Aaron Franke) 0c449befbf Allow pass varyings as out param to the function, when it's possible (Chaosus) a6db1c758a Improve `lerp()`, `lerp_angle()` and `inverse_lerp()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) d6e7308b3f Split 3D editor sensitivity freelook sensitivity into its own setting (Hugo Locurcio) 4de860c6d5 Fix PopupMenu bad item offset with custom vseparation (Jean-Michel Bernard) 5b0fe7880e [3.x] Add hints and default values to the uniform nodes in visual shader (Chaosus) 2c60c29340 Fix GPU particles transform feedback for WebGL 2 (Brian Semrau) 913855926d Fix tablet tilt values returning bad values (Marcel Admiraal) d5ad76a3c8 [3.x] [Mono] Add support for file-scoped namespace declaration. (Zae) 72133365f4 Tree: Fix de-select when selection mode set to SELECT_ROW (Christoph Nelles) 36cd00a84b Init `params_buffer_size` member in GDMonoMethod (Raul Santos) 9937f7f50d Document the expected format of anisotropy flowmaps in SpatialMaterial (Hugo Locurcio) 3df436a08e Map 64-bit versions of String.to_int and String.hex_to_int over to GDScript (Wilson E. Alvarez) d03b82cde7 Expose String::join over to GDScript (Wilson E. Alvarez) ae918c3041 Use asynchronous shader compilation and cache in the editor if requested (Hugo Locurcio) 5935cee298 Clean preview_node of all none VisualInstances (Saracen) b32acc57f3 Make the theme editor correctly stop updating after it was hidden (Yuri Sizov) d9bf3e5e35 Fix return type for the exposed EditorResourcePicker method (Yuri Sizov) 907e709f9d Fix getting properties state when reloading C# (Raul Santos) 53af7ee482 Clear pending function states when reloading GDScript (Haoyu Qiu) be2203bf9f Copy/Paste property paths/values in inspector. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 4fc795194b Improve docs about plugin registration (Tomasz Chabora) 7b83b5ea3c Use tool instead of at-tool in 3.x documentation (Haoyu Qiu) d00e183512 Fix undo/redo operations in Input Map (Michael Alexsander) bb1eb84da4 Alpha channel indicates opacity, not transparency (Haoyu Qiu) 50ed674ec2 Fix Blend Shapes when Octahedral Compression is Used (Omar El Sheikh) 89cebd79e8 Update CharFXTransform: explain "relative index"/"absolute index" (previously identical) (belzecue) 73f4531c97 Fix descriptions of set_cell and set_cellv in TileMap.xml (snailrhymer) 5fbc24f3e0 Fix issue with external textures being freed by Godot (Bastiaan Olij) f2ddafd860 i18n: Add `--lang` option to `make_rst.py` to write translated headings (Rémi Verschelde) aac4e36149 i18n: Sync classref translations with 3.x branch (3.5-beta) (Rémi Verschelde) 8ed5192f74 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 05faadab2d i18n: Remove line numbers from classref PO files (Rémi Verschelde) 9d17215dbf i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) e40bb68c05 Add / to the unix shortcut drive list (Haoyu Qiu) 8e29a37800 Clarify that replace_by keeps child nodes in tree (cdemirer) 4f284893a6 Document get_minimum_size not called in some nodes (Tomasz Chabora) 9fc2bc6cf2 Various improvements to Camera2D's documentation (Micky) f874df58f7 Allow to copy foreign nodes (Tomasz Chabora) e88f387958 Added check for SceneTree being null (vitika9) 4f38a9e4d6 Stop asuming a default value of NIL means there's no default (Pedro J. Estébanez) a074b66380 Allow selection in asset description (jabcross) d0a5580321 EditorAtlasPacker Fix incorrectly deducing zero height in some cases (kleonc) a40b88dc2c Bump mbedtls to 2.16.12 (Fabio Alessandrelli) 36642738e0 Update `make_rst.py` for non-latin texts (Haoyu Qiu) 20f76f2298 Print requested