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/se3-wpkg/sources/wpkg/xsd/ -> settings.xsd (source)

   1  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   2  <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.wpkg.org/settings"
   3      elementFormDefault="unqualified"
   4      xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
   5      xmlns="http://www.wpkg.org/settings"
   6      xmlns:packages="http://www.wpkg.org/packages" xmlns:wpkg="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg">
   8      <xsd:import namespace="http://www.wpkg.org/packages" schemaLocation="packages.xsd">
   9          <xsd:annotation>
  10              <xsd:documentation>
  11                  Include WPKG package definition.
  12              </xsd:documentation>
  13          </xsd:annotation>
  14      </xsd:import>
  16      <xsd:import namespace="http://www.wpkg.org/wpkg" schemaLocation="wpkg.xsd">
  17          <xsd:annotation>
  18              <xsd:documentation>
  19                  Include WPKG generic elements.
  20              </xsd:documentation>
  21          </xsd:annotation>
  22      </xsd:import>
  25      <xsd:element name="wpkg" type="wpkg">
  26          <xsd:annotation>
  27              <xsd:documentation>Root element for local settings database.</xsd:documentation>
  28          </xsd:annotation></xsd:element>
  30      <xsd:complexType name="wpkg">
  31          <xsd:annotation>
  32              <xsd:documentation>
  33                  Type of loca settings database. Contains all packages
  34                  installed on local node.
  35              </xsd:documentation>
  36          </xsd:annotation>
  37          <xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  38              <xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"><xsd:element name="checkResults" type="checkResults">
  39      <xsd:annotation>
  40          <xsd:documentation>List of executed checks and their results.</xsd:documentation>
  41      </xsd:annotation></xsd:element></xsd:sequence>
  42              <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  43                  <xsd:annotation>
  44                      <xsd:documentation>
  45                          References to packages which are installed on
  46                          the host.
  47                      </xsd:documentation>
  48                  </xsd:annotation>
  49                  <xsd:element name="package" type="packages:package">
  50                      <xsd:annotation>
  51                          <xsd:documentation>Package installed on node.</xsd:documentation>
  52                      </xsd:annotation></xsd:element>
  53              </xsd:choice>
  54          </xsd:choice>
  55          <xsd:attribute name="hostname" type="xsd:string">
  56              <xsd:annotation>
  57                  <xsd:documentation>
  58                      Name of host where the settings have been generated.
  59                  </xsd:documentation>
  60              </xsd:annotation>
  61          </xsd:attribute>
  62          <xsd:attribute name="architecture" type="xsd:string">
  63              <xsd:annotation>
  64                  <xsd:documentation>
  65                      Architecture of host where the settings have been
  66                      generated.
  67                  </xsd:documentation>
  68              </xsd:annotation>
  69          </xsd:attribute>
  70          <xsd:attribute name="os" type="xsd:string">
  71              <xsd:annotation>
  72                  <xsd:documentation>
  73                      Operating system on host where the settings have
  74                      been generated.
  75                  </xsd:documentation>
  76              </xsd:annotation>
  77          </xsd:attribute>
  78          <xsd:attribute name="ipaddresses" type="xsd:string">
  79              <xsd:annotation>
  80                  <xsd:documentation>
  81                      List of IP addresses on host where the settings have
  82                      been generated.
  83                  </xsd:documentation>
  84              </xsd:annotation>
  85          </xsd:attribute>
  86          <xsd:attribute name="domainname" type="xsd:string">
  87              <xsd:annotation>
  88                  <xsd:documentation>
  89                      Name of domain on host where the settings have been
  90                      generated.
  91                  </xsd:documentation>
  92              </xsd:annotation>
  93          </xsd:attribute>
  94          <xsd:attribute name="groups" type="xsd:string">
  95              <xsd:annotation>
  96                  <xsd:documentation>
  97                      Name of primary group on host where the settings
  98                      have been generated.
  99                  </xsd:documentation>
 100              </xsd:annotation>
 101          </xsd:attribute>
 102          <xsd:attribute name="lcid" type="xsd:string">
 103              <xsd:annotation>
 104                  <xsd:documentation>
 105                      Locale setting (LCID) of user under which WPKG has
 106                      been executed when the settings have been generated.
 107                  </xsd:documentation>
 108              </xsd:annotation>
 109          </xsd:attribute>
 110          <xsd:attribute name="lcidOS" type="xsd:string">
 111              <xsd:annotation>
 112                  <xsd:documentation>
 113                      Locale setting (LCID) of operating system on which
 114                      WPKG has been executed when the settings have been
 115                      generated.
 116                  </xsd:documentation>
 117              </xsd:annotation>
 118          </xsd:attribute>
 119      </xsd:complexType>
 121      <xsd:complexType name="checkResults">
 122          <xsd:annotation>
 123              <xsd:documentation>Stores results of checks executed on node.
 124  This can be used on remote host in order to know the evaluated result of a specific check on a remote client.
 125  It might also be useful for debugging to verify the results of specific checks.</xsd:documentation>
 126          </xsd:annotation>
 127          <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 128              <xsd:element name="check" type="check">
 129                  <xsd:annotation>
 130                      <xsd:documentation>Refers to a check and stores the check result.</xsd:documentation>
 131                  </xsd:annotation></xsd:element>
 132          </xsd:choice>
 133      </xsd:complexType>
 135      <xsd:complexType name="check">
 136          <xsd:complexContent>
 137              <xsd:extension base="wpkg:check">
 138                  <xsd:attribute name="result" type="xsd:boolean"
 139                      use="required">
 140                      <xsd:annotation>
 141                          <xsd:documentation>
 142                              The check result is only used to store the
 143                              result in local settings database in order
 144                              to remember the check result on a remote
 145                              system.
 146                          </xsd:documentation>
 147                      </xsd:annotation>
 148                  </xsd:attribute>
 149              </xsd:extension>
 150          </xsd:complexContent>
 151      </xsd:complexType>
 152  </xsd:schema>

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1