Ken's Labyrinth - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Ken's Labyrinth

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: Ken's Labyrinth 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Adventure & Action 👁️ Visual: 3D
🏷️ Category: Adventure & Action ➤ FPS ➤ Contemporary ➤ WW I & II ➤ Wolfenstein, Spear of Destiny, Rise of the triad, ... 🏝️ Perspective: First person
🔖 Tags: Shooter; FPS; Action; Adventure; Arcade; Exploration; Aliens; Comedy; Pixel Art; 1990s; Controller ⏱️ Pacing: Real Time
🐣️ Approx. start: 1993-01-01 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 1993-01-01 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: - ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 🎁 Free of charge 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Artwork: Abandonware ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2017-03-04 🐜️ Updated: 2024-06-22

📦️ Deliverables

📦️ Package name: ..... 📦️ Arch:
📄️ Source: ✓ ..... 📦️ RPM:
⚙️ Generic binary: ✓ ..... 📦️ Deb:
🌍️ Browser version: ..... 📦️ AppImage:
📱️ PDA support: ..... 📦️ Flatpak:
✨️ Not use: ..... 📦️ Snap:

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated):
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 4 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done:
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 15215

📖️ Summary

📜️[en]: A humourous FPS (released in 1993, now free) featuring extraterrestrials who, for entertainment, kidnap foreign races and place them in a labyrinth full of traps to test their intelligence. In the event of failure, their race is used as fuel for the stove used to prepare their favorite jelly. One evening, approaching Earth, they take your dog away. But judging it too intelligent, they distrust it and set their sights on you. Escape from this labyrinth, recover your dog and save the human race! 📜️[fr]: Un FPS au ton humoristique (commercialisé en 1993, à présent gratuit) mettant en scène des extraterrestres qui, pour se divertir, enlèvent des races étrangères et les placent dans un labyrinthe truffé de pièges pour tester leur intelligence. En cas d'échec, leur race sert de combustible pour le poêle leur servant à préparer leur gelée favorite. Un soir, approchant de la Terre, ils enlèvent votre chien. Mais le jugeant trop intelligent, ils s'en méfient et jettent leur dévolu sur vous. Échappez-vous de ce labyrinthe, récupérez votre chien et sauvez la race humaine !

🎥️ Videos

🎲️ Gameplay: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺),

🦝️ From Users: (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺), (202xxx♺),

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
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💰 Commercial
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🍩️ Resources
(empty, license): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

🛠️ Technical informations
[PCGamingWiki] [Moby Games] [TVTropes (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)]

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🕵️ Reviews
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📚️ Name is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Ken's Labyrinth is a 3D arcade game featuring high-res 256-color graphics, music, and digital sound effects.
Ken's Labyrinth consists of three episodes:

1. The Search for Sparky
2. Sparky's Revenge
3. Find the Way Home

Ken's Labyrinth v2.1 (Epic MegaGames registered version)
The hints that were shipped with the game are also included. In 1993, people paid $30 for this! Now it's freeware due to the fact that Epic (Mega)Games no longer sells its older titles. Now includes a fix (KENSBFIX.EXE) for the 'Digitized Sound' crash.

1. History:

On June 9, 1992, I had first seen the shareware version of Wolfenstein. Since my brother (Alan) was playing Wolfenstein constantly, I decided to win over his time by creating a game similar to it, except my own.
So on June 16, 1992, I started, never knowing that the game would turn into what it is today. The first thing I did was to figure out how to draw variable size vertical lines from a 64*64 bitmap.
Then, I studied about how I could project this onto the screen. Next, I decided to store four mathematical pictures in a file, with the fifth one being my picture. The number of pictures has been increasing steadily over the past four months, currently at 192. The next big task to solve was how to clip movement so you do not go through walls. After some time, I decided to start some of the many algorithms that draw planes on the screen quickly and correctly. This was one of the toughest parts of the program, yet after a week of working on the problem, I finally solved it. In October, I was constantly adding the smaller features, such as a life bar, 8 monsters, 2 hazards (fans & holes) 3 types of food, 2 keys, 4 magical items (2 potions and capes), the status bar, the floor map automatically taking the place of a reserved bitmap, Adlib music, 360*240 resolution support, Sound Blaster digitized sound support, death animation, introduction screen, custom setup by means of a separate setup program, and animations at the ends of floors. So far there are 27 floors, each having its own original song. I thank Andrew Cotter for creating 22 out of the 27 current floors, for drawing just about half of all of the art, and for sharing his many ideas that are currently in the game.