V-Sync mode when Print Fps is enabled (Hugo Locurcio) 23aaf78391 [3.x]Fix BaseButton's localization for tooltip text with shortcut (Zae) cf98ff248a Check a csproj exists before trying to edit it (Raul Santos) 4e4de3430e Fix size issue for ARVR managed viewport (Bastiaan Olij) 9f68b4fea3 Trunc shader function fixed (Lucas Ângelo) ccdf1a9934 [macOS] Fix OpenGL flickering. (bruvzg) 59085d5051 [Windows] Improve console handling and execute. (bruvzg) 2bff705e13 Improve axis awareness and visibility for Position2D and Position3D (Haoyu Qiu) 3f94ea6271 Fix detected leaks/heap-use-after-free by AddressSanitizer at startup (Wilson E. Alvarez) 1b8a9d56b3 Set default priority on PRIME detection vendor struct. (Wilson E. Alvarez) 9f250e8370 Revert "[3.x] Fixed event spam when using the Nintendo Switch controller" (Marcel Admiraal) d99a313fd3 Fix font preview text color on light background (Haoyu Qiu) b4ec1c5817 Backport: Allow for mapping scancodes to current layout (bruvzg) 9c04c75e7d Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) ab10fa0439 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) bf99f09e14 Mention what happens if find_node() fails (Tomasz Chabora) 9efdac2761 Fixed detecting the Valve Streaming Gamepad (Sam Lantinga) e5b0f86260 Fixed event spam when using the Nintendo Switch controller (Sam Lantinga) d32a763c17 i18n: Sync classref translations with current docs (Rémi Verschelde) 754fc89d28 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 660e8e7bb8 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 1cada6bfa9 Add proxy support for `HTTPClient` and the editor (Haoyu Qiu) 102f102f7d Added check to get_all_locales to avoid adding duplicate locales to array (raphaelazev) c11b1850c4 Make `--doctool` locale aware (Haoyu Qiu) e614a0e9fc Fix incompatible addition in auto exposure shader (Haoyu Qiu) 25e24f2d05 [3.x] Prevent writing incorrect shader hints (Chaosus) b5d325e6ff Only rotate Android sensor values for sensors that need them rotated (Marcel Admiraal) 9aef3a93dd [Windows] Detect new Windows Terminal and disable unsupported set_console_visible code. (bruvzg) a16b06e7a4 Fix Color.v integer assignment (Haoyu Qiu) 69f7f7310d Make EditorSpinSlider grabbers thicker to be more noticeable (Hugo Locurcio) b225fec1de Fix indentations in class reference XMLs (Haoyu Qiu) 9b8db7c63a [Net] Fix WebRTC returning packets from peers too early. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9c155a25d0 Improve user communication in the Add Item Type dialog (Yuri Sizov) 38c1706a7d [Windows] Open a new console window for the editor instances. (bruvzg) cbb6dc35a1 Fix add_line width being too wide (lawnjelly) 22fb04bddf Document how to autoscroll ScrollContainer. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) e4c40d8e6a glTF: Cleanup includes and defines, split PackedSceneGLTF to own file (Rémi Verschelde) f2fe60b989 Switch WebXRInterface from using external textures to using the render targets from Godot (David Snopek) b8d3d97b6a Visibility Notifier / Enabler classref mention Portals (lawnjelly) 2fbf880912 Improve the ReflectionProbe class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 1426df66a8 Fix ViewportPreview upside-down in 3.x. (Zae) 6b26012284 Document Viewports rendering upside-down by default (Hugo Locurcio) 933fd6be75 [3.x] Restore shader parsing errors with lack of semicolon in a block (Chaosus) 26e93dc5c6 Fix lighting_dirty flag bug (lawnjelly) 21bc241a34 Only print OpenGL 2D batching status when in verbose mode (Hugo Locurcio) 7bf7bd70ac [3.x] Misc build system fixes (Aaron Franke) 285b816f1f