Aaron Franke (1): [3.x] Improve the clarity of Viewport's documentation Abdulrahman Al Zeidi (1): Fix static object destructors being called on gpu selection with X11 Alfred Reinold Baudisch (1): Cast dragged file extension name to lowercase, closes #68104 Andrew Dunai (1): Fix "!script_data is true" when updating placeholder scripts for GDNative libraries Antokolos (2): UWP: Fix app crash when `managed_object->update_clipboard()` is called UWP: Fix build with Google ANGLE not supporting EGL_ANGLE_DISPLAY_ALLOW_RENDER_TO_BACK_BUFFER BZ1234567890 (1): iOS: Implement missing gamepad.buttonOptions, buttonMenu, and buttonHome joy buttons BimDav (1): Correctly compute inverse_mass when inertia is defined by user Chris Weber (1): increased max touches to 32 for ios Dan (1): fix exporting Android APPLICATION_ATTRIBS (3.X) Dawid Marzec (1): Fix errors while deselecting all tree items; issue #65185 DeeJayLSP (5): Update nanosvg to GIT (2022.11) Update CA certificates to 2022.10 revision Update miniupnpc to 2.2.4 Update stb libraries zlib/minizip: Update to version 1.2.13, remove zlib from freetype Fabio Alessandrelli (1): [Web] Add PS3 gamepad mapping for FF+Linux. Fireflash (1): Update AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback.xml Fredia Huya-Kouadio (3): Update the `clean` task configuration Fix the logic used to route `InputEventScreenDrag` events to `Control` nodes. Upgrade Android gradle plugin to version 7.2.1 Graham Pentheny (1): Updated Recast to 4fef044 Haoyu Qiu (18): Fix String::word_wrap() for long words Fix NavigationObstacle not registering to default navigation map Fix NavigationObstacle not estimating radius Fix crash executing `MultiMesh.reset_instance_physics_interpolation` Fix get_path() error when calling get_node() Fix wrong owner for editor plugin created nodes in instanced scene Fix error when having BoneAttachment before PhysicalBone Fix spatial gizmo still active when node is deselected Clarify offset parameter behavior in RegEx methods Improve dragging scene into 3D viewport Backport navigation crash fixes Fix TreeItem.remove_child not updating Tree immediately Fix CanvasLayer visibility toggle can only run once per frame Add note about GROUP_CALL_UNIQUE not considering arguments Fix crash after executing ItemList.set_icon_scale Fix possible Tween leak on exit Fix error when dropping script into script editor Fix Tree overflow without scrolling being enabled Hugo Locurcio (16): Fix debanding strength being affected by environment adjustments Document (Omni/Spot)Light ignoring Spatial's scale property Document known issues with CylinderShape Document `Array.sort()` and `sort_custom()` using unstable sorting Fix BackBufferCopy `rect` property appearing when not relevant in inspector Fix libtheora source code being mistakenly `.gitignore`d Document `print_stack()` and `get_stack()` requiring a debugger connection Document debanding only affecting 3D rendering by default Only support XDG directory path configuration on Linux Fix infinite loop when calling `Control.popup_centered_minsize()` Fix Driver Name editor setting not requiring an editor restart Document image size restrictions for custom mouse cursors in HTML5 Mark C# editor settings to require a restart to be effective Document Environment's `background_energy` property affecting lighting Mention `String.match()` is also called "glob"/"globbing" Document using `String.percent_encode()` with `OS.shell_open()` Ignacio Etcheverry (1): Add JetBrains Fleet folder to gitignore Ilaria Cislaghi (1): added options for sorting transparent objects Jason Knight (2): Fix null in android keyboard handling. Change auto to default in cursor css settings. Jordan Schidlowsky (2): expose additional global enums in 3.x which are available in master Windows: Fix heap overflow setting native icon Josh Jones (1): Add MSVC problem matcher to CI Juan Linietsky (1): Fix AltGR getting stuck on Windows right alt-tab Julien Reichardt (2): Add PS3 controller guide button Fix Standard Gamepad Mapping triggers Lamia (1): LSP: Improve handling of file URI scheme Marcel Admiraal (1): Store Bullet total gravity, linear damp and angular damp calculations so they can be retrieved from PhysicsDirectBodyState Marcus Elg (1): Improve %f formatting for inf and nan Marius Hanl (2): Update project window title when a project setting was changed Check for null event in Tree._gui_input to avoid engine crash Marius Seufzer (1): iOS: Add new model identifiers for DPI metrics Mark Riedesel (2): Add buffer size check to Image.load_tga_from_buffer(). Fixes #67985 Handle closed splines in Collada importer Michael Alexsander (1): Port `Input.action_press/release()` changes Micky (1): Cast between float and ints in SceneTreeTween.