The fate of the Planet Earth is in your hands. The scientific community on the planet Zogar has been searching the universe for the alien races capable of providing them with worthy entertainment. Of course, their entertainment consists of placing specimens from alien races together into a dangerous labyrinth. Some have been extremely intelligent, but were lacking in physical skills. Others were great warriors but lacked the intelligence needed to solve the clever traps invented by the Zogarians. In an attempt to keep the universe clean, the planets containing races whose specimens could not solve the labyrinth have had their molecular structure reconfigured into coal that fuels the stoves which make red jelly that Zogarians love on their bagels and toast. The Zogarians are led by an infinitely evil (and ugly) creature simply named "Ken". You'll find out more about him in episode three.

By cover of night the Zogarians traveled to earth and picked up a representative of Earth's most intelligent beings. So, now they've got your dog Sparky. After thorough interrogation of Sparky, the Zogarians found out that dogs, in addition to being great companions, are the universe's most highly intelligent beings and have been conducting experiments on humans for years. While most of those experiments consisted of things like convincing humans to throw balls to them over and over again, the Zogarians nonetheless became fearful of canine intelligence. Instead of testing Sparky, who is obviously smart enough to escape their traps, they decided it would be safer for them to merely lock him up and get his human "master" for their experiments. Of course, that's you, isn't it? Now, they've secretly brought you to Zogar and you're being tested on behalf of the whole human race. You will be judged by your performance in the danger-filled labyrinth. So far, 26 civilizations have been tested in the labyrinth, and 26 planets have become fuel for the jelly makers.
In addition to having the fate of your planet in your hands, you probably should also "Search for Sparky" while you're here because you'll need him to finish the game. By the way, on top of the labyrinth is the spectators' box, where the leaders of the Zogar Imperial Empire have been watching and they may sometimes shout insults down at you.



• Bullets - You can get up to six bullet powers of each kind of bullet. The more bullet powers you have, the more often you can shoot.
• Red jelly (red) - Just a simple straight-flying bullet.
• Bouncy bullets (fireballs) - These bullets bounce off all walls that you cannot normally walk through.
• Heat Seeking Missiles - They seek out and destroy the enemies on the screen; some enemies generate more heat than others and will attract the missiles better. The missiles also hit with double power.
• Lightnings - You can get up to six lightnings. The more lightnings you have, the farther each bullet will travel.
• Extra Lives - You can get up to 4 extra lives. When you die, the floor does NOT reset. However you do go back to the starting position. If you have no extra lives when you die, the game is over!
• Keys - There both gold and silver keys. The gold key unlocks gold doors, and the silver key unlocks silver doors! Both disappear after each level is completed.
• Life bar - Near the top of the status bar there is a red life bar; if the whole bar is red you are perfectly healthy. When the bar turns completely white, you die.
• Apple - Gives you some life.
• Meals (meat and a glass) - Gives twice as much life as apples.
• First-aid kits - Gives twice as much life as meals.
• Coins - You can put these in soda or slot machines for a reward.
• Gems - Worth several coins each.
• Soda Machines - Scattered around various boards. After inserting a coin by pressing space bar next to one, you can pick and choose an object to buy. It may be wise to save up coins for the more powerful items.
• Slot Machines - Scattered around various boards. After inserting a coin by pressing space bar next to one, you may get 1 to 200 coins if you win; but if you lose, tough luck.
• Magical items - These items last for about 30 seconds, then they disappear. If you have two of the same type of magical item at the same time, then you will have 60 seconds of use, for three - 90 seconds of use, etc.
• Purple potions - Hits monsters with more power every time they are shot, allows red and orange bullets to pass through walls that you can't walk through and reduces the damage you take.
• Green potions - Reflects enemy bullets back at the enemy, damaging them as one of your red bullets would.
• Gray cloak - Enemies and their bullets pass right through you. The only way to die with these is to fall down a hole.
• Blue cloak - Enemies shrivel up and die upon your contact with them when you are wearing this cloak.