VehicleWheel can now return the surface it's colliding with. (Steve Szilágyi) 9351bc4b1c Fixed awkwardly named AnimatedSprite Setters. (Anilforextra) 6dd593d579 Random initial color for all Particle Nodes (Raffaele Picca) b1153f8829 Fix broken links in Class Reference (Haoyu Qiu) 95f895f087 i18n: Remove deleted translations from PO files (Rémi Verschelde) 213f7cb719 i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 6b1fa33c55 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 995408b492 GPU Particles (2D + 3D) visibility rect / gizmo optimization for reduced visual clutter (Raffaele Picca) 56574aa891 Center the indeterminate spinner on HTML5 page (Haoyu Qiu) d879540456 Improve accent color modulate visibility for the Anchor editor icon (Hugo Locurcio) e11662ad77 Handle test body motion with 0 margin (PouleyKetchoupp) 2025648d6d Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) e6cee71097 ResourceImporterScene: Add error when "default" is not defined to create clips (Maverick Liberty) 491acf346d Document sampling a TextureArray with sRGB -> linear conversion (Hugo Locurcio) 4f6ce8a7ba Enable configuration of the `android:excludeFromRecents` activity attribute. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) b8f2f48d86 Remove extraneous return to LSP (Francois Belair) 9d22ad3c9b Add support for configuring the xr hand tracking frequency mode (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 28a6d32971 Fixed texture animation speed when using random lifetime (Raffaele Picca) 3d20218dae Clears RIDs wherever they are freed by VisualServer or PhysicsServer and possibly reused. Fixes #53374 (Cory Petkovsek) e00d20aa5a Fix files_dropped in HTML5 export. (Ignore trailing slash when creating the temporary directory) (Luis Sanchez) 229489f7b7 Expose `ScriptEditor::edit` to scripting (Raul Santos) 65cfa28cce Add configs to specify the min and target sdk versions. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 6eb1c92cea Fix custom built-in script names (Tomasz Chabora) 93808ce6cb Revert "Print a warning with unknown SCons variables to ease troubleshooting" (Rémi Verschelde) ffbd59572e Various fixes to C# documentation (Raul Santos) 7eae6cd310 RID tracked handles better error messages for dangling RIDs (lawnjelly) 9968d0feea [macOS] Fix crash handler not printing function names on M1 Macs. (bruvzg) eb54676e0f Add DynamicFontData oversampling override property. (bruvzg) bfe77b8fab Document physics simulation being limited to 8 ticks per rendered frame (Hugo Locurcio) 7134ef90bb Fix leaking environment RIDs in GLES2 (lawnjelly) 2fe15124de Document that RigidBody angular velocity is in degrees per second (Hugo Locurcio) 35b79284cc SceneTree: Document font oversampling, remove warnings (Rémi Verschelde) ee1877e63e Revert "Fix particles emitting at old location" (Rémi Verschelde) c026c86255 Fix atlassed lightmaps not visible on GL ES 3 (Pedro J. Estébanez) 4405daa09b Allow to add RESET values from existing keys (Tomasz Chabora) ba1d6b7532 Prevent LSP adding signal func to non GDScripts (Francois Belair) 6f4c0b95fc Fix incorrect RID cleanup in Rasterizers (lawnjelly) dcb5d7a14f Fix EditorPlugin.remove_inspector_plugin() instance cleanup (Haoyu Qiu) 3be071f8c6 Fix link to the supported image formats in the Image class (Manolis Papadeas) 9776241ce6 Bind column_titles_visible as property (Tomasz Chabora) d6fb13234e AudioStreamMP3: expose loop properties to the editor (Vincent) d75e580765 Warn when using an AABB or Rect2 with a negative size (Aaron Franke) d0569255f2 Properly reload built-in tool scripts (Tomasz Chabora) 