= (1): Mono: Fixes annotated signal loading in exported binaries Aaron Franke (31): Replace float with real_t, default Vectors, other misc C# improvements [Core] [Math] Fix fposmod() function [Mono] Rename Fposmod to PosMod [Mono] Update about/warning text [Mono] Improvements to GD.cs: PascalCasing and real_t [Mono] Fix Color incorrect ordering of int export methods, added 64-bit [Core] 64-bit int Color methods Expose 64-bit Color methods to GDScript and fix/update Color XML doc [Core] Move Vector2 to its own file [Core] Change math_2d includes to vector2 includes where relevant [Core] Grammar, move defs to defs [Core] Move Rect2 and Transform2D to their own files [Core] Move Vector2i and Rect2i out of math_2d.h [Core] Completely kill math_2d.h, change includes Rename Plane constants, add to Mono [Mono] Vector2/3 Project methods [Mono] Move several small related files [Mono] Tabs -> Spaces [Mono] Various style changes and naming standardization Fix: Strip integer part in "decimals" Minor nit-picky tweaks in spatial_editor_plugin.cpp Remove redundant "== true" code Remove redundant "== false" code Fix compile warnings for Windows from Linux Remove unused "dtoll" methods Fix many errors found by PVS-Studio Improve docs for KinematicBody linear_velocity, fixes #23927 [Core] Rename Matrix3 file to Basis [Mono] Fix Transform2D origin [Mono] Fix Transform2D rotation and scale [Core] Transform2D add set_scale and fix set_rotation Adam Cigánek (1): Set current SynchronizationContext before the game loop starts Aditya Banerjee (1): Added missing descriptions to Particles2D Adrien Destugues (1): Rebase patches for fixing haiku build. Aina (1): Enabling ipv6 in libwebsockets Akeru (1): Fix fallback font oversampling. Alessandro (3): Fix all categories unfold when one key binding is changed Fix actions unfold in Input Map when events are modified fix Android/HTML5 custom templates option does not work Alex (1): fix doc markdown Alex Roman (2): Add disable ambient light flag to shaders and materials Add snap to floor functionality to the editor Alexander Alekseev (6): Fixes OptionButton selection index being reset to zero at instanciation Fix of a possible memory leak: ConcavePolygonShapeBullet::setup was able to exit without releasing the 'shapeInterface' pointer. [mono] Fixes #17936 as GodotSharp (Core\Basic.cs) requires C#7 now, but we most probably should keep C#6 yet Update transform buttons in tile editor while using T, A, S shortcuts (fixes #17962) Fix RigidBody's configuration warning for Z axis Vector3::round, Vector2::round & Vector2::ceil methods were added. Now both structs (Vector2 & Vector3) have round, floor & ceil methods. (see #18603) Alexander Holland (27): auto-completion edge jump expose Itemlist.is_anything_selected expose Itemlist.move_item and optimize functionality expose itemlist.unselect_all() expose Tileset TileMode to GDScript blit and blend fix when dst1e30) estimated values Fix crashes when calling update_bitmask_area Fix wrong error messages for invalid arguments when calling functions through call Update controls when a stylebox or icon override changes; change to CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED Fix GDScript exports having the wrong type of default value by converting it Fix minimum size of ProgressBar-s Fix GDScript checking for assigning to a constant only in release Allow parameters passed to GDScript functions to be nulled Fix default values not being read correctly in VisualScript Print errors comming from callv Fix enums coming from other classes without preload Fix cursor going to start while editing GraphNode's title Brandon DeRosier (1): Add Xbox One Elite and Xbox 360 Afterglow pads Brian Richardson (2): Fix a crash when trying to run Godot debugger on a release build. Camera::project_local_ray_normal needs to be virtual so that ARVRCamera::project_local_ray_normal gets called. Brigham Henry Keys (1): Updated thekla_atlas to support arm64 Brody Eller (1): Fix viewport not updating with make_current() for Camera2D Bruno Lourenço (1): Fix grid view button icon not showing on filesystem dock. Brylie Christopher Oxley (1): Add brief description Calamander (1): Update random_pcg.h Cameron Reikes (1): Clarify what popup_centered actually does Carl Scarlett (1): added clarification about Input.get_accelerometer only working when project is exported Carter Anderson (6): Generate controller mapping class from one or more SDL2 database files Fix mono basis GetEuler bug and marshalling/unmarshalling Reduce allocations when converting mono arrays to pool arrays Parse C# generics and type constraints correctly Use "origin" instead of "o" in Transform2D.Rotation Add mono log profiler support Chaosus (82): Viewport doc improvements Added zoom label to code editor Fix gradient texture preview Fix is_point_in_triangle Fix invalid particle movement when time_scale is zero Maked status bar label fonts updateable Added refraction possibility for triplanar uv mode Fix script previews Added missing shader functions Added flip switch to generate_normals Enable snapping when control key pressed Fix 3 memory leaks Fix floatBitsToUint function Update wrap functions Fix invalid mix function overload Fix few bugs in shader definitions Added wrap functions to C# Enable snapping in 2D when control key pressed Removed redundant abs shader builtin Fix #18058 regression Small performance fix to wrapf Prevent visibility notification been called twice in object creation [Mono] Improve Mathf Fix possible crash when clicking on Skeleton2D or Sprite editor options Update GLAD to 0.1.20a0 Fix black script previews Fix bug in CubeMesh Increase settings apply speed and added deferred color apply Added Solarized Dark and Light themes Move Theme options to submenu Changed themes presets to String format Fix vsync initialization Fix button regression Added scrollable property to Sliders Fix display scale bug in visual shaders Visual shaders - make "Add node" menu showed by right click Several name fixes for visual shader Few fixes for editor tab in editor settings Fix crash when you pass invalid parameter to ImageTexture.set_data Added conversions between matrixes in shaders Fix ReferenceRect border Remove usage console spam Add warning color to output log Fix int(String) != int(int) conversion Fix impossibility of removing folder which contains non-latin symbols(on Windows) Fix debugger icon for warnings Fix error icon color Added possibility to change color of 2d editor grid Allow matrixes in varyings Fix crash when setting Material's next pass to itself Added FRAGCOORD to spatial light processing Restrict set_pitch_scale to positive scales for AudioStreamPlayer* Few unifications between canvas_item and spatial editors Disconnect previous visual shader node connection before new connect Fix "This control can't grab focus." warning spam Added missed min/max shader overloads Added viewport border color setting for canvas item editor Fix incorrect tooltip border Fix script path for warnings Fix inspector color when theme changed Update filesystem dock when theme changed Make theme changing no longer requires restart to be fully applied Fix segfault on editor close up Updates visualscript editor when theme is changed Fix small visual bug in filesystem dock Implement random number generator Co-authored-by: Zirak Allows user to click on error line to jump into error. Added integer number generation function to RNG class Removed error message arriving whenever csv file changed Change LinkLabel back to Label in error status bar Fix "method not found" error when script is removed from object Improved script attachment/removal a bit Fix undo for Particles 3D gizmo Fix random generation, to not retrieve 0 after seed() Increased contrast of solarized dark theme Fix icon color for gizmos menu when theme changed Fix wrapi to use int64_t instead int Updates error label font in status bar Update libpng (1.6.35 --> 1.6.36) Silences annoying "iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile" spam Fix editor crash when converting sprite to 2D mesh Fix division by zero at wrap functions in mono Charly Mourglia (1): Consider TextEdit paste operation complex. Chris Bradfield (14): Improve CollisionObject/CollisionObject2D warning message Rewrite Tween class reference. [DOCS] Vector2/Vector3/TileMap wording fixes [DOCS] Update VideoPlayer classref [DOCS] Updates to assorted class descriptions. [DOCS] Many class ref updates [DOCS] Corrections and clarifications [DOCS] Classref additions and corrections [DOCS] Classref additions and consistency fixes [DOCS] Update VisibilityEnabler* and TileSet doc [DOCS] Classref updates: Color, RigidBody* [DOCS] SpatialMaterial descriptions DOCS: correction to move_and_slide description [DOCS] Minor classref updates. Clay John (34): filled in docs for panorama sky added documentation for procedural sky updated ranges for primitive meshes updated some particlematerial properties updated Viewport docs to correct wrong information and fill out empty sections removed reference to texscreen update and expand surfacetool doc removed redundant error from meshdatatool added descriptions to MeshDataTool doc added CAMERA_MATRIX to fragment shader construct transform from transform2d bug construct transform from transform2d bug fixed gles2 camera_matrix bug make LIGHT_UV constant make VIEW vector available in fragment clarified and filled out particles material doc make tooltips display for subinspectors fix bug with cpu_particle_2d_align_y properly initialize angular_velocity in cpuparticles2d updated visual shader builtins initialize color buffer to white in gles2 multimesh change hint_color to hint_albedo for sampler2ds added ability to set instance_transform_2d in multimesh filled in multimesh doc added shadow_color property to gles2 allowing setting particles lifetime greater than 600 added diffuse and specular as inputs to visual shader hide hdr and shadow_contact in gles2 add warning to GIProbe when using GLES2 added bump_strength to noisetexture fixed pixel snap precision artifact changed default noisetexture strength gles2 reallocate texture when transparent is set increase size of radiance map in gles2 Colin Kinloch (2): Fixed android arm64v8 Update mouse location on background scroll and window focus in macOS Cosmic Chip Socket (1): Use XInput2 RawMotion to generate MouseMotion events Craigory V Coppola (1): Docs update for several classes Crazy-P (6): Fixes replace all not replacing the first word Resolves Inccorect Quaternion Conversion Fixes incorrect adding to last in self_list Resolves crash on shape2D culling for empty Concave shapes Fixes logically dead code (Coverity) Fixes several resource leaks in ... - gdscript - gdscript_compiler - regex - android/export - gles3/rasterizer (scene and storage) Daeil Kim (4): Change unshaded logic to match with GLES3 Change blend equation for canvasitems Prevent invisible/inactive cpupparticles2d to redraw Prevent invisible/inactive cpuparticles to redraw(3d) Damar Indra (1): Tileset Editor Improvement Damien Picard (1): Doc: fix example in Array sort_custom() Daniel "Orangestar" O (1): Fix Error in the ScrollContainer Tooltips Daniel Abbott (2): `GodotRestInfoContactResultCallback::addSingleResult` now returns normal `PhysicsDirectSpaceState.get_rest_info()` now provides normals in result Addresses issue 24558 Disable BT_DEBUG, works around #25476 and #25431 Daniel Eliasinski (1): Fixed bugs in expression class Daniel J. Ramirez (3): Icons update includes new enum, MeshInstance2D, Skeleton2D, Cut, Copy and Paste icons. Updated icons, Added CSG icons and other action icons [ci-skip] Moved inspector functionality from EditorNode to InspectorDock. Daniel Rakos (4): Changed ImageTexture image cache type to the correct one, fixes #24971 Fix RayShape collision when used with a KinematicBody (Bullet Physics) Fix RayShape collision jitter when used with a RigidBody Fixed TextureArray and Texture3D issues Daniele Giuliani (1): added get_creation_time function for gdscript Danilo Villa (Davi) (1): Rename OrientedPathFollow to PathFollowOriented Danny (1): Change the neighbours vector to a set in AStar David Kennedy (1): Fixes editor crashing when editing autotiles issue #24004 David Sichma (7): Keeping track of discard Fix inconsistency in KinematicBody Fix: String::format Variant to String conversion Handling NodePaths in in-place Editor for Resources Fixed black artifacts on SpatialMaterial [GLES2] Fix GLES2 Red Green Texture Decompression fix draw_rect rotation Davide Baldo (3): Fixed tilemap saving, format FORMAT_2 was not correctly written since it was recognized as default value, hence FORMAT_1 was always the case even when the tile_data was written in FORMAT_2. Allow to specify a custom strength when calling Input.action_press(), this allows virtual axis, mainly for mobile. Fixed the default value for Input.action_press() from commit 8c45282 Davide Cristini (1): Docs: Add mention to Object constructors in scripting languages Dawid Wdowiak (4): Removed graph node headers from state machine nodes Fixed a property warning when loading a correct resource type Fixed autocompletion menu vertical position Removed duplicated code Deluvi (1): get_word_at_pos considers simple and double quotes Demiu (1): Docs: Fix TileMap::world_to_map description Denis Washington (2): Add Navigation2D docs Add Navigation docs Dmitriy Romanov (4): Fix Collada material roughness import function Fix Collada material roughness import function 2 Fix Collada material roughness import function 3 Fix Collada material roughness import function 4 Dmitry Koteroff (1): Added rsplit() for String class Docs updated Dmitry Pupinin (1): Allow setting higher numbers in Android version/code DmitryKrutskikh (1): Disable 'run' button if any project not selected and tiny refactoring Dominique LaSalle (4): Hide shading options in SpatialMaterial when 'FLAG_UNSHADED' is set Explicitly show viewport 0 in the SpatialEditorPlugin if the container is large enough. Fix gles3 shader to actually multiply specular light by rev_amount for fog calculations. Add parameter for fog max depth and use alpha as density. DrNochi (1): Check if setting exists to prevent warning Fixes #23332 DualMatrix (68): Fixed error spam in create node dialog with custom types. Fixed custom nodes not working properly with favorites and recently used in create node window. Fixed !is_inside_tree() errors in file dialog Fixed text entry is going in reverse Fixed duplicating AnimationPlayers leaving empty tracks. Made editor automatically open scenes of built in scripts. Prevent overwriting open scenes when saving Fixed error spam when inspecting remote tree Fixed the remove_line function in richtextlabel. It was totally broken Fixed animation_player errors displaying wrong property. Fixed favorites and recent nodes selecting wrong node Fixed calling start() emmediately after remove_all() on tween not wroking Made duplicate_and_reown preserve groups Make inspector select the correct resource after making them unique Automatically add extra args to func when creating it from create signal window Fixed argument names being swapped for atan2 Fixed empty item slipping into Search Classes dialog Added warning when disabling editable_instance Fixed clicking on Find/Replace doesn't set the focus on the text field Fixed favorite nodes list not being saved Fixed error spam in remote debugger Fixed Objects no longer showing ID in debugger. Fixed syntax highlighting setting not being saved Added ability to hide edit lock and groups in editor view Fixed ctrl+up/down shortcut no longer working in scene tree Better heuristic for the shortest path algorithm for navigation2D and navigation. Fixed method not found error when connecting with signal that fires in editor Fixed duplicating nodes not attaching script in-game with Sync Scene Changes enabled Removed obsoleted core/helper/value_evaluator.h and moved math_fieldwise to core/math/ Prevent built-in-scripts from being made from FileSystem dock Added warning when min_value of range is smaller than 0 while exp_edit is true. Made children of Containers not selectable. Added hover_pressed style to CheckBox and CheckButton Fixed step value not being respected for ranges in some cases. Added step support when exporting integers. Made ColorPicker save it's presets while in editor. Fixed pivot tool not setting position of Controls correctly Fixed Objects do not showing their drop down in debugger Fixed debugger showing wrong name for Objects. Fixed error spam when selecting root in remote tree Made Debugger's Video Memory tab show correct resource paths. Fixed animation_player not advancing to the next frame when inserting a value. Fixed editor inspector ranges capping values at 65535. Fixed setting node as root deleting all non-children of that node. Fixed name of deleted node not dissapearing from inspector dock. Fixed inspector not going back to single-node when deselecting an item. Fixed animation editor not moving to next frame of sprites when editing. Added warning when trying to load resource of wrong type in editor. Fixed error when duplicating node from editor. Cleaned up/Fixed some bugs in the remote inspector code. Deselect recents when selecting favorites and vice versa in Create Node. Added a check in sort_custom thats test wether the given method exists. Added warning when setting autoplay of AnimationPlayer that's inside the tree. Made AnimationPlayer track groups update after changing path Fixed Animation Keyframe inspector not displaying after moving key. Fixed error when duplicating a scene which has connection Fixed parents properties not appearing in inspector if parent is class_name. Made NodePath property display path instead of object name if object is autogenerated. Fixed setting node as root showing error and making invisible children visible. Made AnimationPlayer timeline only advance when keyframing frame variables AnimationPlayer, snap absolute position instead of motion. Fixed error spam when deleting cell in tileset Fixed floating point issue in find() of animation. Made it possible to read AnimationPlayer queue from GDscript Fixed using move_and_slide with stop_on_slope stopping too early Fixed function names of built-in scripts not showing up in debugger Fixed Recent/Favorite in Create Node dialog not selecting right node Fixed Null appearing inside export variables with type hints and no default value Dualtagh Murray (3): 22478: Can't duplicate folder with another folder inside 22586: Dragging file icon on to another file causes "Error Moving" in FileSystem dock Fixing warnings generated by MSVC Duy-Nguyen Ta (1): bugfix: correct #ifdef for TOUCH_ENABLED and OPENGL_ENABLED Emanuele Fornara (2): skip demo download prompt if ssl is unavailable Fix enum scope Emmanuel Leblond (5): Fix Pluginscript add_global_constant mandatory value check Correct profiling_frame naming in pluginscript Remove unused Variant._data.RefPtr Correct test list returned by test_get_names [Pluginscript] Fix not working exports in editor Eoin O'Neill (5): Basic 'new script' feature added to File System browser Basic context menu added to connections docker w/ code cleanup. Added connection editing. Some refactoring. Added disconnect_all and edit functionality to ConnectionsDock. Added Rename Context Menu Option for SceneTreeDock Eric McCarthy (1): Fix clone down newline bug Eric Rybicki (3): Fix editor crash after disabling plugin that used forward_spatial_gui_input Fix "No loader found for resource: res://" spam when NativeScript script_class_name is not empty. fixes #26275 Hide global section in project settings when no property is defined Prevent _global_script entries in project settings without section from being loaded Erik Selecký (6): Fixed non-monitorable areas triggering overlap Hide header and footer in AssetLib when not necessary SCons: Corrects $LIBSUFFIXES environment variable for Windows GDscript function str2var now returns input string on invalid input Made clone (CTRL+B) in code editor clone only the selection. Fixed Errors Tab Indexing Bug in the Debugger Evandro Bitencourt (1): Fix issue #22320. Evgeny Savelyev (3): fixed invalid implementations of Plane::intersects_segment and Plane::intersects_ray fixed AudioStreamPlayer3D::_get_attenuation_db epsilon value added warnings about Dictionary element erasure while iterating over it Fabian (3): Fix for not picking up locale of some .po translation files Improved support for custom image loaders Added copy_theme and fixed bugs in copy theme introduced by #2e0a94e Fabio Alessandrelli (147): Add libwebsockets as thirdparty library. Add websocket module. Relicense module to the wondeful Godot community! Travis builds use builtin_openssl for X11 Add mbedTLS lib. Version 2.7.0, license Apache 2.0 Add mbedtls module lws module now uses mbedtls as OpenSSL replacement Small change to lws `mbedtls_wrapper` to fix OSX build. Deleting OpenSSL module and library Disabled mbedtls module in javascript platform Allow building with system wide mbedtls on X11 Add dummy resterizer driver Disable GLES builders and source from server compilation Add dummy Texture handling server platform now compiles and run on linux. Fixes to OS_Server and DummyRasterizer to match new signatures Import PR 730 from mbedTLS project Link bcrypt lib in window and UWP Small patch to change mbedtls _WIN32_WINNT Popupmenu now uses UI actions instead of keys Tree now uses UI actions instead of keys Line edit up/down focus pass through Scrollbar now uses UI actions instead of keys Properly set input as handled when closing modal Add item_focused signal to OptionButton Add two new default actions ui_end, ui_home More threading in AssetLib Fix lws compilation on FreeBSD, same as OSX Use Prepend instead of Append for mbedTLS include Fix server build on FreeBSD Remove unneeded and problematic minilex.c from lws. Add new MultiplayerAPI class Use MultiplayerAPI class for high level networking Fix IPhone and OSX cross compilation Fix UWP build after #17194 Fix bug in HTML5 HTTPClient. Bump libwebsockets to version 2.4.2 Fix lws MinGW compilation mbedtls: client: stop spinning on handshake fail Always verify peer certificate in lws. Update mbedTLS to version 2.8.0 Small patch to change mbedtls _WIN32_WINNT MbedTLS PR 1453 (fix UWP build) Generalize SSL cert reading from file Websocket client SSL support Implement get_peer_[address|port] in ENet/WSServer Various coverity scan fixes for networking Rename multiplayer_api to just multiplayer. Internal methods in MultiplayerAPI start with _ Document MultiplayerAPI class Document websocket module, further document enet Implement missing methods in dummy rasterizer Allow sending raw bytes through MultiplayerAPI Fix and improve docs, adds send_bytes Expose channels in NetworkedMultiplayerENet Fix OSXCROSS build with clang-6.0 Refactor RPCMode enum and checks New sync RPC modes to match all combinations New sync keywords in GDScript, NativeScript, Mono Refactor RPCMode enum and checks New sync RPC modes to match all combinations New sync keywords in GDScript, NativeScript, Mono Add option to disable automatic multiplayer poll Set SO_BROADCAST socket option for UDP sockets. Fix LWSPeer get_connected_[host/port] Bump libwebsockets to version 3.0.0 Add libwebsocket 3.0 BSD fix Bump mbedTLS to version 2.10.0 Sanitize protocol struct, def LWS T/RX buffer size Add [Packet/Stream/Multiplayer]PeerGDNative MultiplayerAPI::send_bytes transfer mode support. Fix some enum export in new Animation editor. Fix server platform Implement non blocking-handshake for StreamPeerSSL HTTP client now uses non blocking handshake Fix marshalls size checks. Fix WebSocket crash due to non PDO init. Fix DNS resolution when cache is invalid. Allow WebSocket connect with no sub-protocols. Fix non chunked HTTP reading till eof. Properly reset socket blocking state on close ENet wrapper properly detect disconnect on poll New NetSocket interface, BSD/Win implementation Unify PacketPeerUDP using NetSocket Unify StreamPeerTCP/TCP_Server with NetSocket API Less verbose ScriptDebugger, message on connect. Fix libwebsockets 32-bits UWP builds. Fix TCP connecting state not set correctly Properly initialize Winsock on startup Update miniupnpc to use UWP compatible APIs. Rename slave keyword to puppet Clearly deprecate sync too in favor of remotesync. Add GDScript slave keyword deprecation warning. Bundle SSL certs with the templates. Allow system certs file to be used by Editor. Fix HTTPClient _get_http_data bug after #21976. Fix put_var encoding some 32bits ints as 64bits. Add checks for clean disconnect in HTTP/TCP/SSL. Use select instead of WSAPoll on Windows. Detect POLLERR revents too in NetSocketPosix. Fix Winsock UDP ECONNRESET/ENETRESET bug StreamPeer get[_utf8]_string with negative length. Implement WebSocket close notify. Implement WebSocket clean close detection. Update WebSocket documentation Server platform builds (dummy) mobile_vr module. Set ENet service time to 0. Skip RPC/RSET when MASTERSYNC and we are master. Better MultiplayerAPI error logs. Remove socket_helper.h after NetSocket refactor Use monotonic clock for get_ticks_usec Fix -Wunused-function in websocket module One less local variable in marshalls Avoid possible overflow in OS_Unix readlink Safer getcwd in DirAccess Fix potentially unininitialized pointer write. Check getcwd return in X11 platform main. Fix LWSClient connect_to_host string termination. Fix crash in Tree when moving using Joypad Remove unneeded strncpy in lws_client. Add missing EMWSServer::poll function. Use NetSocket directly for ENet. Fix UWP build. Update libwebsocket to 3.0.1 Fix access to freed mem in WS client after #23241 RingBuffer::decrease_write Add new PacketBuffer class for buffered peers Convert WebSocket module to use PacketBuffer class Always initialize VariantCall return_type. Properly accept wildcard when binding IPv4 socket. Websocket LWS keep servicing till no CB are left Fix HTML5 WebSocket client buffers size. Fix MultiplayerAPI initialization, clear. Don't reset MultiplayerAPI when setting same peer. Update docs and errors for WebSocket module Fix uninitialized value Fix keep-alive without header in HTTP client Bump mbedTLS to version 2.16 (LTS version) Update mbedtls PR 1453 diff (UWP crypto fixes) Small hack to avoid runtime error when using ubsan HTTPClient read until EOF fixes Fix HTTPClient keep alive with chunked encoding. Add check to validate client IDs in ENet. Fixing C compatiblity for GDNative NET module Update libwebsockets to 3.1 (plus UWP patch) Add fix to libwebsocket to disable V6ONLY. Disable WebSocket IPv6 support on OpenBSD. Federico Frenguelli (1): Fixed #15082: line edit emits two "text_changed" signals when pasting while text is selected Felix Yang (3): Added a check for trailing dot when creating folder. Ctrl+Clicking a enum now scrolls down to it in