`tween_property()` Ninni Pipping (1): Fix for PoolArray comparison OsakiTsukiko (1): Fix RichTextLabel discards appended BBCode text on window resize when using DynamicFont Paweł Fertyk (2): Fix get_visible_line_count in RichTextLabel with newlines Fix `BitMap.resize` error spam Pedro J. Estébanez (3): Fix newlines not honored in Windows console Support Git worktrees in generation of hash header Let make_rst.py be forward compatible with 4.0's PrecisionRender (1): Fix Xbox Series controller duplicate input Rafał Mikrut (1): Fix exporting big templates Raul Santos (1): Add GCC problem matcher to CI Ricardo Buring (1): Fix typo bug in heightmap shape Ricardo Subtil (1): Change message of unknown joypad property from error to warning Rémi Verschelde (34): Bump version to 3.5.2-rc HTML5: Add missing `OS::get_cursor_shape()` implementation Debugger: Fix fetching source to link C++ error on GitHub Project Manager: Fix hacky code for project rename libwebp: Sync with upstream 1.2.4 SCons: Fix MSVC warning LNK4042 about dupe objects in regex Revert "RID: Change comparison operators to use RID_Data id instead of address" SCons: Fix MSVC D9025 warning overriding opt level miniupnpc: Update to version 2.2.3 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) Add changelog for Godot 3.5.2 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Fix typos with codespell Fix PR links in 3.5.2 changelog Revert "Fix the logic used to route `InputEventScreenDrag` events to `Control` nodes." libpng: Update to upstream 1.6.39 mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.28.2 Update changelog for 3.5.2 One Copyright Update to rule them all CI: Use clang-format 15 Update changelog for 3.5.2 macOS: Fix sprintf deprecation warning i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate (3.5 branch) Update AUTHORS and DONORS list CI: Pin SCons to 4.4.0, the new 4.5.0 is broken Math: Prevent division by zero in posmod Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo RichTextLabel: Fix hint string for custom_effects property Update changelog for 3.5.2 Bump version to 3.5.2-stable Sam Briels (1): fix: emit target_reached signal after updating state Saracen (1): Fix local variables not showing when breaking on final line Steve Cotton (1): doc: link GPUParticles2D to the 2D Particles demo Tom Beckmann (1): Fix writing value for hand-tracking V2.0 to AndroidManifest.xml Tomasz Chabora (2): Hide text of RichTextLabel if BBCode is enabled Fix crash in EditorPropertyArray Windy Darian (1): Don't try to import unknown dependency from scan Zak Grumbles (1): Add note regarding RefCounted to EditorScript docs alex-pahdo (1): Add more info to WAV import errors asalazar516 (1): [3.x] Add missing argument to AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor::_delete_nodes_request bruvzg (6): [iOS] Fix build with warnings=extra. [Windows, 3.x] Fix WM_CHAR processing code using Unicode char instead of Virtual key. [TextMesh, 3.x] Fix auto-translation and ignore control chars. [macOS] Update activation hack to work on Ventura. [MSVC] Use symbols from .pdb only, to avoid incorrect names in the backtrace when symbols are missing. [macOS] Fix stylus tilt Y direction. dependabot[bot] (1): Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /platform/web dogboydog (1): set exit code EXIT_FAILURE when --build-solutions fails dzil123 (4): [3.x] Fix c# Array.Shuffle incorrect mono bindings [3.x] PCKPacker Fix error spam [3.x] Fix shader compiler asan out of bounds Fix Image::bump_map_to_normal_map incorrectly keeping mipmap flag hare_ware (1): Fix Skeleton3D falsely assuming all physical bones will be children of their first bone heppocogne (1): Fix `get_path()` is not working when files are opend with `open_compressed` ipsoftdev (1): Do not ignore x86 source code directories anywhere under thirdparty directory jbcolli2 (1): Changed normal of CylinderMesh to account for slanted side. kleonc (6): Docs Clarify Array.fill behavior when reference type is passed in Move duplicated drawing code from `Sprite3D`/`AnimatedSprite3D` to `SpriteBase3D` `SpriteBase3D` Fix drawing AtlasTextures with vertical margins differently than in 2D `SpriteFramesEditor` Fix calculating frame index from mouse position Fix checking if script is attached to any node belonging to scene AtlasTexture Fix calculating rects when flipping lawnjelly (3): Fix pairing crash in physics Octree GLES2 fix octahedral half float unpacking BVH - fix lockguards for multithread mode nikitalita (1): Fix DirAccessWindows::make_dir() choking on ".." norrath-hero (1): Fix GLES 2 Spotlight Bug nyanpasu64 (1): Fix burning CPU with udev disabled on Flatpak ocean (they/them) (1): Add VS's enc_temp_folder to .gitignore ray90514 (1): Fix Script editor completion doesn't suggest members of a script for type hints smix8 (7): Fix avoidance calculation on NO_THREADS build Fix GDScript export hint for Navigation2D layer names Fix Editor crash when MeshLibrary gets replaced while used in an open GridMap scene Add detail to NavigationPolygon outline error msg [3.x] Move navigation server finalize before physics server Fix navigation related nodes not propagating parent class config warnings Fix NavigationServer free error print