• Save the game often! Then, when you get zapped, you can easily load it back and continue from where you were previously.
• Avoid the FANS. They quickly eat away at your life if you stand in them.
• Don't walk into the holes, especially the moving holes with the red eyes.
• The 8-Balls are virtually impossible to shoot down. Your best bet for destroying them is to lead them into holes.
• Frozen Ghosts - There are only two ways to destroy these beasts. One is by a hole, and the other - well you can figure it out.
• Walking holes (holes with eyes in them) - Bullets pass right over them. The only way to destroy these critters is by leading them into a permanent hole. (In other words, the only way to destroy a hole is to have the hole fall down a hole)
• Zorko - Repels heat-seekers and shoots fireballs almost constantly.
• Other bosses - The final challenge! Nobody knows who they are or what they look like. All that we know is that to succeed in your mission, they must be destroyed. They are the bosses of levels 20 and 30.


Programming..........Ken Silverman
Level Design.........Ken & Andy Cotter
Artwork..............Future Crew, Ken, and Andy Cotter
"Voice of Sparky"....Mark Rein

TVTropes (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0):

Ken's Labyrinth is a first-person shooter DOS game, released in 1993 by Epic Games (then called Epic MegaGames). It was mostly coded by Ken Silverman, who went on to design the Build engine that was used for rendering a first-person viewpoint in Apogee Software's Duke Nukem 3D. It consists of three episodes, the first of which was released as shareware.

Here's what's going on, plot-wise. The Zogar Imperial Empire led by the infinitely evil (and ugly) Ken takes people from various worlds and puts them in their danger-filled labyrinth just for their own entertainment. If that person doesn't make it out of the labyrinth alive, their home planet becomes coal for the Zogarians' jelly-making stoves. By the way, nobody has pulled it off.

The Zogarians have kidnapped your dog Sparky. They interrogated him, and found out that dogs are some of the smartest creatures in the universe. So now, the Zogarians are too afraid he'll solve the labyrinth, and they're making you do the labyrinth instead. You also need to rescue Sparky, while you're at it. Remember, if you don't pull it off, Earth becomes jelly stove fuel. No pressure.

The game has been released as Freeware by Silverman himself.

🌍️ Wikipedia:

Ken's Labyrinth is a first-person shooter DOS game, released in 1993 by Ken Silverman through his Advanced Systems. It was fully coded by Ken Silverman, who later went on to design the Build engine that was used for rendering a first-person viewpoint in Apogee Software's Duke Nukem 3D. It consists of three episodes, the first of which was released as shareware.

Game Mechanics

Ken's Labyrinth is graphically similar to id Software's Wolfenstein 3D in that the levels were designed using a grid-based plane, resulting in perpendicular walls and textureless floors and ceilings. Arguably its most astounding feature was the existence of interactive sprites and textures, like slot machines. This move towards engines allowing greater interactivity was later elaborated upon by Silverman's Build engine.

Ken's Labyrinth was released as freeware on November 16, 1999. Several different versions were released and are available for download from the official website. The source code followed on July 1, 2001.

Game Versions

The first version is known as Walken, the version which Ken Silverman sent to companies for evaluation. This was the first version created, and therefore it had very few features. There was almost no interactivity, and the code was mostly a test.

The first version to be released was a modified version of Walken called Ken's Labyrinth. Many changes were made, including interactivity, an early money system and music. It was sold by Ken directly, using the Advanced Systems company name, a company that Ken's older brother Alan Silverman was involved with.

Following that was version 1.1, which featured 27 levels and an alternate final boss. New enemies, textures and music were added, as well as a money system with which the player could locate money and use it to purchase a random item from a vending machine. Slot machines were also implemented.

Released in March 1993 by Epic MegaGames, the final version (2.01) featured 30 levels, and many new features that older versions of the game lacked, such as the ability to choose the item purchased from the vending machines, a difficulty option (on "easy" mode, or "Don't hurt me," enemies do not use melee attacks, while on "hard" mode, or "Ouch!" they do), an episode select, and also new enemies, textures and music.

A Ken's Labyrinth port to modern operating systems such as Windows and Linux using Simple DirectMedia Layer called LAB3D/SDL was created by Jan Lönnberg and released in 2002. A version of the port which includes new higher resolution textures was also created by Jared Stafford.


The game was reviewed in 1993 in Dragon #199 by Sandy Petersen in the "Eye of the Monitor" column. Petersen gave the game 2 out of 5 stars.

📕 Description [fr]

Un FPS au ton humoristique dans lequel le joueur doit tenter de s'échapper d'un dangereux labyrinthe, par Ken Silverman.