the docs. Fix for Issue#18457 - Folder name with trailing space on Windows FeralBytes (1): Add support for onRequestPermissionsResult() Ferenc Arn (9): Avoid converting Quat to Euler angles when not necessary. Add SLERP to Vector{2,3}, optimize Quat's Vector3 rotation. Removed incorrect Basis::set_scale(). Fixed Basis -> Quat conversions, added a few safety checks. Added some details in skeleton docs. Restore the Fresnel term in the BRDF. Optimized GGX G function for GLES2. Bring accidentally commented out lines back. Avoid some unnecessary calculations in scene.glsl. FlamyAT (2): Fixed casting result in float.xml Changed integer based drawing to floating numbers Florian Jung (6): Add documentation details about Image formats and color space conversion Add testcase whether OAHashMap loses keys Fix bug with OAHashMap corruption on insertion Add a configuration warning to [Oriented]PathFollow Update ARVR{Anchor,Controller}'s configuration warning Add more max-checking to physics queries Florian Zwoch (1): gltf: improve embedded data discovery Fluffel (1): [DOCS] get_indexed, tween Gabriel Gavilan (2): Apply viewport scale to selection update methods. Changed to propper fix sugested by reduz Improve breakpoints and breakpoint gutter API in TextEdit GagaPete (1): Fix CORS problems due to added headers on JS target Gary Oberbrunner (3): Fix infinite loop in GridContainer layout Enable SCons to autodetect Windows MSVC compiler Handle missing arg pointer in get_call_error_text GaryO (1): Add detail to doc for add_surface_from_arrays (#17911) Geequlim (13): Remote debugger send the real instance of WeakRef referenced to Windows: implement OS.get_unique_id and OS.set_ime_position X11: implement OS.get_unique_id OSX: implement OS.get_unique_id Update the documentations for OS.get_unique_id() Don't print error message when select debugger stacks if the debugger is stopped. Clear debugger stack inspector if the debugger is stopped when selected stack changed. Fix builtin script cannot open from debug stacks Save runtime node as scene from the remote scene tree. Send inherited variables and constants from remote debugger Add default paramater value for OptionButton::add_icon_item Fix double free for drag preview control in viewport Add more IDE created files into .gitignore Implement OpenGL ES rasterizer selection logic for Android. Add webp buffer loader for Image Cleanup the code memory load related code for Image Fix jpeg buff load function always returns OK event failed Geoffrey (3): Moves the md5sum's from the .import file into .import/.md5 Implemented interface for bullet joint motors Made print_tree_pretty() function which displays scene tree graphically Geoffrey Irons (1): Added angular restitution George Marques (92): Add argument count check for some GDScript functions Show default values in docs for GDScript built-in functions Add interface for plugins to enable/disable other plugins Expose a few GraphEdit methods to script languages Expose priority and order for custom import plugins Remove unused variable from plugin settings update Add a function to remove controls from containers Fix infinite recursion with editor import plugins Websocket module properly recognize UWP (by @vnen) Fix names of Variant operators Enable autoload in editor Only add autoloads in editor if they have tool scripts Fix positive operator in GDScript compiler Enable singletons to be recognized as constant expressions Fix return type of _get() virtual method Fix order to register autoloads in-editor Remove audio latency print Remove extra addition to tree of editor autoloads UWP: Add support for GLES2 driver Add typing syntax Move inheritance resolution to the parser Store type hint of declared identifiers Add static type checks in the parser Add typed instructions to GDScript Use type information to enable GDScript introspection Add syntax highlighting to type hints Use type hints to improve completion Fix line number detection in some parser nodes Add editor highlight for type-safe lines Add ability to infer variable type from assigned value Rewrite code completion GDScript: Look up local scope first for detecting type GDScript: Fix main script detection GDScript: Fix returned value of get_default_argument_count() GDScript: Allow inherited method to add optional arguments GDScript: Fix mismatching between export hint and type hint GDScript: Allow strict conversion when assigning typed variables GDScript: Fix bogus error when a cursor token is found on class GDScript: Enable built-in function introspection in non-tools GDScript: Allow accessing constants of outer classes GDScript: Fix type detection on Object typed assign GDScript: Fix type detection for String formatting operator GDScript: Add type inference syntax for function arguments GDScript: Fix parse error in string formatting Added system for GDScript warnings Disable scripting and physics early in EditorNode GDSCript: Fix cyclic class dependency detection GDScript: Forbid invalid identifiers in match bindings GDScript: Fix undefined behavior on GDScriptTokenizerBuffer GDScript: Show warning messages only on debugger GDScript: Ignore unused arguments/local vars that start with _ GDScript: Allow `is` operator to test built-in types GDScript: Remove space before colon on type hints Patch zstd to build for UWP ARM GDScript: Fix stack address test in compiler GDScript: Allow Object constants to be used with qualifier GDScript: Fix autocomplete crash when searching default values GDScript: Forbid enum values to shadow constants GDScript: Fix infinite loop in autocomplete GDScript: Fix autocompletion inference after `is` check GDScript: Error on empty blocks at the end of file GDScript: Revert extra deletion when creating instance Fix compiler warnings in GDScript module Fix initialization of visual server in all platforms Fix deploy with network filesystem Make enum values not be script constants if enum is named Allow primitives to be compared to Object types with `is` Check for valid values when checking for class members Change custom permissions in Android export to an array Fix type-compatibilty check in GDScript Add option to add debug keystore in Android export GDScript autocomplete: don't carry values when guessing from `is` GDScript: don't check types on release builds GDScript: allow objects to be keys of dictionaries GDScript: consider constructors as always existing GDScript: check for underscore prefix when type-checking GDScript: fix type-check of indexed values GDScript: clarify error message about cycles GDScript compiler: check if subclass exists before comparison GDScript: allow local classes to be used as types GDScript: don't allow calling non-static function from script GDScript: read constants from parent scripts GDScript: fix default value for autoexported typed vars GDScript: do second pass of parsing on release Include PhysicsMaterial when 3D is disabled Get Git commit hash when Godot is a submodule Add function to get String from FileAccess Add a dependency search mode for GDScript parser GDScript: Allow `for` iterator to be rededefined GDScript: Forbid implicit type conversion GDScript: Fix issue when detecting file class in inner class Allow class_name scripts to have nested inheritance Gilles Roudiere (100): Fixes a Gridcontainer wrong children fitting with expanded+non-zero minisize Fixes a bas resizing with SplitContainer 2D editor GUI input rework. Changes are: - The input handling is done into several distinct functions, and the code is more consistent. - The actions' history is more precise ("Edited CanvasItem" is now "Rotated CanvasItem","Moved CanvasItem",etc...) - Fixed a little bug about input key events not forwarded correctly to plugins - IK is followed by default when you move a bone node, the alt-key allow you to move it normally Fixes collisions shape selection Fixes infinite loop in GridContainer Fixes scrollbars in Canvas Item Editor Fixes wrong calculation of gridcontainer's children size Fixes issues with selectable children and locks Remove the selection rect for nodes that do not require it Display nodes without rect's position Displays node icon on hover Allow actions to provide an analog value Fixes left/up axis not mappable as actions Fixes 2d editor panning not working Fixes hard to select Node2D Fix GridContainer's children visibility breaking the layout Fixing input strength and the impossibility to erase action events Adds shortcuts for zooming in the 2D editor Fixes locks and groups on 2d editor Fixes several selection problems in the 2D editor Fixes some 2d bones display problems Adds a speed factor to AnimatedSprite Updates frame timeout when changing speed scale Fixes hovered Nodes2D display in the editor (remove duplicates) Bring back 2D bone selection Fixes the bad calculation of margin & anchors when child of Node2D Move the deadzone to a column in the input project settings Fixes a crash on draw_hover Fixes control nodes size not updated when outside the tree Fixes bugs on the 2D editor scrollable area Changes the default skybox to avoid the blue shade Add a way to disable the split view Also add a parameter as the max height before split Fixes initialization of action list Fix a mistake in itemlist multiselect signal Fixes 2D nodes lock not working Add a scale mode to the 2D editor Fix 2D selection Add support for files in the tree view Add thumnails to the tree view Merge the disable_split and show_files_in_tree settings Replace the favorite button by a RMB menu entry Replace the -show in filesystem- button by a RMB entry Adds a filter in the tree view Allow dragging files into the favorites section Store tree collapse when searching Add a display mode toggle button Bugfixes on the filesystem dock Fixes favorites not updating and rename favorite_dirs to favorites Fixes drawing of the 2D plugins on the 3D view Fixes selection of toplevel CanvasItems in the editor Fixes polygon editor blocking other editor actions (move, scale...) Fixes 2D IK Fixes filesystem display mode not updating at startup Remove auto disabling of the split-view in the FileSystem dock Allow the tree view of FileSystem to take more space Fix import tab not updating when selecting in the tree view Add both X and Y scale in the scale editor Fixes drag & drop in the file list Place the ruler text vertically Add thumbnails to the FileSystem file list Adds the display of the favorites into the file list Avoid the window size to go below 0 Add a shortcut to the documentation in the scene tree RMB menu Fixes AnimatedSprite2D animation_finished signal triggering too early Fixes tilemap editor offset tile selection Fixes resources name not showing in the inspector Opens the SpriteFrames editor when editing an AnimatedSprite Remove the thumnail-only view from the filesystem dock Fixes viewport scrollbars not updating with plugins Allow the editor dock to have a lower width Make folders clicked in the filesystem dock open the selected folder Fixes favorites not working in the open dialog Fixes the editor layout Enhance the tilemap transform buttons Allow the Container children selection but don't allow them to move Add an overlay on editor to display error messages Hide some RMB options in the filesystem dock when files are searched Fixes CollisionShape extends not updating when draggind handles Fixes uniform scaling weird behavior Fixes uniform scaling issues (for real this time) Fixes icons in itemlist not working Keep the SplitContainer offset value when it is shrinked Fixes drag and drog of image files on scaled nodes Fixes collapsed SplitContainers Add signals for files move/delete/rename to FileSystemDock Fixes 2D bones selection Fixes crash in the Filesystem dock Displays the pivot all the time and rotate the icon Fixing textures not triggering _change_notify Fixes Node2D selection not adapting to editor zoom level Updates containers minimum size when some constants are modified Adds color to the audio buses buttons Fixes the pivot setting with control nodes Disables the Layout menu when a Control node is child of a container Change the frame number before triggering the animation_finished signal Displays errors and warnings in a better way in the script editor Move the FileSystem dock layout properties to the per-project layout file Fixes layout loading Fixes bad gizmo alignment for textures with odd size Fixes UI navigation with joysticks Gio Aleman (1): Fixed Tileset preview stretching textures Gitea (1): fix gles2 spotlight problem Gleb Mineev (4): #21661: fixed GraphNode title offset #24131: fix for PathFollow offset slider overlapping with the inspector #23231: make resource changes in a nested inspector undoable 24303: remember sorting order in the project manager Goutte (1): Add a binary mask to allow configuration of which mouse buttons the BaseButton will respond to. Grant Clarke (1): Fixed Bone Transform Order Guilherme Felipe (75): Fixes open button not appearing with multiple selection Hide button tree when file system dock isn't in split mode Make parent folder selectable. Fix #16253 Remove size restriction for mouse cursor Fix custom cursor when it's hidden Allow set_custom_mouse_cursor use same cursor(image) with different shapes. Implement Input.set_default_cursor_shape to change the default shape Change from "search dialog" to "search bar" on help screen Add support for atlas texture on set_custom_mouse_cursor Fix custom cursor disappearing on osx Reset the cursor with Input.set_custom_mouse_cursor(null) [Doc] Fixes in find bar Add missing copyright headers Fix #19033 Fix #15678 [InspectorDock] Change label offset More fixes to set_borderless_window Update libvorbis to 1.3.6 Update stb_truetype to 1.19 and stb_vorbis to 1.14 Fix memory leak in set_custom_mouse_cursor Add validation in set_custom_mouse_cursor Change position of validation in set_custom_mouse_cursor Fix Rect2 properties typo [Inspector] Fix search field losing focus when typing Fix #16069, #19292, #19267 and #18940 Fix theme not updating with changes Fix regression with cursor shape Fix translate messages for new AnimationPlayer Fix TabContainer not showing tabs on left when resizing. Fix "find and replace" initializing with wrong size Small improvement to solarized theme [AnimationPlayer] Fix preview for both AnimatedSprite (2D and 3D) Fix path typo for editor def capitalize_properties Prevent animation player crash Remove shortcut conflict Fix performance for godot's interface Makes the group dialog resizable Fix animaiton key icon not show on inspector Fixes to the new inspector Opens the menu with the same parent on mouse focus Fix border artifacts at the edge of deep parallax. Disable camera interpolation when switching scene tabs [Texture Importer] Add option to invert color [EditorInspector] Fix ImportDock and ProjectExport capitalize Fix grab/select of gradient edit [Texture Import] Fix invert color Fix custom cursor hotspot Fixes to mouse mode confined and captured Fix mouse confined leaving window with OS_Windows::set_window_position Fix default_cursor_shape for TextEdit Fix set_custom_mouse_cursor changing to incorrect cursor shape Fix Input::set_custom_mouse_cursor showing cursor when it's invisible Fix Label::get_minimum_size not updating cache size for autowrap [Docs] Add doc for Input::get_action_strength [x11] Use "application/config/name" for WM_CLASS Fix inspector preview Fix key icon overlapping revert icon Fix crash when multiple mouse buttons is pressed. Add missing validations Add Z-Index for Autotile Fix AutoTile z-index not persisting correctly Fix tree item editable cell not updating when windows was resized Fix "undo" of the state machine losing node's position Fix sub-transitions not using end_node correctly Add z-index to ATLAS_TILE Fix bread crumb of AnimationTree Fix copy/paste for TileMap Fixes for TileSetEditor and TileMapEditor Add bind for TileMap::get_cell_autotile_coord Fix blend tree generating wrong node names Implements OS_JavaScript::set_custom_mouse_cursor Update zstd to 1.3.8 Fix state machine scroll Hides error_panel of state machine on the first time. Fix state machine priority for auto advance Guilherme Recchi Cardozo (1): Add method get_collision_exceptions Guillaume Laforte (3): Avoids spamming the user when the COLLADA importer detects a singular basis during the animation import. Fixes https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/22848. Generate the tangents without de-indexing and re-indexing the vertices. The support for shape keys / blend shapes depends on a consistent order for the vertices. Fixes https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/19195. Changes the check for a singular matrix to use the scale vector. The check for the determinant does not have enough precision when used with a 0.01 uniform scale. Gustav Lund (7): Fix for large .pck files Dummy texture importer Expose the animation pos to the user for AnimationNodes in AnimationTrees Rasterizers are now in sync with engine Audio Recording module AudioStreamSample can now be saved to a WAV file Fix of AudioRecordingEffect property Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart (62): Allow focus on disabled buttons Implement OS::get_processor_count() for Windows Fix Copy/Paste problems on X11 Kill an old debugging message Fix Windows file case changing Allow running with a custom resource without a main scene More reliably find mscorlib.dll on Linux Fix various valgrind reported uninitialized variable uses Don't crash when trying to add an invalid navmesh Fix msbuild with a msvc 'tools only' install Fix lto builds on clang compilers For uwp the ARM architecture needs to be in lower case Revert "Use fake audio playing property in editor" Fix Mono static linking on Mingw Write new permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml Reduce unnecessary COW on Vector by make writing explicit Revert "Open visual editor when "open editor" button in the inspector is pressed." Undo an accidental revert. Fix nested Vectors Fix Mono compilation on Windows/Ming Do not call _update_actions when only changing deadzone Don't try to update the visual shader graph if it doesn't exist yet Emit pressed events after processing items When starting up try creating directories recursively Replace XRaiseWindow with a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW ClientRequest Delay emitting pressed signals in PopupMenu Call minimum_size_changed() in PopupMenu::remove_item() Remove faces in in QuickHull::build() that we don't need anymore Remove a stray semicolon Support more X11 dialogs for X11::alert() Fall back to GLES2 if GLES3 is not working When setting an X11 icon fails, try halving the size Fix typo in os_uwp causing a build failure Update X11 global mouse position at startup When resizing an X11 window wait for the WM to process our request Properly export the various 'use dGPU' symbols when building with MingW Set DRI_PRIME=1 by default on X11 if not already set Don't allocate in Vector's ctor Reduce String CoW Don't accidentally convert string content to char Disable support for VIA Padlock Optimizations for trivial types String[size()] should return a default constructed CharType Use 'release_debug' for mono export templates Use 'release_debug' for mono export templates Don't use -ffast-math or other unsafe math optimizations Work around a GCC optimizer bug at -O3 Fix compilation on UWP Properly detect when to use DRI_PRIME Fix many asan and ubsan reported issues When an animationplayer sets a property on itself recreate the caches Add a maximum recusion depth to _guess_expression_type Don't crash if there's no application name Detect when primusrun/optirun is in use Fix alignment and locking issues with CommandQueueMT Align the Variant data member Don't crash when parse_utf8 receives a NULL pointer Disable support for VIA Padlock Disable all use of avx instructions Explicitly use floating point numbers in the our shaders Don't crash on previewing an AtlasTexture without a region Scale quickhull tolerance with mesh size Henry Hirsch (1): Remove commented out code in methods.py HoratioZEDU (1): Fixed (minor) typo in CapsuleShape2D doc page Hugo Locurcio (83): Draw the Camera gizmo more accurately Remove a few debugging prints Remove debugging prints related to the asset library Always detect and use hiDPI in the project manager if needed Remove some debugging prints on Android Add a project changelog Add an hinting mode setting to DynamicFonts Add documentation for the DynamicFont hinting property Overhaul the display scaling editor settings Update Hack font to v3.003 Enable DynamicFont oversampling by default Change ".." punctuation for "..." in editor strings (#16507) Tweak the property hint ranges of caret blink and line length guideline Make the LineEdit "secret" character customizable Improve the 3D editor grid Fix the 3D grid color setting hints Add support for bilinear bars in TextureProgress Make the performance reporting update frequency customizable Tweak some help texts in the build system Remove the old AppImage structure Fix control pixel snap rounding using floor() instead of round() Document Vector2.round() and Vector3.round() Optimize images losslessly using `oxipng -o6 --strip all --zopfli` Fix the DynamicFont hinting setting being ineffective Rename AppStream metadata and desktop files to follow the specification Add "editor" and "standalone" feature tags Add menu buttons to open the project and editor data folders Make the caret thicker in TextEdit and scale it with the editor scale Multiply TextEdit line spacing by the editor scale Tweak AppStream metadata and add MIME type integration Scale underlines in the script editor with the editor scale Fix zoom display in the script editor on hiDPI displays Make the default text editor caret blink speed faster Use Xcode 9.4 on Travis CI Use a standard "OK" text for confirmation buttons in error dialogs Improve the asset library download UX Tweak the default SpatialMaterial properties Fix a typo in a TTR() call Scale the project manager window size with the editor scale Tweak some editor button texts Improve the 3D manipulator gizmo Fix the 3D grid flickering when the origin is enabled Highlight multiline strings as strings instead of comments Fix occasional crash when downloading assets from the Asset Library Add more project window placement options Allow transparent colors in TextureProgress tint properties Fix some editor shortcuts' default values not being set properly Fix the project manager window size on hiDPI displays on macOS Tweak the Light instantiation error message and fix a typo Update Light properties in the inspector when dragging their gizmos Tweak Android-related error messages in the Export dialog Display camera coordinates in the 3D viewport's information pane Fix project and editor data paths not being opened correctly on macOS Improve checkboxes in the default editor theme Build some targets in release and release_debug mode on Travis CI Improve SimplexNoise documentation and fix typos Tweak some editor texts' capitalization, use "Go to" instead of "Goto" Update lights when their reverse cull face mode is toggled Add a subtle background and border to unselected tabs in the editor Use more subtle indentation guides in the script editor Increase spacing slightly between ItemList and PopupMenu items Fix Find in Files font size on hiDPI displays Make the 3D viewport menu button easier to read Improve the editor's Find in Files function Increase the source font's line spacing Resize some editor panel minimum sizes on hiDPI displays Make editor tooltips wider and scale them on hiDPI displays Add a property to control DynamicFont anti-aliasing Tweak the Hue Variation property hint to allow finer adjustments Remove an unused script Tweak editor status colors (success, warning, error) Make GraphEdit lines smoother and scale their width on hiDPI displays Fix a rounding error in ColorPicker Make "Export with Debug" more visible in the Export dialog Update the changelog with new features added in 3.1 Fix a font oversampling warning being printed when it shouldn't Improve the ResourcePreloader documentation Add a setting hint for the Output panel font size Make Button shortcuts triggerable by gamepads Fix crash when using `wrapi()` with a range of zero Update the server platform's `detect.py` to match x11's Fix typo in GDScript narrowing conversion warning message Update changelog with recent additions Ian Bishop (10): Filesystem and Visual Script Members keyboard shortcuts fix TextEdit folding over unindented comments disable scene tree shortcuts when in a textfield drop path text at mouse pos option to disable sort in script list Drag to rearrange Tabs and TabContainer TextEdit word wrap fix get_char_width for non-latin characters context menu improvements Fix word wrap cutoff and tab wrapping issue Ibrahn Sahir (36): fix for segfault when using CallBasic in visual script on release build Allow use of frames in sprites with texture region enabled. GDScript access to copyright, license, author and donor information. fix for TextEdit::set_text firing signals it shouldn't. fixup project_manager and find_in_files for text_changed signal change. fixed building using scons with python3 Corrected art depo link in editor icons readme. fixed connection dialog's creation of script functions. fixed branch on uninit and data race in editor android device polling fixed a branch on uninitialised data in gui/tree fix for moving file using filesystem dock context menu. fix scrollbar icons with atlas texture. reworked ustring.rsplit to fix behaviour. correctly close handle in alsa audio driver. removed redundant strlen calculation from String::substr fixed uninitialised variable that was causing menu crash. removed some surplus null appends that got typoed in 0e29f7974b59e4440cf02e1388fb9d8ab2b5c5fd Initialise rays_found count in test_ray_separation. Fixed up a couple of license names in COPYRIGHT.txt Removed some unneeded generated headers from the editor directory SCsub. Fixed an access after free in ShaderLanguage::_reduce_expression. fix branch on uninit in spatial_editor_plugin Fixed hang when segfaulting after OS object destroyed (OSX and X11) Moved dynamic font list from static to lifetime controlled by main. Initialise LineEdit clear_button_status. Allow the server platform to build on linux again. Cleaning up some uninitialised variables in GLES2 stuff. Fixed various uninitialised member variables in editor plugins. Fix gcc version check when running scons in python 3. Assign pointer null in RegEx::clear to avoid double free on destruction. Fix some undefined behaviour in Bullet module. Removed duplicate property bind in Generic6DOFJoint. Moved dirty material lists from static to lifetime controlled by main. const char* operator on CharString now const. Repair String lstrip and rstrip. fix for access after free in