3d981b8265 Add option to use handles to RID (lawnjelly) 796ea60d11 Document SceneTreeTimer being freed automatically when elapsed (Hugo Locurcio) 613751a742 Fix get_all_delegates method for generic classes (Raul Santos) 58296c7e21 Add an `OS.crash()` method for testing system crash handler (Hugo Locurcio) f899b76747 Improve save handling for built-in scripts (Tomasz Chabora) 20568b9768 Fix for double use of seed in random Particle shader variables. (Raffaele Picca) 2f69caaff3 Fix Ring-Axis parameter being always visible (Raffaele Picca) 1cf6d21f69 Make overridden properties link to parent definition (Yuri Sizov) cd4a08ada3 Viewport: Fixup dragging code after a0fb66d (Rémi Verschelde) a0fb66d802 Fix mouse cursor and notification for force dragging (Haoyu Qiu) eef08ea3e0 Show mouse position when clicking ruler tool (Tomasz Chabora) ad5cb8ef5e Improve store_string() description (Tomasz Chabora) e0729b9c79 Allow any kind of Mesh to be added to an EditorSpatialGizmo (Marcel Admiraal) de9205f72d Fix ^= operator in shaders (Chaosus) 144e3cd31f Fix various misused code tag in classref (Haoyu Qiu) 4d4e972041 Only print message for `get_modified_time()` failure when in verbose mode (Hugo Locurcio) eb98210be4 Allow scrolling theme preview when the control picker is active (Yuri Sizov) ba3e1d6ced Skip script property in remote object property list (Raul Santos) 796f875870 Revert "Expose Variant operator= to GDNative" (Rémi Verschelde) f29f996199 Fix shape index in multiple physics queries with Bullet (PouleyKetchoupp) ebd8101546 Sort and group theme properties in docs, improve formatting for theme and enums (Yuri Sizov) 9d3acbfad9 Draw the filled part of the slider on float EditorSpinSliders (Hugo Locurcio) 0b327eb46e VCS: Add push, pull, fetch and improved diff view to VCS UI (janglee) c2470f5298 EditorInspector: Add missing arg names for GDNative (Rémi Verschelde) 8a4c583538 Fix crash when loading an invalid mp3 file (Vincent) b4998e7e1b Rationalize Node removals and deletions (Pedro J. Estébanez) 009e4a3d18 Mention that Ctrl+Alt with select tool will scale (Tomasz Chabora) 24c52f8d67 Improve language lists in localization editor (Tomasz Chabora) f9bafe4ba4 Remove editor splash screen with sponsors logo (Rémi Verschelde) cf788ae684 Fix UI navigation with joysticks (Univeous) 33fb44223f Make default/project theme wait for modules before initializing (Yuri Sizov) 62c34a6be7 Fix a crash in editor's script parent class check (Yuri Sizov) 6cf77f80b5 doc: Fixup Tabs reference after cherry-pick (Rémi Verschelde) 53ce3f64ad [HTML5] Fix multi-touch input handling. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 86190dd909 Clarify usage of TabContainer (zacryol) f72cc71ebe [macOS] Fix driver crash when enabling per-pixel transparency on M1 macs. (bruvzg) a8977006fd Prevent hidden tab close buttons from intercepting input [3.x] (ator-dev) 035a84fe92 [3.x] Add a Time singleton (Aaron Franke) fe28e823c5 Don't show tooltips for paused controls (Tomasz Chabora) aa95a4a436 progress_offset now added to reference cross draw function (Red Headphone) 850ee9d4a2 Fix condition on 'jump to limits' logic (Eric) dd94440509 Fix description of Viewport `find_world_2d()` method. (zacryol) d205d5a5c9 [HTML5] Use absolute path for JS lib/pre/externs. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 689312267a Fix nine patch of circular TextureProgressBar (floppyhammer) fd8eb47ee5 Show scene when showing built-in script file (Tomasz Chabora) 33b26e5cdc Fix RTL min/max line width calculation. (bruvzg) 820f7c9d15 Fix right alignment in RichTextLabel (Tomasz Chabora) ba747e2a26 Add methods to get position from column and line in TextEdit (Yuri Sizov) 1a2153eb0a Fix 'Add Node...' menu entries in AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor (Wilson E. Alvarez) 1d8cef8236 [3.x] Backport some APIs in math structs (Aaron Franke) 5ec0a8df5e [3.x] Add documentation to operators for math types (Aaron Franke) 19de92636d Tweak ReflectionProbe update mode property hint to mention performance (Hugo Locurcio) de1cdc2102 Fix potential infinite loop when connecting HTTPClient (Haoyu Qiu) bbfe054175 [HTML5] Use compatibility function for glGetBufferSubData. (Fabio Alessandrelli) f11bed249b [HTML5] Fix focus (again) in Firefox's iframes. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 420c351592 Ignore override.cfg when in editor (Tomasz Chabora) de365200bb Clarify get_indexed in relation to Nodes (Tomasz Chabora) c3f4d3afbe Print a warning with unknown SCons variables to ease troubleshooting (Hugo Locurcio) 0ba1d8d8bd Fix debug build for iphone (Gergely Kis) f6725f8089 Document the engine's use of internal groups in Node (Hugo Locurcio) 5caab0a8ef Correct the doc about ease() (Tomasz Chabora) a7d950ab8e Mention that replace_by doesn't free the node (Tomasz Chabora) 2ef2879d7b Add Input.is_physical_key_pressed method. (bruvzg) 420ec1f84a Fix Theme Editor crash when clicking the element picker (Haoyu Qiu) 9442114013 Fix crash when executing PackedDataContainer._iter_init (Haoyu Qiu) b8af671a95 Improved some editor checkboxes (Tomasz Chabora) e5593212e2 Add a project setting to disable the boot splash image (Hugo Locurcio) 16baa9bb9a Image Use memcpy() in fill(), fill_rect(), _put_pixelb(), _get_pixelb() (kleonc) 4f446c8b9e Add Image::fill_rect method (kleonc) 88c1411051 Fix edge case where 1px cut off from right of image (Giwayume) 97e9165de4 TileSetEditor Fix selecting next/previous subtile (kleonc) 5928cc90f8 [3.x] Prevent return statement from using in block in shader main func (Chaosus) 734b4a46bc Fix crash when exporting gltf mesh that has no skin. (jitspoe) 7bd0eae635 Add "Replace in Files" functionality to text editors (Dominik 'dreamsComeTrue' Jasiński) 5b55599211 Show tooltips even when paused or time_scale is 0 (Tomasz Chabora) b54d4a93be Update CanvasItem when MultiMesh instance transform changes (Clay John) eb6f74855f Allow toggle TextEdit bookmark gutter (Haoyu Qiu) 05744ee0e2 Fix Android `get_screen_orientation()` not returning valid values (Marcel Admiraal) 216fb38da1 Add shape data to area overlap data. (Marcel Admiraal) 9c50bcabed Add support for OpenXR export configurations. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 5c6e39b2a6 wslay: Sync with upstream 45d22583b (Rémi Verschelde) 38c5ba85ab libvorbis: Sync with upstream 1.3.7 (Rémi Verschelde) 724c207005 libwebp: Sync with upstream 1.2.1 (Rémi Verschelde) d085385e60 zstd: Update to upstream version 1.5.0 (Rémi Verschelde) 322ff1f646 xatlas: Sync with upstream ec707faea (Rémi Verschelde) 86ab8b2613 pcre2: Update to upstream version 10.39 (Rémi Verschelde) 6b04e3e3f0 libogg: Update to upstream 1.3.5 (Rémi Verschelde) 31dbc59c39 tinyexr: Sync with upstream 1.0.1 (Rémi Verschelde) ee82085925 certs: Sync with Mozilla bundle as of Nov 1, 2021 (Rémi Verschelde) 04846156c3 Expose Thread::get_main_id in core bindings (Brian Semrau) 43fbd3adc7 Allow to name built-in scripts upon creation (Tomasz Chabora) f56b1a5af5 [HTML5] Add checks to Gamepad API events. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 1066b60781 [HTML5] Fix input not focusing canvas. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 702529d63e Give each RigidBody its own DirectBodyState wrapper. (Marcel Admiraal) e900bac80b Add area to moved list when changing monitorable, and only remove area from query when deleting pair if it was monitorable. (Marcel Admiraal) 211dc8cd2d BVH - add option for expanded AABBs in leaves (lawnjelly) d7d35e4f73 Add `const` qualifier support for function arguments in shaders (Hugo Locurcio) 54490e9ebb i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 292164d2a5 i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 85ff6e3e07 Fixed pre-commit-black file extensions (David Sichma) 2176b694ac Trigger RigidBodyBullet space override updates when Area properties change. (Marcel Admiraal) 84af1d9248 Update Bullet Area overlaps when Area properties or shapes change. (Marcel Admiraal) 14ecd66a21 Ignore Bullet collision contact points with distance = 0 (Marcel Admiraal) 0093bda767 Fix texture atlas generation when source sprite is larger than generated atlas (Giwayume) a58736f129 Fix data directory of unnamed projects (Tomasz Chabora) 4d3690eba5 Remove unimplemented methods (Marcel Admiraal) 62db47a7fb Fixed crash in `ScrollContainer` _notification (Anton Christoffersson) 8fd0fe3d20 Fixes a game crash caused by instantiating Camera2D and sending a notification from it before adding it to the tree. (BrunoSXS) 9a181edd87 Turn off physics servers in the Project Manager. (Ibrahn Sahir) 2da3f80128 Windows: Use `/bigobj` only for debug builds, breaks GCC LTO (Rémi Verschelde) 9315b4fb51 BVH - fix typename compiler warning (lawnjelly) f3d5ef6f7b Fix TileSet editor workspace breaking (Tomasz Chabora) 7e6bf27597 Fix crash on macOS (AS) when dualshock4 is removed (Will Jordan) 70d25bbfbb Mention how to add margins to Button's icon (Tomasz Chabora) 0ebbc5b07c Fix crash when loading scene instance after node vanished from parent (Pedro J. Estébanez) ed47570266 BVH - detect shrinkage within expanded bounds (lawnjelly) e9fdf3e61f Fix physics BVH pairing for teleported or fast moving objects (PouleyKetchoupp) f1ee1a2bf6 Revert "Fix UndoRedo::Operation objects cleanup" (Rémi Verschelde) a0699bb6ec Tweak the built-ins color highlighting in the shader editor (take 2) (Hugo Locurcio) cc8846bef6 Added material_overlay property to MeshInstance (Fernando Cosentino) ae1bfacd2a Implement UndoRedo::Operation destructor (Erik Selecký) 8ec2d86e5e Highlight hovered inspector categories (Jummit) 3ac2999f22 Replace Godot docs URL with `$DOCS_URL` in XML class reference (Rémi Verschelde) 0cdcf1154f Allow dehardcoding documentation branch and URL in docs links (Rémi Verschelde) 175870ccc7 Show built-in script names in the debugger (Tomasz Chabora) f83b17e4eb Add missing characters for property name quoting (Haoyu Qiu) 26e582b170 Windows: Enable `/bigobj` to increase max size for obj files (Rémi Verschelde) 5f081de854 Properly handle scenes in Find in Files (Tomasz Chabora) 8cff76ffc7 Use application name for pulseaudio device (Nathan Franke) 969136e675 Ignore external editor for built-in scripts (Tomasz Chabora) d250d910bc README updates and improvements, link license page (Max Hilbrunner) 5fe78a3a25 Add support for PowerPC family (Daniel Kolesa) 7f91cbc397 Expose String.get_slice (Tomasz Chabora) 30f359ee3c fix hardcoded raycast distance with viewport object picking (vdyotte) 824183854c Removed incorrect autocompletion of matrixes in shader (Chaosus) cf89cf6643 Make EditorSpinSlider wait for text on key_up/down (Francois Belair) d6ada73063 Fix import for collections Mapping (Hristo Stamenov) 4c76594e0d Variants and targets are generated instead of manually