Aaron Franke (1): [3.x] Misc build system fixes Bartłomiej T. Listwon (1): Don't ignore the type mismatch in setter function Benjamin Armstrong (1): Clarify how 'audio/driver/output_latency' project setting works BimDav (1): expose Variant operator= to GDNative Brian Semrau (1): Prevent obj importer from printing misleading error Chaosus (1): [3.x] Prevent writing incorrect shader hints Clay John (1): Update CanvasItem when MultiMesh instance transform changes Cory Petkovsek (1): Clears RIDs wherever they are freed by VisualServer or PhysicsServer and possibly reused. Fixes #53374 David Sichma (1): Fixed pre-commit-black file extensions Eric (1): Fix condition on 'jump to limits' logic Fabio Alessandrelli (8): [HTML5] Call glGetBufferSubData directly from C++. [HTML5] Fix input not focusing canvas. [HTML5] Add checks to Gamepad API events. [HTML5] Fix focus (again) in Firefox's iframes. [HTML5] Use absolute path for JS lib/pre/externs. [HTML5] Use compatibility function for glGetBufferSubData. [HTML5] Fix multi-touch input handling. [Net] Fix WebRTC returning packets from peers too early. Francois Belair (2): Prevent LSP adding signal func to non GDScripts Remove extraneous return to LSP Fredia Huya-Kouadio (4): Add support for OpenXR export configurations. Add configs to specify the min and target sdk versions. Enable configuration of the `android:excludeFromRecents` activity attribute. Add support for configuring the xr hand tracking frequency mode Gergely Kis (1): Fix debug build for iphone Giwayume (2): Fix texture atlas generation when source sprite is larger than generated atlas Fix edge case where 1px cut off from right of image Haoyu Qiu (10): Allow toggle TextEdit bookmark gutter Fix Theme Editor crash when clicking the element picker Fix crash when executing PackedDataContainer._iter_init Fix potential infinite loop when connecting HTTPClient Fix EditorPlugin.remove_inspector_plugin() instance cleanup Fix broken links in Class Reference Make `--doctool` locale aware Fix indentations in class reference XMLs Fix Color.v integer assignment Fix incompatible addition in auto exposure shader Hugo Locurcio (15): Print the number of PulseAudio input channels when in verbose mode Remove hash symbol in front of opcode error messages in GDScript Swap rest pose actions in the Skeleton2D editor Fix outdated SCons macOS build message Improve the GIProbe and BakedLightmap class documentation Document low performance when using `SurfaceTool.append_from()` in thread Print a warning with unknown SCons variables to ease troubleshooting Document the engine's use of internal groups in Node Only print message for `get_modified_time()` failure when in verbose mode Document SceneTreeTimer being freed automatically when elapsed Document that RigidBody angular velocity is in degrees per second Document Viewports rendering upside-down by default Document physics simulation being limited to 8 ticks per rendered frame Document sampling a TextureArray with sRGB -> linear conversion Improve the ReflectionProbe class documentation Ibrahn Sahir (1): AudioDriverPulseAudio: move Vector Cow access outside tight loop. Ignacio Etcheverry (1): C#: Don't use ActivityThread to determine Android nativeLibraryDir Josh Jones (1): Fix request headers being included in response. Julian Adamse (1): Fix the volume calculation for cylinders Kongfa Waroros (1): Fix little typos in 3.x doc Lenny Critchley (1): Add error condition for Control EXIT_TREE notif Luis Sanchez (1): Fix files_dropped in HTML5 export. (Ignore trailing slash when creating the temporary directory) Manolis Papadeas (1): Fix link to the supported image formats in the Image class Marcel Admiraal (2): Fix Android `get_screen_orientation()` not returning valid values Allow any kind of Mesh to be added to an EditorSpatialGizmo Mark Riedesel (1): Fix glTF cubic spline track interpolation incorrectly reporting times/values size mismatch (3.4 specific) Max Hilbrunner (1): Websockets: Fix buffer size checks in put_packet() Omar El Sheikh (1): Fix Vertex Attribute Specification Octahedral PouleyKetchoupp (4): Expose intersect_point in 3D physics server Fix errors in KinematicBody when floor is destroyed or removed Fix test_move reporting collision when touching another body Fix physics BVH pairing for teleported or fast moving objects Raffaele Picca (2): Fix Ring-Axis parameter being always visible Fix for double use of seed in random Particle