OS_X11::set_context. Ignacio Etcheverry (135): Mono: Buildsystem improvements - Bundle with mscorlib.dll to avoid compatibilities issues - Add build option 'mono_assemblies_output_dir' to specify the output directory where the assemblies will be copied to. '#bin' by default. Mono: Remove automatic script multilevel calls Mono: Fix build status icons Mono: Add project export plugin EditorExport: Allow export plugins to add shared libraries Mono: Fix bindings for parameters in vararg methods Mono: Better versioning and gracefully unloading of Godot API assemblies Mono: Runtime main args and assembly search fixes - Setup runtime main args during initialization. This must be done manually by embedders who do not call mono_runtime_run_main. Fixes NullReferenceException in System.Environment. - Continue to search the assembly in the rest of the search locations if loading it from one of them failed. Mono: Fix crash on script load if the scripts domain isn't loaded Mono: Do not spam script class not found error Print this error only when trying to instantiate the script. This way we prevent errors being printed for source files which are not meant to be used as scripts. Mono: Fix '!t' error messages when generating bindings This error wasn't affecting the bindings generation process. Add option to link mono statically on Windows Fix _export_begin not being called when exporting to android Make 'Export PCK/ZIP' work well with EditorExportPlugin Mono: BindingsGenerator enum fixes - Make enums have an unique signature name of int. This means that when generating internal methods, there is no difference between different enums types nor between enums and int. This way enums can re-use internal methods. - Make type resolver fallback to int if a type is not found and it's an enum. Fix binding some core API methods only in tools builds ClassDB API hash now only includes exposed classes Fix editor detecting msbuild with a msvc 'tools only' install Fix MSVC check when building with mono Mono: Project building fixes - Set (Csc/Vbc/Fsc)ToolExe environment variables to point to the batch files in Mono's bin directory when building with Mono's MSBuild. - Set Mono's MSBuild as the default build tool on Windows. - Generate projects with portable DebugType instead of full. Mono: Improve 'script class not found' error No longer printed when using using placeholder script instances (for non-tool scripts in the editor). Print different error if the project assembly is not loaded Mono: Fix MonoImage filename being set to an invalid path Mono: Null checks when marshaling from MonoArray* and managed Dictionary Mono: Fix passing wrong logger assembly path to MSBuild - Add option to print MSBuild's stdout and stderr instead of redirecting it. This can be enabled by setting the environment variable: Godot_DEBUG_MSBUILD=1 Mono: Add 'View log' button to open the MSBuild log of a build Mono: Module build improvements - Add (Csc/Vbc/Fsc)ToolExe environment variables when running Mono's MSBuild. - Fix directory for the 'mono_assemblies_output_dir' argument being created with the '#' top level directory token as part of its name. - Allow to build with 'mono_static=yes' on Unix without specifying a mono prefix. The build script will try to find the mono prefix using the output from pkg-config. Mono: Pending exceptions and cleanup Mono: Fix build script not decoding process utf-8 output Make C# bindings generator ignore disabled classes Add Dictionary::erase_checked(key) method Same as erase, but it returns a boolean value indicating whether the pair was erased or not. This method should be removed during the next compatibility breakage, and 'Dictionary::erase(key)' should be changed to return a boolean. Add Array and Dictionary wrapper classes to C# Mono: Fix null dereferences Fix '!valid' error spam on C# script instance create Mono: Fix domain reload never triggering Fix continuous attempt to reload domain with API assemblies out of sync Fix case where exported properties value is lost Mono: Fix property set_value and cleanup Dictionary: remove erase_checked(key), make erase(key) return bool Mono: Improve C# core files (glue/cs_files) buildsystem - Search C# files recursively in 'glue/cs_files'. - Determine a version for the C# core files automatically. The latest modified time will do for now. Mono: Fix weird crash when loading corlib Notify instance binding data api of refcount increment/decrement C# generated classes ignore warning CS1591 and cleanup Cleanup of c# api files and bindings generator Allow special characters in C# glue files Add some mono root hint dirs for OSX Fix/workaround for issue #21667 C#: Fix cs_files glue mismatch bug C#: Fix explicit enum values when exporting member Mono: Fix build regression due to wrong return type Move modules/mono/glue/cs_files to modules/mono/glue/Managed/Files Add some mono root dir hints to the build script Mono: Fix opening code editors in OSX and cleanup Fix missing mono internal call - Also fixed uninitalized variable in buildscript Do not update cache if the C# API assembly is out of sync Mono: Fix not creating generic Array or Dictionary where expected Fix GCC compiler warning in mono module - thread_local.h: 'delegating constructors only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11' - mono_reg_utils.cpp: 'extra tokens at end of #endif directive' - mono_bottom_panel.cpp: ' will be initialized after when initialized here' - bindings_generator.cpp: 'name lookup of 'i' changed (...) matches this 'i' under ISO standard rules (...) matches this 'i' under old rules (...)' Mono: Editor and export template dependencies and fixes Fix build error for windows mono export templates Fix C# API assembly build errors in generics Mono: Fix crash on NodePath/RID disposal during Godot shutdown C# bindings generator fixes Check if directory exists before trying to delete it Fix enum values in the editor and hide enum numeric values in the Inspector C# API: Hide method bind fields from debugger C#: Optimize struct marshalling Fix prefix erasing for the generated C# enum constants Make sure API assemblies are up to date at startup Fix internal assembly load from C#: Fix crash when disposing Reference on domain finalize Support globs in csproj includes Do not generate API project GUIDs randomly Fix msvc warnings in mono module Parse C# script namespace and class Fix C# parsing the full name of base types Improve the C# API projects generation Fix assertion fail when loading assembly on project export Fix GDScript placeholder fallback C#: Fix Basis(Vec3,Vec3,Vec3) constructor C#: Replace calls to old of old Basis(Vec3,Vec3,Vec3) constructor C#: Improve tool script support and fix reloading issues Implement CSharpScript::is_valid() Fix crash due to ~CSharpInstance() being called on freed instance Fix properties being lost when reloading placeholder GDScript instance C#: Fix crash due to missing gchandle ref null check C#: Fix trying to build when there's no solution C# Bindings Generator: Fix vararg methods with custom return type Workaround for bug with Mono's MSBuild and BaseIntermediateOutputPath Fix C# script metadata creation error due to missing directory Mono: Add assembly reloading to running games Mono: Fix hot reload build errors and cleanup PluginConfigDialog: Add partial support for more script language Improve custom thread numbering for POSIX Mono: Cleanup Added set_environment to OS class Mono: Fix MonoPosixHelper not being found Mono: Lifetime fixes for CSharpInstance and instance binding data Mono: Fix default debugger agent argument never being used Fix OS_Unix::set_environment Mono: Workaround to fix 'flushing' errors when building at editor startup Mono: Create player script metadata when building manually Use script instance binding for objects constructed from C# Do not initialize Mono if 'res://.mono/' and mscorlib are missing Fix exporting assemblies from wrong output path Fix check to determine if [[noreturn]] attribute is usable Default to MSBuild from VS Build Tools instead of Mono's Add VSCode hint path for Windows Fix exported property values being lost if base GDScript fails to parse Fix Godot.Reference marshalling from MonoObject* to Variant Mono: Fix export template build errors Don't print 'Cannot find Mono in the registry' if bundled with Godot C#: Add random functions to GD class C#: Throw ObjectDisposedException from disposed wrapper classes C#: Make GD.Range return IEnumerable instead of array C#: Add 'Singleton' property to singleton wrapper class C#: Basis fixes and cleanup C#: Fix Vector2.AngleToPoint Fix default value of EditorSpatialGizmo.add_mesh method bind Make export templates extraction handle subdirectories Remove problematic VS Code hint path on Windows Mono: Some editor usability improvements Sanitize file paths before extracting export templates C#: Add Array.Resize(int) method Mono: Make sure the generated RootNamespace is a valid identifier Mono: Fail on script instance creation if constructor was not found C#: Fix parsing of class full name when the base has generics Mono: Add option to print MSBuild output and improve out of sync error Mono: Fix array field being assigned MonoArray** instead of MonoArray* Mono: Make 'Build' button generate solution if it doesn't exist Print MSBuild command if also printing output Mono: Fix crash when re-using script binding after domain reloading Mono: Partially implement some Godot debug api functions Mono: Fix crash with exported field of custom Reference derived type Fix CSharpInstance::set not working with base classes Mono: Fix assemblies path String incorrectly constructed from utf8 Mono: Some assembly referencing changes and cleanup Igors Vaitkus (1): Fix UpdatePowerInfo method implementation in PowerIphone class Ilaria Cislaghi (10): added spring arm node. Added the ability to write to gl_FragDepth. It doesn't affect the depth prepass. fixed visibility toggle with node selection Added PROCESSED_UV for accessing ninepatch processed uv in the shader fixed uv missing in vertex shader of canvas. Root node of a scene is now selected when the scene is opened. Inheriting from virtual class no longer causes the engine to crash, it prints an error instead. Editor does not crash anymore if a non root node in escn is missing a parent Importer for scenes only overrides the base Node if differently specified by the user Removed the resource preview thread from the server build Iskustvo (1): [X11] Improving error detection in move_to_trash Italo Vieira (1): Fixing wrong type hint on CPUParticles and CPUParticles2D's color ramp Ivan Ponomarev (4): Fixed possible crash in pck_packer.cpp due to wrong memory freeing. Fixed possible crash on iOS in applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning method: event loop may be null when it's called. Android: Fixed problems with memory leaks due to absent ReleaseStringUTFChars calls. Android: Fixed a possible crash in keyboard hide method. It's called not from main thread so InputMethodManager can't be used directly. Ivan Varesi (1): Fix 6DOF Physical Bone joint Ivan Vodopiviz (6): Fix new Node dialog Create button behavior Changed debug max distance to avoid overflow Prevented external editor from running multiple times Removed unnecessary newlines from tscn Show in File Manager Clarification Always show "Open in File Manager" J Andrew Long (1): add restore purchases for iOS J08nY (2): Fix multi-statement macro call not being covered. Do not make a function that returns Variant::NIL a void function. Fix #22791. JFonS (56): Fix gizmo solid box mesh being added twice ParticlesGizmo solid box now follows actual visibility_aabb position. Fix weird editor crash when switching from editing one gradient to another keeps 'grabbing' variable to true Fix visibility of gizmos on scene load Hinted shader uniforms can have a default value Added flag on SpatialMaterial to disable shadows Fix particle animation controls Fix vector reduction in shader language Polished 3D selection Fix rotation of 2D lights Add render mode to ensure correct normals when using non-uniform scaling Fix selection in 3D orthogonal view Fix regression of 2D light height Move light 2D rotation to vertex shader Added keep scale flag to billboard materials New gizmo structure and new gizmo disabling menu Improvements on the gizmo disabling menu and icon selection bugfix Remove material errors after opening new project, fixes #21073 Fix "Convert To ShaderMaterial" option not working, closes #20891 Saner selection code for instanced scenes in 3D, should close #21447 Fix regression #21262 in Path Gizmo Fix handling of shader constants that caused crash, closes #15166 Fix selection of instanced scenes in 3D Fix selection of spatial nodes after selecting a non-spatial one. Fix SoftBody gizmo slowness, add ConcaveShape wireframe Clear cache after reimporting an ArrayMesh Set uniform default values in inspector Add SimplexNoise and NoiseTexture as new resources Fix lighting of rotated particles in 2D Replace "persistance" with "persistence" Change viewport type after using create root menu Fix typo in SimplexNoise documentation Fix selection box staying when editing a GridMap Remove redundant size property from NoiseTexture Fix editor only lights Implement rasterizer texture_get_data on OpenGL ES Remove animation loop from ParticlesMaterial + improvements to CPUParticles2D Make 2D particles work OOTB (again) Fix Particles2D animation regression from #23702 Use hint_color when getting shader default params Add Save option to resource property menu Change default gizmo visibility and icons Fix "scale" property collision in CPUParticles Expose the new gizmo plugin system to scripting Minor fixes and documentation for Spatial Gizmos Fix gizmo errors on "Align with view" Fix local_delta when resetting CPUParticles Fix particles animation on GLES2 Fix canvas light shaders on GLES2 Make LIGHT_VEC affect 2D shadows again Fix canvas particle material for old GLSL versions Fix update of canvas AABB with update_when_visible Revert back to ignoring LIGHT_VEC for 2D shadows Use item_shadow_mask for LightOccluder2D culling Fix resetting of CPUParticles (2D and 3D) Add priority to gizmos and fix small issues Jairo Honorio (2): Inner classes' functions now appear in the editor's functions panel Fixes #19386 Resize native run button according to editor scale. Jakub Grzesik (2): a way to ensure that camera is disabled Optional getters/setters editor autocomplete James (4): Fixing a bug where tilemap navigation would not be accurate after a tilemap exits and then re-enters the tree. Fixing a bug where deleting a tile and then querying navigation would result in an incorrect path if both happened within the same frame. interpolation was not removed because of id mismatch Editor autocomplete: prefer same case candidates Tween: Add a unique identifier to InterpolateData to be able to remove the right one when finished James Beedie (1): Added autotile override Jared (5): Added multi-monitor support for center_window() Changed Windows key translate pair from KEY_COLON to KEY_COMMA. Small documentation clarification added to CanvasItem. Allow plugin scene change signal to report null for empty scenes. Documented set_point_cloud() for ConvexPolygonShape2D Jari Ronkainen (1): Do not use deprecated stuff that only glibc now implements Jason Anderson (2): Added description Added description and measurement Jason0214 (2): update favorite_dirs list after move or rename a dir remove favorited dirs if original dir deleted Jean-François Michaud (3): Fix #22588: missing preset save after removing a export preset. Fix #22591: shader failed to compile when shadow enabled because of incompatible assignment of vec3 to a vec4. Added a fail condition to prevent a crash Jeffs (1): Issues #19203 and #19204 - Hinge Joint Inspector: Motor target velocity range changed from [0,4096] to [-200,200] to allow for negative velocity and a reasonable range. Params bias now allows a zero value to prevent the bullet message of not supporting a non-zero bias. John Teasdale (1): Bullet picking will now ignore objects without input_ray_pickable Jonathan Tinkham (1): Add and use mono build variables with cloned environment. Jorn Van denbussche (3): Fixes importing hdr files with extra header info More accurate UV round begin cap Line2D texture stretch mode Joseph Catrambone (1): Add warnings to docs for methods that return copies, not refs. Josh Faust (2): Fix crash on editor startup when running with platform=server Fix scene import when platform=server Josh Taylor (1): Changed minimum visible viewport size João Álvaro Ferreira (1): Enabled rst files to escape for parentheses after brackets Juan Linietsky (477): Ability to import .escn files, which is just a .tscn but with forced import. This works together with the new Blender to Godot exporter. Add a proper error when safe save fails. Revert "Handle single-argument constructors in uniform default values" Add base support for 2D meshes in Godot, including Sprite -> Mesh2D conversion. Was missing clearing computed UVs, sorry, realized late. 2D Skeletons WORK IN PROGRESS Ability to edit Polygon2D shape from within the UV editor, this will eventually make it possible to in the future. Add a split editor to polygon 2D UV editor, moving an inch closer to adding support for in the future Document condition to avoid mistakes (like #17690) Removed strange custom world2d in CanvasLayer, been there since always and not sure why. Fixes #17524, fixes #17523. Test and warn of case mismatch on Windows Add a macro to deprecate methods CSG Support for Godot! -Missing Icons -Missing freezing option (for baking light and faster load) -Missing a way to export from Godot (GLTF2?) -Probably buggy (may freeze editor, can be worked around easily, but let me know if this happens so it's easier to catch bugs) Happy testing! Reduce false positives in interior detection by adding a small offset to raycast, fixes #18476 Do not crash if the polygon is invalid Avoid CSG freeze condition on degenerates Fix how snapping is applied to 3D polygon editing, make it more friendly. -Changed how operators work, any shape can operate on any other -Added some break condition for bad poly data to avoid editor freezes Add poly triangulation order check, ensures faces do not flip on different order Add option to renormalize mipmaps when generating them for normalmaps. Reduces some aliasing. WIP Polygon2D weight editing Skeleton for 2D WIP Skeletal deform working Make bones have more contrast with outline Made bone handling for actual Bone2D a special case. Make custom bones appear like a custom (less important) option now. Fix bone refresh logic, closes #18564 Revert "Fix Sprite3D's incorrect behavior when using AtlasTextures." Add is_instance_valid() method to GDScript, ending more than a decade of pain. Added a simpler way to flip faces, closes #17373 and closes #17369 -New inspector. -Changed UI resizing code, gained huge amount of speed. -Reorganized timer sync to clean up behavior (sorry forgot commit this before) Add note about color picker deferred initialization Allow editing of some unbound properties when hinted (or no range hinted) Properly show the property name on tooltip -Ability to open resources in the same window -Plenty of fixes and improvements to new inspector -Fixes that were needed to make inspector work better Working Drag & Drop again in inspector -Hid texture flags by default so they dont take so much space -make curve texture preview not so large, so its easier to embed the editor Dictionary editing does the comeback to the inspector, fixes #19046 Dictionary editing support in inspector Revert "Make the performance reporting update frequency customizable" Entirely new (and much improved) animation editor. Oops, for some reason gedit used this file as my notebook, though I made a new one. Avoid animation length from ever being completely, fixes #19420 Disallow via add track for animation player to animate itself, fixes #19425 Fixed cursor not updating in some circumstances, closes #19430 Properly update range and valid key range when keys are in/out of view, fixes #19433 Remove the "go back" behavior in track editor for inspector based key editing, fixes #19434, fixes #19423 Bit more of visual polish -Make sure that ProjectSettings are properly dumped when dumping docs. -Documented all properties of project settings -Added AnimationGraphPlayer (still missing features) -Added ability to edit resources from built-in inspector (wip, needs testing and feedback) Animation Blend Spaces Fix crashes, ability to add blendpsace into blendtree, ability to delete with delete key Remove error messages Added auto triangle generation in blend space, using Delaunay. State machine animation node removed print renamed AnimationGraphPlayer to AnimationTree -Add root motion support in AnimationTree. -Add RootMotionView, to debug root motion in 3D (disabled in runtime) change node graph property and improved some bindings The way multiple quaternions being slerped was not good, changed approach to one that seems to work better. Changes to how node paths are selected from property, allowing setting a hint. Small fixes -Fixes to OBJ importer, option to disable optimization -Fixes to script language, PlaceHolder can now get and check methods -Fix in animationplayback, sound would be cut on loop -Fix on scene importer, keeping changes to animation tracks was not working Add a condition to detect duplicates objects, so cases like object-col.323, common in blender, is still detected as collision. further fixes to tag detection on importer -Fixes to how hashing happened, now StringName and NodePath use default hasher, this was leading to some severe slowdown in scenarios -Fixes to some duplication scenarios for instanced scenes Added ability for SSAO to affect AO textures too Hacked around duplication bug. I think duplicate needs to be even smarter, maybe pass two bools? (containers and/or resources) Ensure, if a texture meant for a normal map is imported and size limit exists, that it's renormalized after resize. -Fix fullscreen on Windows with a HiDPI monitor but a non-HiDPI project -Replaced some viewport size calls to screen size, since viewport size should be deprecated at this point.. Support for CPU based particles, which aids compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0 Add option to convert Particles to CPUParticles Visual Shaders are back. Global class names (and GDScript support for it) Added small icon to expand the bottom panel (and shortcut too) Small feature to help users understand the editor faster. New option, make any node the new scene root. Finally figured out how to implement AnimatedTexture properly. -Added support for raycast in KinematicBody2D -Added support for snapping in KinematicBody2D Changes to how snap works (I think this makes more sense now) Further fixes to KinematicBody2D API, support for sync motion in moving objects Ability to disable scale in nodes, closes #19927 Fix spin slider, was not registering drag properly Several improvements to editor inspector usability and style Improvements to vector fields, show axis in color with a background -Project/Editor settings now use new inspector -Project/Editor settings now show tooltips properly -Settings thar require restart now will show a restart warning -Video driver is now visible all the time, can be changed easily -Added function to request current video driver -Fix tooltips in inspector, now they show as rich text. -Fix disable_3d flag -Add extra flag optimize=[size,speed] to be able to prioritize size Fix opaque pre pass not casting shadows transmission was broken, fix was made. Also fixed treshold. Fix issues with CPUParticles and related conversion from Particles. Closes #20126 Rename flag to better name Do conversion of scene preview icon at the end, improves save performance a bit. Closes #14387 Manually fix, merge and close #15168 Expose _clips_input as a virtual function, closes #15358 Clear color was not correctly being set, fixes #4939 It is now possible to import images as a separate resource, closes #5738 and likely many others Perform a name check when loading scenes and running on editor, fixes #6152 Add extra functions to toggle bits in visualinstance and camera, same as physics. Helps with #6685 Remove pointless check for no texture, fixes #7298 Ensure one shot signals are not disconnected while edited, closes #7776 Added missing support for traditional chinese on Windows, fixes #7674 Ensure process notification is received only if really enabled, fixes #7894 Add support for line continuations (wtf) in obj format, fixes #7974 Ensure index is only saved when scene is inherited, or parent node is not from the edited scene. Closes #17562. Added proper import support for 3D and Array textures Several fixes to GLTF2 importer Respect process order for out of order skeleton bones (fixes GLTF2 import issues). Several improvements to inspector. -Added optional horizontal/vertical modes for vector editing (default false for vec2, true for vec3) -Some clean ups with fonts and styles Make sure warn deprecated uses a volatile bool (for multithreading) -Add Expression class, used to evaluate expressions -Added expression evaluation to EditorSpinSlider, fixes #20813, fixes #18932 Ability to pass custom variables to expression. Information sign for MarianoGNU too much information, made it less information apply a threshold for floor angle, fixes #16037, fixes #15632 Make line edit always vertically aligned, makes no sense otherwise. Fixes #17188 Revert "added get_creation_time function for gdscript" Added function ResourceLoader.exists(), to check if a resource exists. Closes #19140 Fix gizmos submenu Revert "Open visual editor when "open editor" button in the inspector is pressed" Avoid scripts from being opened in same inspector, closes #20111 -Deprecate ImageTexture::load -Add warning to Image::load when loading resources -Add script binding for get_configuration_warning Revert "Fix border artifacts at the edge of deep parallax." Attempting to workaround the problem present in #20904, let me know if it works. Massive rewrite to AnimationTree. Many APIs changed in order to: -Reuse resources -Expose properties in AnimationTree Crash fixes for material and animtree Fixes to move and slide and ray separation, implement separation in Godot physics Clipped camera implementation, a camera that avoids going into geometry. Changes to ClippedCamera, RayCast,Raycast2D and 2D physics API to add ability to choose between bodies and areas when colliding. display some constants as hex Add distance based dithering to the default material. Make sure resizing of float and half float images works, fixes #21157 get rid of default template function arguments, works on cxx03 Modifications to raw input so the handling of absolute coordinates is more correct. Change