Ken's Labyrinth est un FPS au ton humoristique inspiré de Wolfenstein 3D. Il a été commercialisé en 1993 (distribué par Epic Megagames) et rendu gratuit en 1999. Ken Silverman, son auteur, en poursuit la maintenance du site. Il met en scène des extraterrestres, les Zogariens, qui, pour se divertir, enlèvent des races étrangères et les placent dans un labyrinthe truffé de pièges pour tester leur intelligence. En cas d'échec, leur race sert de combustible pour le poêle leur servant à préparer leur gelée favorite. Un soir, approchant de la Terre, ils enlèvent votre chien. Mais le jugeant trop intelligent, ils s'en méfient et jettent leur dévolu sur vous. Échappez-vous de ce labyrinthe, récupérez votre chien et sauvez la race humaine !

Remarques :
• Le leader des Zogariens, est encore plus démoniaquement méchant, et se nomme Ken (comme l'auteur du jeu), d'où le nom du jeu.
• Le jeu comprend 3 épisodes ("The Search for Sparky", "Sparky's Revenge" et "Find the Way Home")
• Le Teckel du jeu a été inspiré par une statuette en bois du domicile de Ken Silverman, qui avait attirée l'attention de Mark Rein (Epic Megagames) lors de sa visite.
• Ken Silverman est aussi l'auteur du moteur Build engine utilisé par plusieurs titres (Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Redneck Rampage, ...).
• Licence de Ken's Labyrinth : Any derivative works ONLY through the INTERNET & free of charge - no commercial exploitation whatsoever.

Crédit image (lien ci-dessus): Super Adventures in Gaming.

Moteurs Linux utilisables / Available Linux engines: LAB3D/SDL (see "Ken's Labyrinth (1993, with LAB3D/SDL engine)"), LAB3D-SDL-enhanced (see "Ken's Labyrinth (1993, with LAB3D-SDL-enhanced engine & fork)"),

Voir aussi / See also (Wolfenstein-like): Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (1993, with BStone), Blake Stone: Planet Strike (1994, with BStone), ECWolf, Ken's Labyrinth, Spear of Destiny, Super 3-D Noah's Ark, Wolf4SDL, Wolfenstein 3D, Wolfenstein 3D (1992, with Chocolate-Wolfenstein-3D), Wolfenstein 3D & Spear of Destiny HTML, WolfGL,

Ken's Labyrinth est un jeu d'arcade 3D proposant des graphismes haute résolution 256 couleurs, de la musique et des effets sonores numériques.
Ken's Labyrinth se compose de trois épisodes:

1. La recherche de Sparky
2. La vengeance de Sparky
3. Trouvez le chemin du retour

Ken's Labyrinth v2.1 (version enregistrée d'Epic MegaGames)
Les conseils fournis avec le jeu sont également inclus. En 1993, les gens ont payé 30 $ pour ça! À présent, c'est un logiciel gratuit car Epic (Mega) Games ne vend plus ses anciens titres. Il inclut désormais un correctif (KENSBFIX.EXE) pour le crash du «son numérisé».

1. Histoire:

Le 9 juin 1992, j'avais vu pour la première fois la version shareware de Wolfenstein. Puisque mon frère (Alan) jouait constamment à Wolfenstein, j'ai décidé de gagner son temps en créant un jeu similaire à celui-ci, sauf le mien.
Alors le 16 juin 1992, j'ai commencé, ne sachant jamais que le jeu deviendrait ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. La première chose que j'ai fait a été de comprendre comment dessiner des lignes verticales de taille variable à partir d'un bitmap 64 * 64.
Ensuite, j'ai étudié comment je pourrais projeter cela sur l'écran. Ensuite, j'ai décidé de stocker quatre images mathématiques dans un fichier, la cinquième étant ma photo. Le nombre d'images a augmenté régulièrement au cours des quatre derniers mois, actuellement à 192. La prochaine grande tâche à résoudre était de savoir comment couper le mouvement afin de ne pas traverser les murs. Après un certain temps, j'ai décidé de démarrer rapidement et correctement certains des nombreux algorithmes qui dessinent des plans sur l'écran. Ce fut l'une des parties les plus difficiles du programme, mais après une semaine de travail sur le problème, je l'ai finalement résolu. En octobre, j'ajoutais constamment des fonctionnalités plus petites, comme une barre de vie, 8 monstres, 2 dangers (ventilateurs et trous) 3 types de nourriture, 2 clés, 4 objets magiques (2 potions et capes), la barre d'état, la plan d'étage prenant automatiquement la place d'un bitmap réservé, la musique Adlib, la prise en charge de la résolution 360x240, la prise en charge du son numérisé Sound Blaster, l'animation de la mort, l'écran d'introduction, une configuration personnalisée au moyen d'un programme d'installation séparé et les animations aux extrémités des étages. Jusqu'à présent, il y a 27 étages, chacun ayant sa propre chanson originale. Je remercie Andrew Cotter d'avoir créé 22 des 27 étages actuels, d'avoir dessiné à peu près la moitié de tout l'art et d'avoir partagé ses nombreuses idées qui sont actuellement dans le jeu.


