This is a folder for other tools that WPKG use. One tool that WPKG can use is psshutdown.exe from Sysinternals. When "/rebootcmd:special" is used, WPKG looks if it can find tools\psshutdown.exe (from Sysinternals) and uses a special loop for notifying users. You could also put some other 3rd party tools here. For example, if you put wget (a tool for downloading files) here, WPKG could first download packages off the web, and then, install them: or even better: where WPKG_TOOLS is defined by WPKG client before wpkg.js invocation and holds the path to the tools folder within the value (e.g. "\\server\share\wpkg\tools"). Then add a command which is using the file downloaded: Please note that WPKG currently already supports a download feature itself.