4e7d75ccd3 Bump version to 3.2-stable \o/ (Rémi Verschelde) 68eae6b6e9 Fix some URLs to use HTTPS when available (Rémi Verschelde) 8ea77b96b2 Mention 2D polygon limits and how to increase them in the documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 4ace2bf3c4 Mention that parentheses are now required to use `assert` (Hugo Locurcio) f6968d5f17 Fix static functions loop using class' functions (Francois Belair) ec4d606e07 Add an extra bit to material flag cache (clayjohn) 11d28b2d10 Revert "make Label consider spaces for visible_characters" (Rémi Verschelde) a48d0b5eef Disable Nagle's algorithm for WebSocket TCP. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 505fee0b6d Color: Fix deprecation warning mentioning 'get_v()' instead of 'v' (Rémi Verschelde) 658e44ee01 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 766d1ef276 Docs for some nodes in visual shader(part 2) (Yuri Roubinsky) cab55bbb9d MessageQueue: Fix setting name in OOM error message (Rémi Verschelde) 9705d5587e Hide "control" methods from VisualShaderNodeGroupBase (Yuri Roubinsky) 274f1d8610 Hide "editable" property from VisualShaderNodeGroupBase public interface (Yuri Roubinsky) f7d4e6ef6b Fixes invalid writes in Image operations (Haoyu Qiu) 2423f75585 Improve the error message displayed when the PCK file can't be found (Hugo Locurcio) c317ac89bf Revert "Fix Android deploy with Remote Debug or Network FS over Wi-Fi" (Rémi Verschelde) 9bd841b86d Address crash caused by missing dependency. (fhuya) e41caac7db Address crash caused by missing dependency. (fhuya) 796484d761 Added missing property "size" to VisualShaderNodeGroupBase (Yuri Roubinsky) 3479cf4b42 Removed unused method "build" from VisualShaderNodeExpression (Yuri Roubinsky) ae4fee52d5 Added binding for Autotile Center (TrevorPeyton) ca537dea76 Fixes invalid read when using fill tool in empty tilemap (Haoyu Qiu) 3ca87b9bef Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 4912d4c6e4 Added missed bracket to VisualShaderNodeCubeMap (Yuri Roubinsky) 4445f892d2 Fix VisualShaderNodeCubeMap generation (Yuri Roubinsky) f76009bbcf i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 21dd35b611 Document theme_items of multiple classes (Tomasz Chabora) ad49425bd8 Don't show an Online Tutorials section if the class has no tutorials (Hugo Locurcio) f5951e757d Add a Bash completion script for the Godot editor (Hugo Locurcio) 75185f87a3 doc: Remove mention of nonexistent StaticBody simulated motion mode (Hugo Locurcio) 9ed14815d8 Linux: Sync man page with current --help output (Rémi Verschelde) 724487b3c1 mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.16.4 (Rémi Verschelde) 72c44bafac Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 09ced94dd4 doc: Do not expose Variant::NIL as a type in the class reference (Rémi Verschelde) 2d20fc39aa doc: Drop unused 'category' property from header (Rémi Verschelde) 3697ea799c doc: Document all remaining ProjectSettings (Rémi Verschelde) cbdbfb00ca doc: Document named color constants (Rémi Verschelde) bb6c0d3e8b doc: Complete documentation for VideoStreams (Rémi Verschelde) c5700f7464 Complete various class references (clayjohn) 141230192c Check if can export before exporting; show error message if can't export. (Mark Wynn Garcia) 71b1a1c7d9 Updates minimum size on VideoPlayer::set_stream (Haoyu Qiu) 5b1c6656d3 Mention that `NoiseTexture` uses threads internally (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 06933f5d80 Document the return value of `EditorInspectorPlugin.parse_property` (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 7215019020 Add warning for radiance_size (clayjohn) eb5cb5d016 Add project setting for max irradiance size (clayjohn) 7a0c37c3f5 Document how to get a human-readable string from an InputEventKey (Hugo Locurcio) 33f37cfd19 Document how to get chamfered corners with StyleBoxFlat (Hugo Locurcio) 1b9b07e658 Document how to change the default gravity at runtime (Hugo Locurcio) df3fad11fd Fixes crash in Spatial::notification (Haoyu Qiu) 966a126186 Mono/C#: Fix _update_exports possible crash with Reference types (Ignacio Etcheverry) 9c4a6cf745 Fixed Inspector update when a node is renamed (PouleyKetchoupp) 0604b1839d Fix C# preprocessor infinite loop and incorrect parsing of `#if!` (Ignacio Etcheverry) 4f0401d05d Update ScrollContainer.xml (Roi Valcárcel) 37d55ff153 Improve and document error macros (Hugo Locurcio) ee2f406c73 Fix wrong guideline values shown during dragging (Tan Wang Leng) 5bd9f14ad9 Lower WebSocket latency, fixes. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9ad7fc3405 Allow greater values in unit_offset (Tomasz Chabora) 25ea912d96 Count theme items in doc_status.py (Tomasz Chabora) a002b93d86 Add explanations for errors related to Vector/Quat normalization (Hugo Locurcio) 97cc2e53f6 makerst: Escape reST markup after enums (Rémi Verschelde) 3d4a2a09f6 Fix Softbody always spawns from world center [gles2] Fixes #35373 (Eric Rybicki) 0ca102d568 Fixes leak in Animation Track editor (Haoyu Qiu) 8a7a216be5 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) ce43c92208 Docs for some nodes in visual shader (Yuri Roubinsky) 55b2e58a98 Mono/C#: Lighten up unsafe reference checks (Ignacio Etcheverry) c4745c96d7 Remove unnecessary extra spaces before comments in code examples. (Michael Alexsander) e1a9a3328d Remove unnecessary parenthesis from code examples (Michael Alexsander) 59ec19d5a8 Mono/C#: Add setting to include I18N assemblies in the exported game (Ignacio Etcheverry) 3631a3cc9e Fix recently introduced crash in viewport size (clayjohn) 82b0899e54 Mono/C#: Add Basis.Slerp, update Quat.Xform and add some math checks (Ignacio Etcheverry) d9ff5f7fc2 Mono/C#: Default to net47 for new projects (Ignacio Etcheverry) 151f33111b Fix TileSet shape data not updating when being set via code (Michael Alexsander) 6b66957b85 Finish documenting CSG* and *probes (clayjohn) ba177ccaec doc: Misc updates for AnimationNode* and others (Rémi Verschelde) 3473a195fc Hides high-level functions from GLES2 shader autocompletion (Yuri Roubinsky) 86cdccebe6 Hide "default_input_values" property in VisualShaderNode. (Yuri Roubinsky) 551c37167b Fix bone pose override not being reset when IK animation is stopped Fixes #35409 (Eric Rybicki) a3bcdbeb78 Android virtual keyboard respecting LineEdit max length. (Bruno Lourenço) b420618c46 Fixes scrollbar positions on HiDPI display (Haoyu Qiu) 90a1f8d8a7 Make `OS.execute()` blocking by default if not specified (Hugo Locurcio) 35dd36ca35 Fix error with linkers other than GNU ld (Pedro J. Estébanez) 6c04c824bd Fixed Tween::start() with pending updates (PouleyKetchoupp) 9c48eb1c59 ALSA MIDI driver: Pith bend message now has correct size (was 2 bytes instead of 3). Recognized (but not implemented) 0xF? messages. SysEx messages will be reocognized as such, but their contents will be ignored. (Ovnuniarchos) b4770c0a27 Add settings from SceneTree in the documentation (Bojidar Marinov) cb3fcba99f Use an icon in the top Animation Key menu (William Tumeo) eaf8e5ce52 Change CameraMatrix::get_viewport_size to get_viewport_half_extents (lawnjelly) badabdf8b9 GDScript: Added checks in assign operations to disable re-assigning 'self' (DaividFrank) 67261b1e87 Remove buggy check if key was already released for accumulated input Fixes #27104 (Eric Rybicki) 00284a75e8 GLES3: Fix invalid value for GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER parameter (Rémi Verschelde) 387ee7d763 Get real default values for project settings in documentation (Bojidar Marinov) 41f59ecfca Make sure we know when deleting an emitting object (Fabio Alessandrelli) ff7e7bd260 Thread: Fix typo in destructor error message (Rémi Verschelde) 5cf9f4faeb Incorrect joystick id was returned on an inactive ARVR controller (Bastiaan Olij) f2ece82480 Finish up docs for materials (clayjohn) a7368a519e Fixes leak when importing zip in AssetLib (Haoyu Qiu) 56aae0e8bc Use a loading placeholder for project icons in the project manager (Hugo Locurcio) 4faaf6089a Remove unused #if 0'ed code (Rémi Verschelde) 0be64da008 Allow greater values for DynamicFont size property (Rémi Verschelde) 50f1b035b8 Fix MultiplayerAPI crash when peer impl misbehave. (Fabio Alessandrelli) d53c15b12c Make script class parser errors to not abort the build (Ignacio Etcheverry) 378fc592b1 Add dummy preprocessor for the C# script class parser (Ignacio Etcheverry) a60d70bc9d Update CHANGELOG.md for Godot 3.2 (Hugo Locurcio) 371b5a450a Clip text in NodeDock toolbuttons to prevent dock size changes Fixes #35367 (Eric Rybicki) 99346e9654 Fix asset library video play overlay not being centered on the thumbnail (Eric Rybicki) 3a0dc52127 Make script made via plugin creation obey syntax settings (Michael Alexsander) 3042b4f4cb Fixes leak in Find in Files utility (Haoyu Qiu) 41b21dee01 Bullet: Prevent potential division by zero (Rémi Verschelde) 439e0027ec Fix AtlasPacker ignoring semi-transparent pixels Fixes #33106 (Eric Rybicki) 6e24933115 Improve dictionary description (Feniks) b711c09bc8 Revert "Fix audio capture naming in Javascript" (Rémi Verschelde) a2170dcd40 TextureRegionEditor: Corrected typo (dankan1890) e4330e33e6 Mono/C#: Fix error when parsing nested generics (Ignacio Etcheverry) 324fe76afd Clip text in EditorPath button to avoid dock size changes (Michael Alexsander) 4c456ef979 Disallow uint/uvec usage on GLES2 platform (Yuri Roubinsky) a8ab4e3357 Forbid recursive connections in visual shader (Yuri Roubinsky) 837adb30fd Revert "Exposes capture methods to AudioServer + documentation" #30468 (Rémi Verschelde) c0595206dd makerst: Use code markup for default values/overrides (Rémi Verschelde) b91b26d073 Fix editor drawing snapping lines for wrong edge/corner when resizing elements with smart snapping enabled fixes #32342 (Eric Rybicki) 07941178f0 Fixes leak when pck_start multiple times (Haoyu Qiu) aca0b2a459 Fixes XMLParser leak when open multiple times (Haoyu Qiu) 0eab15a5a9 Destroys FreeType library on load error (Haoyu Qiu) ce9453ecf4 Prevent negative zero shown in SpotLight gizmo (Haoyu Qiu) 40542b0b0f Fix Control::_window_find_focus_neighbor (Ricardo Buring) adb6734b49 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 7f7ae0712f i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 6472e09a85 SceneTree: Abort change_scene if we're quitting (Rémi Verschelde) d72f5e0938 Only create the editor theme once (Hugo Locurcio) 5a75c4a840 Mention that KinematicCollisions use global coords (Tomasz Chabora) 1ebf4c7fdc Improve Description of GraphNode (Feniks) a6105c8ea0 Fix ClassDB API portability with some android and editor classes (Ignacio Etcheverry) 3dea1c725e Clears completion_class in shaders (may cause troubles if not). (Yuri Roubinsky) 534bf89976 PacketPeer use heap buffer for var encoding. (Fabio Alessandrelli) dc4db4ab45 GLES3: Slight optimization to irradiance compute (Rémi Verschelde) 05c8654390 doc: Timer.autostart resets to false on start (Rémi Verschelde) 4b70985a1a fix audio buses editor not save, close #26683 (RaphaelHunter) 2db685da09 Fixes AnimationTreePlayer editor on HiDPI (Haoyu Qiu) 0979411cad reduce complexity of irradiance map generation (clayjohn) c9aca9ef81 Clamp the editor scale to 1 when resetting zoom in the 2D editor (Hugo Locurcio) 3fffb1c031 Fix AnimationTree Editor by using CONNECT_DEFERRED on LineEdit (N0hbdy) 29daba5b0c AssetLibrary when the download size is unknown: hidden progress bar added in the description the downloaded bytes Fixes #35267 (dankan1890) af95554aff Alsa MIDI input thread gets properly reinitialized on open. (Ovnuniarchos) ecf3d3fd84 Improves VideoPlayer's documentation (Haoyu Qiu) 9914b6fc62 doc: Mention the limited comment support in ConfigFile (Hugo Locurcio) 8f5e424c66 Fix subclass finding in extend statement for sub-sub classes (Dani Frank) 41acb1f6ba Fix minimap updating in shader tab (Yuri Roubinsky) 9a90ea1425 Fix crash when closing app on iphone (zxcvdev) 1eb8d5e142 Added missing form of array constructor in shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 156f5b7ce2 Improved MenuButton Description (Feniks) 4a50f5ff65 HTML5 callbacks rework. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 8bce0b6176 Mark alternate editor display modes as disabled in the GLES2 renderer (Hugo Locurcio) 435f86cf87 HTML5: Address removal of 'timestamp' in Emscripten 1.39.5 (Rémi Verschelde) 7c97bd87d5 Android: Improve name of icon export properties (Rémi Verschelde) eb89254690 Fix crash when confirming dialogs with Return key (Rémi Verschelde) 1d9e19c7fb show parametric setters and getters in editor help (Lakshay Angrish) 9882cbf8cd Improves LineEdit documentation (Haoyu Qiu) 045a5ce14a i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) a0f716763b i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 7a72dc7bff Bump version to 3.2-rc (Rémi Verschelde) f2699a8e60 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 9ffa9a6bac Fix constant access in base class through subclass instance (ChibiDenDen) 041fa57a88 Add multimesh format max for proper error checking (clayjohn) da5b138e64 Fix errors raised when showing parse errors in the editor (Bojidar Marinov) f3af81b059 Gracefully handle 3D textures in GLES2 (clayjohn) 41efc08532 Fix SkeletonIK not playing animation if more than one IK-Bone is active (Eric Rybicki) 65f2ab1b61 Update libwebp to 1.1.0 (volzhs) 4eeae59293 Fix error exporting to X11 with embedded PCK (Pedro J. Estébanez) d68b9c20d6 Mono/C#: Script interface calls now attach the current thread (Ignacio Etcheverry) dc4455d819 Validate instances of objects before trying to check their type in GDScript (Bojidar Marinov) 92b36d4706 Adds NULL check before using image loader (Haoyu Qiu) d0b3cb89f7 Fixed unknown symbol drawn instead of tabs in breakpoints/bookmarks lists (andrycodestuffs) 19ce2d5159 Fix slight problems related to default values of exported typed arrays (Bojidar Marinov) 45b510b332 Fix function arguments hint format in GDScript editor (Danil Alexeev) 9ef0e06781 Travis: Disable -Wstrict-aliasing warning on GCC 5 test build (Rémi Verschelde) e564b4fd07 Refactor (and fix) how the connect button is disabled. (asynts) e33914e0c1 MinGW: Avoid GCC -Wcast-function-type warnings on GetProcAddress (Rémi Verschelde) 1de633205f Validate input in (CPU)Particles set_emission_shape() (Rémi Verschelde) 5098232ee6 Disabled array initialization, const array and arr.length in shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) f1d0c391c7 fix light related crashes (clayjohn) 5e1dad3b28 Use int64_t for EditorPropertyInteger and warn when out of double range (Aaron Franke) 76e03f9b4d Fix scrollbar regression on large scales (Michael Alexsander) 574918f344 Updates ScrollContainer min size when toggle scrollbars (Haoyu Qiu) 910f8719a0 Fix array constructor for lightmaps (clayjohn) a345088433 Add background mode keep to GLES2 (clayjohn) 1a40f250bd Mono/C#: Fix false positive in unsafe reference checks (Ignacio Etcheverry) c08d8feead Fix Vsync Via Compositor causing halved refresh rate when vsync is forced by the graphics driver (hoontee) 1339a5c1cb Add an icon for OGG samples (Hugo Locurcio) 86aa12e806 Keep a weak reference to orphan subclasses to reuse on class reload (ChibiDenDen) 76d87e6616 Fixes a memory leak in FileSystemDock (Gilles Roudière) da9eede933 Fix GridMap getter of baked meshes. (Bruno Lourenço) 43ad6e8c96 Fixes AssetLib crash when JPG module is disabled (Haoyu Qiu) 9b8d1383ce Mono: Fix parsing assembly names as UTF-8 (Rémi Verschelde) 181e74855e Don't close the connection dialog when the validation failed. (asynts) 907adb37ce Fixes get_floor_normal() returning the user defined floor_normal. (Marcel Admiraal) 46b5742159 Completed documentation for many visual nodes (clayjohn) 26e3b4a58a Updates LineEdit's min size when necessary (Haoyu Qiu) e1a0ce5af9 Prevent GDScript language server from listening to external hosts by default (Houkime) 40f0649e5b Fix typos with codespell (Rémi Verschelde) 3c8abbc4bf doc: Move the class description to be just below the brief description (Hugo Locurcio) db8c4c2a22 Fix regression on scrollbar raising in ScrollContainer (Michael Alexsander) 636f003f8c Expanded class_bool Description with examples (Feniks) 34bf81fa7c Cleanup unnecessary code from before the scrollbar overlapping fixes (Michael Alexsander) 42567bffb9 Document `Engine.get_idle/physics_frames` methods (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 724f5f3178 Don't allow to use too big index in ItemList (Rafał Mikrut) 417c54b871 Remove unused ip_unix member from OSX/server. (Fabio Alessandrelli) abe83a1c84 Add support for Android adaptive icons. (Bruno Lourenço) 14a58560e1 Properly close files served by debug HTTP server. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 1798496ea7 Add mime type to responses from debug HTTP server. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 71b4b180ba Prevent crash described in #34555. (asynts) d6f10cd08e Add fully_qualified_name for GDScript class (Dani Frank) becd1fd1d8 Fix issue regarding rotation (Phischermen) aa744aee7d Update documentation to reflect HTML5 limitations. (Fabio Alessandrelli) ddde73cc62 Makes adding port in Visual Script nodes deferred (Haoyu Qiu) c09b9c488f Complete documentation of some more classes (Tomasz Chabora) bda9145aae Fixes IME input backspace on macOS (Haoyu Qiu) e69593842e Fix more scrollbar anchorings (Michael Alexsander) a565c93aeb Export: Properly disable resource preview thread (Rémi Verschelde) 712cd8a97e Fix more instances of overlapping scrollbars (Michael Alexsander) 66a54582ee Updates min size on CenterContainer::set_use_top_left (Haoyu Qiu) 2b9f34b867 Add a crosshair to the 3D viewport (Hugo Locurcio) 0aeb5bbf62 Object: Avoid error on emit_signal with freed target (Rémi Verschelde) d5122ab31c Sync pending VisualServer commands after ScriptServer finalization (Ignacio Etcheverry) a6a5ef0fd6 Mono/C#: Add error checks to detect possible Reference leaks (Ignacio Etcheverry) ea737db43c Mono/C#: Fix _update_exports() leaking temporary Object/Node instances (Ignacio Etcheverry) 1d129f9bec GDScript: Check function arguments on release too (George Marques) 9c60502357 Exposed physics frame count and idle frame count (Andrea Catania) f38bfccf42 Object: Remove error on disconnect of locked signals (Rémi Verschelde) c7b701dfd2 Image: Include S3TC compression via Squish in non-tools build (Rémi Verschelde) 017b7de2df EditorNode: Delay addon init to NOTIFICATION_READY (Rémi Verschelde) bc8ce836e3 Fix overlapping scrollbars in ScrollContainer (#33309) (malbach) d88103172c Ignore command line --build-solutions when not editing project (Rémi Verschelde) 4a95186b4b Animation editor: Set resource name when duplicating (Rémi Verschelde) e6060706ca GDScript: Type match on assignment only if operators have type (George Marques) dd2fd4e853 fixes android double tap regression (Alexander Holland) d5e1890c85 Fix infinite loop error in document link parsing (Geequlim) 100f50b7df Control/Light2D: Preventing setting 0 as scale as for Node2D (Rémi Verschelde) 929dfe1bcc Clamp the editor scale to 1 for 2D zoom operations (Hugo Locurcio) ab97f78fa5 Revert "Enable Vsync via Compositor by default" (Rémi Verschelde) 179193775b Fix light and multimesh crashes (clayjohn) 047d66cc6f Fixes the New Window option in macOS dock menu (Haoyu Qiu) 3579187f90 Make texture_debug_usage thread safe (clayjohn) 796d35d8b3 Fix generation of irradiance map (clayjohn) 2f56146242 Increase the size of the item list editor popup (Hugo Locurcio) 269eb5f06c i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 48d7f7a70f i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 7f9bf5472c doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 65e2230f6e Fixes min size of various editor plugins on HiDPI (Haoyu Qiu) 22c15083af Fix empty LineEdit crash on ctrl+backspace (Paulb23) e804eebfe5 Remove completion triggers for ',' and '(' which may conflict with signature helper (geequlim) d901d5993b Allow enable/disable threading for LSP server Restart LSP server when configurations change without restart the editor (geequlim) 9c229cb035 Fixes minimap width on HiDPI monitor (Haoyu Qiu) 083637a901 Add apply method to SpinBox (Jóhannes Gunnar Þorsteinsson) ad6d06dc21 Add option to apply an offset to obj mesh import (Bastiaan Olij) 4c20d9407d GDScript: Forbid using "script" as member name (George Marques) 60cd3df337 Add signal for LineEdit overflow event (Tomasz Chabora) 378c4895ae [DOCS] Corrections and clarifications to classref (Chris Bradfield) 05bbbb1225 sort_custom description and example updated (cajallen) 2d22b6e5c3 [macOS/Mono] Filter release/debug and rename Mono data folder on export. (bruvzg) 5b9631563c Add support for generating a Oculus Mobile VR apk with hand tracking support. (fhuya) dfb713bce6 Use cycle and loop hint flags in FBX. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) d07cdc594f [macOS] Load PCK from the .app bundle resources, instead of changing working directory. (bruvzg) 0172a7f932 Use cycle and loop hint flags in glTF2. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 74ae1ca616 Improve the `OS.is_debug_build()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) b1b308411a Fixes Android FileDialog (Alexander Holland) 9f1f4620e0 Added function to expose floor normal, useful to correctly calculate player velocity. (Andrea Catania) 8e3e41642b Add a zsh completion file for the Godot editor (Hugo Locurcio) 3f8c93dffe Fix warning in Linux crash handler on 32-bit (Rémi Verschelde) 508e624b87 Complete documentation of various classes (Tomasz Chabora) 0218494e6b Be stricter on what's considered a scene path in CLI argument parsing (Hugo Locurcio) 677e72d2f6 Expose instance_from_id to GDNative (toasteater) 9abde1626f macOS DMG export: create folder structure for the files extracted from export template ZIP. (bruvzg) fbd937bd30 Update minimum size on Label::set_autowrap (Haoyu Qiu) 1e154e0947 Fix nested break/return in shader switch statement (Yuri Roubinsky) 5377f062d4 Main: Prevent Project Manager-ception in editor (Rémi Verschelde) 715c0f9dfd Trims user provided group name (Haoyu Qiu) 6190d42825 LSP: Fix bracket completion for functions with one argument (Geequlim) 34f1dbaf28 Fix TileSet editor's workspace size sometimes not changing correctly on region change (Michael Alexsander) 9600fd5dde Enable Vsync via Compositor by default (Hugo Locurcio) 3bcedd02b2 Fix inserting bezier curve in Animation editor (volzhs) b5251eb00f Don't compile editor-only function when tools=no (Gilles Roudière) 90b49e8888 Fix Android exporter manifest creation. (Bruno Lourenço) 76678b2609 GDScript: Fix type name on error message for function parameters (George Marques) 1aef8bfeb1 GDScript: Fix resolution of default parameter values (George Marques) 3718f8f592 GDScript: Validate object instance on `is` operation (George Marques) 8708d44a50 Add option to disable loading scripts in ScriptCreateDialog (Michael Alexsander) fdd7cfa820 fixed camera project_position function that was still using the near parameter in a few calculations (Ben Hickling) cc9ca9eb34 GDScript: Don't re-evaluate index on assigment with operation (George Marques) 41ed905c1a GDScript: Allow copy constructor for built-in types (George Marques) 7d4fc79eb3 Add GDScript warning for standalone expression (George Marques) c6b6731857 Doc: Mention that Directory pre-opens res:// by default (Rémi Verschelde) b0e4205069 Add ignoring of disabled recent and favorite classes in create (PucklaMotzer09) 93aa3a0126 Fixes TextureRegion editor drag handle for HiDPI (Haoyu Qiu) 9495229315 Update file list in split view when setting main scene (volzhs) bf4a0242ff Fixes BaseButton not triggering the "pressed" signal on "Button Press" Action Mode (OverloadedOrama) e7b7dc57fc GDScript: set assign operation on local var made by match (George Marques) f61cd51643 Don't copy script with copy params (volzhs) afe39525fd Improve the Environment class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 29e07dfa4e bullet: Sync with upstream 2.89 (Rémi Verschelde) d35c018a7a GDScript LSP: Implement signatureHelp Enable smart resolve default to true as it is required for script symbol lookup (geequlim) 656cc83aa0 Export: Fix leak or orphaned Controls after #34911 (Rémi Verschelde) d26414f9fe GDScript: enable type checks on release mode (George Marques) 899f7999b4 GDScript: properly set type of local variable initialization (George Marques) 97273ce378 Check if resource exists before loading (Tomasz Chabora) d88f620c52 Recent Nodes now respect Editor Profiles (veryprofessionaldodo) 7c29ce4375 Export: Add dedicated --export-pack option to export data pack (Rémi Verschelde) 4293f76cf1 Emits meta_hover_ended when mouse exit RichTextLabel (Haoyu Qiu) ac7dc03ae4 Export: Hide Patches tab until actually implemented (Rémi Verschelde) 0749906d8a Gamepad: Fix parsing order for SDL2 controller databases (Rémi Verschelde) 7d0342e87d Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 0584c7f094 Gamepad: Parse SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG env after default mappings (Rémi Verschelde) 815bf761a5 RasterizerCanvas: Use getornull to fetch light occluder polygon (Rémi Verschelde) f9d11120f7 Minor fixes for ScriptCreateDialog (Michael Alexsander) 8b5992f665 Make possible to edit the GraphEdit's selection rect colors (Michael Alexsander) d17a4efc43 Fixes RichTextLabel click issue when cell text wraps (Haoyu Qiu) b81843ee6c Complete docs for GraphEdit/Node and PopupMenu (Michael Alexsander) bbc36dbc67 Don't show conf warning if script is not tool (Tomasz Chabora) a1ab8f8890 Show selected main scene in FileSystem split view (volzhs) 4fbcc19853 Complete the Environment class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) d79f0e7d40 Check if cursor is inside meta when getting cursor shape (Kanabenki) c475f11018 expose scroll_vertical and scroll_horizontal in TextEdit + documentation (Krystof Klestil) 5011afcb6a Export: Improve usability of command line interface (Rémi Verschelde) 4e10c62024 Make NoiseTexture threading more robust (JFonS) 3df9d187a3 Fixes crash when using Mesh::create_outline and Mesh::create_convex_shape (Haoyu Qiu) c1853eeb59 Fix AnimationTree not available when compiled with disable_3d (William Tumeo) 5fc0a068d0 Rewording RichTextLabel::remove_line documentation (Haoyu Qiu) d43ad46e42 Fixes import of models as PackedScene (Haoyu Qiu) 4be87c6016 ClassDB: Exclude method binds starting with '_' from API hash (Ignacio Etcheverry) 695980a0f2 make Label consider spaces for visible_characters (wingedadventurer) e5a0018621 Calculate label size more accurately (volzhs) e03ac8c618 Update size and position for colored font with oversampling (volzhs) 0a965300e7 doc: Document what happens to old script with Object.set_script() (rainlizard) dc61323b2c PCK: Set VERSION_PATCH in header, factor out header magic (Joost Heitbrink) 1905fdfbca Finish documenting VisualServer (clayjohn) 3deb209105 Completes the RichTextLabel documentation (Haoyu Qiu) 0cad2c0cd1 Add VisualServer methods to get the video adapter name and vendor (Hugo Locurcio) 538baea208 Complete the SplitContainer and Tabs documentations (Michael Alexsander) 566ffc2695 Document most VisualServer functions (clayjohn) c35f461445 enet: Sync with upstream 1.3.14 (Rémi Verschelde) 571c713a5e enet: Resync with upstream we forked at, add patch (Rémi Verschelde) fc1f0d76e7 Don't update the floor_velocity with the current linear_velocity. (Marcel Admiraal) 3f0c7b89ec Fix calculating label size (volzhs) cca03b57ff Fixes scaled scrolling of TextureRegion editor (Haoyu Qiu) a7a025531b Fixed StyleBoxFlat antialiasing with aa size of 1 (PouleyKetchoupp) 4b660a87d8 Fixes crash for bad property of PackedScene (Haoyu Qiu) 35d288b2ef Updated many VisualServer functions (clayjohn) 6e79d683fa Document the return value of `Object.get()` with a nonexistent property (Hugo Locurcio) 948cb84e37 Take the editor scale into account for 2D zoom operations (Hugo Locurcio) 8a4104acb8 Improves Tree documentation (Haoyu Qiu) eb5861f9f1 GDScript LSP: Implement goto declaration (geequlim) 78e9ca58af Makes more strings translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 785af45d8e Disable colored console output when standard output isn't a TTY (Hugo Locurcio) 64ae7feaa4 Change the 2D editor's snap to 8x8 by default (xelivous) 51c601d2e3 [Mono]: the C# script icon is now visible in the editor. (dankan1890) 906b5e7f3f Fix crash on trimesh_create by making surface->data available in non-tool builds (clayjohn) 7e6bfe6a8b Document TabContainer's "use_hidden_tabs_for_min_size" (Michael Alexsander) 411f08c506 Fix ENet max clients highest value. (Fabio Alessandrelli) cd21200944 Add support for Lum-alpha textures to ETC fallback (clayjohn) ce47d5af77 ENet optional server_relay when disconnecting peer (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9ce0ddcf0d Mono/C#: Fix wrong HintPath for package in GodotTools (Ignacio Etcheverry) a18909f945 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) b728d3bd18 Fixes button flashing when releasing mousebutton outside (fossegutten) 3cbfb11460 MultiplayerAPI: Fix disconnect errors when passing invalid peer (Rémi Verschelde) 229b398146 Better horizontal scroll for Tree (Haoyu Qiu) 68ba2588b8 [Mono] Color arithmetic operators (Aaron Franke) cc626acf45 Add a shorthand for setting the exit code using `SceneTree::quit()` (Hugo Locurcio) 7a9fc69a16 Fallback to RGBA4444 for textures with alpha set to ETC compression (clayjohn) 3056c4bd5a Expose cast_to to GDNative for dynamic casts (sheepandshepherd) 98bbee3008 Add note about add_child and owner. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) e539b187a5 Clears button mask before activating menu item (Haoyu Qiu) 0b3f1cc70a [Mono] Make Sign methods consistent with GDScript and System.Math (Aaron Franke) a00ead2a1f Enable the script editor line length guideline by default (Hugo Locurcio) f028b8b0e4 Support GLTF2 alpha scissors. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 0ab7bd402a Remove unused imports (unknown) ab11916822 [DOCS] Class reference typos and fixes. (Chris Bradfield) c1ff3ef9e8 Mono/C#: Fix comment generation for non-constant param default (Ignacio Etcheverry) bca64e3b6f Fix missing DEFVAL in some EditorSpatialGizmo methods (Ignacio Etcheverry) f3aa793ba3 Mono/C#: Fix bindings generator with void vararg methods (Ignacio Etcheverry) d80e979a48 Update Camera.project_position to not return get_global_transform().origin if projection mode is orthogonal (SIYU FU) ac3087eb4b Don't connect ShaderMaterial's `changed` signal when not in the editor (Hugo Locurcio) b93b7aca74 Allow the usage of newlines in export hints (Bojidar Marinov) d8dbcbe066 Fix wrong disconnect in callback in VisibilityNotifier 3D (Александр Растриженков) e772a1241a Object::disconnect: Better errors when no signal or locked (Rémi Verschelde) 4d727f1ee6 Allows to doc vararg method return type as void (Haoyu Qiu) 844a8d215b Mono/C#: Make 'GD.Print' and its variants fallback to 'ToString()' (Ignacio Etcheverry) ea75ea50d2 Mono/C#: Fix GD.PrintErr now showing in the Output panel (Ignacio Etcheverry) f20b3ff503 Fix error when closing Attach Node Script window (volzhs) 0ee93257e8 Fixes Tree item offset when root is hidden (Haoyu Qiu) 7b86688ddf Minor code formatting in TextureRect file (Michael Alexsander) a77e869b87 Ensures cursor visible for Tree with title (Haoyu Qiu) bb6f04c9f5 Fix wrong return type (Tritium Oxide) 7f62bed238 Added support to allow to compile Godot from the same directory while using different versions of python (Fabian Mathews) e4907e50fe GLES3: Fix false positive in ninepatch axis stretch code (Rémi Verschelde) 1591677eb8 Fixed antialiasing option for Polygon2D (PouleyKetchoupp) a7f49ac9a1 Update copyright statements to 2020 (Rémi Verschelde) 838d9519bc Fixes behavior of right arrow key in Tree (Haoyu Qiu) 99efc93419 ScriptCreateDialog: Suggested language extension now matches the selected language. (dankan1890) ac18665c88 Tint 3D light gizmos using the light's color (Hugo Locurcio) 9aa18e8919 Use current versions of software in Appveyor. (Marcel Admiraal) 3e1adfc3ef Fixes Groups Editor batch add/remove nodes (Haoyu Qiu) 7a752215ba Improves ItemList (Haoyu Qiu) 54f70b6b50 Fix argument type in set_follow_focus() (Tomasz Chabora) bf143c05d2 Don't handle Gridmap input when have no effect (Tomasz Chabora) d53a297a6d i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) c2a28aa28d i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 4c7d02dea1 Fix wrong project opening in some situations, hidden nodes were not reordered (Marc Gilleron) cc72885107 Make new ScrollContainer focus behavior optional (Tomasz Chabora) 50ab6decfe Replace the android.defaultConfig.applicationId in build.gradle with the package/unique_name. (fhuya) af2e6e12d1 add custom property to csproj, which identifies that project is generated by Godot (Ivan Shakhov) 9ae73f7bb5 Document how to distinguish emulated mouse events from physical ones (Hugo Locurcio) 79494992e4 Exit the editor export process with a non-zero exit code on error (Hugo Locurcio) 8cf941a8cb Makes more editor strings translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 9ae39be64f Checks script path before show in filesystem (Haoyu Qiu) 1b26f2c505 Fix msbuild target argument (Dan Kramer) d2690b37fd shadow_item_cull_mask should reference light mask (Fabian Keller) c9fe11dec1 Use correct omni light attenuation (Winston) d441a6aefa Print a warning message if `OS.exit_code` is set to a non-portable value (Hugo Locurcio) 99b92c885f Support for hex numbers in shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 134755ebcf Add ord() function to Expression class (Danil Alexeev) cbb8930813 Clamps fov/size for Camera gizmo (Haoyu Qiu) f1052aa893 Improve the Timer wait time property hint (Hugo Locurcio) 86274b9fc9 Mono/C#: Re-structure API solution and GodotTools post-build target (Ignacio Etcheverry) 4fb56d6694 Show selected directory in split mode when selecting a file (volzhs) 16429a4289 Reset GLES3 MultiMesh buffer id when reallocating. (Bruno Lourenço) bbd5e39165 Move the ColorPicker preview under the picker area (Hugo Locurcio) fd2c181a35 Revert "Merge pull request #34315 from YeldhamDev/editor_theme_optionbutton_arrow" (Michael Alexsander) c4cd2c44c8 Make OptionButton itself take into account the arrow margin instead of relying on the theme (Michael Alexsander) 32eccb87e0 Check for null pointer in PulseAudio server info callback. (Marcel Admiraal) 94e373c978 Improves Search Help dialog (Haoyu Qiu) 0a1d3e4437 Don't try to connect "text_entered" signal to nodes other than LineEdit (Rafał Mikrut) bc234ce0ae [Docs] Description updates for Node2D & Object (Chris Bradfield) 1ac701cc37 Don't use constant reference in Vector push_back, insert and append_array (Rafał Mikrut) fe9a4ff818 add area_shape_entered usage (Lakshay Angrish) 542945f5f0 Don't create preview of empty scene. (Rafał Mikrut) 7f18560f3c Fixes Theme Editor minimum height on HiDPI monitor (Haoyu Qiu) c37429b281 add AngelCode format in BitmapFont doc's description (Lakshay Angrish) 0ef635c0e3 Mono/C#: Fix memory leak with new Reference instances created from C# (Ignacio Etcheverry) f03facc474 Fixes tab height in Batch Rename dialog (Haoyu Qiu) 682dd04b2d fix Rider path on Mac (Ivan.Shakhov) d3cf8cfb7d Fix Hard Crash on glTF Color Accessor Import (Marios Staikopoulos) c719cea116 Add an example of using HTTPRequest to contact a REST API (Hugo Locurcio) e182aa0d32 Fix KinematicCollision docs mislabeling an ObjectID as an RID. (willnationsdev) b076b2bdd6 Fix and improve command-line exporting help (Hugo Locurcio) 078c0d75f2 Cleans up headers included in editor_node.h (Haoyu Qiu) 79a06e17bb Fixes variable naming in FileSystemDock (Haoyu Qiu) 67f441a09d Clarify ImmediateGeometry.add_vertex. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 65195f505f Fix canvas GLES3 skeleton transform uniform updating. (Bruno Lourenço) 0049f43fc8 Fixed selection indent taking an additional line (Paulb23) 2f35cf4946 Fix issue with disconnecting events when font changes (Jonas Bernemann) d53c392b34 Centers Dock Position text (Haoyu Qiu) f26c9d650b Fix 2D lighting when using skeleton. (Bruno Lourenço) e002044761 Be more specific about array return values. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 04d7d0838c Add a link to the code of conduct in the repository (Hugo Locurcio) bb62c07fce Improve the Basis class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 0bab51ab55 Fix the Node `process_priority` description to match actual behavior (Hugo Locurcio) cbc772d696 Fix buffers size calculation in PacketPeerStream. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 8938577459 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate + update template (Rémi Verschelde) 84a3d3b981 xatlas: Sync with upstream e12ea82 (Rémi Verschelde) 6ee9833c6f Set proper icon for LineEdit in editor theme (Haoyu Qiu) 0a5b30b14a Add a range property hint for the number of contacts reported (Hugo Locurcio) d47374385c Fix GLES3 light cutoff. (Bruno Lourenço) 097d1c9383 add suggested fix (Dan Kramer) d7f9d71be2 Fix contact shadow when light is outside of viewport. (Bruno Lourenço) f8f5696394 Correct size for PacketPeerStream in Debugger. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9afdb9dcd3 WSLPeer now prevents receiving data after close. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 5a3ccf4f14 Mono/C#: Remove GodotTools dependency on the Mono.Posix assembly (Ignacio Etcheverry) 0693718164 Makes more editor strings translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 2019d8001d i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) abbff65dc8 Mention that bbcode_text += string is a bad idea (Tomasz Chabora) 2b1fb0375d Mention how to handle cancel in ConfirmationDialog (Tomasz Chabora) 6ffbd36e3d Fixed StyleBoxFlat border size with aa on (PouleyKetchoupp) 1acbbfc3f1 Set proper icons for FileDialog in editor theme (volzhs) 02d5591d9d Make sure no additional slash being added with localize_path (volzhs) 28543667fd Always use 16 bit renderbuffer depth on WebGL (clayjohn) e7e095da3f Encodes property names properly in project.godot (Haoyu Qiu) f88f762240 Updated docs for many VisualServer methods (clayjohn) f3c6c63b94 Mono/C#: Remove hard-coded debugger wait at initialization (Ignacio Etcheverry) 98dc07f25f Mono/C#: Fix Variant -> MonoString* when type is Variant:NIL (Ignacio Etcheverry) e26b066871 DUPlICATE_USING_INSTANCE documentation update (alexchond) 8da8518ba3 Fix selection on 3D viewport with half resolution (JFonS) c89df816c1 Fix ScriptTextEditor encapsulation (Yuri Roubinsky) 72f392a135 Fixes Curve Editor margin (Haoyu Qiu) 28599e6c20 Suggest use of deferred or oneshot on disconnect if the signal is locked. Closes #34443. (Juan Linietsky) b8bbf5a55f Fix code editor not always centering to bookmarks (Tomasz Chabora) 2fa9585bdf Fix error log when selecting child of Containers (volzhs) 8674655a45 Fix build warning in ustring.cpp on Windows/MSVC platform (Yuri Roubinsky) 9f223616f1 Updates toggle scripts switch tooltip (if user changed the shortcut) (Yuri Roubinsky) 1c6b9bfdff Mono: Copy native and btls libs on macOS (Rémi Verschelde) 3d6f991a17 Revert "Allow tab key to be used for shortcuts" (Rémi Verschelde) 7dff2a9167 Make right align for calls number in Profiler (volzhs) a58deee648 Updates docs of AABB and Plane (Haoyu Qiu) 13b77c9acd Update VehicleWheel.xml (Zacxalot) 575a1dc9cf Docs: OptionButton (James Westman) b6d6863055 Remove unused scripts from the `misc/scripts` directory (Hugo Locurcio) 6cf1499eaf Improve the `KEY_MASK_CMD` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) feb54d0ed7 Make NetSockets quiter. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 03928c5b36 Fix toggle scripts panel to allow using shortcut in other areas (Yuri Roubinsky) 0dd6079e4e Improve error message and do not spam forever. (Juan Linietsky) ca19a3fe9a Fix crash on Android with no manifest permissions. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 22637beb2e Restore signal locking, for some reason missing. (Juan Linietsky) 20d7013c60 Mono/C#: Fix project export and fix FindLast/GetFile regression (Ignacio Etcheverry) be3fc17603 Document DUPLICATE_USE_INSTANCING #2770 (alexchond) 45908eebf3 i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 5a74cc12d0 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) c64c46db1d doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) bb7b614da1 Prevent showing toggle scripts panel switch in shader editor (Yuri Roubinsky) 9adeec789c Fixes size of create function dialog (Haoyu Qiu) 3a3cab6494 Use global transform when calculating scroll (Tomasz Chabora) 7c64779516 Allow attaching any external profiler, including JetBrains dotTrace (Ivan Shakhov) 21dec856f2 Use an internal skin unless one is supplied by user, fixes #32766 Even though this fixes the issue, the broken Skin resource in the inherited scene mesh will remain, it needs to be erased manually. (Juan Linietsky) b2a14042d5 Fixed issues with using a relative path in the export window. (Catchawink) a866028a7a Mono: Enable threads suspend workaround on Windows (Rémi Verschelde) e4a0abdd93 Fixed a bug within sprite.cpp that caused nan values to appear when a texture had zero area (Tyler Greenwood) 7a9c337dfe Makes more strings in editor translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 7f62ee69b1 Travis: Fix reporting clang-format errors after #34097 (Rémi Verschelde) a3ab1cb698 Center error icon vertically in AssetLib (Haoyu Qiu) 32939ccd39 Prevent infinite loop when focus_next is invisible (Tomasz Chabora) 078e9c04d2 Mention how to add slots to GraphNode (Tomasz Chabora) 2a694a44cb fix shadow color in GLES2 by making sRGB (clayjohn) 1b8b380993 Document that translated does not behave like rotated or scaled (Aaron Franke) dc0199989d Moves switch for show scripts panel from File menu to status bar (Yuri Roubinsky) 468fcd80bb Updates docs for GDScript built-in functions (Haoyu Qiu) bbaf212c62 Fixes wrong minimum size of Group Editor (Haoyu Qiu) 324e02596f Lower the maximum StyleBoxFlat corner detail to 20 (Hugo Locurcio) 980e962bb8 Increase the TileSet and polygon UV editor zoom limits to 16× (Hugo Locurcio) eced81e359 Fix- using cut in first line of a script file does not remove the line (Mikolaj Kaczmarek) 04c917899f Add Android NetSocket implementation. (Fabio Alessandrelli) fafda80a4b Add GodotNetUtils Java class for Android. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9269d6be32 UDP sockets broadcast is now disabled by default. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 59937e1c54 Updated get_zoom_hbox() documentation. (Hannah Crawford) 904b7700fa Remove convex_decomp in drivers/SCsub (volzhs) d3851d5452 Show enum class name when not on the same doc page (Haoyu Qiu) af67e97445 Remove unused theme elements in H/VSlider (Michael Alexsander) 5152afa70c Added microphone and camera usage descriptions to macOS builds. (Catchawink) 41c3c77e80 Change bundle name rules on iOS to match Apple's requirements (Jonas Bernemann) f111d1aaed Drop b2d_convexdecomp. no longer necessary. (Rémi Verschelde) f2a2293709 Mono/C#: Fix class parser incorrectly handling nested namespaces (Ignacio Etcheverry) c1ab956dd0 Mono/C#: Fix class parser bug with 'where T : struct' (Ignacio Etcheverry) 19252d48ed vhacd: Patch to fix UWP ARM build (Rémi Verschelde) cb887324e6 GDScript: Convert values when setting member variables (George Marques) 475d7f0e52 GDScript: Fix type conversion in assignment with operation (George Marques) 185017b922 Clarifying how float(String from) parses partially invalid strings (Danilo Costa Viana) 249c2c4615 Makes int and bool clickable in documentation (Haoyu Qiu) 9432520449 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 4d61118f64 Add project setting to hide home indicator on iOS (Jonas Bernemann) 787113d96e i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 115a45c2c5 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 9f68626fb2 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 0fd7186971 Fix documentation for yield (Zak) d151e1eaf9 Make more editor strings translatable (Haoyu Qiu) 5004b8b81e Fix OptionButton's arrow margin in editor theme (Michael Alexsander) bd7cf87b8e Make Button and co. take internal margins into account when clipping text (Michael Alexsander) 162a64efcd Don't allow to use too big or too small shift operators (Rafał Mikrut) f9db01ec50 Fixed HTTPClient.xml:115 and 121 variant declaration (Muller-Castro) 86096313be Fixed an issue with recording audio. (Catchawink) 75e82417a6 Don't search in unassigned shortcut labels in the editor shortcuts (Hugo Locurcio) f3ea2a0267 Fixed crash if passing invalid image ref to TextureLayered (Yuri Roubinsky) d3b162a9d4 Added apply_central_impulse to PhysicalBone class (Vitalii Shmorhun) 57441ab2c6 Added missed enum constant VisualShaderNodeTexture::SOURCE_PORT (Yuri Roubinsky) 776ae18d64 Fixes crash after remove_line in RichTextLabel (Haoyu Qiu) d09193b08a Fix string Find methods having reversed case sensitivity (Aaron Franke) 37d164e24e CharFXTransform: Drop unnecessary get_value_or() (Rémi Verschelde) 50c37ed986 Fixes crash when using Resource::_take_over_path (Haoyu Qiu) 2c894f3426 Fix for collision polygon not working at all on exported builds. (jitspoe) 81db0e9274 Provide default Tween values for transition and easing types (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) a665b3878b Fix GDScript autocompletion with `as` or typed variables (Bojidar Marinov) 5771f9959c Mono formatting (Aaron Franke) eec7702711 Flip cull mode when rendering flipped Light2D and LightOccluder2D (Bojidar Marinov) 6cc3bb2d9b Add note in 'load()' docs that the path must be absolute (Michael Alexsander) 4da0d7727f Fix for #34186: "Center Selection" in 2D editor introduces graphic bias. (Hannah Crawford) c320a82213 SCons: Add 'split_libmodules' option to workaround linker issue (Rémi Verschelde) cbf5641a74 Disable GDScript warning for unused class variable by default (George Marques) 77a8657633 Scroll ScrollContainer to focused children (Tomasz Chabora) a139104646 Expose Mesh get_aabb (Aaron Franke) 8fbc9d33fd Support Rider as External Editor (Ivan Shakhov) 676f647c74 Add a default POINT_SIZE (clayjohn) 6f178a2061 Fixes infinite loop when switching editor (Haoyu Qiu) 5586103a94 Validates texture in set_piece_texture (Haoyu Qiu) 589eb80a90 Fix build on musl-based systems (James Westman) 5deb6497a1 Fixes crash when using DynamicFont::set_font_data (Haoyu Qiu) ab1bfb9007 NetSocket set_broadcast_enabled returns Error enum (Fabio Alessandrelli) 024c25426b Fixes crash when shader inputs/outputs is invalid string (Haoyu Qiu) c29b8cf751 Fixes crash when using Theme::clear (Haoyu Qiu) 16d612dccc Improve the Shape/Shape2D classes documentation (Hugo Locurcio) e0d252311e Add check for zero length motion at beginning of each sweep test loop in SpaceBullet::test_body_motion. (Marcel Admiraal) fd31cebcbe Use renderbuffer depth for post-process buffers when appropriate (clayjohn) e8d652f160 Force 32 bit depth buffer for WebGL (clayjohn) ed1c4bc77d Removed unused variables, add some constants numbers (Rafał Mikrut) 5bf8e1e426 Fixes long popup menu scroll behavior (Haoyu Qiu) 6e1dc7b2fe Update minimum size of SpinBox on theme change (Tomasz Chabora) 3acbabca1e Document the KinematicBody axis lock methods (Hugo Locurcio) 6eaec3d10d Fixes Delete Line doesn't delete first line in script (Haoyu Qiu) cd07a34598 GLES3: Properly unbind buffers after draw commands (Rémi Verschelde) 78055cbdaf Check that motion is not zero before doing a sweep test. (Marcel Admiraal) 2c559feb92 Fixed strange behaviour of scroll in the ItemList. (allkhor) 29ba673fca [macOS] Send resize event without actually resizing window on backing change. (bruvzg) 4937b21ce5 Hide LineEdit placeholder if IME composition string is not empty. (bruvzg) f2e396f15b Fix TilesetEditorContext separation snap. (dankan1890) d057007541 Add spaces after commas and strip extra ones in *FileDialog filter menu (Michael Alexsander) fe06966181 Make some arguments in PCKPacker methods optional (Hugo Locurcio) 7ae0e4be46 Improve the PCKPacker class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 17add2dc86 Add a pre-commit hook to check the class reference syntax (Hugo Locurcio) f1a76a8820 Improve the StyleBox class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) 4eff13d768 doc: Markup fixes for enums and constants (Rémi Verschelde) 7c6c32b500 Document RichTextEffect and CharFXTransform (Hugo Locurcio) 93f00c0303 Fixes prompt closes the wrong scene when exiting (Haoyu Qiu) 11258db001 Fix missing null checks in Mono Binding of GD (Jonas) 80dcd4423a Remove extra spaces from parenthesis in *FileDialog's filter menu (Michael Alexsander) 4a56b45f87 iOS: Disable armv7 as target arch by default (Rémi Verschelde) 0b4cc12b4f clear_meta when clearing guides with the ruler (Haoyu Qiu) 5978e6afac Docs: ARVRController and ARVRInterface (James Westman) 9a12b40100 doc: Fix and clarify AnimationPlayer play and stop descriptions (Rémi Verschelde) 06e4a3aa75 Fixed errors in JointSpatialGizmoPlugin when selecting a joint with unset nodes (PouleyKetchoupp) e8838f4385 Fixes crash when clearing guides in empty scene (Haoyu Qiu) fbfd56c247 GLES2: Fix uninitialized members in ShaderGLES2::Version (Rémi Verschelde) 601d870ae9 Fixes wrong position when adding node in VS editor (codecustard) 3b80eb06b7 Don't store index of root nodes (Tomasz Chabora) f7f7544997 Added method binding for `multimesh_create` that was missing from VisualServer class. (Eoin O'Neill) 83194f4a50 changed set_meta to remove_meta in CLEAR_GUIDES menu option (simpuid) 066ae9d83b Mono/C#: Several android fixes (Ignacio Etcheverry) 95242b7faf ResourceLoader: Add language code matching for localized resources (Rémi Verschelde) 0fcb68ffa1 Translation: Refactor locale matching to use proper language code (Rémi Verschelde) 3797f19926 C#: Add Duplicate method to the Array and Dictionary bindings (Ignacio Etcheverry) 745a8915fc Properly orphan polygon index buffer after binding (take 2) (Rémi Verschelde) e1dda5195c Added support for vertical syncing via the Windows OS compositor (DWM.) (TerminalJack) 10481046e5 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) bc4dbcf793 Travis CI: Run `makerst.py` to check for documentation errors (Hugo Locurcio) 22b345c969 Fixes translation for project sort options (Haoyu Qiu) d1270f3d4c Fix compile error for Windows on Linux (volzhs) 0aebba2388 [ci skip] OS class documentations, adds platform compatibility notes. (bruvzg) b2dfbd77ec properly orphan polygon index buffer after binding (clayjohn) 749d917424 Fix severe performance drop while deflating polylines (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) ef21d378f3 Don't stop export if rcedit path is invalid (Tomasz Chabora) 6d6280dfa3 Emscripten: Re-add BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE='clamp' for fastcomp (Rémi Verschelde) ccf8778e86 [iOS] Add export options to control external access to user data. (bruvzg) a74f0fd4cf doc: Fix markup errors (Rémi Verschelde) 673bd79a9e Improve the DynamicFont class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) c6c5a213cd Add documentation for the Listener class (Hugo Locurcio) 73149499c0 Improve the Camera class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 1fcdeaee39 Mention that `int()` can be used as an alternative to `floor()` (Hugo Locurcio) e8410c03f5 fixed set pitch bend value and implemented midi running status (あるる / きのもと 結衣) 79c26344e8 Make error when accidentially redeclaring a variable's type clearer (Bojidar Marinov) 56d884ffde Tweak error timestamp formatting to be more readable (Hugo Locurcio) 8b8faf03d5 Fix expressions for global constants in shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 750f343e4a Ensure move_and_slide() is consistent between the 2D and 3D versions. (Marcel Admiraal) 9584ff13b9 Fixed another point grabbing issue at lower zoom levels. (Norton Corbett) 2ef8c5fac5 iOS modular build and export implementation. (bruvzg) f4d0e598a7 Center Script Editor when jumping to bookmarks/breakpoints (Tomasz Chabora) fdd99d4a7c Properly remove joint when a physical bone is removed from the scene (PouleyKetchoupp) fb9b010384 Add missing on error manifest struct destroy in pluginscript script init (Emmanuel Leblond) d900cfafa3 Fixed errors in AnimationPlayerEditor when switching current_animation in the inspector (PouleyKetchoupp) b68703a35c Fixed caret alignment with placeholder text (Paulb23) 3df68b4fa6 Fixed LineEdit alignment when removing text or undo / redo (Paulb23) 5329ae0030 Take into account the current zoom level when grabbing polygon points in the TileSet editor. (Norton Corbett) 3231fca934 Add docs for is_equal_approx on structures (Aaron Franke) f0fdd7de80 Fixed error when creating physical skeleton (PouleyKetchoupp) d747c61187 Fixed typo in docs for Script and GDScript classes ("exends" -> "extends") (miere43) b44e0d60c7 Update transform property in the inspector when changing translation/rotation/scale (PouleyKetchoupp) 81cae314b4 Make sure to include the path in the "Data template directory not found" error message (dsge) 9276684e95 Port Path2D changes to 3D (Tomasz Chabora) 7e6fa6c7a8 Remove unnecessary bounded_offset from PathFollow2D (Tomasz Chabora) 598d769804 Handle state machine travel before the start node is processed (PouleyKetchoupp) 7ef16ca136 Docs: GridMap and MeshLibrary (James Westman) f4a1a79d01 Don't try to initialize empty NativeLibrary (Tomasz Chabora) 1b40a95b6f i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 55676b16da makerst: Escape default values using reST markup (Rémi Verschelde) 85a955fc56 Flush remaining messages before quitting the game when loading fails (PouleyKetchoupp) dc13750189 Viewport environment is updated properly when set to own world (PouleyKetchoupp) 502a667070 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) f5e81b894a Removed duplicated conditional in GLES2 (PouleyKetchoupp) 299b85c46f Disable shadow map sampling when shadows are not used in GLES3 (PouleyKetchoupp) 85d8c42763 Mono/C#: Fix crash on exported games that don't use C# (Ignacio Etcheverry) 66de28eda8 Mono/C#: Add option to export assemblies outside of PCK (Ignacio Etcheverry) e6ebc43d72 Fixed antialiased option for Polygon2D / Line2D (PouleyKetchoupp) 21a3923410 Add an `OS.is_window_focused()` getter (Hugo Locurcio) 4af218f9e3 Don't cast item to Spatial when checking if it's locked (Aaron Franke) 192aacd5d7 Fix radiance map generation on mobile (clayjohn) 247767eb89 Document how to bypass the unused argument/variable warning in message (Hugo Locurcio) 4b28fd4f23 Bugfix: Sanitize glTF importer Animation Names and do not set bone_pose (Marios Staikopoulos) 66cefde2b0 Fix box selection being cancelled immediately (Tomasz Chabora) f085110b20 Added more details in Timer.start() error message. (x2f) 365c5bd0e5 Remove .exr saver debug print (Holger Dammertz) 77d95e3371 Document the `ViewportContainer.stretch_shrink` property (Hugo Locurcio) 6d2b21c6a4 VideoStreamGDNative: Fix playing video files without audio stream (marcosjouron) 96b30e7727 Remove deprecated theme property from GridMap (Tomasz Chabora) 7e592f9641 Add ENet option to disable server relaying. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 5be5f65440 document popup behaviour (HaSa1002) 2952dc3fe2 Fix crash when disabling a YSort node (Bojidar Marinov) 9eff8b7007 Show thumbnail for DynamicFont resource (volzhs) 4f14a1f59c Remove type hint from the @GDScript class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 639c9b3a35 Only display Environment sky rotation in degrees in the Inspector (Hugo Locurcio) c51fe7f7cd Use ANGLE multisample extensions for UWP (George Marques) 391f6ff2c6 Fix memory leak in NetworkedMultiplayerENet. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 2cd68a2566 do not wait for response body when making a HEAD request (Patrick Wuttke) a1f1a1d798 Revert "Fix localise_path method so that uncached scripts don't sometimes get loaded with two backslashes" (Emmanuel Leblond) 966c68badd Range: Remove min/max check added in #33908 (Rémi Verschelde) 9feb9aef42 godot exit code improvement for --script --check-only, fixes #33895 (Pawel Lampe) bfd5e09879 Range: Fix cases where max was set to or below min value (Rémi Verschelde) 3ab5b33a47 Fixes around ScriptEditor script list (PouleyKetchoupp) 5cfff77ca6 Added missing documentation for yield() (Zak Stam) 85dba0c09d Fix bug where specularmode disabled is not cached (clayjohn) dd552494eb Debug menu in editor doesn't hide on checkbox toggle (PouleyKetchoupp) 4de9c51f23 Fixed missing scrolling in Search Help Dialog. (dankan1890) 5d7c13dcbb Fix inverted value check in UWP export packager (George Marques) c8bf0ee062 [macOS] Fix locale detection. (bruvzg) 8f0c1daf1c Removed translation for bookmarks menu item name in TextEditor (PouleyKetchoupp) 5f451e0fb2 Fix WindowDialog moving when resized from the left/top edge (James Buck) ed19b4076e Add download_chunk_size property to HTTPRequest. (Fabio Alessandrelli) c99f6453b9 Update Viewport.xml (Robert Colton) 1120de862d StyleBox preview adjusted to fit all drawn content (PouleyKetchoupp) 8830e53fe1 Fixed index out of size error in TextEdit when opening scripts (PouleyKetchoupp) 5ab3b61520 Restructure depth_internalformat code to work on mobile (clayjohn) bb1d75f55e glTexImage2D: Fix confusion between format and internal format (Rémi Verschelde) b73073ae36 Fix HTTPClient::poll crash when connection set to null (Artem Burjachenko) 334d41d7cc Fix Specular Blinn function (clayjohn) 13f98f80b6 Use the CanvasItemEditor info overlay to display TileMap coordinates (Hugo Locurcio) ebdd2bc474 Mono/C#: Prevent SCons from building API solutions in parallel (Ignacio Etcheverry) 80b1604fa9 33714 glTF2 handle undefined load-time scene. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 7abb09ecf4 Makes Fresnel node in visual shaders to use default NORMAL/VIEW (Yuri Roubinsky) b7ea22c5d2 i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) b395d6bd80 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) c41c24562d Style: Add missing copyright headers (Rémi Verschelde) ab3bccdb78 Fix typos with codespell (Rémi Verschelde) a7df198c94 Setting the node process priority should not trigger an error (Martin Capitanio) e949665489 Error instead of crash in gltf import with more than one morph target (PouleyKetchoupp) d0de373884 33756 gltf2 importer should use zfar (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 203fb1b348 Fix GL error by properly using float uniform (clayjohn) 01d77842ee Unfold directories when showing in file system (Tomasz Chabora) f91416d9ac C#: Fix PathWhich on Windows when name already has extension (Ignacio Etcheverry) e423e1c663 [macOS] Remove CVDisplayLink v-sync hack. (bruvzg) b81f9f777f Better description of the binds parameter of connect (Benjamin Navarro) 8695135691 GIProbe::bake: Remove check for ownership (PtrMan) 4d6737ec73 Fix bugs introduced by IBL fixes (clayjohn) 5d70a95fe1 33714 Check if the image is null before use. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 3b44866bf2 33714 If the gltf2 asset has no scene, it is corrupt. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 99d8626f4a Fix some overflows and unitialized variables (Rafał Mikrut) d79aeca599 Fix C# export error dialog showing up when it should not (Ignacio Etcheverry) a9fef1a774 [iOS] Link and load ARKit framework dynamically. (bruvzg) 02913f53d3 pcre2: Use scons option to disable JIT on some platforms (Rémi Verschelde) cd40154890 Fix issues with environment mapping (clayjohn) 8abd64dcbb Fixed bug caused by a copy/paste error in Face3::get_closest_point_to (stoofin) 268fe9dda5 GradientEdit: Fix index crashes (lupoDharkael) cdae65c4a6 Rename External MSAA to AndroidVR MSAA on Viewport property (volzhs) 3f247ea507 Mono/C#: Bundle libmono-btls-shared.dll on Windows if it exists (Ignacio Etcheverry) 7e5340261a Cancel drag when selection changes (Tomasz Chabora) 94fc676019 Editor: fix typo in VCS plugin method names (merumelu) 95f1f4e82a Travis: Drop support for coverity_scan, we do not use it (Rémi Verschelde) 15cd81dc69 Need to use GL_RGB8 and GL_RGBA8 as the internal format for GLES2 (Bastiaan Olij) e5dfcb5edd HTML5: Explicitly link idbfs.js for IDBFS support (Rémi Verschelde) 43d762fce3 Consider locked moving objects when updating viewport (Tomasz Chabora) 6c3be2ca74 Fix Visual Studio throwing C4146 warning. (Marcel Admiraal) 008769aee9 C#: Throw NullReferenceException for null NodePath/RID params (Ignacio Etcheverry) 6d14251b0d Fixed "Add Sprite..." label overlapping with zoom controls (PouleyKetchoupp) 46ae64cd60 Revert "Update opus to 1.3.1 and opusfile to 0.11" (Rémi Verschelde) 974646309b Revert "opus: Packaging fixups after #33311" (Rémi Verschelde) 7e9a45842e Fixed ScriptEditorDebugger minimum size (PouleyKetchoupp) 14b06fc207 Fix negative light flickering (clayjohn) e9802d9b02 Fix animation key snapping at high zooms (Tomasz Chabora) 2bc6302607 Properly update texture when roughness/metallic set (clayjohn) ae76c62601 Implement `Node::get_process_priority()` and its associated property (Hugo Locurcio) 2511f275b9 StyleBoxFlat doesn't draw content when width or height is zero (PouleyKetchoupp) 7ecaff578b Make the script templates' blank lines conform with the official style guide (Michael Alexsander) 03e1568aeb Add singleton_name field to autogenerated json api (Emmanuel Leblond) 1b9c2ec92e Rename External MSAA to AndroidVR MSAA (Holger Dammertz) 72b31aafc4 Make holding Ctrl toggle snapping in GraphEdit (Hugo Locurcio) 08b4671e03 Use the Unicode "multiply" sign for the "A x B" visual script node (Hugo Locurcio) 8fa72a20f3 Fix Visual Studio throwing C4334 warning. (Marcel Admiraal) e9e2a4b044 HTML5: Fix support for Emscripten 1.39.1+ (Rémi Verschelde) 8cbe4a3db4 Make C# internal calls return structs as ref parameters (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2b67924a0b Mono/C#: Initial exporter support for AOT compilation (Ignacio Etcheverry) 9254961297 Parser: Check all the arguments of the ternary operator (lupoDharkael) 1e28571d82 Always allow Alt as an orbit modifier in the 3D editor (Hugo Locurcio) bc8236bd39 Add a tooltip to explain what marking a preset as "runnable" does (Hugo Locurcio) 41634199c8 EditorNode: Improve tooltip for pause button (Rémi Verschelde) 0ec76d40b4 Fix incorrect error label color when switching from light to dark theme (Yuri Roubinsky) 8330e70e2c refresh area2d collision when shape changes, close #33369 (RaphaelHunter) facfae3671 Fix "matches" label color in light theme (Yuri Roubinsky) 0287baf078 Disable ok button if no key is selected when adding event to an action (Gilles Roudière) db0082534c Added more in-depth examples of NodePaths in API docs. (willnationsdev) de7c2ad21b Mono/C#: WebAssembly support (Ignacio Etcheverry) f7476359e0 Make sure tile is selected when selecting TileMap (Tomasz Chabora) 0d7409adfb Fix explain message not being stripped in release. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 79aca6b0c0 Fix split/rsplit docs (Zak) 1f623c5a2b Fix broken gizmo interaction when Node is scaled (JFonS) fa45fdb5f5 doc: PCKPacker class example code (IlyaStuurFedorov) 4b9fd961d6 Fixes #32963 by correctly parsing bin/hex literals (Micheál Keane) 3de002db30 Doc: Add return values for SceneTree::reload_current_scene (merumelu) 1369e00973 Properly handle zoom when opening tileset editor (Tomasz Chabora) 62a09a2ee3 Update AUTHORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 57b12c10ab Prevent crash when scene has path, but no file (Tomasz Chabora) 0387657fa4 opus: Packaging fixups after #33311 (Rémi Verschelde) 424d2fcfb4 vhacd: Sync with upstream b07958e (Rémi Verschelde) 6a2c2e5062 tinyexr: Sync with upstream 656bb61 (Rémi Verschelde) 097b746fdd nanosvg: Sync with upstream c1f6e20 (Rémi Verschelde) e2fbfb1ded miniupnpc: Sync with upstream master (0ab1d67) (Rémi Verschelde) a3d77be53b mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.16.3 (Rémi Verschelde) 92c3b6c85e glad: Sync with upstream 0.1.33 (Rémi Verschelde) 47a4ca0022 Fixed crash when pressing down key on empty Tree (PouleyKetchoupp) d191ffb47d X11: Fix memory leak in handle_key_event (Rémi Verschelde) 1253a33423 Improve glBufferSubData usage where safe (clayjohn) 067c259ef1 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 107c1969f5 Hide "Set As Main Scene" in FileSystem dock if the scene is already the main one (Michael Alexsander) c77ce40c3b Minor adjustment in the "Game Camera Override" button's tooltip. (Michael Alexsander) 51d1be5156 AudioStreamOGGVorbis: Expose loop and loop_offset as properties (Rémi Verschelde) ecd572073c Mention that `Dictionary.hash()` can be used for equality comparisons (Hugo Locurcio) 1f62318f92 Display icon for "Set As Main Scene" in filesystem popup (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 4e2343160c Add special external MSAA modes for GLES2 Rift S/Quest and OpenXR optimisation (Bastiaan Olij) 83069a3c0f Remove ERR_EXPLAIN macros and the scaffolding they needed. (Marcel Admiraal) d18b2e599d Remove all uses of ERR_EXPLAIN macros. (Marcel Admiraal) 6cd3c921f1 Revert "Android : implement InputEventMagnifyGesture and InputEventPanGesture" (Rémi Verschelde) 9fee540e6e fixes #33439. The feature now changes according to the feature profile. (Shivansh Anand) 97af5569d9 Update stb_vorbis to 1.17 (Jonathan Mannancheril) 6d27c50ae7 Added documentation for SpringArm doc (QbieShay) 90b6062ebb Handle missing file properly when checking for case mismatch (PouleyKetchoupp) 7dda9309f9 Memory leak and crash fixes (Rafał Mikrut) 824bc3fed8 Keep focus on the top-most node for multi-selection in scene tree (PouleyKetchoupp) b777d9b34a Multi-selection restored properly after switching scenes (PouleyKetchoupp) b7fdac60f1 Send m_msg directly to _err_print_error(). (Marcel Admiraal) 55afd6e784 Update zstd to 1.4.4 (Jonathan Mannancheril) 6c557b8bdf Camera: Don't set default value for project_position (Rémi Verschelde) 0fc0f0fc98 Fixed crash when using icon override in button (PouleyKetchoupp) 72453e566d Fixed function/audio/anim tracks in blend tree animation filter (PouleyKetchoupp) 133014c3fb Fixed errors when saving scene with a shrunk viewport (PouleyKetchoupp) 0c79bbeea3 Fixed crash when using icon override in button (PouleyKetchoupp) e00426c512 Update opus to 1.3.1 and opusfile to 0.11 (unknown) 25cba699f0 Fixed not being able to scroll ending wrapped line (Paulb23) 311ab52b6c Fixed Camera preview when creating new scenes (PouleyKetchoupp) a0fd450415 [UWP] [Export] added additional checks for blank values (piratesephiroth) 80b9c8e950 Fix functions listing all theme resources (rxlecky) 778b421973 Set ShellExecuteW's verb to NULL - fixes #33388 (piratesephiroth) 530665197f Fixed Particles restart after visibility has been set to off and on again (PouleyKetchoupp) 5d618b0570 Clarify how to handle go back button on mobile (Tomasz Chabora) 2bde99f790 Fix some small text mistakes (Tomasz Chabora) 7e4ae4c503 Fixed prematurely ending animation of particles. (Simon Hardt) e6d53ba75f Expose the `OS.low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec` property (Hugo Locurcio) 26b933dc21 Fix incorrect offset for old-format tilemaps (Yuri Roubinsky) 9d4e596c69 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 5d6ff7f2a2 Fix MinGW/clang/LLD/UCRT build. (bruvzg) aac7ddf89f Emit an error rather than crash in A* (Shiqing) add5eaca43 Make MSAA work with external texture (Bastiaan Olij) f7cba26a52 Revert "fix #33188 MSAA depth buffer not used for external texture" (Bastiaan Olij) c9d7301418 Fixed initial title in audio buses editor (Danil Alexeev) 12c2363290 Clarify shape_centered property (Gilles Roudière) 3c0c8f26f9 Revert "Fixed TouchScreenButton::shape_centered having no effect" (Rémi Verschelde) fea58321e6 Fix 'r1' (and r2) may be used uninitialized warning in eq.cpp. (Marcel Admiraal) 1f76229378 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) d7137a6b72 Add setting to exclude addons from script warnings (mashumafi) bdb7adecfb Fix #24137 Different number of leading zeros on MINGW printf("%lg") (Jamie Pate) 4c4172ec92 Added link to raycasting tutorial to RayCast/RayCast2D (Yuri Roubinsky) 06fc43d41c Add an HTTPRequest usage example to the class reference (Hugo Locurcio) a7b202ef18 Fix analog input in sliders (Tomasz Chabora) 47389c3a16 Partial revert of #32657, undoing line shifting by 0.5 (Rémi Verschelde) 1c8d3ab94f Fix graphic tablet input coordinates on Windows. (bruvzg) 121fb46ab9 Clarify that String.insert returns a copy (Rémi Verschelde) e4b97b4614 [Doc] Added more details for set_drag_preview() (Anthony Rey) c663d65ffc New contributors added to AUTHORS: @DavidSichma, @ptrojahn (Rémi Verschelde) 71e79af1f1 Fixes ItemList max column update (codecustard) 64da703c6f Make text in the "About" dialog reset its position when changed (Michael Alexsander) fb9ff92c29 Node create dialog filtering optimization (PouleyKetchoupp) 24469d9ce4 Remove implicit dependency on String from error_macros.h. (Marcel Admiraal) 1342551664 Fix localise_path method so that uncached scripts don't sometimes get loaded with two backslashes (Saracen) 5fb160c7c6 Updated assimp to 308db73 from https://github.com/assimp/assimp/ (RevoluPowered) 0bd877780f FBX Importer Generation 3 (RevoluPowered) 9fd416abce Fix dragging spinner without control (Rafał Mikrut) f643786b96 Fixes improper undo state for pivot setting (codecustard) 077b5f6c2c Bump version to 3.2-beta (Rémi Verschelde) 29bde8cd74 Fix crash on exit or resume on iOS 13 (Max) 469acbfd0c Folders in FileSystem are not expanded on project save anymore (Silvano Cerza) 418b035dda fix #33188 MSAA depth buffer not used for external texture (Holger Dammertz) f5ffc1aedc Fix invalid casting on visual shader sampler (Yuri Roubinsky) 4ed2abb0bf Another scene tree dock menu cleanup (Tomasz Chabora) b14e391792 Fix key names being wrongly capitalized in the input map editor (Hugo Locurcio) 8ca0f1a71c Remove unused `editor/active` project setting (Hugo Locurcio) e3cfb006a0 Allow zooming while panning (Tomasz Chabora) 13c88878c4 Fixed cases where labels with autowrap can overflow the editor ui (PouleyKetchoupp) 61ad365fc9 Update zstd to 1.4.3 (unknown) 8eb2eeae0f Fixes the edit rect in TreeItems (Gilles Roudiere) 8243afb0e9 Added sampler inputs for visual shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 5e44b5be81 Prevents usage of unsupported texture shader types in GLES2 (Yuri Roubinsky) bc32779542 Fix depth format on Android in GLES2 (clayjohn) 21e1f1df0f Force update SpatialMaterial when texture set and always use ALBEDO (clayjohn) 6348dfa948 Make the editor dimming even more smarter (Michael Alexsander) ecb4c70ed3 Add documentation for Image's set_pixelv method (Thiago Amendola) 362d38ea67 Update connection info on script validation rather then saved copy (Paulb23) ec274eeeff Copy transform when creating convex sibling (checkerWoho) 047ecffaac Restore GDNative compatibility by moving new functions introduced in #33210 to core API 1.2 extension. (bruvzg) 7f40b69022 Use GDScript resource path over script path for `inst2dict` (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 52e799b6d4 Code format for true/false/null to make documentation consistent (PouleyKetchoupp) b90ec3b442 finish TileMap docs (Jummit) 9cc66495cf Android : implement InputEventMagnifyGesture and InputEventPanGesture (Jérémy Zurcher) 6b7f8558d9 Removed switch operator from GLES2 shader back-end (Yuri Roubinsky) 84a0ad36b6 Sort custom vshader nodes+prevents them from divide to different folders (Yuri Roubinsky) c4e46b8800 Document behavior of printraw (Aaron Franke) b67f252016 Fix Color8 GDScript documentation (Aaron Franke) 3a8a7fc31c Added snapping for scaling in 2D editor (MCrafterzz) 5bf08ae836 Make