defined. The specific details for each configuration are logically separated from the generators (Edward Auttonberry) b960ab1cea CharProxy: Add copy constructor (Rémi Verschelde) 147a826e6b Display an error message in settings when autoload name is invalid (Jean-Michel Bernard) 086db0bf9f Scrollwheel (w/o ctrl) to zoom, mouse warping when panning (Aaron Record) 77add76a16 Clarify how 'audio/driver/output_latency' project setting works (Benjamin Armstrong) 9ef3fec87f Rect2: Clarify docs for `has_point` excluding bottom and right borders (Rémi Verschelde) cbf870aa59 Swap rest pose actions in the Skeleton2D editor (Hugo Locurcio) 9853108a4f Print the number of PulseAudio input channels when in verbose mode (Hugo Locurcio) d1df89a695 Clamp rotation for up/down orbiting shortcuts. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) e2fb8739df Fix editor saving blank scenes (for real) (Tomasz Chabora) 930d28e6cb Prevent obj importer from printing misleading error (Brian Semrau) d30b5725a3 [Export] Read and ZIP project files in 16K chunks instead of reading the whole file at once. (bruvzg) 7e5034958e Fix the volume calculation for cylinders (Julian Adamse) 509f3c75a2 AudioDriverPulseAudio: move Vector Cow access outside tight loop. (Ibrahn Sahir) 9381b236ab Use a different icon for eased keyframes in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) 4f8bc77a4c Drop broken Android 32-bit framebuffer setting (Pedro J. Estébanez) 062406b555 [3.x] Add Basis helper functions for transforming normals (lawnjelly) 194d45f11d Improve the GIProbe and BakedLightmap class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) f39375d315 Document low performance when using `SurfaceTool.append_from()` in thread (Hugo Locurcio) 340ecb93be [HTML5] Call glGetBufferSubData directly from C++. (Fabio Alessandrelli) fde50db399 Fix outdated SCons macOS build message (Hugo Locurcio) 0f4b0cb3dd Use Enter instead of F2 as an editor renaming shortcut on macOS (Hugo Locurcio) 788f075b44 Portals - Allow user to set roaming expansion margin (lawnjelly) 6f4858f184 Modules: Make sure to include `modules_enabled.gen.h` where needed (Rémi Verschelde) 936832d59c Add methods to remove theme overrides (Haoyu Qiu) 30d22305e1 fixed typo in NavigationPolygon doc (boruok) 97074dcf95 Add GradientTexture2D (Hendrik Brucker) 4c88a82f50 Move Mono unhandled exception setting to be located within a subsection (Hugo Locurcio) 1560c8b5aa Fix test_move reporting collision when touching another body (PouleyKetchoupp) 74e8d5c7bd Fix AnimationTree function call track loop (Haoyu Qiu) b93aeec4a2 Fix errors in KinematicBody when floor is destroyed or removed (PouleyKetchoupp) b31f6f78a3 Display 2 decimals instead of 1 in editor frametime labels (Hugo Locurcio) 91b7c80d28 Fix particles emitting at old location (robfram) 999bba6916 Fix glTF cubic spline track interpolation incorrectly reporting times/values size mismatch (3.4 specific) (Mark Riedesel) a02bb2b598 Fix detection of non-default and overridden property values in scenes (Pedro J. Estébanez) a7aad78fd0 Add recursive comparison to Array and Dictionary (Pedro J. Estébanez) 63d214f04b Remove hash symbol in front of opcode error messages in GDScript (Hugo Locurcio) 4c710780d4 Implement async shader compilation plus caching for GL ES 3 (Pedro J. Estébanez) b6f04dfd21 Add ProjectSettings::set_hide_from_editor() (Pedro J. Estébanez) abdf931832 Add off-screen GL context (Pedro J. Estébanez) 4d35049dc7 Add keyboard shortcuts for grouping and locking nodes, change grid toggle (Hugo Locurcio) 25f01cb09d Implement get_cache_path() for