how path properties are presented, so they can be edited. Fixes #20709 Fix properly keep scale in RemoteTransform2D, fixes #17692, closes #17690 Fix transform not being applied properly after toggling remote node, fixes #17671 Switched AnimatedTexture to a readers-writers lock, solves a race condition and fixes #20221 Added max() and min() functions to array to return greater or lesser element (or null if data is not of compatible type or empty array). Closes #15697 -Fix blend tree rename, closes #20210 -Fixed activity lines in blend tree Added a function to cache texture opacity at a pixel, and modified editor to use it. Provides massive speedups to selecting objects, still awaiting for @MarianoGNU to do fixes to the region editor to improve performance. some checks for node removed, may fix #20863 Fix bug leading to crashes in CSG due to bug in OAHashMap, closes #20403 Added a more minimal test to avoid crash in #20677 but I dont think this is the cause Avoid misuse of set_drag_preview() function where it shouldn't be. Closes #20100 Initalize font size to 16, closes #21165 missed outline size in previous commit Property clear caches in animationtree if animatioplayer is modified. Fixes #19876 Fix generation of env map, closes #18880 Revert "Fix some 3D texture issues" Removed fallback system and merged bptc into s3tc Ported CPU particles to 2D Change ResourceLoader::load to make it more thread safe. Fixes to multimesh, added custom data and checks to avoid reconfiguring if instance count > 0. Fixes #12595 Only allow StreamTexture, ImageTexture in Light2D, closes #15194 Show a warning if you try to grab focus when not allowed, closes #15388 Update FOV if edited in gizmo, fixes #16400 Ability for Light2D to use a proxy texture, fixes #17067 Add a function to force transform update, fixes #17628 Print an error if you try to instantiate an editor class outside the editor, fixes #17624 Many fixes to gradient editor, which was pretty broken. Closes #19308 Ensure that tree_exited signal really happens after tree exited, fixes #19641 -Rewrote GLES2 lighting and shadows and optimized state changes, did many optimizations, added vertex lighting. -Did some fixes to GLES3 too Fix gizmo handles in GLES2 backend Reflection probe support in GLES2 back-end. -Lightmap and lightmap capture support for GLES2 -Added hint to not show some properties when running on low end gfx Added xatlas as alternative to thekla, forced it on. Did some hacks to it to avoid it from failing on bad geometry. Many fixes to GLES2 renderer, fixed compilation issues in GLES3 shaders. This fixes a bug in refprobe blending, but I have no idea when I fixed it. It just started working all of sudden.. Many more GLES2 fixes Some more GLES2 tuning.. -Many GLES2 optimizations -Android export fixes (use ETC if GLES2 backend in use) -revert to thekla atlas because xatlas is not working well Many more fixes for GLES2 mobile export. Also added ability to turn on OpenGL debugging on Android export. Disable forced inline when building in debug. Implemented FOG support in GLES2. vertex lit optimization for fog. Fix lightmap baking crash, may close some issues but I am not sure. Fixes to baker, restored xatlas and fixed bake options. Baker fixes Fixes to CPU particles for performance and avoiding NaNs. Ensure CPU particles do not process if not visible Ability to revert any property, not just from inherited scenes or scripts. Moved folding outside the resource files, now saved outside the project. Automatically unfold sections of properties that someone else edited (no local info exists). Improve import dock usability when selecting multiple files, only change what was modified on re-import. Update 3D physics to match fix from #22933 Fix CSG shape generation with meshes without indices, fixes #23364 No longer force mipmaps on import of VRAM textures, closes #10221 -Fix problem in OWC logic closes #11357 -Fix problem with kinematic move and disabled shapes, in both 2D and 3D Simple workaround to make one way moving platforms work, fixes #9399 Fix condition test end of the week ;-) -Moved EditorDefaultValue to ClassDB, made it core -Removed one and zero hints for properties, replaced by default value 2D Rigid Body CCD should work again, fixes #6664 Effectively ensure that surface materials are the right size when setting them, fixes #23596 Proper time tracking in AnimationNodeAnimation, closes #22887 User more correct plus file on get_current_dir. Use a more compatible (and certain to work) mechanism to check default value on scene packing. Make TextureRegion grid settings occupy less space, closes #12679 Make sure rotated shapes with one way direction collisions work, fixes #12791 Avoid double underscore from breaking glsl compiler, fixes #12880 Was missing calling _mkid() in shader_gles2.cpp, regarding fix for #12880 Many fixes to script editor remote debugger, closes #13346 Properly remember EOF when interactive loader is done, fixes #14936 Do not allow samplers where they dont belong (variables/return types), fixes #15133 Ability to remove buses while they are being used on 2D and 3D stream players. Fixes #15115 It is now possible to cancel on 2D polygon editor. RMB (previously close) and ESC will cancel polygon. Closes #15474 Add a limit of previously known last element to timer timeout traversal in SceneTree, fixes #15559 Cleaned up and fixed the base_changed function in rasterizers, also fixes #15617 Ability to toggle flipping of tangent and binormal in depth parallax materials. Fixes #15934. Do not error on empty shader, just treat it as invalid by default. Fixes #15998. Add proper warnings when attempting to create a ViewporTexture in a resource that is not fit for it. Closes #16006. Show theme values from default theme always, fixes #16011, fixes #13071 Ensure that array passed to physics is always counter clockwise, fixes #15361. Proper validation of out arguments in built-in shader functions, closes #16244 Always use default theme for overrides, closes #13071 Ensure that even at slow speed, you will always get collision using kinematic motion. Fixes #16250 No one seems to like the error icon, so I made it invisible. Fixes #16344 -Send mouse motion events again to CollisionObjects (Area/Body) if they move, even if mouse does not. Fixes #16536 (likely many others should check) -Add ability for viewports to set input events as handled locally ViewportContainer was not passing unhandled input. Pass it, fixes #17326 -Make sure monitorable cant be flipped while flushing queries, fixes #17330 -Also added set_deferred, this was missing. Get rid of gridmap error due to not yet valid cursor instance, fixes #17546 Proxies were being mishandled, leading to the now fixed #17651 Corrected some points discussed in #17491 Removed unnecesary normal multiplication (only culling was really needed), fixes #17776 Ensure environment radiance is not used on refprobe interiors, fixes #17868 Do not allow controls in ignore mouse to get focus via their children, fixes #17955 Fix shader bug likely introduced recently. Clearing history increments version, else it does not generate an asterisk on modification if the scene was just saved. Fixes #18027. Still I feel this line was commented for a reason. If you bisect a bug and find this commit, let me know. Fix Squish decompression, closes #18109 Avoid duplicate visility changed notification, fixes #18160 Document use of spaces in ConfigFile Massive speed up on deleting nodes, fixes #18673 Also makes the editor exit faster Skeleton2D was missing transform notification, fixes #18719 Make sky and ground energy do something, fixes #18856 Properly reset canvas state after drawing, fixes #18860 Make sure RMB also works for resource editor in inspector, fixes #18994 Ensure multinode undo redo merges ends for operation, fixes #19010 Make sure inbetween lines in inspector can't be clicked, fixes #19014 If using relationship lines (now default) hide guides. Increase number of image loaders (why was it this low..), fixes #19037 Ensure bone AABBs are properly transformed to affect mesh AABB, fixes #19281 Reseek if cachees were cleared in animation player, fixes #19424 Properly handle multiple parent drag, fixes #19460 Do not draw particles if they are not processing at all, fixes #19507 Fix crash on canvas with BG_MODE_KEEP, closes #19590 Don't post process on tiny render targets, fixes #19628 Remove the "is able to sleep" condition for adding visibility notifier nodes, fixes #19659 I think the previous behavior was more useful, but I understand it's not obvious or discoverable. Fixed how floats are printed to the GLSL shader, closes #19803 Reworked how non-imported resources are reloaded on change, fixes #19852 Ensure double sided normalmaps work, fixes #23760 Make it smarter to infer paths from history data, closes #20005 Add Discrete and Carry blend modes for BlendSpace2D, allows to fix #20135 Ensure array and dict editors show edited object IDs, fixes #20225 Make sure sync to physics is disabled in editor, fixes #20230 Clean up code to make intention clear, fixes #20361 Remove comments and corrected code, which exists for correctness but will likely never be used. Fixes #20362 Removed noperspective (not in GLSL ES 3.0), do not write smooth if not specified. Fixes #20435 Do not crash on invalid file, closes #21083 Properly show 2D bone previews in 2D skeleton UV editor, fixes #20950 Added missing path verification on Unix, closes #20762 Avoid voxel cone trace from going full 180 degrees, fixes #20716 Ensure no crash happens when skeleton is removed, closes #20677 Rewrite code for unfolding and make it automatic on scene load, which works better. Improved bindings and added documentation for AnimationNode, closes #20720 Do not normalize normal map when disabled, fixes #20761 Changed theme notifications to work with newly introduced reference counted connections. Closes #21265, Fixes #6145. Probably fixes more theme notification related open issues, should check. NORMALMAP was not working (no normal being used detected), fixes #9263 Attempt to avoid breaking people's workflows on the change from 8ba0d513fa0068a241a25fbb6db09315fa3309cc Added test to avoid saving cyclic scene instancing, fixes #9686 Allow signal connecting even if script is invalid (only when compiled with tools), fixes #17070 Get rid of ancient .theme format for Theme resource. It was not working and can be done the same using .tres format. Closes #19038 Added luminance capping to avoid glitches on small dots. closes #17996 Disable progress dialog on export from command line, stab at fixing #24031 Improved the mouse focus system (mouse keeps focus on a control while buttons are pressed). Fixes #19154 and likely many others. WARNING: Test well in every OS, if mouse wheel events are not properly sent as pressed+unpressed pair, it will fail and break (and the OS needs to be fixed). Only tested on X11 so far. Revert "Construct Transform from Transform2D " Fixes crash, closes #24038 Removed error that should not be an error, fixes #21088 Updated documentation to visible property in CanvasItem, closes #20809 Actually respect the low quality cubemap filter on mobile, should fix crashes on mobile for #21551 but not sure on intel. Reduce considerably the cubemap sizes on sky, to better match GLES3, fixes #21551 Change how rects are drawn (and also will help batching eventually), to workaround problem in #9913 Properly support light shaders in GLES2, fixes #21651 Support lights and shadows in GLES2, fixes #21853 Remove usage of VAO, which does not work in GLES2 Fixes to framebuffer formats for GLES2, closes #24518 Further GLES2 fixes Reverse RGBA shadow test on GLES2 -Implented 2D Mesh support for GLES2 -Implemented 2D Skeleton deform for GLES2 -Implement Multimesh support for GLES2, closes #20524, closes #21839 Fix background color rendering on GLES2 (linear should not be used) Removed splits in Polygon editor, replace by internal vertices and polygon support. Rewrote rename logic to be less buggy and more efficient, fixes #23803 and probably many recent bugs using GraphEdit Fixes to auto triangle editing in BlendSpace2D Do not allow adding tasks while in the middle of flushing a message queue Do not allow flushing while already flushing the message queue. Added to help track bugs in ProgressDialog in editor. Do not use the workaround for desktop nvidia on mobile and html5. Was not properly re-setting light uniforms, fixes #24976 Removed ancient code for set_edited that was doing nothing. Hide worldenvironment settings not relevant in GLES2. Fixes #23281 Hide visible popups by default if visible when entering tree, unless on editor. Fixes #24737 Use SceneTreeDock to replace particles node properly, fixes #24162 Added a flag to specify an exported node path must be supplied from scene root, fixes #24412 wtf Defer activated signal after tree has been traversed. Implement black margins in GLES2, which was missing, fixes #24556 Use GLES2 approach to vertex shading in GLES3, which has been more developed. Fixes #21852 Ensure canvas copy texscreen will not crash if render target is configured without copy buffers. Closes #24749. Clear internal vertex counter when redrawing polygons, closes #24862. Ensure texture hints are obeyed, fixes #24875 Perform a cleaner exit for resource preview, fixes #24206 Fixes to 2D lights, closes #24750 Avoid crashing GIProbe bake with broken UV data, closes #25028 Fix functions to get direct contacts from shapes, closes #19618 Fix keying resource properties, closes #24690 Add some checks to avoid disaster when making a node the scene root. Fixes #24484 Fix uninitialized memory error. Clean up and fix issues after merging #21701 , closes #21104 -Re-added margins in one way collision (made in a more user friendly way than in Godot 2.1), fixes #23860 -Fixed potential bug in OWC (i dont think anyone had it but..) Fix capture interpolation mode in Animation, closes #24015 Use 16 bit indices on phones that dont support 32, fixes #19797 respect mouse mode when setting enter/exit notifications and signals, fixes #19785 Modified code generation to be more friendly to previews, fixes #25094 Add function to obtain filesystem type from DirAccess. Change EditorFileSystem to not use directory modification times on FAT32, fixes #20946 Changes to GLES2 renderer to not use cube shadows if not available, fixes #25132 Fix collision margin being wrongly read by default, fixes #25181 Do not use shadow cubemaps if depth write is not supported to avoid errors, closes #25219 Make inspector gain focus on refresh only if it has it, fixes #24979, closes #25053 Avoid cyclic iteration check, fixes #24969 Forbid making root on inherited scenes, closes #24484 Raised executable priority on windows to avoid stuter, helps #25162 Implement unpacking for compressed vertex formats on GLES2 when not supported, fixes #22957 Fix problem with texture2Dlod, closes #25263 Ability to get the current canvas item being drawn from stylebox. Do not fail on recursive iteration. Not ideal but should work for now and not crash. Fixes #25272 Eventually some sort of main even queue should be implemented to do this properly. Make recursive nature of iteration not fail. Makes screen texture work in GLES2 (2D for now), fixes #23604 Revert "Fix errors on iOS" Fix crash with cube shadows in gles2, closes #22635 Removed dangerous and useless function, closes #22884 Ensure WebGL uses highp by default, and fix some wrong mediump usages. Fixes #22962. Avoid crashing in #23302 Fix depth prepass in GLES2, closes #23321 Ensure get script method list also checks base classes, fixes #23384 Ensure contact shadows are only used when lights use them. Add "Apple" to the list of GPU vendors where depth prepass is disabled. Ability to keep images in ImageTexture cached while using editor, fixes #25243 Make sub-inspectors not listen to node removals, since they never edit nodes. Fixes #23554 Do not use depth prepass if effects are disabled, fixes #25267 Properly warn about the effects of changing an import type, as well as force editor restart. Fixes #23874 Stop preview generator before reimporting resources with different type. Implement missing autorestart in oneshot node, closes #22238 Properly dispose of custom shaders, closes #19300 Further fixes to avoid memory corruption, closes #25336 Rewrite how font oversampling is updated more carefully, fixes #24338 Warn of invalid pointer when converting object to RID, closes #19023 Avoid crash in import (though model still does not work well), fixes #19346 Add a check to help find transforms that are passes invalid. Fix pixelized previews, but also instances of breaking ImageTexture cache. Closes #25378. Fix problem blending from state to state in statemachine node, closes #21944 Use transparent framebuffer only when set to transparent, closes #21827 Properly get proxy texture size for canvas light, fixes #17067 Do not restrict light texture type (wont work with atlas, though) Instantiate global classes properly, fixes #20857 Make CSG Shape work with GIProbe, fixes #20465 Avoid cyclic resource loading of any type, fixes #22673 Properly discard fragments during depth prepass opaque pass, fixes #23321 Fixed OWC for rigid bodies, closes #25732 Missing canvas end left mask turned on, fixes #25666 Fix fog in GLES2 by using epic hack, closes #25410 Use UVs with the nvidia rendering hack, fixes #24563 Ability to vflip viewports in GLES2, fixes #24555 Also culling was reversed somehow. Support SCREEN_TEXTURE in GLES2, fixes #25405 On mobile, check for float and half float frameuffers supported, fixes #25324, fixes #25325. Remove all references to stencil, fixes problems on iOS. Change some editing display options to make it clearer, as requested in #24853 Disallow polygon2D editing if internal vertices exists, as suggested in #24853 Avoid case where editors are deleted while moved, fixes #25508, fixes #24829 -Fixes to undo redo to avoid crash, closes #24251 -Changed Animation to have a special signal when tracks are changed, to avoid unnecesary track cache rebuilds in AnimationPlayer -Added missing emit_changed whe modifying keys to Animation -Changed AnimationPlayer to use the new refcounted connections instead of the previous hacky way to keep references -Changed AnimationEditor to update the current track when keys are edited -Fixed bug where undo/redo did not work with AnimationKeyEdit (was not being updated) -Made sure UndoRedo does not mind deleted objects in undo/redo history, this would corrupt the history or clear it without need. Make ray shapes not work with OWC. They don't make practical sense together. Closes #25532 Allow kinematic bodies without shapes to still move, fixes #24775 Make sure stop on slope can have a tiny bit of precision edge. Add a minimum treshold for acquiring rest contacts to avoid numerical precision issues. Fixes #25074 Change snapping to only happen when the floor normal remains as floor, fixes #22312 Support multiple ray shapes in kinematicbody, fixes #25050 Skip disabled shape when getting rest info. Fixes #25941 Make resource loader cycle checker work on a per-thread basis. This removes editor errors saying cycles existed when the thumbnailer was running. Fix skeleton not being updated in shader, closes #25911 Updat polygons when skeleton setup changes, fixes #25949 Clear up eof_reached function, fixes #16919 Many fixes regarding depth buffer clearing, closes #25994, closes #25975 Fixed bugs in test body motion and removed unnecesary test in move_and_slide. Fixes #25968 Request to use load when cyclic reference is found, closes #26119 Fix audio previews, closes #25979 Make alpha 1.0 when using texscreen, fixes #25850 Implement a cleaner (and better) way to save imagedata from ImageTexture, fixes #18801 Check that area is inside tree besides checking that queries are flushed, fixes #26148 -Support DEPTH_TEXTURE in GLES2, fixes #25106 -Fix use of transparent framebuffers in GLES2 -Fix use of ambient color clearing in GLES2 when no environment exists. Fix precision issue with skeletons, closes #26057, closes #26062 Ensure that no depth test is used (specially in prepass) for objects that dont test or draw depth, fixes #25201 Properly update materials when adding surface, fixes #23790 Added a workaround to avoid crashes due to how TileSet editor works, fixes #23672 Also fixed a few uninitialized memory variables. Change MAX for MIN, fixes #26170 Ensure move and slide snap respects stop on slope, fixes #26180 Make allowed pid for window takeover happen immediately, fixes #21431 -Treat scalar conversions when calling functions as error, closes #24261 -Make shader editor display errors if exist when just opening it -Make ShaderMaterial not lose parameters if opened in error. Fix vertex lighting in GLES2, closes #25365 Do not crash on empty path, closes #23701 Remove copy and use instance material override in gizmos, fixes #23783 Clear canvas item after rendering font, fixes #23774 Fixed issue with buffers being wrongly cleared, closes #25484 Prevent circular references to scene being saved, fixes #24384 Ensure all properties are refreshed when setting a script, fixes #24845 Many separate fixes to ensure non power of 2 textures work on GLES2, closes #25897 and many others Removed debug function. Several fixes to make GLES2 on HTML5 work much better. Changed math class error reporting to be a bit less paranoid. Remove setting that caused is_inside_tree() errors on doppler tracking enabled. -Remove harcoded opengl extension testing from OS, ask rasterizer instead. -Fixed a bug where etc textures were imported broken -Properly handle missing ETC support on export -Added ability for resource importers to save metadata -Added ability for resource importers to validate depending on project settings Clarify that ETC is required for GLES2. Remove references to OES24, which is incompatible with many devices. Ensure implicit conversions for scalar constants work in shaders, closes #26239 If resources on disk have subresources and they are edited, also save the resource on ctrl-s Fixed issue where descriptor is left hanging, which causes file locked on Windows, closes #26342 Make sure restoring opened scenes happens after scanning is done. -Fix problem of order of import plugins, closes #26340 -Ensure resource previewer does not start until first import is done Avoid docks to be overriden while scanning, fixes #26359 Detect for 24 bits oes support on GLES2, closes #26344 Save resources even if no scene is present, closes #26273 Massive improvement to GLES2 performance, rewrote most ShaderGLES2 class. This fixes #26337 Strive for maximum compatibility in GLES2 regarding depth buffers. Fix CSG crash, closes #26281 Clean up blend shape support in GLES2 and GLES3. Flush stuff pending on visual server thread when exiting, fixes #24669 Fix non initialized variable. Fixed some crashers, closes #26393 Skeleton was not providing prober AABB in GLES2, fixed. Remove old method that makes no sense today, fixes #25566 Fixed RGTC (and other compressed) texture supports in GLES2. Fixes #26414 an probably others. -Fix prepass state not being reset, closes #26348 -Send zero values for shader if no default exists Make query checks less agressive, fixes #24694 Fixed a case of broken loop due to wrapping on the edge, closes #25245 Remove some windows prints Clean up and fix some situations where triangulation may fail, closes #26366 Removed some prints Skeletons can now choose between using local or world coords for processing, fixes #26468 Properly redraw if something animated is visible Add a warning when using plain Container, as many users seem to misunderstand what this is. Fixed missing exclude raycast shapes arguments in snap, closes #25230 Also take dof blur in consideration for using MRTs, fixes #26236 Ability to keep pumping messages while being debugged, may be a solution for #21431 Implement a more coherent (and way less hack) way to block animation updates, fixes #24618 Add support for event accumlation (off by default, on for editor), fixes #26536 Specifically error when users try to use sync to physics and move and slide, closes #26545 Further clarify docs for #26545 Close file handles after use of new get_as_utf8_strings, fixes #26578 Warn about plane shape usage, closes #26503 Update focus mask only if there is a focused control, fixes #26524 Better warnings when resources can't be saved. Fixes #26531 Fix and restore text, material and mesh previewers. Remove the "Open Editor" button, it will open automatically. Some clean up to previous commit. Ensure shader is not set if code did not change Make sure ResurceLoader.exists works on imported files, fixes #23555 Use accumulated input by default, fixes #26395 Fix how settings change, closes #26692 Safer way to update animation if changed, fixes #26670 -Make tileset and meshlibrary edit in a separate inspector, fixes #26671 -Made relationship lines appear based on theme settings, not previous hack -Fix drawing of relationship lines (was broken) -Fix double initialization of theme settings Don't hide/show top editor if they did not change, fixes #26644 Hide StreamTexture flags, fixes #26640 Use glCopyTexSubImage2D instead of glCopyTexImage2D, should be safer and faster. May be a solution to #26500 No longer crash due to wrongly requesting a gizmo, fixes #26735 Ensure ETC2 textures are ALSO compressed to Po2 when have mipmaps. Fixes #26733 Force inspector to clean up on delete, fixes crash. Do not annoy unrelated textures with texture editor. Fix crash in texture previeer, closes #26749, probably others Undo #25557 (was not right anyway), fixes #26258 Enable seamless cubemap only if extension is present. Julian Murgia (2): Display path to preloaded res + button to open it Add button hbox with alphabetic sort toggle above methods outline. Julien CATINEAU (1): add option to invert y-axis Junwei Ng (1): Update Windows global mouse position at startup Justin Abene (1): Prevent "cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object" Justin Vesper (1): Fixed wrong method binding in control Jérôme Gully (1): Change primitive meshes acccuracy value K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee (22): Add dummy audio driver, fix dummy rasterizer Create and return LightmapCapture. Fix visual script editor interface Improve VisualScript UX Bones are now named and their parents are correct. Visualscript: Hide empty categories for basic types and methods. Visualscript: Don't show Shift+A search box at every screen and reuse EDIT_FIND_NODE_TYPE (ctrl-f) shortcut. Add editor property type so that inspector can search for objects. This is a regression. Visualscript fix crash and generic search does not connect ports. Visualscript: Don't type guess on nil. Carry property hint and hint string through to Visualscript virtual functions. In the GLTF importer normalize Quaternions after every operation