90022710ab Revert "[macOS] Request camera permission before session init." (Rémi Verschelde) 91f48e2940 CI: Bump setup-emsdk version to @v10 (Rémi Verschelde) 74cf62bb68 HTML5: Fix minification error with Emscripten 1.39.9 (Rémi Verschelde) e4df8a68fa fix(ios): Clipboard get/set missing implement (Kyoz) 20ec596a5d Update connection comparison operator to compare connection sources based on instance ID instead of by pointer (David Socha) b13bbba80b Compare connections by object id (Tomasz Chabora) a6d9efad9e Fix EXP range property hint description (skyace65) b60ca89265 improving note on HTTPRequest class under the request method documentation (Arthur Paulino) ac8ca76870 [Net] Silence ENetMultiplayerPeer close_connection. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 5d8ea604f9 Document that node groups don't have a guaranteed order (Hugo Locurcio) 7855d3f436 Add "Physics intro" docs link for State classes (Austin Tasato) 59f69e2b04 TabContainer Fix drawing current tab when it's disabled (kleonc) ba6d8153af Fix buffer creation in light_internal_create() (Bartłomiej T. Listwon) 1722d0cc12 Fix LineEdit undo crash (Haoyu Qiu) 3bd4611e2a nanosvg: Sync with upstream ccdb199 (Rémi Verschelde) 8d0b878367 Prevent being able to set bone's parent as itself (laws65) aa679b2fe0 C# script reload fixed (Germanrc) 96d418cb94 Fail at instantiating if the root node is instantiated (gyroninja) 41b1f2a7f9 [HTML5] Use browser mix rate by default on the Web. (Fabio Alessandrelli) e34c09a705 Document that most emoji won't display correctly on Windows (Hugo Locurcio) addadf92a1 [HTML5] Fix bug in AudioWorklet when reading output buffer. (Fabio Alessandrelli) ef4f207b12 Improve Basis::get_quaternion error message (lawnjelly) 5144cbf8ed Fix VisualScriptPropertySet value hint (David Cambré) 758428dd9f Quote and escape ConfigFile keys when necessary (Haoyu Qiu) 138e995177 LinkButton's text now is automatically translated (LeaoLuciano) 7e105039f8 Fix LocalVector crash on insert. (Gilles Roudiere) 1b7d42c99e Print colored diffs when there are formatting failures in CI (Hugo Locurcio) 44bda5351c Document that ENet compression mode must match between client and server (Hugo Locurcio) d8138c6f4a Remove deprecation warning for `BaseButton.enabled_focus_mode` (Hugo Locurcio) eb504880f1 Document `Image.generate_mipmaps()` always running on the main thread (Hugo Locurcio) 3fea85a6f0 [macOS] Request camera permission before session init. (bruvzg) 2abf2a6622 Check if vibration duration is > 0 on Android (Marcus Brummer) 1b585634f1 Properly clear cubemap filter state when texture array environment disabled (Clay John) 8205edaa64 Add note about batching to Line2D's anti-aliasing (LoipesMas) 5646d32a91 Wrote JNISinglton docs (Kyle) 6d98595280 Add note that for _gui_input(event) event position is relative to the control origin (skyace65) 55e614abce Revert "Load assets before enabling editor plugins" (Rémi Verschelde) 522b5ee12d Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 6e9fcf721b SpriteFramesEditor Fix preview grid in "Select Frames" dialog and preserve source texture margins when creating frames from AtlasTexture (kleonc) 5b97007def Improve call_group documentation (Tomasz Chabora) 7c9e0595b7 AStar Add error messages (kleonc) 651ab394a8 Document how to delay code execution in a non-blocking manner (Hugo Locurcio) 9569ec516b Add Graph Illustrations to Doc (mechPenSketch) c939ef15fa Add note to `SceneTree` about pausing (Nicholas Huelin) 525e5ba729 Add note to `RichTextLabel` (Nicholas Huelin) 3abde51994 Documented that mutexes are implemented recursively (Marcus Brummer) 1c1bc75e28 doc: Clarify need to save ConfigFile to apply changes to file (georgespatton) 8e55a1870f Document caveats with StyleBoxFlat antialiasing and beveled corners (Hugo Locurcio) 5dcf325778 Load assets before enabling editor plugins (TechnoPorg) bdbd34b388 Don't update CSG Shape when not inside tree (Haoyu Qiu) 20b481f3f8 Update VisualScriptCustomNode.xml (David Cambré) 7c981804b7 MultiNodeEdit Fix setting NodePath (kleonc) 2773548b58 Add logo attribution for Android, HTML5 and Linux platform icons (Hugo Locurcio) aa0de1c6e0 Improve documentation for `String.get_extension()` (Hugo Locurcio) 052ca31a36 HTML5: Handle GODOT_VERSION_STATUS env var in @GODOT_VERSION@ (Rémi Verschelde) a2f3decb88 Prevent shaders from generating code before the constructor finishes. (Tom Coxon) 0ac9c9906b Document `Object.get_class()/is_class()` ignores `class_name` declaration (Hugo Locurcio) 2cd5516672 Improve documentation for `Engine.get_idle_frames/get_physics_frames()` (Hugo Locurcio) 62953c4fae Document that ConfigFiles can use any file extension (Hugo Locurcio) 0e27430251 Add an outlined version of logo.png and icon.png and put it in README.md (Lorenzo Cerqua) 0d88a4fded Initialize n_warnings_dropped to 0 in ScriptDebuggerRemote (Marcus Brummer) 165775e689 [macOS, Mono] Automatically enable JIT entitlements for the Mono exports. (bruvzg) 9d0e0fe783 Fix LSP completion crashing on sceneless scripts (Francois Belair) a384ffa2b0 Fix multimesh being colored by other nodes GLES3 (Clay John) 22c9ef8f0f Bump version to 3.3.4-rc (Rémi Verschelde)