iOS, and improve it for Android and Windows (Pedro J. Estébanez) 5eb80bb1a3 Avoid the need for copy assignment in HashMap key/data types (Pedro J. Estébanez) b8de40c065 Tweak animation editor icon colors for easier visual grepping (Hugo Locurcio) 8a43b222c7 Fix Vertex Attribute Specification Octahedral (Omar El Sheikh) 4dba25b3ff Add property value pinning (Pedro J. Estébanez) f997a5f8f6 [macOS] Use pre-wait observer to keep main run loop running and redraw window during the window resize and displaying modal popups. (bruvzg) 76b7d23a10 Unify determination of default property values (Pedro J. Estébanez) 237f7eeabe Add more OpenGL Attributes (NHodgesVFX) 690bf12c4c C#: Don't use ActivityThread to determine Android nativeLibraryDir (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2e74bacf17 [iOS export] Capture and display xcodebuild output. (bruvzg) cc2b6acbd2 Improve the appearance of simple parallax in SpatialMaterial (Hugo Locurcio) 7df8bd6b85 Fix request headers being included in response. (Josh Jones) 262ec9033a Implement limited surrogate pairs support for platforms with 16-bit wchar_t. (bruvzg) 14c366ddd7 Bump version to 3.5-beta (Rémi Verschelde) 0d852bf5a6 Fix little typos in 3.x doc (Kongfa Waroros) 160346f794 Add support for motion in 2D intersect_shape function (PouleyKetchoupp) fc2bd63ca0 Expose intersect_point in 3D physics server (PouleyKetchoupp) e282ee0a48 C#: Fix property set call boxing value when unboxed was expected (Ignacio Etcheverry) b775573a21 Don't box params on Native->C# calls with Variant params (Ignacio Etcheverry) 28d7b585c9 [macOS] Enable multithreaded OpenGL engine flag when using multithreaded VisualServer. (bruvzg) 084b21c4a8 expose Variant operator= to GDNative (BimDav) cf9220b7d5 Only visible TileMaps should add light occluders (robfram) cb441dd9eb Tweak overbright indicator icon to be more visible on white background (Hugo Locurcio) 6a92a2e92d Websockets: Fix buffer size checks in put_packet() (Max Hilbrunner) ab76cd6ff2 Faster editor line drawing - Path2D and draw_line (lawnjelly) 3d1249a520 Add error condition for Control EXIT_TREE notif (Lenny Critchley) 2a638a9cdf Add X11 events logging for debug purpose (PouleyKetchoupp) d831836b09 Improve appearance of the editor Debugger bottom panel menu (Hugo Locurcio) 23c64fc43c Fix RichTextLabel underline appearance when inside fill tag (Haoyu Qiu) 92664f03a9 GDScript: Support multiline indexing with `[]` (Rémi Verschelde) a094e5dcdf Implement Alt + Mouse wheel to adjust FOV in the 3D editor viewport (Hugo Locurcio) e534343914 Use early bailing to improve 3D shadow filtering performance in GLES3 (Hugo Locurcio) 31ad99072f Allow changing directional shadow size at run-time (Hugo Locurcio) 480543f681 Fix create skeleton bone position (Julien Nguyen) 5a7bd296af Don't ignore the type mismatch in setter function (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 562d9cef1b Fix RigidBody collision update after changing collision layer/mask (PouleyKetchoupp) 67635bfcc2 Fix SoftBody memory corruption when switching mesh at runtime (PouleyKetchoupp) 63f6d91a1a Fix SoftBody memory corruption when using invalid mesh (PouleyKetchoupp) b4b94ac8a0 Fix errors in mouse detection when removing collision object from tree (PouleyKetchoupp) 3b43dfee11 [Net] ENet poll now only service the connection once. (Jordan Schidlowsky) 25636f8db7 [Net] ENet now sends fragmented packets unreliably too. (Jordan Schidlowsky) 5335a0368c Add a Viewport property to use full floating-point precision in HDR (Hugo Locurcio) c20d097636 Clarify Transform.xform_inv docs (kleonc)