and when reading from the format. Change the default variable constructor to use EditorInspector and updated property hints that were changed. Fix #17843 inability to generate vs projects without being in a MSVC command prompt by guessing variables. Update visual scripting to use new expression class #20885 After using the generic visual script search, reset the generic search mode variable to false. Fix for Visual Shader Editor #22906: Cannot change color on Color Constant Make visualscript search better. Fix creating a visual script virtual function after minimizing crashes #23536 On virtual method creation cancel don't do anything. Fix empty script interface crash on tscn load. Add check in folding to see if the nodepath exists to avoid message spam. KaadmY (3): Allow usage of depth texture when contact shadows are disabled Use sun energy for ProceduralSky generation Fix orthographic shadow color when using GLES2 Kanabenki (9): Add missing flag for exported enum Fix angular velocity property range in editor for ParticlesMaterial Fix wrong editor hints for angular_velocity properties Add store_csv_line method for File Display font size with zoom in code editor and refresh on settings change Allow *= operator between vec and mat types in shaders Add suggestions ignoring case at the end of the code autocomplete Prevent FileDialog from stealing focus when setting current file in editor Use relative path property hint for windows export icon Karen Schwane (1): Move jcenter behind mavenCentral and google gradle repos to fix build problems Karolis K (4): Fix icon if remote icon load fails Thumbnail overlay for videos in AssetLib AssetLib pagination modifications Fix AssetLib image loading Kellam Spencer (1): Fix to scrolling, rounding error on max_v_scroll Kelly Thomas (30): round / ceil methods for c sharp vectors correct documentation for version number data type [docs] fix links in class docs [docs] fix links in class docs Mono: Basis constructor for euler parameter mono: New Color methods: Darkened, Lightened and ToRgba32 mono: Plane, expose Normal, and D Fix index out of range error in string.Extension() mono: add Slerp method to vector classes, expose Cross method for Vector2, and fix unnecessary casts in Basis allow undefined GODOT_DEBUG_MSBUILD environment variable convert unicode mono root path to ascii string Changes to default C# script template (#19940) mono: add IsInstanceValid(), move WeakRef() mono: add constants to transform and vector structs mono: add Abs() to Rect2 and rename private fields [Mono] AABB - Position, Size, End setters, Rect2 - End setter mono: Quat - add some missing constructors and methods emit more detailed type information for signal parameters update class docs Improve ClassDB information for some some signal parameters Change return value of Tree.create_item() from Object to TreeItem Standardize documentation for the pool arrays' invert methods [Mono] implement Transform.InterpolateWith() [DOCS] InputEventMouseButton: correct description for doubleclick property [DOCS] ButtonList - extra mouse buttons [Docs] Fix some broken links add ONE constants to Vector2 and Vector3 Update class documentation xml [Mono] Color - add ColorN(), Colors - add named color properties fix capitalization for antiquewhite Konrad Nowakowski (4): Fix 2d collision body update on shape remove Add android export error on invalid package name Fix touch release event on _gui_input Fix polygon drawing on WebGL1 Konstantin Zaitsev (1): Fix possible NullPointerException crash on cancel payment Kraus (1): ButtonGroup.get_pressed_button bugfix, fixes issue #25057 Kyle Dayton (1): Add lock rotation feature to spatial editor viewport Kyle Szklenski (1): Fix non-compiling typo in Expression.xml example Kārlis Seņko (3): Fix project opening while filter is applied. Allow moving LineEdit visible window left by more than one symbol. Use correct meta item in rich text. L. Nikko (1): Fixed wave file importer's broken resampling. Lars Kokemohr (1): completed-signal is emitted by all GDScriptFunctionStates of a coroutine now, allowing to yield for completion of a function with more than one yield inside. Laurent Van Acker (1): Add modulation of tiles from tileset in palette and editor draw Lee Pugh (2): Expose PhysicsDirectBodyState.get_contact_impulse Fix missed captured mouse events on x11 Leon Krause (61): Fix GDNATIVE_API_INIT() warning about sign mismatch Fix HTML5 HTTPClient failure detection Fix HTML5 HTTPClient response header retrieval Disable insecure HTTP methods CONNECT and TRACE in HTML5 platform Warn when polling HTTPClient synchronously in HTML5 platform Flush HTTPClient response data only on request/close in HTML5 platform Disable FreeType SIMD in HTML5 builds Build polygon clipper only in tools builds Prevent division by zero in GridContainer Reinstate WebGL 1.0 driver in HTML5 platform Check only for WebGL 1.0, move test to HTML file Fix typo in engine.js Disable Emscripten assertions in release_debug builds Add RWLockDummy for NO_THREADS builds Refactor JavaScript platform build script Expose Emscripten libs to engine.js discreetly Fix engine.js preloadFile() with directories Allow custom path when using engine.js preloadFile() with URL Fix engine.js startGame() when loading from directory Detect and configure JavaScript build per Emscripten configuration file Fix relative mouse motion when captured in HTML5 platform Fix keyboard focus lock-out with HTML5 canvas in iframe Add Engine.setWebAssemblyFilenameExtension() Accept non-default main packs in engine.js startGame() Use local path for custom HTML5 shell export Allow exporting runnable presets from command line Fix custom resource path look-up per command line Fix help/man for --export and --export-debug Revert "Fix custom resource path look-up per command line" Remove dead branch in command line logic Change reused variable name in command line parsing Fix duplicate definitions with FreeType Small refactoring in HTML5 build scripts Build HTML5 release_debug with -Os, like release. Detect channel count, mix rate, and buffer length in HTML5 audio driver Fix dummy renderer for CPU particles Refactor OS_JavaScript Facilitate external modification of HTML5 canvas size Add responsive HTML5 export page with full-size canvas as new default Fix WebM module for HTML5 platform Enable Theora module for HTML5 platform Fix HTML5 gamepad input Fix missing texture-download error with OpenGL ES Implement OS::set_icon in HTML5 platform Fix compiler warnings in HTML5 platform Fix warnings in HTML5 build outside platform files Fix GLES2 uniform precision Format GLES2 scene.glsl Use BufferSubData instead of MapBufferRange in HTML5 platform Enable --no-heap-copy flag for HTML5 builds Add proper stubs for OS_JavaScript::execute(), get_process_id(), kill() Build squish decompression in runtime Check for WebGL RGTC extension Fix HTML5 gamepad logic for Emscripten 1.38.22 compat breakage Fix HTML5 build warning Refactor OS_JavaScript header Deal with Google's HTML5 autoplay policy Allow requesting full screen during start-up in HTML5 platform Add renderer selection to New Project dialog Fix file preloading warning in HTML5 platform Use stdout/-err for all messages in HTML5 platform Liangdi (3): support New TileSet Editor zooming use CTRL/CMD + MouseWheel fixed code style for clang-format fix tile set editor crash when drawing polygon shapes add undeclared function params of VisualScriptEditor::_selected_method , Fixes #23475 LikeLakers2 (4): Fix the weird method linking issue when the previous method's description ends with a code block [Docs] Remove double-spaces from descriptions, as well a couple other small fixes Changed the comment where reduz yells at the X11 API to a less explicitive one Add extra newline after enum members and constants, to ensure they'll format properly after a multi-line description Link (1): Fix switching WindowDialog types leaves garbage buttons Liz Haas (4): ProjectSettings: Disallow adding properties without name. GDScriptParser: Remove debug prints. ScriptEditor: Use EditorSettings instead of hardcoded values in constructor. Mono: Avoid invalid class names. Luiz (3): Fix some AnimationPlayer bugs and update documentation Fix AnimationPlayer bug where it wouldn't reset its position when finished Fix AnimationPlayer jumping to the beggining after ending on editor. Luke Miller (1): fix issue with bezier tracks using incorrect duration for interpolating values M. Huri (10): Fixed a typo, sahpe to shape. Made 'draw relationship lines' (at Editor Settings) enabled by default. [Docs] Fixed 'get_button_count's link and a typo related to 'button'. Removed duplication of include(s): - "collision_solver_sat.h". - "shaders/copy.glsl.gen.h" Repaired mistyped of 'just_disconnected'. Fixed a typo, treshhold to threshold. [Docs] Repaired some words on ProjectSettings Repaired mistyped of 'its' on several files. [Docs] Fixed a typing glitch in ARVRServer.xml Fixed a typo in 'uwp_device_capabilites' Maarten Heremans (1): Fixes crash when loading *.escn resources with gdnative #20141 Mads Ynddal (2): Added path for Mono installed through Homebrew Removed undeclared and unused variable, which caused a compile error Manuel Moos (2): Add hysteresis to physics timestep count per frame Fix #17019 : overrides with unknown base setting Manuel Strey (2): update window title when switching scenes fix scripts not reloading when edited externally Marc Gilleron (19): Added all missing VisualServer bindings Added find & replace in files Fix Line2D tile mode for non-square textures Make heightmap shape usable from PhysicsServer Added partial texture update to VisualServer Fix Find in Files: Fix potential bugs with Find in Files Expose OS.get_ticks_usec() Initialize default lock rotation in constructor Allow to create a heightmap collision shape from an image Find in Files improvements Fix dirty read of ObjectID counter when threads are involved Don't delete FileAccess when it is null Re-add missing save resource button in the inspector Added basic support for custom resource savers and loaders Explain how to use Expression inputs Moved script editor search bar to the bottom, so it doesn't shift everything down Fixed uninitialized log member due to THEME_CHANGED notification Don't modify font which could potentially not be the editor one yet Marcelo Fernandez (108): Improved WASAPI driver so that it always uses the default audio device Added OS::center_window to center the window precisely on desktop platforms Fix for a possible compile error under OS X Fixed Windows ignoring minimized/maximized status set by user Support for uneven amount of channels on PulseAudio Modify OSX can_export logic to match the logic from EditorExportPlatformPC::can_export Fix for a possible crash when a custom theme is not loaded properly Clean and expose get_audio/video_driver_* funcs on OS class Improved error checking at EditorExportPlatformPC::export_project Added File.get_path and File.get_path_absolute functions Added error checks for fscache saving Fix possible crash when audio channels change Fix missing const in CapsuleShapeSW::get_area Fix several in-class initialization clang warning Fix for clang warning at distance_to Added new audio device functions to set/get the audio device WASAPI driver will now resample when the device rate != audio/mix_rate WASAPI audio driver compile fix on mingw Fix error detecting for PulseAudio pa_stream_new call Fix PulseAudio driver for audio devices that report unknown number of channels Fix PulseAudio problems with 8 channels devices Fixed high cpu usage with PulseAudio Fix use64 used without being initialized Prevent PulseAudio driver to lock its mutex for too long Fix some enums missing its bind canvas_item_add_triangle_array bind fixup Fix compile error with clang Fix missing return on Navigation2D::get_closest_point_owner Improve TileMap undo operations Add a message when there is nothing to Undo or Redo Improve TileMap undo operations, second try Pause AudioStreamPlayers when SceneTree pauses Removed unused AudioServer::update function Fix profiler not updating on realtime Add missing NULL checks for add_child_below_node Add a Clear button to the profiler Optimize _recreate_quadrants Add a new notification to detect crashes on native scripts Improved stream paused fade code Fix possible bug with AudioStreamPlayer2D audio position Properly cleanup up CoreAudio unit using AudioComponentInstanceDispose Added Performance.AUDIO_OUTPUT_LATENCY Add Audio Server profiling time to the profiler Fix some missing BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT for visual_shader_nodes.cpp Print an error when calling an invalid method on an Animation Added a new MIDIDriver class Fix upper/lower case convertion for characters >= 0x80 Fixed Bucket Fill tool Fix possible crash at NativeScript::get_base_script Modified Microphone implementation to handle only one device at a time (WIP) Implemented capture device selection for CoreAudio Fixed device capture switching for WASAPI driver Added support for single channel inputs for CoreAudio Renamed AudioDriver audio_input_* vars to input_* Added support for single channel inputs for PulseAudio Add OS::open_midi_inputs and OS::close_midi_inputs Fix clang compile error Fix compile error with PulseAudio driver and clang MinGW compile fix Add Dummy AudioDriver into the AudioDriverManager list Implemented profiling functions for NativeScript Add missing BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT to ClippedCamera Prevent CoreAudio driver failing on finish if Dummy driver was selected Unexpose TileMap set_celld Fix possible crash when switching audio device on WASAPI driver Fix OS X get_ticks_usec return value after #22424 Fix CoreMidi warnings Add missing BIND_ENUM for SPEAKER_SURROUND_31 Fixed issues with audio input on some Macs Fix possible audio input buffer issues Save last export path when exporting Add a duplicate button to duplicate presets Server platform works on OS X too Fix OS X crash when running as .app Export for OS X on OS X now lets you select .dmg or .zip Fix possible crash with VideoPlayer _mix_audio function Add an Export All button to the Export dialog Preset saved export path is now shown on the Export window Expose OS::move_window_to_foreground Fix binaries incorrectly detected as shared libraries on some linux distros Fix AudioStreamPlayback::stop not being called on AudioStreamPlayer::stop Fix compile recent compile issues with gcc 5.5 Fix missing bind for _export_path_changed Export Path now has a folder icon to select the path Fix AudioStreamPlayer2D/3D::is_playing right after a play() Fix distorted sound with PulseAudio and uneven channels Fix X11 running a project with fullscreen setting on and resizable off with multiple screens Fix possible error when switching audio devices with PulseAudio Implemented audio input support for JavaScript audio driver Fix wrong size and position when windows is minimized on Windows EditorExportPlugin now calls _export_end() when export ends if scripted Fix custom features missing when _export_begin is called Fix EditorAudioBuses not updating when changing to a device with different channels PulseAudio driver will now change the device if the default system device changes Fix AudioEffectRecord not working without thread support Add application/config/project_settings_override option to override project settings Expose InputEventMIDI to scripts Fix ALT+F4 being ignored with MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED on Windows Fix get_time_zone_info returning inverted bias on Windows/UWP Fix possible crash with an invalid last_mouse_focus pointer Fix AudioStreams::stop possibly causing a small noise Fix compiling with use_mingw flag on Windows Extended WASAPI Initialize error message Fix WASAPI driver not working when the device doesn't supports the mix format Implement Audio Input support on Android Fix possible crash when AudioDriver::capture_start fails Fix possible crash on AudioDriver::input_buffer_write Request Android record permission when needed Marcin Zawiejski (30): fix buffer write performance on Windows and Unix download templates to a file using separate thread fix for removing files Fix onready vars / vars accessing class members if _ready / _init not present prevent redraws when an inactive Particles2D node is present initialize texture shrink to false by default remove redundant uniform set call fix disappearing lines in visual script editor fix windows build using python 3.7 Fix Windows handles leak Fix uniform set for mat3 and mat4 fix out of buffer read when copying non-null terminated strings Fix mat4 uniform writes Batch GLES2 draw calls Reduce verbosity for unsupported GLES2 bg modes Revert "Batch GLES2 draw calls" Reset reason text when no longer connected Try closing gracefully before terminating process == and != operators for Ref / T* Fix file hints Fix clear button not clearing plot when stopped Fix for p_width - 1=-1 out of size Fix negative size rectangle drawing Remove vsgdnative loader on exit Replace CreateThread with QueueUserWorkItem Set WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT values in VS project Fix global settings consistency Fix GDI objects leak when setting custom cursor Fix warning when setting out of range outline_size calculate inputs count from arg types instead of names Mariano Javier Suligoy (14): attemp to fix #15870 New TileSet Editor Display tile ID along with name Backward compatibility for autotile setup from Godot 3.0.X Fixes #20746 Texture Region: Cache auto-slice information into the texture. Fixes #11503 TileSet editor Fixes Properly draw navigation and oclusion polygons for SINGLE type tiles. Fixes #21398 Add some checks for TileID validation before accessing to it's properties. Fixes #21397 Fix 'Keep inside region' snap option for tiles with SINGLE_TILE mode. Fixes #21402 Restore hability to asign/unasign an script to a tileset. Fixes #20886 Fix "index -1 out of range" error spam when the Editor is using translations. Fixes #24277 TileSetEditor: Show Edition Context by demand Allow to change selection around all tiles on the texture without clicking on them. Fixes #25203. Fixes #22077 Allow to change selection of collision shapes added to the same tile. Fixes #26369. TileSetEditor: Allow to toggle Convex/Concave collisions. Alternative fix to #24003 TileSetEditor: Expose to the user OneWayCollision+Margin properties. Fixes #25817. TileSet/TileMap: Decompose solid non-convex polygons into convexes. Real fix for #24003 TileSetEditor: Don't draw invalid occlusion shapes. Fixes #24238 Mariusz Chwalba (2): test for depreciacion warnings only on debug builds Revert cause of #22794 Markar (1): Fix bucket fill behaviour when selecting multiple tiles Markus Ewald (1): Implement VisualServerScene::instance_set_extra_visibility_margin() method to actually apply extra culling margin and mark instance AABB dirty Markus Törnqvist (1): Implement font shadows for RichTextLabel Marlon Henry Schweigert (1): Display set_nodelay to GDScript Martin Capitanio (8): Editor: make custom bold font config working Fix color-picker sliders Really fix the custom cursor hotspot Set the lower bound for the GradientTexture width property to 1 Fix set_default_cursor_shape interaction with Control nodes Disable 'freelook' in the orthogonal mode. Fix 'Align selection with view' in orthogonal mode Cleanup unused header Martin Rieke (1): Add functionality to move selected tiles in tile map editor Mateus Felipe C. C. Pinto (2): Change *_slot to *_port on get_connection_list Change color of AnimationPlayer curve to "highlight" Mattias Cibien (1): Fix main scene file filter Mavropoulos Ioannis (1): enhance mipmaps Max (3): Fixed disappearing text on filedialog buttons Fixed float Color conversions to int types Fixed shortcuts not working with InputEventActions Max Hilbrunner (32): [DOCS] parse_json: Objects do not keep key order [DOCS] Small fix to PinJoint2D [DOCS] NetworkedMultiplayerENet [DOCS] Small fix to Area: Fix copy/paste errors [DOCS] Net.MultiplayerEnet: List returned errors [DOCS] Input [DOCS] Environment: Whitespace fixes [DOCS] Node: Networking updates, fix outdated and missing docs [DOCS] Node: Remove duplicate information [DOCS] Generic6DOFJoint fixes [DOCS] Node & PackedScene (#17833) [DOCS] Typo fix for CollisionShape[2D] [DOCS] SceneTree [DOCS] OS NetworkedMultiplayerEnet: Add disconnecting/kicking peers Add DNS resolution in NetworkedMultiplayerEnet::create_client() PCKPacker:pck_start(): Update version Windows detect.py: Detect missing WindowsSdkDir Enet: Add wait time param to close_connection() Javascript: Remove weird log [DOCS] Array sort Revert "RPCMode refactor, more sync modes" Add UPnP support (port forwarding, querying external IP) [DOCS] InputEventMouseButton: Factor [DOCS] TreeItem: Small fix for remove_child() [DOCS] Builtin keywords because search is terribad Revert "Fix #19507 Not emitted particles affects performance" Tilemap editor: Fix crash introduced in #17582 [DOCS] Project Settings: Default clear color [DOCS] NetworkedMultiplayerPeer: TransferMode(s) [DOCS] YSort [DOCS] StreamPeerTCP Maxwell Paul Brickner (1): README: Use HTTPS URL for image. (#17851) Maykeye (1): Changed A* exit condition, added 2 tests for it Mel Collins (7): [DOCS] Some content for InterpolatedCamera [DOCS] Tweaks and fixes for (Interpolated)Camera [DOCS] Clarify look_at and looking_at Add a little to ViewportTexture docs Add longer description to ViewportTexture doc Clarify direction of input event propagation Clarify which direction RemoteTransform[2D] work Melvin Winstroem-Moeller (1): Editor source status font size, fixes #25039 Michael (1): Fixed 2D intersect_shape limiting broadphase results Michael Alexsander (143): Re-enabled type icons. Fixed "Attach Script" dialog's file dialog labeling. Some small fixes for the "Attach Script" dialog. Small fixes for the Control description in the docs. Changes for the "Recent Scripts" menu. Small changes to the "Recent Scenes" menu. Capitalized "View" menu options. Fixed wrong example in JSONParseResult. Added "allow_reselect" property to ItemList and enabled it for the method/help lists. Fixed small typos in the SConstruct file. Made modifications to the RigidBody(2D) descriptions. Made the Debugger's Stack Frames items reselectable. Fixed "Open" button being enabled when nothing is selected in a FileDialog while in "Open folder" mode. Clarified what the Tree's signals "item_activated" and "item_double_clicked" do. Fixed Remote Tree not drawing relationship lines unless the setting is changed. Fixed small typo in the "InstancePlaceholder" doc. Added the "GLES2" option for the video-driver in the terminal help. Fixed some popups not shrinking their size back when losing items. Added missing end points for brief descriptions in the docs. Minor fixes for the AnimationPlayer doc. Numerous changes to the Animation Editor. Fixed deleting an animation marked to autoplay in the editor affecting the creation of one with the same name. Made the Pin button disable when no AnimationPlayer is selected. Changed periods in the script templates. Small changes for some strings. Added "play_backwards" to the list o functions to autocomplete. Added "*.tags" (Made by Geany's Ctags plugin) to the ".gitignore" file. Fixed some warnings found with Cppcheck. Exposed set/get_project_metadata in EditorSettings. Small visual changes for some filter bars. Small tooltip changes. Capitalized comments of methods created by the Connect Signal dialog. Fixed GroupCallFlags links in the SceneTree's doc. Minor changes to the Scene and Canvas editors' tooltips. Don't add a period to a log file name if it has no extension. Small changes to the comments in the script templates. Fixed regression making the logger not respect the max files limit. Minor changes to the AnimationPlayer editor. Make Update Spinner popup use radio items Expose 'modulate' set/get in TileSet resource Adjust bottom panel's minimal height for the expand icon Small doc formating changes and Linux cursor theme note Fix wrong context menu when right-clicking script/doc files Changes to the TileSet and TextureRegion editors Fix MeshLibrary editor Rename instances of the word "theme" to "mesh_library" in GridMap and MeshLibrary editors Add option to move Tile/GridMap editors to another side Small improvements to the Spatial Editor's multiple viewport mode Fix Members/Help Overview getting their items deselected when a tooltip appears Small change on how GridMap's "theme" is deprecated Make "Search Classes" dialog have relationship lines if the setting is enabled Change some instances of args named "ev" to "event" Fix error when reimporting an Image resource Fix MenuButton hover switching not happening with submenus open Add expand/collapse all buttons for the "Errors" tab Expose "get_modal_stack_top()" to GDScript Remove unnecessary "OK"s text settings Properly setup EditorProperties in arrays and dictionaries Make filesystem dock's path bar start with said path written Make EditorFileDialog be able to pick a folder when entering it Make Rect2 EditorProperty obey the horizontal setting Add proper strikethrough BBCode to RichTextLabel Add note in ParallaxLayer doc about ignoring position/scale changes after entering the scene Remove "Doc Path" setting Add example to Animation doc Fix TextEdit margin start spacing with two scrollbars Remove unnecessary "rings" variable from "draw_rings()" in StyleBox Switch unoptimized handlers from spatial editor viewport to optimized ones Make "Perspective" button look like a actual clickable button Readjust "Preview" button in Spatial editor Fix inconsistences in some buttons in the Canvas/Spatial editor menubar Fix default layout dock sizes Small capitalization fixes across the editor Fix issues with the "Search Results" panel Remove "save folding for:" message when saving Add new "push_*()" functions to GDScript Rename "Log*()" functions to "Push*()" in C# General fixup of the "Find in Files" dialog Added "shader" filter to "Find in Files" Remove unused variable in ScriptEditorDebugger Add argument to UndoRedo's "clear_history()" to not increase the version Add more places to hide guides if relationship lines are enabled Fill info for translation related docs Make opening menus with the same parent on mouse focus explicit General fixes for the new unified help search Make the buttons in the unified help dialog not steal focus Restore previous scroll position when reopening the search help dialog with a old search Fix ItemList editor not hiding on node removal Move "Dialog Bounds" from the Editor Settings to project's metadata Add tooltips to GraphEdit node Make LightOccluder2D Editor use the AbstractPolygon Editor instead of its own General enhancements to the Polygon2D, TextureRegion, and TileSet editors Update NavPoly in the editor canvas