Le sort de la planète Terre est entre vos mains. La communauté scientifique de la planète Zogar a cherché dans l'univers des races étrangères capables de leur offrir un divertissement digne de ce nom. Bien sûr, leur divertissement consiste à placer des spécimens de races exotiques ensemble dans un dangereux labyrinthe. Certains ont été extrêmement intelligents, mais manquaient de compétences physiques. D'autres étaient de grands guerriers, mais manquaient de l'intelligence nécessaire pour résoudre les pièges intelligents inventés par les Zogariens. Dans une tentative de garder l'univers propre, les planètes contenant des races dont les spécimens ne pouvaient pas résoudre le labyrinthe ont eu leur structure moléculaire reconfigurée en charbon permettant d'alimenter les poêles qui servent à faire la gelée rouge que les Zogariens adorent mettre sur leurs petits pains et leurs toasts. Les Zogariens sont dirigés par une créature infiniment maléfique (et laide) simplement nommée «Ken». Vous en apprendrez plus sur lui dans l'épisode trois.

Dissimulés par la nuit, les Zogariens ont voyagé jusqu'à la terre et ont ramassé un représentant des êtres les plus intelligents de la terre. Alors, à présent ils tiennent votre chien Sparky. Après un interrogatoire approfondi de Sparky, les Zogariens ont découvert que les chiens, en plus d'être de grands compagnons, sont les êtres les plus intelligents de l'univers et ont menés des expériences sur des humains depuis des années. En dépit du fait que la plupart de ces expériences consistaient en des choses comme convaincre les humains de leur jeter des balles encore et encore, les Zogariens devinrent néanmoins craintifs de l'intelligence canine. Au lieu de tester Sparky, qui est évidemment assez intelligent pour échapper à leurs pièges, ils ont décidé qu'il serait plus sûr pour eux de simplement enfermer et obtenir son «maître» humain pour leurs expériences. Bien sûr, c'est vous, n'est-ce pas ? À présent, ils vous ont secrètement amené à Zogar et vous êtes testé au nom de toute la race humaine. Vous serez jugé par votre performance dans le labyrinthe rempli de dangers. Jusqu'à présent, 26 civilisations ont été testées dans le labyrinthe, et 26 planètes sont devenues des carburants pour les fabricants de gelées.
En plus d'avoir le destin de votre planète entre vos mains, vous devriez probablement aussi «Chercher Sparky» pendant que vous êtes ici parce que vous aurez besoin de lui pour terminer le jeu. Soit dit en passant, au-dessus du labyrinthe se trouve le balcon des spectateurs, d'où les dirigeants de l'Empire Impérial Zogar observent et peuvent parfois vous lancer des insultes à votre encontre.

🚧️ Installation ➜ 🚀️ Launching [fr]


This is a list of the default keys used to control Ken's Labyrinth.
You can change these choices by running "SETUP" and redefining the keys.
If you do this, remember what your new key choices are.

Key Purpose
----------- -----------------------
Up Arrow......Move FORWARD
Down Arrow....Move BACKWARD
Left Arrow....Turn LEFT
Right Arrow...Turn RIGHT
Left Shift....RUN
[RIGHT CTRL]....STRAFE (walk sideways)
F1............Weapon 1 (red FIREBALLS)
F2............Weapon 2 (green BOUNCY-BULLETS)
F3............Weapon 3 (HEAT-SEEKING MISSILES)
Space.........ACTION KEY (Unlock/Open/Close/Use)
"A"...........STAND HIGH
"Z"...........STAND LOW
"P"...........PAUSE GAME
"M"...........MUTE GAME (Sound off)
Escape........SHOW MENU (load, save, quit, etc)