Arthur Paulino (1): Updating KinematicBody2D "is_on" functions' descriptions Brennen Green (1): Manually unpacked normal mapping to fix issue with refraction being offset rather than distorted. Brian Semrau (1): Batching fix polygon basis polarity CaptainProton42 (1): Fix 3D scene preview generation. Chaosus (1): [3.2] Prevents default values of VSNodeCustom from overriding by a script Clay John (1): Only set base in Sprite3D when needed Daniel Lungaro (1): Remove plugin from enabled if there's an error David Snopek (1): Fixes #48178: WebXR broken when built with Emscripten 2.0.13 or later Eoin O'Neill (1): Attempt to fix rich text label effects processing even when the node is invisible. Fabio Alessandrelli (5): [Net] Fix socket poll timeout on Windows. [HTML5] Fix build for recent emscripten versions. [HTML5] Use 64KiB chunk size in JS HTTPClient. [HTML5] Remove "fixed-size.html". [HTML5] Fix target_fps when window loses focus. Francois Belair (1): Make LSP update the filesystem of changed scripts HaSa1002 (1): Fix CSG Path Polygon cache being removed after connect Haoyu Qiu (2): Fixes display of programmatically created value in remote inspector Fix Tree::get_column_at_position crash Hugo Locurcio (12): Tweak lightmapper warning message to mention Rosetta emulation on macOS Link to Feature tags more explicitly in ProjectSettings documentation Document that clearcoat/rim lighting is not visible on unshaded materials Document that `SceneTree.call_group()` is deferred Document that `File.open_compressed()` can only open files saved by Godot Improve the AudioStreamPlayer(2D/3D) class descriptions Tweak the setting hint for the custom editor theme setting Fix EditorPropertyResource focus outline being drawn behind the preview Document caveats of `OS.get_unique_id()` Allow negative contrast values in the editor theme settings Fix Ubuntu clang-format version detection in the pre-commit hook Add "Support Godot Development" option to the editor's Help menu JFonS (3): CPU lightmapper environment energy fixes. Switch to embree-aarch64 Add checks for __SSE2__ in the lightmap raycaster John Wigg (1): Fix normals of PrismMesh Koala (1): Fix indent left line selection Kyle (3): Fixed cut/copy/paste visibility Remove extra separator Add ctrl+shift+a to instance scene in scenetree dock Lightning_A (1): Fix Array.max() navigating to @GDScript.max() etc. Maganty Rushyendra (1): Fix AudioServer Crash when bus count equals 0 Marcel Admiraal (2): Fix empty CSGShape error Fix CSGMesh undo not refreshing gizmo Mateo Kuruk Miccino (1): LineEdit: Now double click to select a word, and triple click to select all the content MaxStgs (4): Add WebSocketMultiplayerPeer _incoming_packets check bound Fix BakedLightmap bias bound check Check PHashTranslation generate p_from is valid Add PackedDataContainer data pointer check for non nullable Morris Tabor (1): fix misaligned loads in bmp loader PouleyKetchoupp (3): Fix skinning initialization in MeshInstance when loaded from thread Allow values > 1 for friction and bounce in PhysicsMaterial Expose get_debug_mesh in Shape to scripting API R. Alex Hofer (1): Handle having no sinks in the PulseAudio driver. Rémi Verschelde (27): Bump version to 3.3.1-rc fbx: Fix include for zlib that broke unbundling Add type_traits include for `std::is_trivially_destructible` embree: Allow building against system library on Linux lightmapper: Disable build if raycast module can't build Linux: Don't attempt linking embree3 on non-tools, link it for headless too Android: Fix get_buffer false positive on empty dest buffer OSX: Clarify min version requirement (10.12) in Info.plist Linux: Remove use_static_cpp override on x86_32 CI: Upgrade Emscripten to 2.0.15 (same as official standard builds) doc: Mark LargeTexture as deprecated (removed in 4.0) Android: Upgrade buildTools from 30.0.1 to 30.0.3 SceneTree: Fix type hints for `global_menu_action` signal SCons: Add explicit dependencies on thirdparty code in cloned env CI: Add `--doctool` check to find missing classref updates SCons: Disable embree-based modules on x86 (32-bit) Fix crash with user-defined `ResourceFormatLoader.load` TileSet: Improve error message for invalid IDs TileSet: Fix signal disconnect error in some situation CI: Update JavaScript linter deps with known security vulnerabilities VisualScript: Fix wrongly setting default value on property hint change Update AUTHORS and DONORS list i18n: Sync translations with Weblate Revert "Tweak lightmapper warning message to mention Rosetta emulation on macOS" i18n: Sync translations with Weblate Update changelog for 3.3.1-stable Bump version to 3.3.1-stable Sergey Minakov (1): [iOS] Nonnegative start index for virtual keyboard range Sonoracpp (1): Disable GIProbe emission when disabled on a material Thomas ten Cate (1): Add OpenSimplexNoise output change to changelog Tomasz Chabora (1): Save project after opening TwistedTwigleg (1): Fixes the SkeletonIK twisting issue by using the skeleton global pose without overrides Yuri Sizov (3): Correct pre-deprication warning message regarding linuxbsd/x11 platform Fix EditorPropertyEasing capturing drag events originated outside of it Keep custom editor theme when changing editor settings Zae (1): Fix zip file opening twice bruvzg (2): Fix crash on GDNative API json generator exit. Duplicate DynamicFontData resources in the editor preview generation thread to avoid race condition. davidh (1): Check for valid DynamicFontData before duplicate kleonc (6): Improve some argument names for core types TileMapEditor::_bucket_fill Check autotile coordinates only if autotile is selected TileMapEditor Modulate autotile previews Make posmod use int64_t instead of int Fix accessing scene tree without checking: MeshInstance3D::create_debug_tangents, GIProbe::bake Fix crash after disabling plugin using set_force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled() lawnjelly (4): Batching - GLES3 fix light pass modulates Batching - fix number of verts in translation Fix 2d software skinning relative transforms Batching - fallback for 2d skinning with unrigged polys. paru (1): Fixed usage of proxy textures on GLES2 sky rafallus (2): Check if _direct_state_changed() argument is valid Check input mesh is valid in SurfaceTool methods ray90514 (1): Fix LineEdit undo behaves strangely skyace65 (1): Improve SpriteFrames get_animation_loop description smix8 (1): Add SkeletonIK function documentation thebestnom (2): [Android] Allow to build dev template with symbols [Android] fix generateDevTemplate trollodel (1): Create CollisionObject debug shapes using VS