when the resource is changed via the Inspector Hide "Script" section in the "TilesetEditorContext" Minor changes to the File menu in the Script Editor Warn about AnimationTreePlayer's deprecation Cleanup some unused controls in the editor's top bar Remove "panel" theme property from ButtonGroup Fix "blocked > 0" error when selecting an item in the Search Help dialog Change EditorLineEditFileChooser to use the "Folder" icon Expose ButtonGroup's "get_buttons()" to GDScript Fix item highlighting in PopupMenu for items with offset Fix titles in graph editors being invisible when headers are enabled General fixes for the AnimationTree editor Make the AnimationTree editor's path section more obvious Small fixes for the AnimationTree editor Fix small drawing error in TileSet editor Fix possible error in "disable_advanced_gui" flag's description General fixes for the TileSet editor Add undo-redo to the TileSet editor, and other improvements Fix incorrect grid snapping in TileSet editor with separation Move scrolls in the StateMachine editor inside the panel Fix UndoRedo operations for the new features in the Polygon2D UV Editor Appease some CppCheck warns for files in the "scene" directory Make the Texture Region Editor able to edit regions of Sprite3Ds Make some small enhancements to the ColorPicker Small fixup on button toggle behaviour in ColorPicker Add frame support for Sprite3D with region enabled Small changes to the SpriteFrames editor General cleanup of script and doc search bars Add disabled tab style Cleanup editor's top bar of old nodes Minor cleanup in the Project Manager Revert "Disallow polygon2D editing if internal vertices exists, as suggested in #24853" Better and non-buggy Polygon2D editing disabling Fix Polygon2D Editor interacting with its buttons too soon Small improvements to the Resource doc Fix description size in "New Node" dialog Fix navigation editor color materials not having unique names Add small spacing between top bars in main editor and project manager Add descriptions for the 'MergeMode's in 'UndoRedo' docs Fix 'UndoRedo's 'MERGE_ALL' mode repeating instructions when quickly commiting actions Make translatable some undo/redo operations in the editor Fix 'SplitContainer's showing their handles when they shouldn't Make 'SplitContainer' update drawing only if actually needs to Revert "Fix 'UndoRedo's 'MERGE_ALL' mode repeating instructions when quickly commiting actions" Make TileSet editor's workspace change size according to region changes Fix general issues with filesystem-related UI components in the editor Remove "TODO" instances in the docs Disable coord navigation buttons in TileSet editor when no texture is selected Fix FileSystem dock's item view button starting with the wrong icon Cleanup relationship line coding after 5f079e2 Fix "Favorite" button not being toggled when navigating to a faved folder manually Michael Lee (1): Preventing an editor crash in the event that a plugin scene's root-node is null. Michael Pobega (1): Elaborate AnimationPlayer manual advancing Michele Valente (2): fix release builds with mono fixes build error on Linux after its introduction in #18949 MidZik (3): Disable ability to copy or cut text from LineEdit if secret mode is enabled. Clarified TileMap get_cell method behavior. Fixed get_seed() not returning the correct seed. Mikko Mustonen (6): Relative motion based on raw input for Windows Added double clicking to all buttons Fix zero relative motion event when clicking in MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED Fix mouse position when clicking in MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED Fix inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation switch middle and secondary mouse buttons order Mintormo (3): Fixed bug #17929. Inconsistent sort in file manager. Added support Python 3 in "make_header.py" file (#23480) Wrong directory path in filesystem dock when creating script. Mr-Slurpy (1): Added tool menu functions in EditorPlugin MrCdK (13): Added pitch scale property to AudioStreamPlayer, AudioStreamPlayer2D and AudioStreamPlayer3D The TextureButton's bitmask takes into account the stretch mode selected Expose audio streams get_length() AudioServer emit bus_layout_changed signal when adding, moving or deleting a bus Now the inspector will show the custom resources added via plugin Expose methods area_set_area_monitor_callback and area_set_monitorable in PhysicsServer and Physics2DServer Expose the align property of the SpinBox's LineEdit control Fixes Area and Area2D audio bus override Add backward looping support to AudioStreamSample (wav files) Arrays now parse the hint_string in the new inspector. Fixed CanvasItem.draw_multimesh() binding. Added PoolIntArray, PoolRealArray and PoolColorArray interpolate Added a create rectangle button to the tileset editor. MrVallentin (1): Fixed typos NIkola Grulovic (1): Syntax Menu as sub-menu of Edit Naoto Kondo (5): GDNative: Fixes a problem that active_library_path is wrong after exporting app for mac Fix keycode problem on OSX PluginScript: Add support for the new() method [macOS] Fixed a problem sdk path could not be detected Fix button alignment of Package Installer on OSX Nathan Harrell (1): Add ability to import projects via ZIP archive. Nathan Lovato (1): [DOC] Complete the TextureProgress reference Nathan Warden (8): Added async and await as C# keywords. Fix an infinite recursion in the Mathf.Decimals method when using floats. [Mono] Basis values now marshalled in the correct order. Added an auto quit and auto build flag to the command line options. [Mono] Fixed "expression did not evaluate to a constant" compiler error for visual studio. The marshalling in was also incorrect. The build-solutions flag now forces editor mode. Lerp now consistent with Godot API. InverseLerp fixed. Natrim (2): Particles2D: set emitting if not set before generating Visibility Rect Particles2D: fix editing Visibility Rect from inspector Neil Graham (3): add Image::bumpmap_to_normalmap conversion function change to clang format change bumpmap_to_normalmap range from [1...255] to [0...255] Neil Moore (2): Fixes gravity calculation for kinematic bodies in Bullet Update Image format enumeration documentation Nibodhika (1): Allows to map an action to all devices. Nick Hahn (1): Fix handling of normals that approach 1 Nick Hope (1): fixed: windows mono compile (#20598) Nicolas Silva (3): Fix polygon triangulation failure. Allow degenerate triangles in polygon triangulation when necessary. Use GL_LINE_STRIP instead of GL_LINES when drawing polylines. Nikodem Lokatelj (4): Extended node renames function to also rename script instance node path properties and fixed animation rename bug perform_node_renames function now also checks for any script instance with node paths so they also get renamed to point to new paths. This also fixes a bug with animation player renaming where two nodes had the same name. FIX: FILE_SHOW_IN_EXPLORER now correctly shows the file's directory perform_node_renames fix for a case where the new name is empty Fixed _issue_activated to take the correct issue id from the list Nobelix (1): Added a description to the picth_scale property in the AudioStreamPlayer classes. Nufflee (1): Fix #20171. Nuno Donato (1): Open visual editor when "open editor" button in the inspector is pressed. Fixes #20111 Oliver Gutierrez (1): RichTextLabel, doc: Added new method to get total content height Oliver Rausch (1): Fix return type of isnan and isinf in the shader language Omicron (2): Typo in text string Fixes typo in source string sent to translation. OsamaElHariri (1): A colon ending a comment line no longer indents the next line Oussama (1): Update Bullet to the latest commit 126b676 Overblob (2): Fixed error due to bad cursor handling when parsing shader code * Small hex/float/integer parsing refactoring Ovnuniarchos (3): SpinBoxes calculate correctly their width before first redraw. Tile randomizer for tilemap editor. PopupMenu item_pressed is sent before checking hide flags. PanPan (1): change framework name CoreMidi to CoreMIDI Paolo Perkovic (3): Fix inconsistencies and typos in argument names Fix UX with project settings search functionality Fix timeline track name overlapping keyframe area Patrick Beard (1): Call -update when window becomes the key window Patrick Kaster (1): added 'android_add_asset_dir('...') method to Android module gradle build config Paul Batty (34): Fixed members overview not scrolling to correct line Abstracted the syntax highlighter from text edit Renamed GDSyntaxHighlighter to GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter Fixed color regions and added local color region cache Fixed color region calculation for the first line Added multi group editor dialog, issue 13997 Exclude GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter from non-tool builds GDScript highlighter now remembers previous state Added GDScript function definition highlighting Added GDScript NodePath highlighting Theme saving no longer hard coded Removed duplicate default colours and removed GDScriptHighligher colours from main editor. Fixed text drawing too high in TextEdit, issue 15688 Center text drawing in LineEdit Refactored text manipulation into CodeTexteditor Allow opening and editing of any utf_8 file in script editor Fix crash on doc right click, issue 20429 Fix re-opening of TextFiles when its already being edited Added method to create TextFiles Fixed scientific notaion not highlighting correctly, issue 21435 Fix backwards search in TextEdit selecting non-whole words, issue 15677 Fix crash on colour theme change, issue 21715 Icon for TextFiles Fix code folding taking into account empty lines, issue 15689 Fix types highlighting outside of function args and var declarations, issues 22029,21638 Fixed delete line being off by one, issue 22819 Update Tab hover status when adding or removing tabs, issue 22890 Don't create scene thumbnail before its saved, issue 22890 Fix clone line undo history and extra new line, issue 21811 Fix scroll bar lock when smooth scroll enabled, issue 23314 Fix text files constantly asking for reload as no last modified time Fix Word wrap cache desync causing crash Fix text edit wrapping beyond control size, issue 23896 Fixed selection being activated when using scroll lines Paul Joannon (15): Change 'Build Project' button style in Mono panel set a better initial size to TextEdit nodes Fix bug when launching a game with no main scene add a [Signal] attribute to CSharpScripts implement signal related methods in csharp_script so signals can be used with emit [mono] fix signals parameter retrieval [mono] get stacktraces for all inner exceptions only show information we have in stacktrace fix build error when compiling with mono, tools=no, target=release [mono] add the 'Facades' subfolder to the searched directories in _preload_hook [mono] rename functions to conform to PascalCase [mono] write classes with no constructor as abstract fix API string path Add missing methods to Node class in the mono glue tilemap_editor: change move and duplicate tools Paul Trojahn (4): Fix look_at with non uniform scaling Fix misleading modified status of scenes Fix preview in file dialog Unescape translations in CSV importer Pedro J. Estébanez (52): Add new window setting: always on top Implement always-on-top for MacOS Remove window decorations for fullscreen on X11 Fix wrong SSL handshake Fix listing files inside directory in pack file Fix glTF not accepting VEC3 colors Fix animation length from glTF not correctly set Unify http- and percent- encode/decode Enhance HTTPClient.query_string_from_dict() Add radio-button-looking entries to PopupMenu Support radio-button entries in ItemListPlugin Use radio-button-like menu entries where applicable Fix buggy percent-encoding Fix skeleton import from glTF Improve popup menus usability Add support for radio-looking items with icon Revert "Unify http- and percent- encode/decode" Fix theme editor sample widgets Implement universal translation of touch to mouse Fix Variant leak in call_native Allow body-up-to-EOF HTTP responses Fix debugger focus stealing Remove default non-zero left margin Import morph target names from glTF Fix touch issues on Windows Fix camera offsets not applied always Fix CanvasItem search for a CanvasLayer Add trilinear filtering to image scaling Optimize image scaling routines Expose additional BitMap methods Transform fill_bits from recursive to iterative Take CanvasLayer transform into account for 2D physics Optimize CanvasLayer::get_global_transform_with_canvas Fix picking in CanvasLayer Fix multitouch input not working on certain devices on Windows Track screen drag speed Fix crash on signal/resume to dangling target Fix GLES2 automatic texture lookup in canvas Unify ClassDB lookups for code completion Fix GDScript assuming awareness of whole ClassDB Fix canvas stacking not deterministic on same layer Let user fix dependencies in resources Let TileSet editor sanitize out tiles with wrong textures Fix mouse mode restoration on Windows Fix CanvasLayer trying to re-stack while out of tree Revert "Fix crash on signal/resume to dangling target" Fix crash on signal/resume to dangling target Fix blitting from negative position Let memory stat functions return uint64_t Improve/fix picking Restart game on GL context loss on Android Fix fake null-motion mouse event flood Peter Folkins (7): Add popup_closed signal for ColorPickerButton Set default file name for exported projects Fix AnimationPlayer edited scene bug Fix Ctrl+click on @GDScript constants Fix enums without class name not opening docs page Fix script editor CTRL+CLICK on singleton functions Adding font preview to file browsers Peter Oberrauner (1): Allow Creation of Multiple Collision Shapes for Tiles #24003 Phil Jones (1): Fix texture import spelling Philip Whitfield (1): osx: update mouse position on mouse press Pierrick Brunet (1): Fix typo for randd and randf Pieter-Jan Briers (31): Makes 3D editor grid color update without restart. Hiding a control now fires NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_EXIT. Give C# NodePath a ToString(). Makes NodePath and RID follow PascalCase in C#. Makes project manager never initialize mono debug. Enforce insert_final_newline in the editorconfig. Ignore tools CLI flags in non-tools builds. StyleBoxTexture: Texture instead of RES for texture and normal_map. Fix Mono builds with Python 3. Improve Input.is_action_just_* docs. Fix mono build properly! Explicitly print an error when --export fails. Fixes canvas light shaders. Fixes a typo in the VisualServer.canvas_item_add_set_transform docs. assembly_load_hook fallback for registering GDMonoAssemblies. Move things into the title bars of Visual Script nodes. More stuff! Adds z-index properties to TileSets. Fixes ObjectDB leak printout with mono. Makes doc methods display enums. ImageTexture.load returns an error code. Fix missing registration for new param of TextEdit::cursor_set_line. Adds C# rule to .editorconfig. Makes Mono bindings partial & adds GetNode. Defer TileMap::update_dirty_quadrants once again. Improve TileMap.get_used_cells docs. Fix Mono exception handling. Clean up & improve makerst.py makerst.py refactor. Improve documentation of Control. Improve documentation for StyleBox. Poommetee Ketson (53): TemplateManager: hold shift to open link in browser 3DEditor: fix multiple node selection crash the editor Fix wrong return type of xform functions AudioEffectReverb: max predelay_feedback to 0.98 Gradient: fix wrong property type 3DEditor: fix selecting node in viewport not update inspector Fix timer second not zero padded when < 10 Fix get_drive (bookmarks) in linux not working Color:fix setting V switch S to old V value AnimationEditor: fix time indicator offset Fix error spam when using PanoramaSky without texture (Magnify|Pan)Gesture: implement as_text Particles: fix corrupted scene when saved after convert (2nd try) [DOCS] clarify that OS.get_user_data_dir needs project name TileMap: add fix_invalid_tiles Add icon to TileMapEditor popupmenu [DOCS] Sync classref with current source Update icons when theme changed TileSetEditorPlgn: Fix a leak GridMapEditorPlgn: fix a leak GridMap: fix next/prev plane text, fix meta not found TileSet&TextureRegion: fix error when getting nonexistent tile EditorAudioBus: expand effects list TileSetEditorPlgn: use EditorHandle icon as handle s/Camear/Camera in docs EditorNode: fix clicking ok keeps trying to save ScriptTextEditor: fix capitalize offset Fix script template on `_ready` behavior InterpolatedCamera: use internal_process s/2017/2018/g for gles2, websocket, linux appdata [DOCS] minor ParticlesMaterial docs fix Linear -> Radial Fix converting to tileset crashes Godot if existing file is not tileset [Docs] fix typos Mesh: fix crash when creating mesh outline from QuadMesh Add new transform tutorial to appropriate classes Update classref and docs, fix missing parameters' name Fix typos in shader_language.cpp [DOCS] add HTTPRequest.request return values Fix docs regarding Color.from_hsv hue range [0,360] -> [0,1] Fix example code for EditorImportPlugin [DOCS] complete Tree.get_drop_section_at_position and Tree.drop_mode_flags [DOCS] SceneTree stretching constants Fix args count mismatch in property_changed signal Fix arg name in docs, some copy-paste errors Fix crash while importing corrupted wav Fix crash when previewing null AudioStream Deprecating bit flags export with no hint text Fix indentation in bullet SCsub Fix find-in-files and go-to-line dialog (partially) Fix formatting -0.0 by %+f displays +-0.0 doc: Sync classref with current source Docs: fix arg name of toggled signal in BaseButton Fix error explanation in core_bind Thread::_start_func PouleyKetchoupp (8): Get surface material count in MeshInstance for scripts Fixed fragment shader compilation error on android (S0001: Cannot compare 'float' with 'int') Fixed CurveTexture with GLES3 on Android Fixed undefined setting values when loading dynamic fonts Fixed radial progress with center offset by taking distance to edge into account in uv calculation Area2d rectangle collision check doesn't ignore the first pixel row and column (fix #25462) Fixed TextureButton click mask when no other texture is set Fixed & improved Visual Studio custom debugger visualization PrestonKnopp (1): escaped '&' in macos osx_tools.app Info.plist Profesor Tartelett (1): Errata fix on Image get_format() description R. K (1): Fix to ColorPicker behaviour when entering html. Rado'sPC\aRaGaR (2): For-in loop variable added to autocompletion Fix quotation in string Rafael Reis (1): #21500 Fixing key shortcut Rafał Mikrut (10): Make SVG scale more accurate Change old Godot logo/splash screen in UWP assets Fix latest regression error in SpriteFramesEditor Rescan files and folders deleting them Fix copy text when TextEdit is readonly Fix big text window in TextEdit Fix res:// error when dragging file to other file Fix error when deleting default environment Fix error when dragging empty script list in Script Editor Fix error when trying to enter to folder/node directly via address bar Rainer Deyke (2): Add 'fill selection' command to grid map editor Fixes scene corruption when updating dependencies. Ramesh Ravone (1): Fix: JAR files signed with the MD5 algorithm as unsigned Ranoller (4): FIX Windows enter/exit mouse notifications FIX to broken item select list (zoom and RMB) Tileset: Bind autotile_set_size()/get_size(). Profiler list functions from max to less expensive RaphaelHunter (3): add condition check in Imgae::create(...) Fix:code editor text size should change at least one each time, don't mind how you setting your display scale fix #20390 :get_unix_time_from_datetime and get_date_time_from_unix_time can handle time before year 1970 now Rasmus Ketelsen (1): Take tween speed into account when calculating runtime Ray Koopa (1): Unify editor class and reference search RedMser (1): Fix shader compile error line numbers starting at 0. Rhody Lugo (2): prune cache only at the start and end of build add NoCache wrapper to Command Ricardo Lüders (1): Fixes misleading error message when trying to export Ridwan Abdul Hafidh (1): add support libc++_shared stl on android Robert Morse (2): Add "Cinematic Preview" to the Spatial Plugin Editor. Fixed an issue with the Path2D plugin editor not supporting the capability to split curves as its toolbar buttons originally advertised. Robin Hübner (4): GDNative Unix: fix shared lib loading, dlopen expects leading ./ to interpret as relative path. windows: ensure minimum possible timer resolution for sleep Fix delay in rename_error windows save loop, should be 100msec, not 1sec Remove unused duplicate wireframe shortcut, fixes #18067 Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes (1): fix default glTF metallic & roughness factor values Rodolphe Suescun (1): Fixed issue #11893 (SpinBox Capturing mouse) To prevent the SpinBox from capturing mouse, added a "drag.allowed" variable that is set to true only when clicking inside the control. Entering the control with the left mouse button pressed will not trigger drag anymore. RomanAkberov (1): C#: fix Quat.Equals. Ruslan Mustakov (17): Fix intermittent audio driver crash during startup on Android Ceil dynamic font glyph size Fix oversampled font artifacts after resize Add safety checks when handling Android input Make BaseButton not emit press when container is scrolled iPhone X support and iOS-related fixes Fix Android input source checks Provide error details when in-app purchase fails Fix Node2D::global_position to have Vector2 type Resume audio on iOS after phone call or alarm Perfect FreeType-based outlines for DynamicFonts Always emit dynamic font change in update_oversampling Update oversampling of outlines after window size change Proper focus in/out handling on iOS Ceil char width within Label instead of Font Notify node's moved children after sibling removed Fix iOS safe area insets to use pixels and not points Ryan Roden-Corrent (1): Clarify how to use MultiMesh.set_instance_color. Ryan Schmitt (2): Fix false error when exporting enum in c# Improve dragging behavior of editor_spin_slider Ryan Stein (4): Use exact positioning for the ItemList::get_tooltip method. Make `_sort_list_on_update` true before opening new help or script files in the ScriptEditor. Check for double-colon on open recent script. Merge debugger's error and stack trace lists into one tree interface. Rémi Verschelde (496): Bump version to 3.1-dev Update DONORS list Fix broken APK expansion due to missed option renames Remove OpenSSL license, add Mbed TLS Add locale renames for Hebrew and Indonesian on Windows Windows: Fix case of imm32 for case-sensitive MinGW build Update CA certificates to latest Mozilla bundle X11: Link libgcc statically with use_static_cpp option Readd VS.sync and VS.draw to keep compatibility doc: Update version string in header doc: Sync classref with current source OSX: Remove support for 32-bit and fat binaries Prevent loading project-specific config in Project Manager Improve error reporting of ProjectSettings::setup() OSX: Remove unnecessary bits assignment Fix previous commit, "bits" still needed for buildsystem SCons: Remove references to obsolete "fat" bits Fix loading project.binary from PCK file Update warning about C# support Skeleton2D: Fix missing return value in comparator i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation templates with 3.0 source server: Add support for statically linking libgcc and libstdc++ Refactor version macros and fix related bugs Add --quit option to help output and update manpage Fix version.txt validation logic for export templates .tpz Android: Mark GLES3 as required in the manifest doc: Remove status from hardcoded version string doc: Sync classref with current source Viewport: Fix missing tooltips w/ disabled physics object picking NativeScript: Fix initialization in wrong scope Fix serialization of identifiers with non printable ASCII characters Update AUTHORS and DONORS list i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation templates with 3.0 source SCons: Fix linking system pcre2 on server platform Dist: Fix Linux desktop file launch argument SCons: Fix running 'scons' without platform argument SCons: properly close files when reading controller mappings Add --print-fps option to output FPS to stdout Update AUTHORS and DONORS list doc: Sync classref with current source Travis: Reenable osx and iphone builds CoreAudio: Fix iphone build after audio device refactor (#17742) Travis: Use XCode 9.3 / macOS 10.13 for osx/iphone builds Use internal physics processing for Nodes' internal logic Travis: Add setup for Coverity Scan Travis: Remove unnecessary/obsolete before_install call Travis: Enforce Coverity Scan on STATIC_CHECKS Linux/gcc build job Travis: Upgrade scons-local to 3.0.1 on OSX Fix case mismatch check on Windows Fix some Coverity warnings in String API Fix Coverity reports of uninitialized scalar variable Fix Node2D::global_scale's PropertyInfo type Revert "Added a more specific error message on export" i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation templates with current source Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Android: Increase targetSdkVersion to 27 Travis: Add server build with clang Sync classref with current source Fix scons installation on AppVeyor Revert "Fix color-picker sliders" Revert "Improve TileMap undo operations" Sync classref with current source Fix MethodInfo for EditorInspectorPlugin.can_handle Improve return value of OS.execute in blocking/non-blocking variants SCons: Remove extraneous lib for SVG module SCons: Pass env to modules can_build method Move NavigationMeshEditorPlugin to Recast module as should be Style: Apply clang-format (5.0) to some missed files Revert "Prevent visibility notification been called twice in object creation" makerst.py: Properly escape \ for rst Revert "Revert "Prevent visibility notification been called twice in object creation"" Dist: update script to make Steam icon sets Revert "Prevent visibility notification from being called twice in object creation" Doc: Fix typo in File documentation i18n: Sync translation templates with current source i18n: Sync translations with Weblate SCons: Allow unbundling libwebsockets and miniupnpc Thirdparty: Fill copyright for lws, miniupnpc, clipper Add code owners for specific paths in the codebase Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Fix shortcuts using KEY_MASK_CTRL instead of KEY_MASK_CMD Style fixes for commit d5bb6faa Fix invalid DEFVAL in SpatialEditorGizmo::add_unscaled_billboard doc: Remove extraneous empty lines in descriptions Travis: Cleanup build matrix Travis: Make dependencies follow the matrix requirements Travis: Build Mono module in linux tools job Fix property hint for ReflectionProbe extents i18n: Sync