shader variables. Raul Santos (2): Skip script property in remote object property list Expose `ScriptEditor::edit` to scripting Red Headphone (1): progress_offset now added to reference cross draw function Ryan Roden-Corrent (2): Clamp rotation for up/down orbiting shortcuts. Document how to autoscroll ScrollContainer. Rémi Verschelde (28): Bump version to 3.4.1-rc CI: Change BASE_BRANCH to 3.4 doc: Remove obsolete files GDScript: Support multiline indexing with `[]` Rect2: Clarify docs for `has_point` excluding bottom and right borders Modules: Make sure to include `modules_enabled.gen.h` where needed i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate certs: Sync with Mozilla bundle as of Nov 1, 2021 libogg: Update to upstream 1.3.5 libvorbis: Sync with upstream 1.3.7 doc: Fixup Tabs reference after cherry-pick Remove editor splash screen with sponsors logo Revert "Expose Variant operator= to GDNative" Revert "Fix particles emitting at old location" Revert "Print a warning with unknown SCons variables to ease troubleshooting" Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate i18n: Remove deleted translations from PO files SceneTree: Document font oversampling, remove warnings i18n: Sync editor translations with Weblate i18n: Sync classref translations with Weblate i18n: Sync classref translations with current docs Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo Add changelog for Godot 3.4.1 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Bump version to 3.4.1-stable Sam Lantinga (2): Fixed event spam when using the Nintendo Switch controller Fixed detecting the Valve Streaming Gamepad Tomasz Chabora (12): Fix editor saving blank scenes (for real) Mention how to add margins to Button's icon Fix TileSet editor workspace breaking Show tooltips even when paused or time_scale is 0 Improved some editor checkboxes Clarify get_indexed in relation to Nodes Mention that replace_by doesn't free the node Correct the doc about ease() Fix right alignment in RichTextLabel Don't show tooltips for paused controls Improve store_string() description Mention what happens if find_node() fails Univeous (1): Fix UI navigation with joysticks Vincent (2): Fix crash when loading an invalid mp3 file AudioStreamMP3: expose loop properties to the editor Will Jordan (1): Fix crash on macOS (AS) when dualshock4 is removed Wilson E. Alvarez (1): Fix 'Add Node...' menu entries in AnimationNodeBlendTreeEditor Yuri Sizov (5): Add methods to get position from column and line in TextEdit Fix a crash in editor's script parent class check Make default/project theme wait for modules before initializing Allow scrolling theme preview when the control picker is active Sort and group theme properties in docs, improve formatting for theme and enums Zae (1): Fix ViewportPreview upside-down in 3.x. ator-dev (1): Prevent hidden tab close buttons from intercepting input [3.x] boruok (1): fixed typo in NavigationPolygon doc bruvzg (9): [macOS] Enable multithreaded OpenGL engine flag when using multithreaded VisualServer. [Export] Read and ZIP project files in 16K chunks instead of reading the whole file at once. [iOS export] Capture and display xcodebuild output. Add Input.is_physical_key_pressed method. Fix RTL min/max line width calculation. [macOS] Fix driver crash when enabling per-pixel transparency on M1 macs. [macOS] Fix crash handler not printing function names on M1 Macs. [Windows] Open a new console window for the editor instances. [Windows] Detect new Windows Terminal and disable unsupported set_console_visible code. jitspoe (1): Fix crash when exporting gltf mesh that has no skin. kleonc (2): TileSetEditor Fix selecting next/previous subtile Clarify Transform.xform_inv docs lawnjelly (9): Portals - Allow user to set roaming expansion margin BVH - fix typename compiler warning BVH - detect shrinkage within expanded bounds BVH - add option for expanded AABBs in leaves [3.4] Cutdown version of RID fixes to sync with 3.5 RID handles Fix incorrect RID cleanup in Rasterizers Fix leaking environment RIDs in GLES2 Fix lighting_dirty flag bug Visibility Notifier / Enabler classref mention Portals raphaelazev (1): Added check to get_all_locales to avoid adding duplicate locales to array robfram (2): Fix particles emitting at old location Only visible TileMaps should add light occluders zacryol (2): Fix description of Viewport `find_world_2d()` method. Clarify usage of TabContainer