dec840452d i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) ea0bdb6860 makerst: use link titles for external tutorials (merumelu) 16fd1c421e doc: Use self-closing tags for `return` and `argument` (Rémi Verschelde) c5589c76ce Allow overriding `VERSION_STATUS` with `GODOT_VERSION_STATUS` in env (Rémi Verschelde) edef9a9c86 Add script to make source tarball with `.git/HEAD` (Rémi Verschelde) 620579eaf8 Grammar fix. (Kevin Sanders) 73f40a1efc Prevent warning spam to console when dragging a CanvasItem in container (Chaosus) 5e3ed7e014 Link to the Random number generation tutorial in RandomNumberGenerator (Hugo Locurcio) 321a4bfcd8 Make action names translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 7be11742b5 VariantParser: Fix uninitialized ResourceParser funcs (Rémi Verschelde) f84de49718 Make "Find in Files" searches ignore directories with `.gdignore` files in them (Nicholas Huelin) 121af4a37d Do nothing when dragging CSGBox handle perpendicular to the camera (Haoyu Qiu) 6878fe6d88 Websocket peer outbound buffer fixes. Expose outbound buffered amount. (Jordan Schidlowsky) 6a0155393a Use `allowEmpty` parameter in Split (Raul Santos) c717c97819 Windows: Fix build with SCons 4.2.0 (Rémi Verschelde) 947c87d717 Fix custom build export (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) 03a6fe6489 Fix LSP SymbolKind reporting wrong types (Francois Belair) dd7bb8f965 Document `Image.save_exr()` only being available in editor builds (Hugo Locurcio) 4641e6b170 Add check to internal methods to prevent crash (Haoyu Qiu) 10d07e02f2 Ignore paths with invalid chars in PathWhich (Raul Santos) c406c8512f i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 385b88fced Fix selection of spaced atlas tile when using priority (Haoyu Qiu) bd63402ed6 Document caveats with Control's `mouse_entered`/`mouse_exited` signals (Hugo Locurcio) 4204c02fd1 Calculate instance depth after shadow calculation in VisualServer (Cory Petkovsek) f862edd47c visual server now sorts based on aabb position (Ilaria Cislaghi) c476459f2b VisualScriptEditor Fix in graph position calculation (do not skip zoom) (kleonc) 8c640b8204 [3.x] Fix C# bindings generator for default value types (Aaron Franke) 6cea423cc6 Fix doc typos (Nicholas Huelin) 9f68eb2e4c Clarify the purpose of the default asset library URLs in the editor (Hugo Locurcio) f240d77e29 Fix miscellaneous doc typos and inconsistencies (Nicholas Huelin) ce71a883c7 Fix msec documentation description typo (Distrikt64) 0647f46a67 Improve documentation for GDScript constants (Hugo Locurcio) 22a449c420 Fix grammar in MultiMesh documentation. (Joseph Davies) 1f649e9825 Backport RootMotionView icon from the `master` branch (Hugo Locurcio) e652218b1f Document the RootMotionView class (Hugo Locurcio) 57189c114e Fix hidden seperators when horizontal frames is 1 (foxydevloper) 037a1d4f69 Disable resource optimizations for release builds as it breaks the legacy build system. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) d110182cfe Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 21c176165a mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.16.11 (Rémi Verschelde) ff943359dc Add scaling to the curve editor's handles (Atlinx) 6234f460b4 Fix "IDHandler.get_prop is not a function" error when calling some methods on WebRTCDataChannel (David Snopek) 92cdebe1ac [HTML5] Add 2 controllers to the godot database. (Fabio Alessandrelli) a9e0a4bd12 Fix missing locale names (Haoyu Qiu) 752c1451db [3.x] Allow reading shaders from .gdshader files (Aaron Franke) 1856be7a0e Do not update scene tree dock when node edited outside of it (Nathan Franke) 4d48e33345 Fixes 50428, added missing checks for image lock (Dipal M Zambare) 1e14bd655e [iOS] Fix plugin configuration loading (Sergey Minakov) 051c5a7ed9 fix lightmap cpu crashes (Питанов Валера) 1594678ed5 [HTML5] Raise default initial memory to 32 MiB. (Fabio Alessandrelli) ad95bb52d6 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 1c840a31a5 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) c0ab0df9dc Fix decompression with FastLZ when buffer size is less than 16 bytes (Haoyu Qiu) 6250a33c61 Merge similar editor strings (Haoyu