translations with Weblate Style: Apply clang-format to animation_tree.cpp Revert "Fix saving unmodified scenes and resources" Doc: Fix typos spotted by @yurchor Fix server build after 7fc23675 Fix loading and exporting of Theora and WebM video streams Doc: Add example for array indexing Inspector: Add bit/value info to layer tooltip Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Export filters: Relax match to allow paths without leading res:// Export: Properly reload preset when opening dialog Style: Format code with clang-format 6.0.1 Travis: Update style checks to clang-format 6.0.1 Travis: Install libstdc++ >= 4.9 for clang-format-6.0 Travis: Update clang-format version in shell script Fix typo in gdnative module path in CODEOWNERS Fix build issues and typos after c69de2ba4 Fix some more build issues after c69de2ba4 SCons: Prevent using disable_3d or disable_advanced_gui with tools=yes Shader lang: Properly assign INSTANCE_ID to gl_InstanceID Mono: Default to not shipping C# scripts content SCons: Add "execinfo" option to force linking libexecinfo SCons: Keep default platform lib extensions in LIBSUFFIXES Fix loading PO files with missing newline after last msgstr i18n: Sync translations with Weblate doc: Sync classref with current source Add check to clang 6.0 compiler bug workaround Main: Fix --check-only option implemented as paired Fix PhysicsBody build with deprecated=no Fix layer 2-line tooltips used as name in inspector libpng: Update to upstream version 1.6.35 glad: Sync with upstream 0.1.25 mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.12.0 Fix ResourceLoader::exists() false negative and readd deprecated has() Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Remove cached .tpz archive after templates download and install SCons: Fix mono_root initialization Fix comments indentation Doc: Clarify usage of dialog_hide_on_ok and caveat for FileDialog Fix type of Range allow_greater/allow_lesser properties Lift 1440 limit in rotation_degrees hint range Fix crash assigning script to a Resource Fix Theora/Webm loaders declaring binary extension Change PhysicsMaterial extension to phymat Export dialog: Fix error color and link alignment Bind ItemList's item_custom_fg_color methods Port ImportDock and ProjectExport to new property editor Revert "Port ImportDock and ProjectExport to new property editor" Fix compiling SkeletonIK with disable_3d Port ImportDock and ProjectExport to new property editor (2nd try) Add PROPERTY_HINT_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT for String properties Remove circle/diamond and NodePath String constants doc: Sync classref with current source CI: Disable debug_symbols on Travis/AppVeyor Deprecate incorrect Color::gray() Style: Fix issues that went past CI i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source i18n: Merge translation catalogs with updated template i18n: Fix extract.py after #17440 Revert "Take CanvasLayer transform into account for 2D physics" Add print_verbose to print to stdout only in verbose mode Drop old ShaderGraph code, obsoleted by VisualShader Style: Fix code formatting in GLES3 shaders Style: Fix code formatting in GLES2 shaders Make some debug prints verbose-only, remove others Style: Fix previous commits from @reduz SCons: Disable min/max WinDef.h macros on MSVC Particles: Allow speed_scale at 0 in property hint, equivalent to pause Style: Enable clang-format on GLSL shaders Fix build after c2a9cb34 TileSet: Bind tile_set_shape_offset and getter Revert "Try closing gracefully before terminating process" Bump version to 3.1-alpha Donors: Add GameDev.tv as platinum sponsor Fix operator precedence in PhysicsBody2D::set_weight Fix z-fighting on origin grid lines in spatial editor Travis: Move Coverity module to x11-tools-mono-gcc build Physics: Properly obsolete friction and bounce properties doc: Sync classref with current source Add missing copyright headers RayCast2D: Fix reporting old collider after collision ended ExportDialog: Validate path before allowing export DocData: Fix return type listed as "var" instead of "Variant" PhysicsBody: Don't create PhysicsMaterial override for default friction/bounce Move ParticlesMaterial code to its own resource file Style: Format generated shader code in ParticlesMaterial Particles: Reset default velocity to 0, allow negative values Drop deprecated compatibility methods from AnimatedSprite Set editor hint for the project manager Make sure project manager gets editor hint set PhysicsServer: Add validity checks for shape query parameters Fix crash when extending non-existing GDScript file Update AUTHORS and DONORS list doc: Sync classref with current source Revert "Fix selection of spatial nodes after selecting a non-spatial one." Replace last occurrences of PropertyEditor by EditorInspector Drop obsolete PropertyEditor and SectionedPropertyEditor code UPnP: Fix includes of thirdparty headers Fix mistake in previous commit Make core/ includes absolute, remove subfolders from include path Fix default script name in ScriptCreateDialog Doc: Use same headers and order in-editor and online Doc: Use PascalCase names in hyperlinks doc: Make property sections in rst similar to editor docs Revert "Drop deprecated compatibility methods from AnimatedSprite" Use plain text instead of icons for video driver toggle Document provenance of Penner easing equations in Tween Mark AnimatedTexture frame_* properties as internal doc: Mention get_node in Node.get_child documentation ProjectSettings: Fix InputMap editor on HiDPI Make boot splash background color always configurable Set default CanvasItemEditor zoom shortcut to KEY_EQUAL Rename ScrollBar's drag_slave to drag_node Fix video toggle UX issue doc: Sync classref with current source SCons: Fix ARVR can_build arity Color: Fix rounding error converting from float to 8-bit Main: Group static members and add some docs EditorNode: Reorder and cleanup initial dock setup EditorNode: New default dock layout doc: Sync classref with current source doc: Fixes to rst converter doc: Misc formatting fixes Settings: Sort text editor themes alphabetically Fallback to "en" when invalid locale is requested Fix GeometryInstance extra_cull_margin step Fix build after 65fd37c1, using Math_PI SCons: Fix checks for clang in env['CXX'] ENet: Remove redundant if condition Inspector: Enable wrap for multiline text widget doc: Fix OS.execute example (cf. #22412) Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo Fix warnings on non-static data member initializers (C++11 feature) Fix warnings for operator precedence disambiguation [-Wparentheses] Fix warnings for comparison between signed and unsigned integers [-Wsign-compare] Fix invalid comparison warnings: [-Wbool-compare] and [-Wenum-compare] Fix warnings about unused variables [-Wunused-variable] Fix warnings about set but unused variables [-Wunused-but-set-variable] Fix various warnings: [-Waddress], [-Wpointer-arith], [-Wwrite-strings], [-Wreturn-local-addr] and more Fix warnings about unhandled enum value in switch [-Wswitch] SCons: Build core's thirdparty code in own environment SCons: Build thirdparty code in own env, disable warnings Move Penner easing equations to thirdparty/misc Fix warnings about wrong member initialization order [-Wreorder] Fix warning about functions defined but not used [-Wunused-function] Style: Run clang-format on recent shader changes Main: Use ImageLoader directly instead of Image::load Fix unnecessary parentheses warnings with GCC 8 [-Wparentheses] Revert "Fix -new inspector- remote debug view not changing to current scene after exiting game - Fixes #20075" SCons: Remove avoidable defines from main env's CPPPATH Add support for '.[0-9]' numbers in Expression Fix mismatched class/struct definition warnings [-Wmismatched-tags] Fix various Clang 7 warnings about unused stuff Fix warnings about uninitialized vars [-Wsometimes-uninitialized] Fix warnings about invalid logical not on left hand side [-Wlogical-not-parentheses] Style: Run clang-format on shaders again Input: Add mapping for X-Box One S controller on Linux Fix build after ##21492 doc: Drop obsolete makemd.py, dates back to GitHub Wiki days Fix warnings on virtual methods [-Woverloaded-virtual] [-Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor] Travis: Update Android NDK to r18 GLES2: Implement pixel snap 2D option Style: Fix clang-format pre-commit hook for java and glsl Disable GLES2 debugging on iOS, fixes build Fix some more warnings reported by CI Fix GDNative build warning on Android [-Wignored-attributes] Fix warnings in Android platform Fix warnings on release builds (not DEBUG_ENABLED) Fix some warnings raised by MSVC 2017 Fix warnings about non-static data member initializers in nativescript SCons: Set default warnings level to all (-Wall or /W3) SCons: Add 'werror' opt-in to treat warning as errors Fix some OSX and iOS Clang warnings Fix GCC 8 warnings about potentially unitialized variables Fix unused variable and wrong warning workaround Travis: Enable 'werror' for X11 and Android builds Fix more "may be used initialized" warnings from GCC 7 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Readd mipmaps 'bug' in Image::expand_x2_hq2x, fixing it caused a regression Revert "Created a new function named get_element in GridContainer. This funct…" Revert "Make KEY_ESCAPE close all output/debugger docks on bottom" Revert "Added a check in sort_custom thats test wether the given method exists." GLES2: Fix typo in tangent calculation Fix .pck lookup for extensionless binary names with a dot GLES2: Fix shadows shader error for SpotLights doc: Sync with current source Style: Apply clang-format to wrongly formatted files doc: Fix invalid [enum] uses Fix init of VisualServerRaster TileMap: Fix floor precision in world_to_map on tile borders doc: Use HTTPS for docs.godotengine.org and point to latest branch Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Remove junk SCons file ParticlesMaterial: Simplify PARAM_SCALE texture validation doc: Sync classref with current source EditorSettings: Rename invert_y-axis to invert_y_axis for consistency Fixup to previous commit, missed one occurrence Remove debug print in RasterizerStorageGLES3 Make add_property error more explicit on duplicates doc: Sync classref with current source doc: Indentation fixups doc: Another indentation fixup Remove trailing whitespace Add some links to CONTRIBUTING.md glad: Sync with upstream 0.1.28 doc: Sync classref with current source Prevent GLAPIENTRY redefine in rasterizer, now included in glad.h Fixup to typo and indentation in 81c86e8 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Fix style issues and signature mismatch SCons: Properly set bits variable as string for MSVC detection doc: Sync classref with current source i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Tests: Drop old test_io referencing data which isn't included Update DONORS list TinyEXR: Sync with upstream master branch Code style: Sort EditorSettings initial set by section EditorSettings: Remove unused settings from initial set i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source doc: Sync classref with current source Fix includes and initialization for GDNative Videodecoder Adapt GDNative VideoStream to use ResourceFormatLoader Revert "Use more subtle indentation guides in the script editor" doc: Fix formatting in code blocks Android: Don't expose x86_64 ABI for export if we can't build templates for it doc: Sync classref with current source Ensure cursor is visible when EditorSpinSlider exits the tree Fix sometimes uninitialized variable warning raised by Xcode 9.4.1 Fix maybe-uninitialized warnings from GCC 4.8.x Label: Fix kerning when using Uppercase mode EditorSettings: Remove enable_code_completion_delay CodeEditor: Drop unused enable_complete_timer variable Style: Fix formatting in GLES2 shaders Core: Drop unused global_defaults logic certs: Sync with latest ca-certificates-2018.2.26-2.fc29 Android: Better identify thirdparty C/C++ code doc: Add missing commas after "If true/false" ProjectManager: Warn when projects have different config_version GLES2: Define 'lowp' for OpenGL 2.1 SCons: Allow building Mono module with OSXCross Fix size in HeightMapShapeBullet::set_data Make error more explicit when OBJ/MTL files are missing doc: Sync classref with current source SCons: Drop ios_sim option forcing x86, simulator needs x86_64 doc: Fix references to setters and misc formatting Fix loading EXR with alpha channel Fix missing/malformed license headers Update copyright statements to 2019 AppVeyor: Force installing SCons 3.0.1 Revert "Fix blend tree generating wrong node names" doc: Fix wrong references found by new makerst.py doc: Fix wrong references found by Sphinx and new makerst.py i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Bump version to 3.1-beta Travis: Use pip to install SCons on OSX Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Consistency in resource format saver/loader de-registration Fix showing AnimatedTexture frame_* properties in editor doc: Sync classref with current source + AUTHORS edit Revert "Node: make _generate_serial_child_name manipulate numbers as String" GLES2: Clarify why we exclude debug code on iOS Redo serial name fixup from 799ed2b98984414fd3b7b667c5e3e5d2e6d35a66 Revert "fixed invalid implementation of Plane::intersects_segment and Plane::intersects_ray" Add EditorPropertyRID as read-only label showing RID i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source GLES2: Make Nvidia flicker workaround opt-in GLES2: Fix typo in project setting Fix some errors found by static analysis Android: Add support for x86_64 architecture SCons: Drop unused MPC_FIXED_POINT define Donors: Remove GameDev.tv from splash screen Android: Enable arm64-v8a export by default Fix radio buttons support in ItemListEditorPlugin GDScript: Fix return value of "lerp" builtin Only define GCC pragmas for GCC Fix excluding GCC pragmas from Clang Travis: Fix accepting Android SDK licenses Cleanup after @reduz :) Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo ExportDialog: Make error messages translatable i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Fix going to script line on VisualScript errors base64.h: Fix return type mismatch Revert "Update random_pcg.h" Remove unused method in RasterizerStorageGLES2 Revert "Revert "Update random_pcg.h"" theora: Add upstream patch to fix UB warning Fix PhysicsBody ignoring set_friction/bounce with default value ProgressBar: Set default step to 0.01 Workaround GCC 6 & 7 ICE on armv7hl doc: Add caveat for File.file_exists for imported resources doc: Sync classref with current source i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Fix code style issues Bullet: Enable BT_DEBUG on debug builds Mono: Test Windows binaries with lowercase extension Document AnimatedTexture and bind MAX_FRAMES constant Fix and improve code owners Fix EditorInspector property_changed argument mismatch Remove unused iostream includes Fix recursive assignment of Textures and BitMapFont Prevent upscaled SVG from exceeding Image bounds Revert " Deprecated Godot 3D physics engine" GLES2: Define LIGHT Spatial shader builtin Cleanup and identify ShaderCompilerGLES[23] differences Update DONORS list Image: Fix decompressing ETC2 clang-format: Set standard for ObjC++ Warn when using GPU particles with GLES2 doc: Sync classref with current source i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source doc: Misc formatting fixes Be explicit about usage of GDScript tests SCons: Make MD5-timestamp decider and implicit_cache debug-only SCons: Fix import clash between Godot and system modules TSCN: Remove extra newline after [resource]/[ext_resource] Fix version in osx_tools.app Core: Ensure classes match their header filename Drivers, main, servers: Ensure classes match their header filename Platform: Ensure classes match their header filename Scene: Ensure classes match their header filename Modules: Ensure classes match their header filename Fix copyright year in VideoStreamGDNative Fix infinite recursion in GLES2 _copy_texscreen Fix typos with codespell Drop unused AnimationTrackKeyEdit::track_editor Revert "Fix MenuButton item label disappearing when setting shortcut." Expose OS::get_current_video_driver to scripting languages Add hex-encoded version number to Engine singleton for easy comparisons doc: Sync classref with current source doc: Fix style issues i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Travis: Use Ubuntu 16.04, use GCC 8 for Linux/GCC builds Add tooltip for in-editor FPS display in 3D viewport Drop RtAudio driver on Windows GDScript: Remove unused `switch`, `case` and `do` CF keywords ProjectSettings: fix category for per pixel transparency settings Fix VariantWriter overflow on 64-bit int Fix EditorPropertyInteger and EditorPropertyEnum support for 64-bit int Fix code style issues Improve error message on project export failure Revert "Optimized area check" Document that ViewportTexture is flipped on Y Remove unused variable after aab8f44 Fix invalid change from CLAMP to MAX in #26099 doc: Fix wrong tag doc: Sync classref with current source Fix property hint for stretch strink setting Fix GCC 5 build after #26331 and cleanup style X11: Fix drag and drop from non-latin paths opus: Better sync sources list with upstream buildsystem i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source Remove unused include from previous commit Fix typo in 7bad170 SCons: Move platform-specific Opus config to its module SCons: Reduce spam from x11:can_build Fix style issues from recent commits Improve VRAM texture compression checks for mobile/web More style cleanup... Revert "Forbid implicit type conversion in GDScript" glad: Sync with upstream 0.1.29 libwebp: Sync with upstream 1.0.2 stb: Update to upstream stb_truetype 1.21 and stb_vorbis 1.15 nanosvg: Sync with upstream c1f6e20 pcre2: Sync with upstream 10.32 tinyexr: Sync with upstream 65f9859 Updates to thirdparty README and COPYRIGHT Fix creating editor data, config and cache paths Update AUTHORS and DONORS list Fix typo in @marxin's name Disable driver fallback to GLES2 by default Move YEAR definition to version.py Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo Bump version to 3.1-rc doc: Sync classref with current source Define android/modules globally so it appears in Project Settings Fix -Wc++11-extensions warning after #26737 Set editor hint early for Project Manager and Editor i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Sync translation template with current source doc: Fix style for vararg in makerst HTML5: Fix ETC export for GLES2 fallback on mobile GLES2: Ensure extension checks for texture2DLod GLES2: Fix regression on texture2DLod extension checks Revert "GLES2: Fix regression on texture2DLod extension checks" Revert "GLES2: Ensure extension checks for texture2DLod" GLES2: Add comments around EXT_shader_texture_lod check GLES2: Fix comments in previous commit that broke rendering (!) GLES2: Convert unsupported float texture types to 8-bit types i18n: Sync translations with Weblate doc: Sync classref with current source Mono: Update welcome message with current state Add some more features to changelog Bump version to 3.1-stable \o/ Răzvan C. Rădulescu (3): Rename 'Discard Instancing' to 'Make Local' Fix and make Tween node less confusing Check "done" state in original loop SASUPERNOVA (1): Updated fork to match current version of Godot. Sam Green (3): Swap condition to prevent spam in editor. Bump minimum iOS version to 10 Remove microphone from export options and distribution plist Samuel P (1): fix hovering on toggled texture buttons Samuele Zolfanelli (1): Changed the name displayed in the Script tab for built-in script with a more descriptive one Saracen (16): Expose 'lightmap_unwrap' method to the scripting engine. Make the shader token names consistent. BMP module IME context detection. LineEdit IME position will now ignore placeholder text. Fix bits_per_pixel validation in BMP and TGA loader modules. Experimental microphone support. Fixes for microphone clipping and latency (marcelofg55) Fix single channel capture devices on WASAPI. Fixed audio clipping on WASAPI by fixing argument order on AudioClient Initialize method ensuring a larger capture buffer and adding bounds to the capture and stream. Reset audio input during render device change to keep synchronisation. Implemented capture device selection for PulseAudio (marcelofg55) Added pointer to WASAPI input_buffer_write method. Add extra latency to microphone playback to reduce clipping. Add method to manually advance AnimationTree and manual process mode. Fixes the hyperlinks for enumerators inside classes in the editor help. Sean McCarthy (1): Fix "fill" justification in RichTextLabel to only affect lines that have automatically wrapped. Sebastian Hartte (2): Update scripts exports even when normal script instances are created to better support tool scripts with exported variables. Added a Godot TraceListener, which is automatically installed on startup. Fixes that Debug/Trace Assertions are simply swallowed by Godot. Sergey Lapin (1): MeshDataTool memory corruption fix Sherjil Ozair (1): Add additional macos shortcuts for going to start/end of line Shinryuuji (2): Fix TextureLayered::create not retaining format Fix wrong default target for sampler2DArray ShyRed (12): Add import option "scale_mesh" to obj file importer Adjust decimal precision Remove disabled shapes from physics Update libwebm Update preview on filesystem change Update Sprite when Texture changes Update TileMap when its TileSet changes Use fake audio playing property in editor Open textfile in textmode Fix binding of ViewportTexture to Sky ItemList selection: Check against item count Keep alpha when changing h, s or v on color Silvano Cerza (3): Enhanced error message on folder creation with invalid chars on Windows Fixed user being unable to delete root Node if is an inherited Scene Warning dialog is now shown if trying to set Node name to empty string Simon Sikström (1): Adding support for java.lang.Long values in Android GodotLib.calldeferred calls Simon Wenner (3): load JPG images as rbg instead of rgba, fixes #21867 Fix some cppcheck errors fixed uninitialized variables and false positives found by CppCheck Sophie Tauchert (1): Check for mono binary when finding version Stanislav (3): Disabled CollisionShape and CollisionShape2D are not processed now Fixed typo in ImageTexture:: & StreamTexture::is_pixel_opaque Check for null pointer in RasterizerSceneGLES2::render_shadow Stephen Traskal (1): Fixing folder/file case sensitive renaming issue Supatier (1): Fix Godot unable to find VSCode binary Superwaitsum (2): Changed Sprite Frame move buttons for icons Add some limits on the Editor Settings Swarnim Arun (8): Fix tileset bug #18090 to use StaticBody2D position Removing Duplicate Batch Rename from scene-tree menu Adding is_stopped method to Tween Fix for overwriting files and folders on move Ability to add Resource from FileSystem Dock Fix Visual Script duplicate issue Fix for resource save dialog call Fixing create spatial root button Teashrock (1): Fixed absent variable exception while trying to raise another exception. Technocracy (1): Docs for push_error and push_warning functions Thomas Herzog (46): add template argument for size in StringBuffer using TIME in light shader enables uses_fragment_time generate proper API structs for GDNative extension extensions add initial NativeScript 1.1 extension add GLES 2 renderer for 2D fix accidental SConstruct reverts fix GLES2 line rendering [GDNative] added GDCALLINGCONV to instance binding functions [GDNative] fixed issue with library unloading order fix bone scale/rotation in AnimationPlayers [GDNative] easier GDNativeLib handling [GDNative] enable saving GDNativeLibrary as sub resource [NativeScript] added global type tag system [NativeScript] replace error macros by simple returns updated OAHashMap to use robinhood hashing changed GDNative API json format added rgbe_to_srgb method to Image rename BlendSpace to BlendSpace2D added AnimationBlendSpace1D added BlendSpace1D editor plugin ensure BlendSpace1D syncs animations fix wrong loop condition in MultiMesh allocation fix nameclash with MSVC reduce clang warning spam add initial GLES2 3D renderer add 3D textures GLES2 refactors [gles2] added ImmediateGeometry rendering [gles2] fix black bar artifacts add project method to Vector2/3 enable hardware skeletons [GLES2] fix canvas_item sampler allocation [GLES2] attempt to fix some android problems [GLES2] fix depth for alpha pass [GLES2] fix CanvasModulate not working [GLES2] fix texture flags not having an effect [GLES2] fix multimesh byte colors [GLES2] fix wrong shader compiler output [GDNative] add initial core 1.1 extension [NativeScript] implement refcount instance binding funcs [GDNative] add Variant::Operator fix enum cast warnings on clang implemented texture_get_data() for TextureLayered Fix generating GDNative API struct for 1.1 added godot_dictionary_get_with_default to GDNative [GDNative] fix crash at shutdown when using singleton libraries and NativeScript Thomas Ruiz (2): Center lines vertically in completion box Fix caret size with font smaller than row height Thomas Trocha (1): EditorScenePostImport: added get_source_folder() and get_source_file() methods Thomas Winderweedle (1): Clear application/run/main_scene if that file is deleted Thomas ten Cate (5): Document return value of yield() with signals Reset caret blink when Ctrl+moving the cursor Allow middle-click to close scripts Fix return value of get_total_character_count Prevent unused_argument warning when passing arg to parent constructor Tiago Quendera (1): Update detect.py Tiger C (1): Added documentation for some RigidBody methods, and copied the descriptions to matching PhysicsDirectBodyState methods. Tiger Caldwell (2): Modified RigidBody, PhysicsDirectBodyState, PhysicsServer, and their respective 2D counterparts to be more consistent and to include more useful methods. Fixed Issue #20399 Timo Schwarzer (9): Add thumbnails to LargeTexture Fix segfault when trying to autocomplete in inner classes Allow offset and unit_offset to be set higher than one loop Don't apply target_fps in editor Check if p_child is not null in Container.fit_child_rect() Fixes #24725 Fix code completion on nodes in current scene Fix jumping when scrolling down fast with smooth scroll enabled Add missing documentation for @GDScript Add process_mode property to Camera2D Timur Celik (2): Fix broken variant call of Vector3.snapped Add cli paramerter --check-only for script parsing Todd Ross (1): allow comments and whitespace before shader_type declaration Tom Dobbelaere (1): Trigger IO error only after exhausting attempts Tom McLean (1): Prefer a viewport's listener over a camera where available Tomasz Chabora (4): Add some curly