TNGVisualize Member List

This is the complete list of members for TNGVisualize, including all inherited members.

Draw(tngfem::TNGStructure *s)TNGVisualize [Class]
Plot(double x, double y, double dotsize=0, int type=1, const tmath::Matrix &color=tmath::Matrix(0, 0))TNGVisualize [Class]
Plot(tmath::Matrix &s, double dotsize=0, int type=1, const tmath::Matrix &color=tmath::Matrix(0, 0))TNGVisualize [Class]
Plot(tmath::Matrix &x, tmath::Matrix &y, double dotsize=0, int type=1, const tmath::Matrix &color=tmath::Matrix(0, 0))TNGVisualize [Class]
TNGVisualize(double l=50, double t=50, double w=600, double h=400, std::string title="TNGVisualize")TNGVisualize [Class]

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