Qiu) db42629cef Explicit error message when setting active a Viewport that is already active. (TaskManagerCZ) 859dba0dd6 Fix unicode invalid skip error in AssetLib (Haoyu Qiu) cca999c007 Fix doc description of HTTPClient::request (Haoyu Qiu) f0dcedbf3a Make create folders automatically, print a message when done (Hugo Locurcio) c2a92d93f2 Implement didClose notification in LSP (Francois Belair) 00ed053486 Add method description to `PopupMenu` (Nick Huelin) 7abe93ecf2 Tweak the GradientTexture property hint to follow CurveTexture (Hugo Locurcio) 85fb2ea8b4 Avoid using a nullptr root in Tree._range_click_timeout(). (voxelv) bdcdfb0db7 Add multiple descriptions to several classes (Nick Huelin) 28ea0cf1e2 Add `get_dead_zone()` method to `InputMap` (Nick H) 686a27b278 Fix GridMap erase Octans (Pitanov V.V) c90766cc38 Document debanding being broken on mobile (Hugo Locurcio) 54eef268c0 Fix unchecked call to put() warning in (Marcel Admiraal) ecf4557348 Improve error reporting in WebSocketServer (Hugo Locurcio) 47a0490ff3 LocalVector: Don't error if `from` >= `count` (Rémi Verschelde) c43d33fa60 Add GDNative libraries to Android custom Gradle builds (Marcel Admiraal) 30bb133e01 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 1a6c44aaf3 SpatialEditor: Revert tooltip rephrasing for Game Camera Override (Rémi Verschelde) 7c8bbfadca Use unused from in local vector find function. (Ricard Rovira) 25bf30da53 Update File.store_var description to mention which properties of an object are included. (Levi Lindsey) 9c1580579c [Windows Export] Use temporary file for osslsigncode signing. (bruvzg) da03374563 [Net] Fix WebSocketClient path parsing. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 747450a777 Fix flipped binormal in SpatialMaterial triplanar mapping (Hugo Locurcio) e0223edafc Validates the `p_format` parameter in `Image::create` functions. (Haoyu Qiu) 6f58cfd077 Amend `Label`.clip_text() Method Description (Nick H) 9933553268 Update config versions and deprecate the use of the jcenter maven repo. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) e5265a9bc3 [macOS] Fix custom mouse cursor not set after mouse mode change. (bruvzg) 5ba710863d Add support for custom debug keystore. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) e1bc053496 Make relationship lines draw on top of TreeItems (Yuri Sizov) 288ce3c4b1 Clear glErrors instead of crashing when initializing GLES3 (Marcel Admiraal) e39d59b43e Improve descriptions for ProjectSettings' `disable_stdout`/`disable_stderr` (Hugo Locurcio) aeb8cf2d2b Add adb output to error message when install fails (Marcel Admiraal) 5359b1dcc1 Tweak CylinderMesh `rings` property hint to allow a value of 0 (Hugo Locurcio) 7a8020ea67 Fix export var override in PackedScene at runtime (PouleyKetchoupp) 6c7d52164a Ignore disabled shapes for mass property calculations (PouleyKetchoupp) 5c36619bdd AnimationMultiTrackKeyEdit Allow editing easing if it's possible for all edited tracks (kleonc) 2e1e8eb2e1 Translate file path to URI on LSP symbol requests (Francois Belair) c652cb62db UWP: Keep upstream names for capabilities preset settings to avoid mismatch (Gromph) 0938958111 Expose collider RID in 2D/3D kinematic collision (PouleyKetchoupp) cefef7db05 Fixed inspector not updating anchor (amor) f12df328f0 Fixes missing descriptions in search window of visualscript (Umang Kalra) 64cfd5cbaa ERR_FAIL_NULL check file access (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) c1b2bd6fb6 Save binary ProjectSettings key length properly (Haoyu Qiu) f36a3c67e3 Remove trailing slash from recent dir if needed (Paweł Fertyk) 87883f8b0d [HTML5] Update eslint and jsdoc dependencies. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 336a381486 [HTML5] Fix some JS library signature. (Fabio Alessandrelli) dc203b0d13 Fix slow load/save of scenes with many instances of the same script (Pedro J. Estébanez) 461e79bd18 Validate parameters when adding plugins (Haoyu Qiu) a40b59d270 Fix game camera override tooltips being swapped (Hugo Locurcio) 5dcbe95758 Fix duplicate paragraph in `ArrayMesh.add_surface_from_arrays()` description (Hugo Locurcio) e8759f218d TextureButton Update min size on any texture change (kleonc) e583888573 fix url parsing with port numbers (Philip Whitfield) 0cb19bc69c Allow higher and lower maximum zoom values in GraphEdit (Hugo Locurcio) fbe8226213 Tweak the physics FPS property hint to only allow reasonable values (Hugo Locurcio) 6f63b0c9ae Separate version hash from version number in editor and project manager (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 915865b279 Fix editor constantly redrawing when freelook is active with still camera (Hugo Locurcio) 286ab2aa5c Remove FIXME comment from fixed issue in Android Export (Marcel Admiraal) 984fa91a0f Fix loading RLE compressed TGA files. Fix memory reads outside of input buffer when loading invalid TGA files. (bruvzg) 2760de8710 Document applying VRAM compression setting changes retroactively (Hugo Locurcio) 65e14eb8de Fix RichTextLabel auto-wrapping on CJK (Haoyu Qiu) 0b594bf3c8 Style fix in (trailing space) (Rémi Verschelde) a812779cc5 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 6bf3a162cd Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 1114c248b1 Fix vertical slider grabber_area height calculation (azagaya) 018ca6b1c4 Make it possible to copy the Godot version identifier by clicking it (Hugo Locurcio) ca465ef54d Fixed missed IDHandler dependency in GodotFetch (Arthur Bikmullin) 5738d6ee6e Allow clang-format 12 in the pre-commit hook (Hugo Locurcio) fab9c19d2e Fix uninitialized members in physics query results (PouleyKetchoupp) 089fde5c59 FileAccess: Don't err in `store_buffer` with buffer of size 0 (Rémi Verschelde) 6a98050afa Don't install Android NDK in CI (Marcel Admiraal) b45fb53896 Update Gradle archiveName and destinationDir properties (Marcel Admiraal) aa4afee320 Edit "quit()" method description in `SceneTree` (Nick Huelin) e5dc7a06a9 Improve sort_custom() description (Tomasz Chabora) 3c55a9c210 Fix game controllers ignoring the last listed button (Marcel Admiraal) f7e9467441 Document `Navigation.get_simple_path()` often returning non-optimal results (Hugo Locurcio) f1ca7c5e98 Added documentation to some `add_*_plugin` methods (RoniPerson) 05b72c2e9b [3.x] Fix visibility issue with zoom label (bruvzg) c45ce8b6bb Uncap the range for gravity and change the slider hints (Hugo Locurcio) 5b3f94e807 Fix overflow in export template manager (Jonas Bernemann) 843e6bbd6b Fix crash when using ALSA MIDI with PulseAudio (Pedro J. Estébanez) 7674015231 TextureRegionEditor Fix not updating on editing region with autoslice cached (kleonc) a34c0a9248 Exporting: Android Debug Keystore Warnings (Nathaniel Morihara) 0446cf487f i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) b9e8fa4504 gltf: Fix mesh nodes which are also bones for 3.x (Lyuma) 41206078dd Check cache_parent_physical_bone when rebuilding parent cache (Haoyu Qiu) 593b3272f6 Document `Resource.duplicate()` only copying exported variables' values (Hugo Locurcio) 1f2e0c67b0 Avoid division by zero when calculating inertias for bodies with colliders without areas. (Arkadiusz Marcin Kołek) 3b29aac348 Check for _language in PluginScript.instance_has (Paweł Fertyk) 65d9992fb6 Fix `Directory::get_space_left()` result on macOS and Linux. (bruvzg) 2ce5515762 Fix not updating fonts when parent theme changes (Lynx) f901049a0d [3.x] Fix Camera FOV documentation (Aaron Franke) d043b5d71c The built in function math/seed was missing the sequenceport. (David Cambré) 0d5be76f15 Fix canvas rect bound calculation (lawnjelly) 3574c87888 Update EditorResourcePreview queue_*() documentation (Marcel Admiraal) b9492b2659 Fix logic for showing tilemap debug collision (PouleyKetchoupp) c680057dad Return error when decompressing empty buffer (Paweł Fertyk) da2f17ae19 BVH - fix stale current_tree in deactivate function (lawnjelly) 59745c9286 SkeletonIK: Fixed issue where bones become detached if multiple SkeletonIK nodes are used (TwistedTwigleg) c3f2eb9291 Remove duplicate orientation settings in the iOS export preset (Hugo Locurcio) d5089c4e4e [Net] Implement String::parse_url for parsing URLs. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 30dfb51048 Linux: Fix embree unbundling on aarch64 (Rémi Verschelde) 3117f04759 Bump version to 3.3.3-rc (Rémi Verschelde)