braces to make dictionary printing less ambiguous Add UndoRedo for Generate AABB (Particles) Pause AudioStreamPlayer on SceneTree pause Allow to attach script when there's no 'selected node', but selection exists Tommi Komulainen (3): [macOS] fix conflicting keybindings for (Find and) Replace... [macOS] change "Complete Symbol" shortcut to not conflict with Spotlight Scale the Item List Editor window size with the editor scale Toshiwo (1): fixed issue with PrismMesh size, ignore for VS code .code-workspace Tristan Porteries (1): Expose bullet shape margin to UI. Twarit (1): Fix prompt for empty project files when loaded Fixes #25541 Unknown (8): Fix Automatic switch to viewport when playing a scene #16357 Script Editor now displays positional column LinkButtons are now responsive to engine theme Defaults to instancing child at tree root when none selected Fix #20564 HDR import fail Added find_parent method to node class Improve toggle comment function in script editor. Fix MenuButton item label disappearing when setting shortcut. Vasiliy Makarov (1): Check cursor line and column Viktor Ferenczi (5): Avoid confusing traceback on attempting build without platform option Properly closing all files in Python code Running builder (content generator) functions in subprocesses on Windows Fixed Mac build by running builders in subprocess only on Windows Fixed short circuiting on non-Windows platforms Vincenzo Greco (1): Select root node if search_box is empty in create_dialog VirtualBox (2): Update UndoRedo.xml Fix mistake in Array.xml Vivatchai Kaveeta (1): Fix cubic spline interpolation in glTF importer Vixelz (1): Truncate first segment in TextureProgress 9slices Webster Sheets (4): Fix Sprite3D's incorrect behavior when using AtlasTextures. Fix AtlasTexture usage in Sprite3D. Revert #14753, as it is buggy and no longer necessary. AtlasTexture fixes, part 2. WiggleWizard (1): Fixed return type for get_stack() function call Will Nations (27): Add EditorPlugin.build() build callbacks Added EditorPlugin 'resource_saved' signal Enable EditorPlugin to add/remove autoloads Expose Sprite._edit_get_rect for click rect access Fix underline_meta not working in RichTextLabel Expose ScriptCreateDialog to EditorPlugin Add script hierarchies,add-script btn auto-derives Add PluginConfigDialog, EditorPluginSettings GUI ResourceFormatLoaderImage::get_resource_type now uses file path Add toggle for favorites in create_root_dialog. Add custom icons to script classes. Fix error spam from loading script class icons Add NativeScript support for script classes. Fix making _editor_icon meta during CLEAR_SCRIPT Fix Script Classes not instancing with custom name. Fix invalid deref in NativeScript script classes Fix ScriptCreateDialog passing script w/ no filename Refactor editor icon retrieval Add EditorPlugin descriptions to their tooltip Fix EditorSettings saving on draw calls Fix Script -> Script Class not in CreateDialog Add icon_script_extend & update the icon @runtime Restore ClearScript btn w/ ExtendScript RMB link Fix scene dock not showing custom icons Fix script class icon filepath lookups at runtime. Auto-cleanup missing addons Fix crash on exit when removing EditorInspectorPlugins Will Vincent (1): Remove incorrect & potentially confusing references to Euler William Tumeo (2): Editor: Skip loading main scene if restore_scenes_on_load is used Improve ResourcePreloader editor plugin Wilson E. Alvarez (16): Fixed several leaks in VisualServerScene, RasterizerSceneGLES3 and RasterizerGLES3 Fixed leak in BulletPhysicsServer Simplify CanvasItemEditor anchor drag logic Added shortcut to rename files Move GodotSharp and MonoBuildTab member variables to initializer list Added signal to VideoPlayer to notify when the video finished playing Comment out some debugging messages when playing Theora files Removed unneeded sort from SpriteFramesEditor plugin Removed unnecessary assignments Removed unused function RasterizerSceneGLES3::_copy_to_front_buffer Simplified boolean logic in GLES2/3 rasterizers Removed unnecessary assignments Removed unnecessary assignments Moved member variables to initializer list Fixed out of bounds axis name access Fixed null editor icon crash Windy Darian (3): Partial fix for blend shape with gltf Fix return value for Dictionary.erase() Fix saturate ScalarFunc in Visual Shader Wojciech Milkowski (2): No need to link with libandroid_support in NDK 17 Fix build with Android NDK r18 Xavier Cho (12): Remove duplicated declaration of RoundToInt() from Mathf #18051: Remove redundant casts and 'using', 'else', 'this' statements #18051: Use 'var' when applicable #18051: Remove unnecessary variable assignments #18051: Remove redundant parenthesis #18051: Use array initializer when applicable #18051: Use default parameter value #18051: Remove redundant verbatim prefixes #18051: Use common name for Color type argument #18051: Do not use `var` in a for-loop, or where type is not obvious #18051: Fix indentation issues introduced during clean up Add missing GetPtr() for Dictionary<> and Array<> Xavier Sellier (4): Add signals and a check function for Android service connectivity. Prevent android to split-screen Add clipboard operation for android OS Prevent a device to be added/deleted more than once on Android Yaakuro (1): Use mimetype according to glTF spec. Yan Pas (2): Delete all selected lines using the delete line shortcut in script editor fixed md script Yannick Le Duc (1): fix iOS build - error due to GLES2 missing include (with the advice from bruvzg[m] on irc) Yar-Mukhamedov (1): Fix export templates installation error... Yasha Borevich (2): Fix memory leak in GDScript during infinnity loops with yields Respect window/handheld/orientation setting in iOS Yuri Chornoivan (1): Fix vformat(), minor typos and word puzzles Yusuf (1): binding for get_frustum() of camera class Zaven Muradyan (5): Add useful links for contributors to CONTRIBUTING and README docs. Add comments to javascript wrapper parts. Update autoload references when moving files. Add tooltip to skeleton menu button. Show an alert when a project is not found in release mode Zephilinox (1): Add ready signal to Node Zirak (2): Instance scene at root by default Editor autocomplete won't insert unnecessary quotes Zumo (1): Fully exposes data variable on AudioStreamSample/AudioStreamOGGVorbis... aBARICHELLO (1): Add Input buttons and axes missing descriptions alex-2b17x4 (1): added 'whitepoint' to ACES tonemapping alex-poe (2): reformatted and restructured tonemap.glsl fix reinhard tonemapper, modified filmic tonemapper, added internal exposure bias allkhor (9): Fixed scons warning: Ignoring missing 'core/helper/SCsub' after #22351. Cleanup the editor history from remote nodes after the scene stopped. FileAccess::store_csv_line() don't added unnecessary double quotes. RichTextLabel: clear the scroll offset. TextEdit: remove selection when clear happens. Ceil tabs font size TextEdit: added redo option to the context menu RichTextLabel: update the cache when the scroll hide. Hide the warnings panel when no warnings presents. anakimluke (2): Removed whitespaces around arguments of functions. fixed minor doc wording problem asheraryam (1): Use filename as fallback instead of the class name for mesh instance loaded by dragging from file to editor. azagaya (1): Fixes differences between docs and item_selected and item_focused signals in optionbutton binbitten (3): Fix TextEdit current line highlight horizontal offset Fix wrong property type for fixed icon size in ItemList Fix spaces and quotes in external editor flags bncastle (2): Fix BaseButton not always calling _pressed() Add descriptions for GroupCall flags bosak (3): add tint property to TextureProgress changes progress color add tint for under, progress and over and tint group add string trim_prefix trim_suffix lstrip and rstrip methods brendor (1): Particles 2D and 3D - fix hue variation not working by transposing the hue matrix bruvzg (38): [macOS] Strip executable when `separate_debug_symbols` is set to yes Mono: Allow loading `mscorlib` from resources. Abort compilation on missing return values (CGG/clang) Add missing return statements (iOS and server). Fix WebM SIMD optimizations on macOS. Fix `--help` output, allow renderer override from command line (`--video-driver`). GLES2 renderer support on macOS. Hack to force macOS window activation for non-bundled app. Add GL_ARB_framebuffer_object extension support check and GL_EXT_framebuffer_object fallback for GLES2 (updated GLAD bindings). Add GL_ARB_debug_output extension support check on all platforms. Explicitly set OpenGL profile to core (X11, Windows). Enable GLES2 on Windows. Fix MinGW cross-build Implement OS_OSX::execute Fix dragging window from non-retina to retina display. Revert "Implement OS_OSX::execute" [macOS] Return exit code specified by `OS.exit_code` parameter. [macOS] Fix keyboard shortcuts on non QWERTY keyboard layouts. Experimental support for windows with per-pixel transparency (macOS, X11 and Windows). Fix Linux/X11 build on ARMs. [macOS] Fix numeric keys scan-codes remapping. Workaround for clang 6 bug. Fix UWP build after #14622. Fix OpenGL buffer depth for per pixel transparency support (Windows, NVIDIA) Fix .app bundle crash on macOS Fix initial blank screen on macOS Mojave (except splash). [macOS] Fix blank splash screen [macOS] Fix file associations (for *.scn, *.tscn and project.godot). [macOS] Disable setWantsLayer on macOS < 10.14 [macOS] Change runtime OS version checks to allow build with MacOS 10.9 SDK, Changes IME input to use notification instead of callback, exposes IME methods to gdscript/gdnative. Fix macOS icon export (add 1024px PNG icon and 32px/16px RLE icons). File icons: separate icons for gdscript, resource, scene and projects. Update IME text only for focused input controls. [macOS] Fix missing mouse move event speed. [macOS] Fix rendering on retina displays with HiDPI support disabled. [macOS] Make `move_window_to_foreground` to take focus in addition to moving window to front. Fix HTML5 quick preview URL Fix macOS accumulated mouse scroll events. [macOS] Fixes NumPad keys detection, adds some missing key mappings. chanon (3): add new get_stack function to get GDScript stack trace as array add new print_debug method which shows source and line number fix can't set AudioStreamPlayer stream to null char0xff (3): Update EditorInterface.xml Fix mistake in ConfigFile.xml Improve EditorPlugin.xml and EditorInterface.xml corrigentia (4): Update WorldEnvironment.xml doc: Grammar and punctuation fixes for CSGMesh and CSGCombiner Docs: Fix "equal to" and code markup in float.xml Docs: Language fixes in ARVR reference cyclopsian (1): Check for absolute paths in OBJ loader damarindra (1): fix crash autotile edit mode danboo (1): Update Control.xml danilo2205 (2): Added methods get_closest_point and get_closest_offset to both Curve2D and Curve3D Up vector implementation and OrientedPathFollow. danvalho (1): SpriteFrames: expose method to get array containing animation names dennisseong (1): Fix richtextlabel meta links shouldn't open when swiping to scroll dumitru-stama (1): Fixed initialization of android modules dumitru.stama (1): Removed the lines forcing black screen on android GLES2 elasota (19): Support debug_symbols in VS optimized builds Fix Squish SSE misconfiguration BPTC support Use cluster fit at higher quality levels Hide "no BPTC if RGB" and "HDR Mode" options when not using "Video RAM" import. Multithread CVTT compression jobs Fix CVTT compile failures in VS2015 Fix mipmap levels not being initialized Fix crash when importing layered textures Partial fixes for 3D texture issues Fix tiled EXR crash, update tinyexr to head to fix corrupted uncompressed EXR loading Fix CVTT scalar version not compiling Fix BPTC and fix importing HDR images with LDR compression Fix bad res file include in VS project and simplify a bit Fix FileAccessCompressed::get_8 returning 0 for the last byte of a file Don't open VisualShaders in the text shader editor, and don't support saving them with the "shader" extension. Fix visual shader color constants not retaining edits Initial version of VS natvis file Fix some wchar_t truncations eon-s (1): Added create_instance exts (3): Added generic method for ResourceLoader: Load() Added Collections namespace to Array & Dictionary fixes #22828 - res://user had incorrect substr value firefly2442 (2): cppcheck - defensive programming on i index check order update PCRE2 to version 10.31, fixes #15662 florian (5): Improve doc of ProjectSettings Add critical info to TreeItem.set_custom_draw documentation Add Behaviour of SceneTree pausing to the doc ItemList signals additional documentation Document find_node()'s owner argument behaviour harrisyu (1): Fix #24470 Atlas Texture with margin setting cause error in editor. hedin (2): fixes crash when Body2DSW doesn't have space fixed AStar improper point deletion (leads to crash) helenaMontenegro (1): Add sorting to project manager. Fixes #8794. homer666 (5): [DOCS] Popup.popup_exclusive description Adjust default editor popup sizes [DOCS] PhysicsDirectSpaceState updates ItemList: ignore `ui_select` action if Select Mode is not "Multi" [DOCS] Update PhysicsDirectSpaceState.cast_motion hungrymonkey (1): Change function signature from float to double to match type get_doubleCloses #16160 indicainkwell (1): added docs on Control's drag and drop api isaacremnant (4): Implements #16546 by adding GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH which allows a control to grow from its center. Force controls to save rect_clip_content since they do not all default to false. Restore support for minimal 3x3 autotile sets Fix is_action_pressed for InputEventAction. jlahman (2): Fixes export PackedScene "reset to default" throwing errors Fix order of a nullptr test in canvas item editor jmf (1): Fix to make CSGBox the size that is entered in Width, Height and Depth instead of twice those lengths. khairul169 (4): Fix duplicate bug Fix error msg when selecting popupmenu if there is no animation Hide play position if animation node is invalid GLES2: clear color on scene render krogank9 (1): [DOCS] Add note that Pool*Arrays are passed by value (#18340) letheed (2): Tweak adaptative guideline and completion_background color Fix Vector2 doc of floor, add ceil doc lupoDharkael (13): Add code example to ArrayMesh class docs TextEdit: prevent the copy of an empty string Remove old TODO from editor_inspector.cpp Project manager: remove projects with delete key GDScriptTokenizer: Fix token_names order ColorPicker: extend access to presets from gds Update GDNantive API Dont use equality operators with None singleton in python files Fix crash adding point to a Curve2D from the editor BaseButton: add shortcut_in_tooltip Node: make _generate_serial_child_name manipulate numbers as String Don't enable DRI_PRIME if nouveau is loaded Fix wrong bounds check in String::right luz.paz (2): Fix typos with codespell Misc. typos m (1): Added Python-like .get() method to Dictionary in GDScript #20488 malbach (2): Fix #19507 Not emitted particles affects performance Particles3D: set emitting if not set before generating AABB marxin (21): Fix #19633 by proper store to &ubo_data.shadow_matrix[1234]. Rename sanitizer option names. Use placement new in texture_loader_pvr.cpp (#24417). Use placement new in visual_server_scene.cpp (#24417). Fix 2 more UBSAN issues (#25217). Make direct casting among Error and godot_error enums (#23015). Fix warnings seen with warnings=all and recent GCC 8.2. Add gcc-8 to Travis. Enable warnings=all and werror=yes for gcc-8 GCC builder. Add -Wshadow=local to warnings and fix reported issues. Fix all -Wtype-limits warnings. Fix warnings seen with -Wignored-qualifiers. Add -Wwrite-strings into all and extra warnings. Come up with use_gcc. Fix #26100 by casting to integer. Fix -Wsuggest-attribute=format warnings. Fix -Wsign-compare warnings. Fix #25641 by not shifting a negative value. Fix #25639 by not shifting a negative value. Replace usage of __bswap_16 with BSWAP16 (#25714). Use GCC builtins for bswap as compiler can then emit these via instructions. mateusak (1): Allow uncommon bitmask for autotile - Fixes #16511 matthew1006 (2): Fixed project settings overrides not using custom feature tags. Fixed OS.has_feature not using custom feature tags. meditator (1): Add support for collision layers and masks in CSG shapes merumelu (10): Bind Curve::get_point_count PluginConfigDialog: pass subfolder name instead of plugin name on creation TileSetEditor: Don't crash when adding invalid files Use `ResourceLoader::exists` to check for default audio bus layout ColorPicker fixes PluginConfigDialog: Slight usability changes EditorAudioBuses: Fix wrong tooltip for "Add Bus" makerst: make vararg methods look the same as in editor help AssetLib: convert video thumbnails to RGBA AudioStreamSample: Don't crash when writing to file fails mm (1): Fixed button mask behavior muiroc (8): SpatialEditorViewport::_create_instance: pass GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCED to scene->instance() added cylinder shape support fixed godotphysics sat dispatch table Add null check in godot result callback Uses skip_transform in gles2 canvas shader Fix build for Javascript platform gles2 implemented VIEWPORT_SIZE builtin for spatial shader fix s3tc support detection for webgl n4nn31355 (1): Fix segfault on x11 nanoframe (1): Fix error when downloading export templates nemerle (3): Fix bad operator check in `ShaderLanguage::_validate_assign` Fix PoolAllocator::resize for too large p_new_size A typo in ShaderCompilerGLES2 constructor code '==' used instead of '=' neonsoup (1): Fix errors during removing files or folders and fix for latin symbols nuke (1): Update ScrollContainer description to be less ambiguous. oisincar (2): Fix bug with Basis.Transposed() Expose PhysicalBone::get_bone_id() to c#/gdscript oliperraul (1): Fixed a number of issues related to the Dictionary export property for the editor * Fixed a problem when buttons were deleted on the same frame they were pressed (inside update_property) * Prevent usage of nul key for a dictionary. * Provide symetry in the interface for both the array property and dictionary property by first clicking on the field to instantiating the dictionary. Array (Nil), Array (size 0), Array (size 1) Dictionary (Nil), Array (size 0), Array (size 1) * Allow to press enter to confirm a string in line edi. ordigdug (4): Fix -new inspector- remote debug view not changing to current scene after exiting game - Fixes #20075 Fix -new inspector- Inconsistencies with exported enums - Fixes remaining issues in #19534 Fix grid missing lines #20246 Fixes colorpicker popup immeditately closing when interacting with colorpicker property in a subinspector. Fixes #19559 paul gruenbacher (3): added get_camera_method to spatial editor plugin viewport added docs for lookeahead remove_unused_get_frustum pesets (1): Fix AtlasTexture with NinePatchRect and TextureProgress piratesephiroth (1): fix stop_on_slope affecting sliding up slopes pshe94 (1): Use VScrollBar when calculating horiz. offset in ScrollContainer psuhas77 (1): mentioned possible use of property:component syntax qichunren (2): Fixed project name line edit focus lost when open project-create dialog. This also select default project name text for convenience. Fix ExportDialog layout out of boundary when select a template. qonnop (4): Fixed DDS loader according to issue #22530 Added noise texture icon, fixes #22704 Fixed int interpolation issue, closes #22763 Optimize interpolation algorithms remmah (1): Modernized copy/paste APIs on macOS #7185 robfram (18): Fix issue 15895, audio streams don't signalling finished after the first one if the audio player is set to play again due to the order of calls in _notification. First it emits the signal, and later it disable the internal processing regardless what the callback did. Add FreeBSD and OpenBSD #defines to skip LWS_HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H compiling libwebsocket, as it would fail otherwise. Fix #16472. Added `get_playing_speed` method to AnimationPlayer, returning the actual playing speed of the animation being played. Fix bad autocomplete of partially written node paths when using syntactic sugar notation ($) Change shebang of pre-commit-clang-format hook to make it portable Fix silent failure of importing OGG Vorbis files Fix overwriting all common properties when using `Change Type` tool Implement line clipping for `TextureProgress` to avoid bad rendering due to imprecise UV mapping Fix non working action names containing whitespaces Fix pressing `F3` do both changing to script editor AND find next text Fix non-valid characters for `input_action` Fix saving unmodified scenes and resources Fix bad rendering of BBCode tables in `RichTextLabel` Fix crash in `canvas_item_add_polyline` when passing more points than colors Fix `RichTextLabel` column size growing beyond its calculated `max_width` Fix bug added in PR#17589. Resources couldn't be saved to files LineEdit placeholder alignment, content margins, and overflow bugs Fix placeholders position in `LineEdit` when editing inside the Editor robojumper (2): Add support for tutorial links to makerst.py Re-enable scrolling via selecting code beyond edges in text_edit.cpp ronroniv (1): Update an outdated method name in error message samHFIT (2): Fixes issue #25822 Added default color to mesh render santouits (6): Renaming SimplexNoise refs to OpenSimplexNoise NavigationPolygon descriptions of the class and methods Error running Expression.execute after parse error Docs: Expression class docs webgl1 doesn't like backslashes in #define WebGL1 some changes sdfgeoff (1): Exposed apply_torque_impulse to gdscript and added documentation for added apply_torque_impulse method sersoong (4): Add open feature to editor autoload settings Enhanced Toggle Visibility button Fixed context menu TTR bugs Fixed stylebox crash sheepandshepherd (1): Fix NativeScript property list supatier (1): Add code-oss, vscode-oss, and visual-studio-code-oss to vscode path the 8th mage (2): Fix TileMap editor drawing Fixed the problem with vector3 constructor thfrwn (2): fix clang6 assignment error log to console if falling back to dummy audio driver tilpner (1): gdnative_api.json: Change argument name to r_dest toger5 (12): added bold font to editor (support for coustom bold font) fixed bodl font error message fixed a input not registered in osx script editor fixed scrolling in new ispector when using trackpad pan gesture fixed capital A osx light theme text editor behaviour fix clipping with v_flip fixes: #2929 spin_slider added ctrl and shift shrotcuts, removed exp dragging better tab support for property editor spin_slider: dont show grabber when editing value with keyboard mention load in texture class [DOCS] rephrase impulse - improove coordinate system explanation - define usecase unknown (3): Added description for abs function in Rect2 Added support for extra mouse buttons. Fixes is_pressed when holding double click. volzhs (72): Support colored font Expand project root directory on editor start Keep to show current script when closing all docs Draw relationship line on scene tree dock if option is on Mention about BaseButton.toggle_mode in ButtonGroup description Fix getting Android device information Fix index out of size error on Image Fix error spam with Sprite has compressed texture Ability to change path color with self modulate Check invalid node name Remove android compatibility under API 16 Fix setting for pointing emulation Update FreeType to 2.9.1 Respect visibility change by Scene dock when using Sync Scene Changes Update libwebp to 1.0.0 Update minizip to 1.2.11 Update zstd to 1.3.4 Add margin bottom with find/replace bar on script editor Fix segfault at quiting editor Make filename clipped on Import dock Fix updating mesh when reimporting Use relative node path when assigning a node on inspector Don't draw bones if it's not visible Fix unable to remove split on Polygon 2D editor after restarting editor Fix index out of size error of image.cpp Show opened script or help name Make same child index as edited scene when using live edit Fix drag and drop autoload Re-scan only when actually moving file Fix crash when assigning a node on editing animation key Show current scene file in FileSystem dock Change required gles version to 2 for android Fix keep screen on property path for Android/iOS/UWP Add audio stream preview to Inspector dock Fix preview texture size on Inspector Fix copying ttf, otf by DND to editor Fix Label autowrap clips text Fix unwanted restarting Open internal visual script editor while use external editor is on Remove duplicated codes Update help doc when changing font size Fix not to show configuration warning on every node has script Remove unnecessary print with AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback Make ParticlesMaterial included with disable_3d=yes option Precise size calculation of ScrollContainer Add Hindi font for editor Respect splash fullsize option on GLES2 Make better look for bitmask Make expand/collapse all properties menu working Ignore invalid device for Android Hide "Attach Script" if node has one Fix error with a specific dock layout Show error if required fields are not filled when exporting iOS Add checking required field for exporting iOS Update libwebp to 1.0.1 Support GLES2 for iOS Request mic access only when is needed Create built-in script properly Fix lint error/warning while building android template Fix colored font rendered in wrong size Added OS.get_system_time_msecs() Draw relationship lines when its value is higher than 0 Make possible to use ETC texture format with GLES3 on Android Fix font kerning Fix strip out spaces while generating serial number for node name AnimationNodeTransition name begins from 0 Make export valid when setting custom packages for iOS Use HSplit to resize presets and options panel on Export window Fix Android keep screen on working properly Update rect size on select Remove unnecessary call VS::get_singleton() twice Fix directory check when exporting project wombatstampede (1): Update CPUParticles.xml x1212 (2): fix spurious error messages during autocomplete and validate fix enum from preloaded script in export x2f (1): Fix for issue #24810 (find in files logic) xDGameStudios (2): Add static types to arrays (inspector fix) Add UndoRedo on Generate Visibility Rect (Particles2D) xpol (1): ignore __pycache__ directory zer0problem (1): Fixed signal animation_finished zhagsenkk (1): Remove no longer necessary "raise_from_completion" in TextEdit zochris (2): loosen generic guard on Node extension methods loosen generic guard on method for ResourceLoader Łukasz Rutkowski (2): Add clear text button to LineEdit Do not use theme to set LineEdit right_icon