BackBufferCopy's description more specific (Muller-Castro) f6f60e22f5 Fixed error when renaming a state in AnimationNodeStateMachine (PouleyKetchoupp) 9fcd38fc70 GDScript: validate instance before accessing it on error (George Marques) 9ddb3265e1 Fix some crashes, overflows and using variables without values (Rafał Mikrut) 79a59a3587 Fix: typo atleast -> at least (Omicron) 15800b4db8 GDScript: Avoid editor crashes when there's cyclic inheritance (George Marques) c394ef7410 $ autocompletion keeps quotation (hilfazer) d14d57120d Fix Batch Rename not opening (Edi Cikovic) 2166437869 document force_update_transform (Jummit) ce61bff759 link SoftBody tutorial in docs and add ray_pickable property (Jummit) e70e894433 Add new file in libogg readme (Jonathan Mannancheril) 1758a6f494 Added link to Area2D tutorial in documentation. (Derwent Ready (drentsoft)) 36c4fd8935 Make the editor dimming smarter (Michael Alexsander) 74271712a8 Code sections improvements in editor help (PouleyKetchoupp) 1e07ab8564 Added documentation for the OS class MIDI functions. (Derwent Ready (drentsoft)) 475115c0c3 Added empty() function to pool array types (PouleyKetchoupp) 565f7183aa Prevent crash when we can't write to editor cache or config path (Rémi Verschelde) 8754e21f48 Fix "seperate" typos (Aaron Franke) d29c8ab81b Improved TextEdit search usability & documentation (PouleyKetchoupp) 56925b9c28 Provide and print error messages for JSON parsing (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 3854389156 Fix a constant name typo for GridContainer when creating an editor theme. (conankzhang) e72d6cf54a Add descriptions to set_initial_value and set_setting. (conankzhang) 1b003f3d64 Prevents shader crash on GLES2 if unsupported built-in has been used (Yuri Roubinsky) d69ed2fc55 Add descriptions to clear and copy_theme. (conankzhang) 6eb8c11d32 Update libogg to upstream c8fca6b (Jonathan Mannancheril) 27ad8609e2 Improve the primary line setting display in the Configure Snap dialog (Hugo Locurcio) 033ae8a543 When framebuffer allocation fails for MSAA in GLES2 revert to normal without ERR_FAIL (clayjohn) f675621725 [macOS, Windows, X11] Add graphic tablet pen pressure and tilt support to InputEventMouseMotion event. (bruvzg) f8c2b64c99 Fixed uinitialized variable in srgb_to_linear table (Hanif Bin Ariffin) 29844a5862 Add descriptions to scale functions. (conankzhang) 709c1bf051 Add descriptions to setting and getting draw pass meshes. (conankzhang) bcbe5b5850 Fixed leak in gdscript when creating empty WeakRef (PouleyKetchoupp) bee6b94b77 Add "Set as main scene" on context menu in FileSystem panel (volzhs) c7e5dd9ef0 Add primary grid lines to the 2D editor (Hugo Locurcio) 4922a48a9e [Mono] Alphabetize Mathf (Aaron Franke) b8daad9779 i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 270bdafaeb i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 76eb486413 Added check if field name in the shader is equal to builtin (Yuri Roubinsky) 336e61b36a Improved UX of selecting directories in (Editor)FileDialog by hiding unused gui elements and moving the drive selection (MCrafterzz) 2f511ff758 Update natvis file to display Node class correctly in Visual Studio debugger (PouleyKetchoupp) c4cea10402 fix occluders positions error under canvas_layer, close #32880 (RaphaelHunter) 9086e7330f Removes translations from generated visual shader code (Yuri Roubinsky) a245bab78d Fixed disconnecting not connected signal (Mikolaj Kaczmarek) 858afd53d8 Set the properties of a Set node after add_node (Osama El Hariri) 3a26a0eaa7 Fixed remote inspector for tool scripts (PouleyKetchoupp) e53e1c566a Fix some crashes and using null pointers (Rafał Mikrut) 7b3d098b2b Fixed using compressed textures and add work around for firefox webgl mesa sampler limit (clayjohn) ef6161532d Fix shader crash if non-boolean expression inserted into "if" (Yuri Roubinsky) 51db564811 use proper texture in Android MSAA (clayjohn) d92123ed97 Add "panel" style to PopupDialog (Michael Alexsander) 67ab03e245 Remove duplicate quote in displayed quote type (Cameron Reikes) 034625ed93 Fix invalid window border when toggled from fullscreen to windowed mode (Yuri Roubinsky) 074d421dca Update libwebp to 1.0.3 (volzhs) 4b53a86ce3 Fix error when opening or closing scene with camera preview on (volzhs) 2e2a049d3c Improve performance of connection info in the script editor (Paulb23) d66dcc86f9 Allow use of relative and speed properties for InputEventScreenDrag on WIndows (Joe Sweeney) 6ec7686a0c Fix shadow mapping with RGBA textures on html (clayjohn) 701581d1d3 Improve error messages related to `shader_type` (Hugo Locurcio) aa0fa6b14f doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) df0c8386a9 Fix text minimap crash when last line is folded (Paulb23) ab4b57de1f Travis: Force installing OpenJDK8 for Android SDK compatibility (Rémi Verschelde) cdce135540 Fixed #21527 (Show hint to right click when curve editor is empty) (MCrafterzz) 41c89880f8 Display a message if no results are found in the asset library (Hugo Locurcio) 929d8dd20c Fix off-by-one error in the Project Settings type dropdown (Hugo Locurcio) a57c265266 Document `override.cfg` behavior in the ProjectSettings class (Hugo Locurcio) d780570faf Use WSAConnect instead of connect on Windows. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 198af06ff6 MultiplayerAPI cleanup cache when peer disconnects (Fabio Alessandrelli) 3322d19cb3 Just initialization, needed by compiler (Marian) 616f02e905 Fixed indenting issue with comment at end of line (Marian) c5279432fd Fix the default TextEdit background color (Hugo Locurcio) 1a0306abb1 Fix missing `z_verbose` and `z_error` symbols in debug iOS build. (bruvzg) afbde3314a Allow mixed tabs and spaces when indentation does not depend on tab size (Bojidar Marinov) c8c8f1b8a4 Specify MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API=1 (Yeongho Kim) 69003457b3 WebGL 2.0: Force decompressing non power-of-2 textures with repeat/mipmap (Rémi Verschelde) f8e592f607 Make stylebox preview not to expand Inspector panel (volzhs) 50528b966d Make Ruler Tool depend on grid snap only (Tomasz Chabora) 4beeb0fc0f Fix ruler origin is moving with zoom (volzhs) 72d2248276 Don't terminate search if begin_key doesn't fit (Zatherz) 1e0f37a70f Fixed emitting not initialized correctly in cpu particles 2d/3d (PouleyKetchoupp) 170668d92e Document AnimationPlayer's quirks in regards to play updating on next process & similar. (Squashed Edition) (20kdc) 69c5d637f2 Recalculate margin based on help source font size (volzhs) d468e28874 Fix leak in Physics2DServerSW (Rafał Mikrut) 7b64340eb0 Fix compilation warnings in macOS build, enable `warnings=extra werror=yes` for macOS CI. (bruvzg) c2e5ef4cec makerst: Separate signals/enums/properties/methods with a line (Hugo Locurcio) 9d13a37b81 Remove ECMAScript 6 "arrow operator". (Fabio Alessandrelli) 63e6b1ecce Fix rendering tooltip (volzhs) c3b9319d78 Scroll back to the top after opening a directory in FileDialog (Hugo Locurcio) f8a81e21db Fix incorrect text rendering with smaller display scale (volzhs) 113765b135 Display error messages in console when vformat is called (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 47746e10cb Fix uninstallation of mono templates directory (Rémi Verschelde) 1b9a7e1c21 Fix `inst2dict` calling to getters to retrieve value (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 2f3db42de8 Update dock menu on project list changes, add favourites separator. (bruvzg) 156b96af8a Travis: Update Android NDK to r20 (Rémi Verschelde) ce352ce5b4 Initialise VMap and HashMap values to the default when they are created. (Marcel Admiraal) 61bda112bd Refactor VideoPlayer and VideoStream (SeleckyErik) d0b528e4a8 Fix Tween follow_property finishing with null (Mark Riedesel) 9131f70d8a Resize custom class icon (volzhs) 94a50839fe Fixed variables with built-in resource in remote inspector (PouleyKetchoupp) d62ab4ab10 Fix layout saving error (Thomas Ebert Hansen) fa9148f343 Allows change Sprite3D scale if Billboard mode is enabled (Yuri Roubinsky) ab1e809426 Implement HTTP server for HTML5 export (Fabio Alessandrelli) 53637e4b1c Improve EditorExportPlatform interface. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 2ae3631318 Fix EditorNode.get_editor_theme (Fabio Alessandrelli) 601b216605 Shadows Now Properly Translate by RichTextEffect offset. (Eoin O'Neill) fa59defb53 Theme code refactoring (SeleckyErik) 8b0546d93b Implement game camera override (Erik) 66bfa92e84 Add a tooltip to Color properties in the editor inspector (Hugo Locurcio) 4972ef801a Add clear menu entries for extending and replacing scripts (Anubhab Ghosh) 0088385556 Add request permission automatically at android (Cagdas) 04d3146b75 Mention body length getter caveats in HTTPClient and HTTPRequest (Hugo Locurcio) 6c0ef9f729 Auto-increment frame_coords when keying (Tomasz Chabora) fb7a4ce63e Fix canvas scale gizmo placement (AJ Weeks) 51e5bcfc2c Fix gridmap error spam at startup (Yuri Roubinsky) e3d4b96ba7 Fixed crashes when renaming a state in AnimationNodeStateMachineEditor (PouleyKetchoupp) d7d72aeeec Prevents segfault on _class_desc_resized at exit (Yuri Roubinsky) ec30cf0d20 Add "llvm/thinlto" options to MinGW build. (bruvzg) 94fb3f666c Fixed evaluation for types (David Sichma) cbd98d0fcf Added the server platform checks to template dir and shared lib copy (JoshLee0915) 4b9860ea94 Show preview of frame_coords in AnimationPlayer (Tomasz Chabora) 53d6d37fcf Fixes spinbox not releasing focus on value change (Emmanuel Barroga) d67a9d1a94 Fix gridmap palette remaining invisible (Nehluxhes) fa53c0b774 Mesh preview now scales + grid update on cell size change (Nehluxhes) 3e738b1798 Fix scrolling RichTextLabel with scroll_active=false (volzhs) 1594f22b4e Enhancements and fixes for the animation editor's copy track dialog (Michael Alexsander) a0866716ed Make the the resource menu button fallback to the Object icon instead of Node (Michael Alexsander) aa5e34d018 Fix validating editor bold font (volzhs) f1265541ee Favorites dragable (David Sichma) 6a85614d86 expose EditorSpinSlider to GDScript (Mark Riedesel) 4247c21cb0 TextEdit syntax highlighting fixes (PouleyKetchoupp) ee94081b4a Fixed -1 minimap index when smooth scrolling is enabled (Paulb23) 5bf516a062 Fixed delay when CPUParticles & CPUParticles2D start being emitted (PouleyKetchoupp) 127c2d75ad Fixed TouchScreenButton::shape_centered having no effect (Muller-Castro) 59d2c71227 Add arcs to indicate angle being measured by ruler (AJ Weeks) 05465b9693 GDScript: Add _ prefix on class name in type compatibility check (George Marques) 1a9801f700 Fixed leak on exit when using yield with SceneTreeTimer (PouleyKetchoupp) bb20e420af Fix wrong counting of function argument usage (George Marques) 926777fd8d Updated Variant docs with more detailed info/tuts. (willnationsdev) 4407350608 Add `View onMainCreateView(Activity activity)` api to the `Godot.SingletonBase` class. (Fredia Huya-Kouadio) d8c2e6a31a [macOS] Fix non-ASCII volume name listing, replace deprecated volume listing API. Remove hidden mount points from the volume list. (bruvzg) 5b96233c34 Remove duplicate valid value check in gdscript_tokenizer.cpp. (Marcel Admiraal) 74d7cbf920 Auto-indent after opening bracket and parenthesis in the script editor (PouleyKetchoupp) 28c274bc27 Disable gridmap selection actions when nothing is selected (Nehluxhes) 0de76cc647 Properly reset collision exception when releasing Joint2D (PouleyKetchoupp) 139c0a4afe Expose Node::update_configuration_warning() to scripts (PouleyKetchoupp) f70fd781fc Fix autocompletion for singletons (EbbDrop) fd244d0328 Add editor icons for X509Certificate and CryptoKey (Hugo Locurcio) 2bb3e358e0 Trim protocol field from spaces in WS classes. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 47000f8860 Add push_* methods for fonts in rich_text_label (Florian Bergmann) 94a00cd9c7 Fixes Reverse Animation Starting on First Frame (Emmanuel Barroga) 298bd3f88a Add option to create navmesh from objects in group (jfons) 9f8ffd4146 Support for resized images in RichTextLabel (PouleyKetchoupp) 6f7ba78c53 Don't allow to export pck without preset (Tomasz Chabora) 8df330bacd Allow Label autowrap to cut words when they exceed line width (PouleyKetchoupp) 37e6a8f901 Add connection information and serial number to device description (Robbie Cooper) f3fdfefa09 Detect adb connection type and debug over Wi-Fi if needed (Robbie Cooper) f34deabd10 Correct change made to joints_2d.cpp by 072e403. (Marcel Admiraal) d75e0de729 Fix HTML5 build after 67a4c30. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 7db29919f2 Add accept-dialog enter-key functionality to the Connect Dialog's Method textfield. (Jairo Honorio) 91825ec1d4 Fix the editor path icon when switching from dark to light theme (Hugo Locurcio) c1bd94c2a4 Fix incorrect coloring of in-editor documentation when theme changed (Yuri Roubinsky) 13798746e7 Activate Body(2D)SW when switching to rigid or character mode. (Marcel Admiraal) 68552d9a4b Changes the name of all parameters referring to track indices within Animation, to "track_idx" (LikeLakers2) af89a87075 Add a "slow" modifier to freelook (Hugo Locurcio) 218f38c7ec Expose is_equal_approx and restore == to be exact again (Aaron Franke) aeb7075628 Replace vector == and is_zero_approx(distance) with is_equal_approx (Aaron Franke) 86922ff70b Make is_equal_approx separate for structures (Aaron Franke) 22b9510558 Make resource editor fallback to Object icon if none is found (Michael Alexsander) 1c08d98ec8 set convert_indent_on_save to true (RobKohr) c69ae35d4d Remove redundant compiler directives (Timo Schwarzer) 0a0c3f7fe0 Fix color of FileDialog icons (Yuri Roubinsky) 6f32fc68e4 Code editor: select next occurrence after Replace (lupoDharkael) 616ab4fac2 Small fixes to redundand code, copy paste bugs (qarmin) 0539023fd4 Call activate function when setting RigidBodyBullet activation state. (Marcel Admiraal) d96388e6f6 Fix the download availability check in the export templates manager (Hugo Locurcio) 509afcea92 Fix non-HiDPI mode on HiDPI displays on macOS Catalina. (bruvzg) 62fb462165 Properly free sky and lightmap caches in multithreaded server (clayjohn) d579d2bf1d Fix undo / redo scrollbar calulations (Paulb23) aea0761b25 Place caret at 0,0 when setting text not at the end (Paulb23) b27ec4aea7 Fixes Sprite frame_coords (Gilles Roudiere) f7d9f070e1 Increased step precision (David Sichma) c8a8be6dd1 Optimize images losslessly using `oxipng -o6 --strip all --zopfli` (Hugo Locurcio) 8a0c0371d4 C#: Fix regression from #32732 caused a crash on domain reload (Ignacio Etcheverry) 859478251f Fix the dependency error dialog being too small on hiDPI displays (Hugo Locurcio) 42a9ae7a82 Fix mismatch between RigidBody(2D) and Body(2D)SW can_sleep defaults. (Marcel Admiraal) 071bf81750 only render depth with alpha prepass on prepass (clayjohn) dabaa11b3c Fix to make sure the capture buffers are deallocated at shutdown. Silences warnings. (Saracen) 2a76fba1f6 Fix X11 modifier keys. (bruvzg) d0f8ef7646 Cleanup fix for the meta-data parsing crashing bug. (fhuya) b1f306729d Added documetation for VisualShader (SamuelDeboni) 3cc94b2c0b Mono: Fix template build after #32732 (Rémi Verschelde) d9dfc4496c fix #32588 crash in language server (HaSa1002) 29690f6aec Fixes concaveshape not selecting in viewport (Emmanuel Barroga) 04c6579fd7 Don't use in some functions empty PoolByteArrays (qarmin) bdaedb601c Fix draw_rect (Paul Trojahn) b217babca2 [VShaders] Added sampler port to CubeMap, fixed parsing in expresssion s (Yuri Roubinsky) c62da553cb Don't use to_utf8() and to_ascii() on empty String (qarmin) 82141729d2 Android: Work around crash in _fix_manifest (Rémi Verschelde) d655a7c097 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 58e5c650d7 fix #32711 : Spatial::look_at wrong re-scaling (Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes) 52b21435e2 Remove unused editor/OutputStrings (volzhs) 8c438a2197 C#: Fix detection of outdated release Godot API assemblies (Ignacio Etcheverry) 8c79b4f5e9 Remove redundant `camelcase_to_underscore()` call in EditorInspector (Hugo Locurcio) 30f2100d59 Fixed ScriptEditor autosave timer causing errors on start (PouleyKetchoupp) fff953ac8b Move grid snapping to an independent button (Gilles Roudière) 1767370e7c Added documentation for Skeleton2D (SamuelDeboni) 7dc0e68a53 Optimized Dictionary hash() and duplicate() methods (PouleyKetchoupp) 684156f711 Fix decompress PoolByteArray crash (qarmin) 7f49c5dd42 Decrease polling frequency to 20 Hz in the GDScript language server (Hugo Locurcio) b76ae23392 Prevents folding of member tree on drag&drop in visual shader (Yuri Roubinsky) d2fd2f32fc Uses LoD even if UV slot is not used in visual shader textures (Yuri Roubinsky) 00b86b29f1 Validate array indexes in StyleBox (qarmin) 0ec352213d Removed "rebuild" function from public interface of VisualShader (Yuri Roubinsky) c84e73bf92 Add shortcut Shift + F3 to search pervious in the built-in docs (Marqus) a8836ba28d Remove dependency on the editor directory being in the build's include path. (Marcel Admiraal) e9abcbac3b Fix crash when passing invalid key to Crypto. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0528ce0a2a Fix crash when using `Node.get_as_property_path()` (Hugo Locurcio) 2c557787c1 Document all this new improvements. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 67a4c3033b Custom headers support in WebSocketClient. (Fabio Alessandrelli) c723a8b6aa Implement WebSocketServer SSL support. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 33644d7118 WebSocketClient can now use custom SSL certificate (Fabio Alessandrelli) 025cc04d9e Re-implement WebSocket get host/port. (Fabio Alessandrelli) eb6e3003d5 Add documentation for ReflectionProbe (SamuelDeboni) fec8da3c5e Makes cube maps to be works in visual shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 13779b70e0 Make VisualScript check inheritance for port info (Aaron Franke) b5ff31a433 Fixes deselection not working when merging scene (Emmanuel Barroga) 1ab34bc3c2 lsp: Send godot class tree to clients (Geequlim) 643874f8ca [Mono] Change Plane intersect methods to return nullable Vector3 (Aaron Franke) 2b5b5874a2 lsp: Fix signature of void returned functions in native methods (Geequlim) afdfe651a1 Remove Show Ruler shortcut (fixes #32639) (Pedro Ciambra) ada4bcbe30 Fix invalid autocompletion pasting of shader param name (Yuri Roubinsky) 35d22e414f Fixed AttributeError on doc_status.py (SamuelDeboni) bb685147f9 Fix crash in TileMap::update_cell_bitmask (qarmin) 5c2bb56979 Improve the OS `get_screen_*` methods' documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 655694b394 Fixed RigidBody stuttering when changing collision layer/mask (PouleyKetchoupp) d8b36a452c check for cyclic inheritance when adding a global class (Patrick Wuttke) c2aa3e2351 Remove circular include between core/typedefs.h and core/error_macros.h (Marcel Admiraal) 58dd5d0c78 PopupMenu: Fix missing text/xl_text when using add_shortcut (Rémi Verschelde) 63a19df5e6 PopupMenu: Reorder add_* methods in more natural order (Rémi Verschelde) f5bb9a98dc 32294: Changed the default_angular_damp value to a float. (devbox) 54cba54a45 Added a method to erase section key in ConfigFile (Gianlluca) 0e834b3924 Increase grid size limit (Gilles Roudière) e5b18cea63 Fixed inserting text at caret not updating scrollbar size (Paulb23) 6025a76c78 Fixed drawing the caret at eol when at eol is not visible (Paulb23) 753eff2f68 Allow all Variant types to be added as project settings (Hugo Locurcio) 40197685bb Remove circular dependency between Vector3 and Basis. (Marcel Admiraal) 9499eef4da Document the GDNative singleton method prefix being changeable (Hugo Locurcio) 100d05cbec GLES3 Fixes for ninepatch margins when patch size is smaller than the patch texture resolution Scaled ninepatch margins in screen space to be relative of the ninepatch size when the patch size is smaller than the patch texture resolution. (Valentin Zagura) 1e301479da Sprite to polygon conversion improvements (PouleyKetchoupp) ad9a5ee6f1 Disable file descriptor sharing with subprocs. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9c91b2051a Disable socket descriptor sharing with subprocs. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 77939c6e2e add canvas background mode to GLES2 (clayjohn) 72b43d5ed6 [DOC] Fill in various missing method/member descriptions. (Chris Bradfield) b469ff17e2 Added missing bind_method to TreeItem::get_custom_color(). (dankan1890) cea1f13176 fix current issues with post-processing (clayjohn) 2092ebda9c [DOC] Add missing physics_material_override descriptions (Chris Bradfield) 6591008ac5 [DOC] Document ClippedCamera properties/methods. (Chris Bradfield) 76324bec8d Prevent shader crash if name of variable overrides function name (Yuri Roubinsky) c017f3405e Set tooltip to an empty string when clearing (Joe Morton) 724b9bc0ce Focus the search box when pressing Ctrl+F in Project/Editor Settings (Hugo Locurcio) 04dbcd7f5a Document GDNativeLibrary (sheepandshepherd) d9087e1b44 Prevent shader crash if function call been used on constant (Yuri Roubinsky) 90ea3787ec Add angle to ruler tool (Osama El Hariri) 5a5a062d61 Fix few redefinition name errors for variable/param/function in shaders (Yuri Roubinsky) 17344337a9 Fix crash in Control functions (qarmin) c7834ee566 Update TextureRect and Sprite when their Texture is modified directly. (PouleyKetchoupp) 0550c41ab6 Increase the size of the About dialog (Hugo Locurcio) 1739ef5fd7 Document the ability to include/exclude non-resource export folders (Hugo Locurcio) f73e1fae37 Correctly flip texture src region (David Sichma) 3659e3db9d Fixed some obvious typos in error messages (noname1477) f435a6f0b6 Fix crash in TileMap::fix_invalid_tiles (qarmin) 9f27a4838c Format documentations to markdown only when needed (geequlim) 82863b32de Make tooltips have the same scale as their Controls (Michael Alexsander) db582a2c8c Adds Pen support for Android (Alexander Holland) 1c592e5f1f Add code signing support for Windows exports (using "signtool" on Windows and "osslsigncode" on the other platforms) (bruvzg) 0c75cac7de Fix silly mistake in ProjectSettings docs (homer666) 3b8004865d Remove redundant condition in `String::_humanize_digits()` (Hugo Locurcio) e199488bc7 Add custom api `textDocument/nativeSymbol` to allow inspect native symbols from LSP clients (geequlim) c1de7cb22e Fix calculate_spatial_bounds for selection display (jfons) d12a8940cb Make possible to use just one "size/test_*" value in the settings (Michael Alexsander) caa88b4611 doc: Add note about sending strings without size in StreamPeer (Rémi Verschelde) a0d00c0e99 Bind the `String::humanize_size` method (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 39813939fc Fix enumeration value of SymbolKind. Add custom notification 'gdscript/show_native_symbol' to show native symbols in clients. Close client connections when stop gdscript-lsp (geequlim) 79e83b7c92 Fixed warnings text using custom font and color setting. (Hanif Bin Ariffin) bc67a18fe0 Fix VisualShaderInput if compiled with MinGW (Yuri Roubinsky) 0a34fa701f Fix VisualShaderInput (if compiled with MinGW) (correct, tested version) (Yuri Roubinsky) 10d0bc920b Fixes scene instances not displaying bounds when selected (Emmanuel Barroga) 3ba3cd7b61 Improve ProjectSettings window docs (homer666) c39490cf79 Fix potential crash in AnimationPlayer. (Relintai) b2d8b213f7 Fix locale filter in project settings editor (Osama El Hariri) 2bc7f9e545 Fix small memory leak in PackedSourcePCK::try_open_pack (qarmin) df03d9c2c5 Don't add to StringBuilder empty String (qarmin) ccfc88ffba Applied the same kind of ordering to methods description (Hanif Bin Ariffin) b11d15d5c3 Makes Texture and TextureUniform in visual shaders to use UV by default (Yuri Roubinsky) f3f2fdfbab Mono: Fix detection of MsBuild from Visual Studio (Rémi Verschelde) 5bfe32eaa4 Properly revert cursor when using set_custom_mouse_cursor with null (PouleyKetchoupp) 6a8303f82f Implement DocumentLink of GDScript LSP Server (geequlim) 0c7b3fff44 Android: Fix manifest parsing and APK names in export code (Rémi Verschelde) 9d96f04138 Android one-click deploy: Don't clear by default (Rémi Verschelde) d1a6964d39 Fix codeblock formating to markdown (geequlim) a152816c52 remove glViewport call as it wasnt needed and caused crash (clayjohn) 379e1789dd Remove unused stb_truetype-based DynamicFont implementation (Hugo Locurcio) c6e577fed9 Fix crash in #32473. (Automatically seek timeline in selected animation) (Relintai) 07fd9719bf Fix reflection probe crash in GLES2 with post-processing (clayjohn) 1bafadb629 Drag&drop custom nodes from filesystem to visual shader (Yuri Roubinsky) 664d7e7336 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 5dca2e4f38 macOS code signing improvements (timestamp and hardened runtime options, entitlements property hint, remove excessive codesign calls, suppress "file not found" error on first export) (bruvzg) c287f220ce Revert "Fix plugin script classes defined even if inactive." (Rémi Verschelde) 61510102ec Added link to tutorial for Thread class (Yuri Roubinsky) 31ada3b685 Fix global code in visual shaders if two or more custom nodes are used (Yuri Roubinsky) 3f32ac11cc IP: Fix build error on UWP (Rémi Verschelde) cc85be3aae Inspector: select self object after selecting a stack frame (lupoDharkael) 03d6291aaf Handle scrolling correctly in Tree controls inside ScrollContainers (MrCdK) 1472fca951 Removed unnecessary shader error log messages (Yuri Roubinsky) 35452e1ab4 Update ScriptEditor and ShaderEditor Tooltip (Alexander Holland) aba157865a Add missing semicolons to `BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT` macro uses (Hugo Locurcio) 10a8b1d380 Remove obsolete `sort_demos.sh` script (Hugo Locurcio) 9327eb226a Revert "Fixes CPUParticles2D not making use of AtlasTextures" (Rémi Verschelde) 621bafb948 Tweak the default function definition color when using a dark theme (Hugo Locurcio) a681c90009 Make Rect2.encloses return true on same size (Alexander Holland) d482bd1ef0 Automatically seek timeline in selected animation (Tomasz Chabora) afaa68628a updated defaults and documentation for GLES2 glow (clayjohn) d4a55fb639 Print errors when tab indent found in [codeblock] (Yeongho Kim) 6f1d6cfc78 Fixed running the export templates with newer emscripten versions. (Relintai) be865871f4 Fix text search bar not correctly switching from replacing to just searching (Michael Alexsander) 848eeafe29 FIX: GridContainer children visibility check for min size evaluation (ternvein) 9f21fcf879 Fixes CPUParticles2D not making use of AtlasTextures (bitstopper) f14bcd8cc5 Added sampler port type for visual shaders (Chaosus) 4753c51de6 Project Manager: Update template dialog position after window resize (lupoDharkael) add91724e6 Fix casting to uint64_t when returning unix system time (Kanabenki) 79298face0 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 1fb439367d add doc about flags for SurfaceTool.commit() (Nutriz) 71d6990e1e Added drag&drop possibility for textures from filesystem to visual shader (Chaosus) fe068b61ad Optional Unix Socket disable for devices that do not support it (Jairo) 108068ab41 Make TextureProgress's nine_patch_stretch property to enable stretching for radial fills. (Relintai) 4689ece741 Minor visual adjustment in drag preview of the scene and file tree editors (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a1b2364dba Altered rotation_degrees range (Soumya Lahiri) 82f63633d1 Implement DOF blur, Glow, and BCS in GLES2 (clayjohn) 118940e7c5 FIX: Tabs text translation (ternvein) efc8314516 FIX: WindowDialog title translation (ternvein) a9d981d26c Fix theme in visual script dialogs (at startup) (Chaosus) 168f6cd975 Fix plugin script classes defined even if inactive. (willnationsdev) cf4d476d6e Deconstruct node for Visualscript (Swarnim Arun) 20b493f790 fix dynamic font crash if no available font size (Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes) 0a0f596dfb Add checks after ResourceLoader::load() (lupoDharkael) 0b251997bb Ensure object metadata is unique (Bojidar Marinov) 13e752190f Fix VS editor's "Create Function" dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 24ed6b58e1 Make empty columns automatically expand in GridContainer (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) cfc779ccf0 Fix "Make Scene Root" deleting previous root whenever focusing another scene (Bojidar Marinov) db89fef8fa Highlight singletons and class_names in GDScript (Bojidar Marinov) faf0a49cbf Fix crash in ~EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin when generating documentation data (Bojidar Marinov) 0c35994f2f Add stress test between A* and Floyd-Warshall (Shiqing) c2b824687d Reduce memory usage for edges in A* and add tests (Shiqing) 07f3a129c6 Fix GridContainer's children overflowing it when not all slots of a row are occupied (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 9d98ed1d86 Restore import animation storage checkbox behavior (homer666) 4e9df13a40 Fix crash when moving an action into itself in the Input Map editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c9328aa068 Cleanup VS editor's left menu (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 1509890dbc Mono: Don't compare API hashes on release builds (Ignacio Etcheverry) 4967e4a913 Fix Edit function button (Swarnim Arun) d0e45e78a4 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) cb528e31d9 Placeholder dialog for editable children (Bhupendra Aole) 7b3790d2cc Add option to consider disable points (Hanif Bin Ariffin) 70c4e96623 Draw an indicator to denote overbright colors in ColorPicker (Hugo Locurcio) ca268dfecd Validate audio/video driver command-line arguments (Hugo Locurcio) cb22a875aa TextEdit: Fix timer inside tree warning (lupoDharkael) a99b7a5f88 Travis: Make scons cache branch-specific (Rémi Verschelde) 2a642e1e6d Improve documentation of ProjectSettings class (Max Hunt) 3333d447c0 Cleanup the "Attach Node Script" dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) ea76f4805b Update when the skeleton skin is changed. (K. S. Ernest Lee) 6a7f300662 Create new folder from save dialog now update filesystem dock. (dankan1890) 5629a006d9 #14011: Implement `TreeItem.get_button_tooltip(column, idx)`. (Nolan Darilek) 752debe204 SCons: do not build tests with tools=no (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 02ca4c49fa i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 89094fc76a i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 0b48f53905 Restore bone_custom_pose in skeletons (K. S. Ernest (iFIre) Lee) 2bdde74d45 Changed the appearance of the rotation icons in the Tilemap. (dankan1890) 943471dd02 Fix TileMap world_to_map rounding issue for negative integers (bob) 4d5298ed7d Fixed unable to open project data folder (Ruslan Mullayanov) b4c927b514 Added an exit code to the blocking mode of OS::execute (Ruslan Mullayanov) ecba42e287 Fix remote-tree not displaying the node type (Emmanuel Barroga) 18d8921af3 Format arguments in connections dialog in GDScript style (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 25704e81fa Implement #32347 - RichTextLabel's Item and Item* structs should not inherit Object, it's too expensive (Relintai) 5631850152 Update stream_peer_tcp.cpp (Damian Day) 2325fb11a8 Mono: Improve API assembly load error message on exported games (Ignacio Etcheverry) 59738e3fa3 Visualscript editor graph unification & refactoring (Swarnim Arun) 5ff4e0516b Mono: Don't use project settings for debugger agent on exported games (Ignacio Etcheverry) a199e2b263 Mention `MeshLibrary.get_item_preview()` not working in running project (Hugo Locurcio) bdb9149d7e Fixed missing argument for clear_selection signal in Bezier Curve editor (PouleyKetchoupp) fb9ff00640 Reset hovered point in Curve when deleted to avoid errors on draw (PouleyKetchoupp) 5ed5465023 Replace "GuiMiniTabMenu" with "GuiTabMenu" and tweak it (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 7f3e37fead Fix import hints being ignored by glTF importer (gladmin) 37bf283195 Clean snapping lines after resize (Tomasz Chabora) d7b2ecacff Fixed Show in file system should clear current search (Stefano Coratti) aae25abf30 Add flag to control the replacement of files by ProjectSettings.load_resource_pack (Florian Kothmeier) 4112d6c1b4 Show C++ error condition in script editor debugger (Rémi Verschelde) fcef45006e SpatialEditorGizmo add_mesh bindings fix (Saracen) 17732fe698 Added some obvious errors explanations (qarmin) 2115bced93 'Save Branch as Scene' adds to undo history (Benjamin Riley) 4631b0ca62 glTF: Fixed mistake with root node calculation in skin_verify (Marios Staikopoulos) d24513911d Make LineEdit's minimal size adapt to its icons (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) bba9d9123c ios: support get_model_name (Mark Kuo) 64d09b7de5 GDScript: Fix type resolution not being return in some cases (George Marques) 790391bc93 Optimize editor icon SVGs using svgcleaner (Hugo Locurcio) d1e069ea23 Fixed incorrect use of variables (Hanif Bin Ariffin) 0feff49375 Improve the AudioStreamPlayer3D gizmo (Hugo Locurcio) 46e1c0670e Don't try to slice empty arrays (Tomasz Chabora) bc94203add fix particles scale randomization (clayjohn) 78e6b7c1bf doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) ef143447ad Updates the Godot gradle tasks to enable manual runs of the `scons` command. (fhuya) 97143e60c1 Fix wrong defval in EditorSpatialGizmo.add_mesh method bind (Ignacio Etcheverry) c4fa027614 Improve C# bindings generator errors for default param values (Ignacio Etcheverry) a20cbf2cca Add documentation for crypto-related classes. (Fabio Alessandrelli) a7ac8ec876 doc: Fix parsing of self-closing XML tags (Rémi Verschelde) 823c3def72 Fix copyright headers and style issues (Rémi Verschelde) 4f294b958f doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) c46d172533 Fix #32263 - Hide Console Window stores opposite value (Stefano Coratti) ad5d0cca4d Fix Android keyboard crash with left cursor (lawnjelly) 5d676682b4 Improve the `OS.shell_open()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 76dd021a30 Don't open a project in the list if Ctrl is held while double-clicking (Hugo Locurcio) c1fcb22677 Fix `line` being assigned to twice in the GDScript language server (Hugo Locurcio) 364dfa8d28 Add some missing feature tags to the "Override For..." menu (Hugo Locurcio) 101f1b802b fix kinematicBody2D jitters when sync_to_physics is turned on, closes #28181 (RaphaelHunter) a51e8b1ff0 Fix i18n in `String::humanize_size()` (Hugo Locurcio) 0fbd00f656 Allow building cvtt with system squish (Harley Laue) 87bb1515af Fixes in AnimationTrackEditor around bezier curves (PouleyKetchoupp) 94ad89a5fb Fix various problems with tab-related icons (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 61299dc451 Focus the project manager's search box automatically on startup (Hugo Locurcio) 77e223ff94 GLTF: Fixed some issues with skin groups joining incorrectly and removed unused code (Marios Staikopoulos) 471a3ceb77 Improve the debugger shortcut UX (Hugo Locurcio) c99d80b414 Mention performance caveats of `OS.set_window_title()` (Hugo Locurcio) 94b0240767 fix gles2 broken panorama sky on oculus quest (Holger Dammertz) 50be65bf43 Changed some code found by Clang Tidy and Coverity (qarmin) f5365aa0e1 Fix GLES2 skinning where VERTEX_TEXTURE not supported (lawnjelly) ef5d1ebc95 Fix starting intent problem (Cagdas) 48ca6ec657 Perform reparent if position changes (Tomasz Chabora) ba24bc1e04 Support menu key in TextEdit and LineEdit controls (Paul Trojahn) 72d2468d68 More GLTF Fixes (Marios Staikopoulos) 5d03aa12c9 Expose LineEdit's 'right_icon' and fix icon size (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6fc5647bc3 GLTF Importer - Add more Index types and const-ed up the code (Marios Staikopoulos) c3d712f414 Fix crash when reverting an exported array / dict to NULL (Paulb23) ba8601f557 Improve the network profiler UI (Hugo Locurcio) 097f47f064 Tool Mode for Visualscript (Swarnim Arun) ef3455f236 Fixed going to doc reference while selecting text (Paulb23) 78bee16e05 Implement backward shift deletion for OAHashMap (Shiqing) 11e09e59d1 GLTF2 Import Fixes - Skin(s) to Skeleton - Skin Support (Marios Staikopoulos) 748c9bc205 TCP is_connected_to_host comparison error (Damian Day) 5b3805b8e5 Improve the editor help display (Hugo Locurcio) 5476250356 Initialize snap_target and make sure it disappears (Tomasz Chabora) 40a5de97e6 Remove an unused icon and constant in Tree (Hugo Locurcio) 95c685143a C#: Make sure cs_glue_version is present when building export templates (Ignacio Etcheverry) a28d18f554 Load overrides if getting style from current class (Tomasz Chabora) ba566dff2e Distinguish editor-originating messages in the editor log (Hugo Locurcio) a7712cc9e4 Add new events and accompanying logic to notify when the app is paused and resumed on Android devices. (fhuya) 04f43116d6 Improve folding appearance in the editor inspector (Hugo Locurcio) 91ecd7b6a6 Fix misc. source comment typos (luz.paz) 838e474e66 Fix crash on some platforms in RichTextLabel. (Relintai) 8c3bb69e72 Fix incorrect typing when creating methods via the connection dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 269ba00fd3 Implemented maya stingray support (RevoluPowered) efd6f6dbad Implemented basic texture mapping for PBR material definitions (RevoluPowered) ff8864e020 Fixed blend shapes disappearing (RevoluPowered) 38fc09e669 Clarify get_node vs get_node_or_null. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 8d2efe75ae Fix VideostreamGDNative audio buffer handling (Mark Kuo) ec9c5171d2 Fix VideostreamGDNative seek (Mark Kuo) 53c9eaf933 Fix editor dimming being disabled when a dialog is closed even when others are open (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) d81ddaf33e Added skin support and simplified APIs to override bone position. (Juan Linietsky) 973a4fe50f Fix crash on iOS devices during rotate (AlexRixhardson) 6dcd4379ca Some formatting fixes in visual_shader_nodes.cpp (Yuri Rou) d630472b98 Fix autocompletion undo (Tomasz Chabora) 95f6f81dc2 Display the current zoom percentage in the 2D editor (Hugo Locurcio) cf2ae78956 Fix region editor for NinePatchRect (Tomasz Chabora) 6ee84f53a9 GLES2 Fixes for ninepatch margins when patch size is smaller than the patch texture resolution.. Scaled ninepatch margins in screen space to be relative of the ninepatch size when the patch size is smaller than the patch texture resolution. (Valentin Zagura) bfa246cda8 Improve the 3D light gizmos (Hugo Locurcio) 628f467605 Allow weakref(null) in gdscript (Windy Darian) 46bb523db7 [Mono] Corrected rectangle intersection (Chaosus89) e65d2184b9 throw error when user tries to use Canvas background without sample buffer (clayjohn) 46d71ee2a1 Improve the `Image.get_pixel()` and `Image.get_pixelv()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 40dd544994 Mention more caveats for custom mouse cursors in the documentation (Hugo Locurcio) c0acaab1aa Fix keying integer and float values from inspector not being able to use bezier curves (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) e5d9c7dcb0 Fix some errors while reparenting nodes in the Scene dock (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6df03fe61f Display an error message if no version control systems are available (Hugo Locurcio) 757c509437 Add array slice method (Cameron Reikes) 50da1b7d15 Add correct class selection in Select VCS menu (Twarit) 1333ea2a2d Implement shader array support for varyings (Chaosus) e7760deb74 Fix HTML5 export after #30864 (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0dd4a2790f Document AnimationPlayer's 'get_queue()' and 'caches_cleared' (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 5c2582ad34 Fix errors in the animation editor when removing tracks via undo/redo (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 96d6724b5d Remove outdated information from skeleton class reference (skyace65) ac2f68760d Fix int overflow in EditorResourcePreview::_preview_ready (qarmin) c2bcc3f700 Use the same axis colors consistently in the 2D and 3D editors (Hugo Locurcio) 7d3374eecf Mention that AnimatedTexture doesn't support atlases (Tomasz Chabora) 22ad5ce3cd Mention that look_at() expects global coordinates (Tomasz Chabora) 7e8dd867da Mention constructor arguments in duplicate() doc (Tomasz Chabora) 9e5f1d6641 Add an "hover" style to items in the project manager (Hugo Locurcio) 1d488e45fc Fix ambiguous method description regarding `body_test_motion` in 2D (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) ebc6fb9869 Fix Sanitization Bug (Eoin O'Neill) 6290616c0a Properly remove GridMap node from editor on undo (Tomasz Chabora) fd1b5cc39f Improve the node deletion confirmation message (Hugo Locurcio) aa8e3e7b0f GDScript: add an optional message parameter to assert() (Mitch Curtis) 4553935f27 [X11] set PID as window attribute (thomas.herzog) add0004a78 Revise and update AStar documentation (Shiqing) 98136418ac Improve support for directed graphs in AStar (Shiqing) cf00f35a8e Allow for constant deceleration to be detected inherited scripts above the immediate parent. (Saracen) d9b34d2a3d Fix right click crash in Locales Filter (lupoDharkael) 7e89ec2cd8 Preserve folding when sub-scene is changed (Tomasz Chabora) 6a36779e89 Optimized variant reference function. Optimized critical execution path in Variant::reference by removing expensive and unnecessary call to clear for atomic types. (Valentin Zagura) 6efbabeb9e Fix Remote Tree Navigate to Inspected (Emmanuel Barroga) b8007b3947 Fix scrollwheel triggering focus change (Emmanuel Barroga) 3dcd7e54f4 Mono: Fix unable to create log file due to str_format bug (Ignacio Etcheverry) 481dbceed0 Adds fuzzy search for help search dialog (Guilherme Felipe) bee38c6b0b Find the previous match in the editor help when pressing Shift + Enter (Hugo Locurcio) 11890aa27b Improve the SoftBody node editor icon (Hugo Locurcio) 56883686a3 Add some missing icons (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) afe34344a6 Implemented get_path() & get_path_absolute() for FileAccessEncrypted (PouleyKetchoupp) d53ddc5baa Fixed resource loading when editing built-in script from resource (PouleyKetchoupp) d6269e1bc0 Preserve group order in scene files (lupoDharkael) b678d68224 Add Ability to Enable/Disable Shortcuts for LineEdit/TextEdit (Emmanuel Barroga) 93897fb884 Fix missing method for internal_MonoWindowsInstallRoot (Ignacio Etcheverry) e439581198 Mono: Fix PCK assembly paths when exporting from Windows (Ignacio Etcheverry) 8a8173231c Implement snapping in the audio bus editor (Hugo Locurcio) ea622a16dd Display audio buses' current volume in a tooltip when hovering slider (Hugo Locurcio) 84d0f324c4 Improve Ctrl snapping in EditorSpinSlider (Hugo Locurcio) b835868067 Create shadow_vec for altering shadow computation (azagaya) 8f5ffeeacc Produce an error when a class has the same name as a Singleton (Mitch Curtis) 21222fb478 Make editor inspector easing lines use the accent color when dragged (Hugo Locurcio) fbcb68c15a Animation Bezier Editor : fix double inserts on undo (Valentin Zagura) 407839daab Display editor icons for filesystem dock popup menu options (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) a701d4e940 SpriteFramesEditor improvements around deleting animations (PouleyKetchoupp) b8bb5e90ea fix gles3 shader uniform vec3 error, close #30930 (RaphaelHunter) c2b902af4b Fixes OptionButton Not Updating if Current Selection Already Selected (Emmanuel Barroga) 0048468658 Add ability to reorder animation frames via drag and drop (Emmanuel Barroga) 9a94fe7d26 Improve the `String::humanize_size()` method (Hugo Locurcio) 2bac4e1784 Revert "Fix Clearing Inspector for Remote Node" (Emmanuel Barroga) 892adf733c Input actions can be reordered by drag and drop. (J-Camilleri) 8244f535cd Add network profiler (jfons) c188c5597f Removed useless code from Switch in visual shader (Chaosus89) bd507739ea Fix formatting error for bool in resulted code of visual shader (Chaosus89) b85b2da988 Bug Fix 31973 Type Hint Error (Eoin O'Neill) f2d203a8a4 Remove the jetbrains setup directory as it's now obsolete. (fhuya) 7fabfd402f Split the Android platform java logic into an Android library module (`lib`) and an application module (`app`). (fhuya) e5f96a344a Small improvements to the inspector dock (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 789be6596b Improve documentation pertaining to shadow atlas sizes (Hugo Locurcio) f9821a5caf Fixes Subresource Showing While Unselected (Emmanuel Barroga) fd0dace4b5 Small fixes for the Tile/GridMap editors (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c8e92b802c Delete ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (Juan Linietsky) 083bb0242d Update issue templates (Juan Linietsky) bbcf26b7bf Fix out of range crash on remapping files (HaSa1002) ad499f234f Load scene if needed when editing recent built-in script (PouleyKetchoupp) b01d07e049 Fixed switching back to animation player editor with no animation to select (PouleyKetchoupp) 1a8b537970 [Docs] Clarify VisibilityEnabler2D description (skyace65) 5f3a55acb7 Add informational messages to various editors (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) bf3024c172 Added missing OUTPUT_IS_SRGB and FRONT_FACING to visual shaders (Chaosus89) 54f0889f20 Fix parsing array indexing symbol in visual shader expression (Chaosus89) b397bcf4a1 Run doctool after overridden properties changes (Bojidar Marinov) 6c4407bae4 Add overriden properties to the documentation (Bojidar Marinov) c6ddaacf59 Fixed order of parameters when updating resource cache file (fixes #31930) (PouleyKetchoupp) 444ba61aac Add copyright headers to vcs integration (Twarit) 5fdea32622 TextEdit & LineEdit caret blink timers run only when focused (fixes #31936) (PouleyKetchoupp) 306e64a9f5 Add call_recursive method to TreeItem (lupoDharkael) 47065f0c3e Fixes Inspector Showing Unselected Info (Emmanuel Barroga) 124e51fdde make core/Reference thread safe (huisedenanhai) 7ac0239afa Add CSV import without translation. (willnationsdev) feedd6c615 Update RichTextLabel to support real time effects and custom BBCodes. (Eoin O'Neill) 284548c4b7 Improve the node deletion confirmation message (Hugo Locurcio) 7a27abae49 Change minimum size when theme changed Need to call minimum_size_changed on controls whenever the theme is changed. (Bhupendra Aole) 617797c47c Adds skip-breakpoints feature (iwek7) 1094522d76 Assimp map mode is not initialized before use. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 073f625a91 Create a GDScript String function repeat (Bhupendra Aole) e430f8ca61 Implemented `ord` function in VisualScript (64epicks) d98e944a19 Add VCS editor plugin UI elements to editor (Twarit) 97959a53df Add an overridable VCS Interface for the editor (Twarit) 07e3be3deb Add version control editor plugin (Twarit) a4a0295154 Improve sorting options in the asset library (Hugo Locurcio) 9e9c16c1e5 Try and show all the properties added with _get_property_list() when triggering completion. (MrCdK) a79d8e3b8f Some improvements for Switch node in visual shaders (Chaosus89) 5323d24fad Fixed javascript code to remove animateStatusIndeterminate callback when the game is loaded. (Enzo Ferrari) 41beecaa08 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 5e337b31eb Added is_inside_tree() check in both Timer and Tween (shaderbeast) 3ca7b4ee45 Fix uninitialized arrays and dictionaries retaining value (Bojidar Marinov) e33f13840d Animation Bezier Editor - fixed vertical zoom around mouse Fixed vertical zoom so it zooms around the mouse cursor not around the center of the window. (Valentin Zagura) e21cc3cc8d Don't transform global position of mouse input (Tomasz Chabora) 61d7427289 Improve the animation autokey editor icon (Hugo Locurcio) b7ed4829ba Computes UV coordinates of the canvas_item vertices of StyleBoxFlat (byfron) 6f915d386a Refresh the asset library only once on startup (Hugo Locurcio) e3d05fa42d Re-allow indexing on "self" and object types in GDScript (Bojidar Marinov) 892318f5c7 Add autocomplete support for change_scene() (Tomasz Chabora) ab6daed467 Add icon for the ruler tool (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) eb38bc6c0a gdscript: Fix build after #24925 (Rémi Verschelde) 55b9c6804c Implement precise snapping in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) 544c39d1e7 Fix editor infinit loop in search_prev (amakarenko) f07fc5b434 Implement snapping in the Curve editor (Hugo Locurcio) dbd253d7a2 Solves ctrl+click on functions by ignoring the cursor (shaderbeast) 98a0c2b20f Implement snapping in the Gradient editor (Hugo Locurcio) 5f28a2f978 Fix multiline texts not updating its contents correctly in the inspector (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 01c9ad1cdf Fixed UI navigation using joy axis inputs (PouleyKetchoupp) 0b5a600564 Initialize TileMap Custom Transform (Bhupendra Aole) 7e01986ce1 Make JSONRPC constants uppercase for consistency with other classes (Hugo Locurcio) ad214c0356 Assimp FBX Import support (Gordon MacPherson) f8b4cf0fc4 Check for exact equality before approximate equality (Aaron Franke) 05e5faa876 Add 2D ruler tool (Tomasz Chabora) aa444453b8 Ignore size of hidden scrollbars in ScrollContainer (Tomasz Chabora) 08272585e9 Remove redundant transform method in Geometry singleton (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) ed00313a0b Reorganize & rename text editor settings categories (Cykyrios) cd99157e2e Provide error messages when PNG save fails (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) a758175da8 Bump version to 3.2-alpha (Rémi Verschelde) 040a75b826 Added link to tutorial for VisualShaderNodeCustom (Chaosus89) c8ae8f2fb1 Revert "Add __atomic_* operators support for atomic operations" (Rémi Verschelde) a68ea5721f Fix semicolon parsing in visual shader expression (Chaosus89) 466a9ffdc6 Fix visual shader expression parsing (Chaosus89) f6952cb944 Script callback for enabling/disabling EditorPlugin (Bhupendra Aole) 8fd8589547 Fix resizer icon visiblity on light theme in GraphNode (Chaosus89) 3518e7a6c7 Expose current path to EditorPlugin (Bhupendra Aole) 8c8dc6f026 Call some CanvasItem property setters only if needed (Hugo Locurcio) e19f7b3c38 Increase the minimum width of the editor sectioned inspector (Hugo Locurcio) b0c8d12a63 Improve AudioStreamSample and AudioStreamGenerator documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 5c7c7dbcb5 HTTPRequest: include faulty URLs in error texts (merumelu) b1aaeb07ea Fix minimap drag when height is less then control size (Paulb23) 21b6be28ea process unhandled input in ViewportContainer (Fabian Stiewitz) 1de3ec911f Default ColorPicker color mode setting (Bhupendra Aole) dd2035d6e9 Warn about all missing keys in plugin.cfg (merumelu) 2cd2197362 Fix crash when AudioStreamOGGVorbis is empty (qarmin) c902066bb5 Remove some unneeded checks in CollisionObject(2D) (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b0805a1b53 Don't change cursor when minimap is disabled (Tomasz Chabora) e2459479de Editor: remove TOOLS_ENABLED guards (merumelu) b55b3d71a8 Perform symbol lookup on button release (Tomasz Chabora) a5ebed211f Animation Bezier Editor: Extended zoom in and zoom out limits and fixed guide lines to accomodate sub unit steps and steps other than powers of 5 (Valentin Zagura) fde0579ed1 Fixed GraphEdit header icons to make them update when theme is changed (Chaosus89) d6984f7311 Increase line spacing in the editor help and asset library descriptions (Hugo Locurcio) 68f0d21cc4 Ignore the prefix and suffix in the SpinBox expression (Hugo Locurcio) b244ab4acc Fix memory leak in ResourceFormatSaverBinary::save (qarmin) fa6f86b886 Make tab containers in editor, project settings, and export dialog, to use hidden tabs for min size computation. (azagaya) c653a020d6 Disabled trim and normalize as default for wav import (Rasmus Ketelsen) 227b1c32bc Fix graph edit lines color on light theme (Chaosus89) 19d449ec4c Fix few icons in SpatialEditor which don't update when theme changed (Chaosus89) 5a6070dde3 Mono: Force preemptive thread suspend mode as a temporary workaround (Ignacio Etcheverry) 86a31e9e38 Calculate the SpinBox value using the Expression class (Hugo Locurcio) 6d2883c9bf Fix GodotTools.ProjectEditor HintPaths for referenced packages (Ignacio Etcheverry) aa3ef8893b Removed clamping of the Linear tonemapping when KEEP_3D_LINEAR (Holger Dammertz) 9b09daa8c5 Add feature to Button to make its icon expand/shrink with the button's size (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 208dd5b4a6 i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) ef9f234d2b Tweak the editor window dimming intensity, remove dim fade animation (Hugo Locurcio) 00ec90474c i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 65d61d0360 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 2d6033c1a8 Improve more light theme colors in the editor for better readability (Hugo Locurcio) a8a293832e Fix selecting recent node in CreateDialog (Bhupendra Aole) 02ed79f7f7 Updated description for "stepify" (Thomas Karcher) 07cff56f48 Add transform methods for PoolVector*Array (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 52024c0e90 Android: Extract libs from pre-built APKs when installing build template (Rémi Verschelde) b1f294b3ac Android: Improve dialogs about custom build template (Rémi Verschelde) b948b38840 SCons: Generate android_source.zip during build (Rémi Verschelde) e7febd72d6 a faster funtion to transform aabb (RaphaelHunter) edc3600560 Minor cleanup of the AssetLib's asset dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) da5195fc92 Fix wrong offset in Button when alignment is set to left (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) dd511c411b Major enhancements for the group editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b055ade1c3 Add a Billboard property for Sprite3D (Tomasz Chabora) 5bd01bf637 Add a project description setting (Hugo Locurcio) 97f66900bb Fix skip_vertex_transform bug in GLES2 CPUParticles (clayjohn) 5565f5591f Add ord() function to return Unicode code point of a string of length one (Masoud Montazeri) b994124df3 GDScript: Disable LSP if either jsonrpc or websocket are disabled (Rémi Verschelde) bd63d3e1ec Fix modifier keys causing key-code mismatch on Linux/X11. (bruvzg) b70b16a20f Remove check for class_name and extends order (Bojidar Marinov) 38601dd3e9 Fix shader crash when users miss the return statement (Yuri Roubinski) 112aa6e367 Fix yield check in GDScriptFunction (Bojidar Marinov) c3c805aff8 Tweak xatlas and import new version b4b5426 (K. S. Ernest Lee) 538328898b Style: Fix copyright headers in new files (Rémi Verschelde) 8499033354 Typo fix: "differt" -> "different" (follower) 6ce2701abe AssetLib minor fixes and enhancements (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a8826ad3b8 Make 'break' and 'continue' be marked as safe (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 34ab6549b1 [Mono] Various Color improvements (Aaron Franke) 1c1928774c Mark the V-Sync project setting to require an editor restart (Hugo Locurcio) 6cc54a5864 Add 'is_point_in_circle()' to Geometry class, and general file cleanup (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 89c13c3ae9 Display a "broken file" icon for missing images in the asset library (Hugo Locurcio) 2ed7bf58ba Improve image loading performance in the asset library (Hugo Locurcio) 36e3996677 Fixes Keyup Navigation in Project Manager (Emmanuel Barroga) bc1b2b96e1 Tweak the default fog depth end to use a fixed value (Hugo Locurcio) 4817595c0e fix otherwise unitialized variables, found in #31694 (Robin Hübner) 0bbb8d22c4 Travis: Fix builds wrongly reporting success after #31013 (Rémi Verschelde) 8dfe83406f Added the ability to import scene resources as .tres files (Rasmus Ketelsen) eb8d181cb2 Android: Sync Google billing library with upstream, unmodified (Rémi Verschelde) 8cda898fbb Suppress MissingPermission warning for Android vibration (volzhs) bd9f6c23cb Style: Don't apply clang-format to platform/android/java/src/com (Rémi Verschelde) 472d10a0ad Android: Reapply custom changes to Google expansion.downloader lib (Rémi Verschelde) ee5898f58a Android: Resync Google expansion.downloader library with upstream, unmodified (Rémi Verschelde) ce60217894 Android: Reapply changes to Google licensing lib from #24145 (Rémi Verschelde) 6f0367052a Android: Resync Google licensing lib with upstream, unmodified (Rémi Verschelde) 071ebb1e48 Android: Fix another regression with Secure.ANDROID_ID (Rémi Verschelde) 04ac6a43a4 Android: Style fixes to manifest and build.gradle (Rémi Verschelde) 1afd77e375 Android: Bump gradle version to 5.1.1 (Rémi Verschelde) 9ceab52892 Sync controller mappings DB with SDL2 community repo (Rémi Verschelde) 92ead83913 Mono: Fix OSX build due to invalid function call (Rémi Verschelde) 5eaaabceaf Update the fallback input mapping for the Oculus mobile devices. (fhuya) 1031833fb0 allow to reserve space in OAHashMap explicitly and also in AStar. (Robin Hübner) d3c879fe1b Memory leak fixed (Klesomik) 32ae896eef Register ReferenceRect when building with ADVANCED_GUI_DISABLED (merumelu) 9c36d893e3 Fix Multiline texts not updating correcly inside arrays (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a919f5e614 Fix return type of Control::get_drag_data in API json (toasteater) e2121c97ae Make VarArg methods return types show up as Variant in API json (toasteater) aa805e2699 Fix 'android_mono_config.gen.cpp' not compiled first time it's generated (Ignacio Etcheverry) c362527cb5 Modify outdated comments and error messages regarding indexed images (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) db6d4352ea [macOS] Add methods to modify global and dock menus. Add ability to open multiple editor/project manager instances, recent/favourite project list to project manager dock menu and opened scene list to editor dock menu. (bruvzg) 766b27662a Clear undo history on shader load (Tomasz Chabora) c12ce2b4dd Prevent move_and_slide() to generate an error. (Milan Davidovic) 1f560c4679 Added drag and drop to the tileset plugin. (dankan1890) 3af8bd071e Set C# 7 as LangVersion for GodotTools and Godot API projects (Ignacio Etcheverry) 32d5427f55 Refactor TextEdit control height calculations (Paulb23) bc839ed3f3 Update TextEdit selection & cursor when inserting line (PouleyKetchoupp) c5b5c6b49b Minimap scroll now acts similar to scrollbar (Paulb23) 27f5ab2d7b Mention Android support in the C# alpha dialog message (Hugo Locurcio) 982becfa39 Fix hint range step for integer in shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 1df0e88ae8 default is only supported by 7.1, reverted to support 7.0 out of the box (no conflict) (lamonte) ac4e6f0041 Fix _get_description param name (visual shaders) (Yuri Roubinski) 1d2e5f281e Fixes for visual shader member filter (Yuri Roubinski) 4efa1b6906 Disallow undo/redo in readonly TextEdit's (Yuri Roubinski) 494ea78610 Small performance fix for preview in visual shader (Yuri Roubinski) 7f350a2c71 Enhanced preview for a visual shader to show errors (Yuri Roubinski) c6fb6a6a21 Added button/shortcut for removing all guides (shaderbeast) eac0af5892 Tree: fix and expose icon modulation (merumelu) ec4d2b26ec Fixed syntax highlighting cache not clearing final line (Paulb23) b75c2b6d76 Adjust viewport colour based on background colour (Paulb23) 33c62db7af Add forgotten pointer checking (qarmin) 4c28053ead Fix the edges of the mesh vertex (fjordyo) f524dc5da6 Improve loading UX in the asset library (Hugo Locurcio) 3d61ca5696 Register as an editor instance when generating the GDNative API JSON (Hugo Locurcio) bd05d0e71b Change mouse cursor when hovering a resize area in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) a4794af5df Improve writing style in GDScript error/warning messages (Hugo Locurcio) 718f09ad20 Fix uninitialized inertia value in Body2DSW (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 9eb10f1e4a Add an `editor_description` property to Node for documentation purposes (Hugo Locurcio) 4dda253ee0 Implements switch to shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 08ceef2e39 Fixes issue with project_default_theme not being dereferenced on cleanup. (Saracen) 4df91109a1 remove karroffel from CODEOWNERS file (karroffel) db7bbbdbc7 Make code minimap to be visible by default (Yuri Roubinski) e564bffd90 Add horizontal margins to the editor help based on width (Hugo Locurcio) 326f856006 Export path is the only path to be saved as a relative path (SonerSound) a5c1830a43 Fix minimap mouse click resolving to -1 (Paulb23) 5deb83e041 Increase control node's anchor precision (Cameron Reikes) f013596760 Allow to define and load script templates per project (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) daf443bcbc Fix an exception when trying to close down editor with plugins enabled. (Saracen) 538405f9c7 Prevent int overflow and underflow (qarmin) 0271a5f1d8 Improve the display of missing projects in the Project Manager (Hugo Locurcio) 17d5b471b9 Better error handling in SSLContext, Crypto (Fabio Alessandrelli) 99f657d89f Fix StreamPeerSSL connect_to_stream w/ custom cert (Fabio Alessandrelli) c5b45c9f09 Cleanup and minor changes in FileSystem Dock (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 1349e0e585 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) dae2a335c5 Make sure '.mono/metadata/' exists before creating file (Ignacio Etcheverry) 74713fe970 Fix custom inertia in physics2d, closes#30838 (RaphaelHunter) 725e5d15ff Added "editable" property to VisualShaderGroupNode (Yuri Roubinski) 7402fd2c56 Revert "Feature: Add SHA256 for PoolByteArray" (Rémi Verschelde) 4dcee2035a Implemented inverse shader function to GLES2 (Yuri Roubinski) 0cea72273f Add minimap to text_edit (Paulb23) 895a15b321 Add syntax highlighting cache (Paulb23) b223b207c4 Fix regression in StreamPeerSSL (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4282e129df Bump gradle version to 5.1.1 (fhuya) e0df9de0cb iOS>=11 platform - when handling gestures on screen edges, godot apps should have priority over OS (fogine) 692a78db19 Displays smart snapping guides when snapped (Gilles Roudière) 9520d9706a Edit TileMap only with TOOL_SELECT (Tomasz Chabora) 5f9ed1979d Allow setting buffer size of WebRTCDataChannel (Robert Fuchs) 3ae0306a1f Tweak a few strings displayed in the editor for consistency (Hugo Locurcio) e1b9004b0f Rename FileDialog's folder icon custom color to `folder_icon_modulate` (Hugo Locurcio) fc411115f5 Fix Network Editor Settings setup. (Fabio Alessandrelli) ce5a3f56a6 Rewrite StreamPeerSSL with SSLContext helper class (Fabio Alessandrelli) dd8107caa4 New CryptoMbedTLS Crypto implementation. (Fabio Alessandrelli) cb31b8797e Add hashing context class (Fabio Alessandrelli) 3495d1bfa0 Add hex_encode function to PoolByteArray (Fabio Alessandrelli) 1b36aa662c Add Crypto custom class (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4061e5bb75 Support vibration for Android and iOS (volzhs) 545b46ac2f Fix filter quotes wraped insert completion options (geequlim) a350fd4a57 Draw 3D collision shape/raycast gizmos in grayscale when disabled (Hugo Locurcio) b84b46d5df Improve the GeometryInstance class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 2b8d65761c Improvements and fixes of filesystem dock (iwek7) e797ae4704 FileAccessWindows: Add errno include for MinGW (Rémi Verschelde) a735afac95 EditorNode::show_warning displays a console warning instead of failing during project load (PouleyKetchoupp) 4bac393549 astar performance improvements, use oahashmap (Robin Hübner) b49226e085 Support for file not found in ConfigFile::Load and handle a few specific cases (PouleyKetchoupp) f35b1f3b91 Shut down Godot processes on app exit. (fhuya) 1e3fb6d760 Fix preview for global expressions in visual shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 79a4930501 Expose SceneTreeDock::get_tree_editor() (thimenesup) 5efd43609b Travis CI: Test project exporting/script running in the headless editor (Hugo Locurcio) e068fbbb20 Include setters and getters in help search (Tomasz Chabora) be8d569744 Use a different color for folder icons in file dialogs (Hugo Locurcio) 7e075029c8 Fix various typos and style errors in text (Tomasz Chabora) d1539db2c6 Fix WebSocketServer relaying message 2 times. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 7c9c6df7e4 Replace is_zero_approx(A.distance_to(B)) with A==B (Paul Trojahn) 17be67b8c7 WebSocketServer now sanitize destination peers. (Fabio Alessandrelli) c19871af6d Move CryptoCore to it's own folder. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 5cb41faece Fix CryptoCore signatures, add SHA1 context. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4cb3984862 Mention caveat with looped animations in `AnimationPlayer.queue()` (Hugo Locurcio) 9d849c21cc fix animation freeze when playing animation from another AnimationPlayer (Unknown) 9abf5578ee Fix ternary operator shader compiler expression (Yuri Roubinski) 99de3906ba check if skeleton texture is already allocated before reallocating (clayjohn) 558e93f069 Improve the appearance of 2D path editors (Hugo Locurcio) 2fa32d69a5 Keep syntax highlighting on TextEdit in readonly mode (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c19a66d72f Simplify structure of preview text in visual shader editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 808e44df6d Added code preview to visual shader (Yuri Roubinski) 1b7be55bac Travis CI: Use a multi-stage build to run static checks first (Hugo Locurcio) 82acd436b4 Baking gridmap navmesh. (lukasz.liberadzki) e3b43771aa Added global expressions to visual shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 96a256557c Minor improvements to the Node dock (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 78878fbc97 Improve "Snap Object to Floor" functionality (Hugo Locurcio) 092346d82b Add Vector2/3 sign and posmod functions, misc additions (Aaron Franke) 35ad0475c3 Use shortcut tooltips in the spatial editor (Hugo Locurcio) b950867df8 Clarify usage of action_press (Tomasz Chabora) c0eee235c4 Define a minimum window size in the editor and project manager (Hugo Locurcio) 8a0e6e23a7 Update Slider grabber position when using mouse wheel (Tomasz Chabora) ad8746e0de DirAccessPack: Fix dir_exists and file_exists for res:// paths (Rémi Verschelde) 0743a07447 Revert "Add Min/Max Window Size Setting" (Rémi Verschelde) c62302a432 Improve the scene tree signals/groups tooltip (Hugo Locurcio) 8fb80788df changed the constant scale of cube_normal to -1.0 instead of -1000000.0; this fixes a rendering issue on oculus quest and does not change the computation as the vector is normalized afterwards. Adapted the comment above the code to reflect the change made as it already mentioned that z could be set to 1. (Holger Dammertz) cef7ca4abb Improve the project manager UI (Hugo Locurcio) d3153c28f0 Replace last occurrences of 'ERR_EXPLAIN' with 'ERR_FAIL_*_MSG' (Rémi Verschelde) 71d71d55b5 Replace 'ERR_EXPLAIN' with 'ERR_FAIL_*_MSG' in 'core/' and 'editor/' (Braden Bodily) a341c65f65 Improve timeline drawing in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) c9445a0faa Adds Attaching Script via Script Editor (Emmanuel Barroga) ceb61fb784 Allow plugins to not have an init script (Aaron Franke) 108f9646f5 Add an outline to box selection rectangles for better visibility (Hugo Locurcio) a7bf643a7b Add Min/Max Window Size Setting (Emmanuel Barroga) f8a986c094 Fix autocompletion widget having its text leak outside (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) cedee8281b Allow to create scene from FileSystem dock (Tomasz Chabora) bfce99bc98 Set the low processor mode sleep editor settings to require a restart (Hugo Locurcio) 63d45136dc Improve error reporting in the Particles emission point creation dialog (Hugo Locurcio) 7434966f10 Automatically select the first image of the assets page (Davide Busterna) 5ba632a73b Fix image offset when upscaling with Lanczos (Davide Busterna) 1f5dc0ea3b Fixes ProjectManager Buttons Not Updating (Emmanuel Barroga) 22e9544582 Fix matches result in the code search not appearing when the quantity is 0 (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) d4d03e5de9 Documentation note that Node::add_child() fails if child already has a parent (zzwx) c940d29973 Add an "Auto" editor font hinting setting to match OS font rendering (Hugo Locurcio) 3185a1b274 Replace legacy __sync atomic operations with newer __atomic ones (Charlène) 33e9fce1bb Plugin support for visual shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 927a7916f6 Fixed error in ParallaxLayer when set_mirroring is called before entering the tree (PouleyKetchoupp) bd9a0a3236 Fix Project Manager not remembering sorting option (Tomasz Chabora) 97167209cb Exposed set_as_minsize to gdscript (Fabian) e89c4c22de Add scrollwheel input to spin slider (Emmanuel Barroga) 8f2bcfd909 Use Lanczos filtering for variable-sized images such as project icons (Hugo Locurcio) b7c2bcff76 Regression fixup to the theme editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6a842fbb6d Fixed freeze on search_prev (missing condition for searching from a previous result, now the same as search_next) (PouleyKetchoupp) 7092dd9d58 remove unused self list include from astar (Robin Hübner) a525e3c5ce Implemented do/while loops for shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 72c40c788f Tweak the behavior of search/replace bar (Tomasz Chabora) 95a8b2b5d9 Make the script search have a proper matches counter (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 592909db16 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 9e1c23a353 Reorganize various menus for consistency and conciseness (Hugo Locurcio) 5c29b063d1 Only display download buttons in the template manager when available (Hugo Locurcio) 24417f1975 Force user to initialize local shader constants (Yuri Roubinski) 05daf5c78b Always use lists for `LIBS` in SCons (Hugo Locurcio) 69438149f5 Fix GridMap list text not expanding when palette is resized (Xenoamor) 45767fe5f6 Improve documentation of EditorPlugin.add_tool_submenu_item method (Max Hunt) 3c176827d6 https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/31297 - HTML5: this.rtenv.callMain is not a function when using latest-upstream backend Added needed changed for normal compiling with emscripten 1.38.41 and later (mellondill) bda461c2b1 Add C# language editor icon (Ignacio Etcheverry) 98a3b2e5f4 Fixes issue when inspecting nodes that are not in the tree (miwanczuk) 3d86ef74e7 Add "Find in Files..." to the text editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 33c0d47273 Make git no longer ignore solution files inside the mono module (Ignacio Etcheverry) bd9852b982 Display language icons in script create dialog (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 37a16fee05 Export: Remove temp files from cache after export (Rémi Verschelde) 26c5bac428 Fix Right-Click Menu Deselecting Edits Content (Emmanuel Barroga) 82b9557803 Remove redundant author doc comments (IAmActuallyCthulhu) bf9a97c2cb Fix self reference issue in core structures for GDNative plugins (Bastiaan Olij) f330add2b8 fix(find_in_files): crash when selecting with RMB (Fabian Stiewitz) 8aeade74db Replace 'ERR_EXPLAIN' with 'ERR_FAIL_*_MSG' in rest of 'modules/' (Robin Hübner) 5ff4b13271 DOF can effect transparent objects now, close #28240 (RaphaelHunter) b97e198bdd Fix Offset with OptionButton Popup (Emmanuel Barroga) d8ba9f1824 Fix recording bus regression. (Saracen) a1a0fb1467 Prevent editor compilation with regex module disabled, which is not supported (PouleyKetchoupp) e852b3a271 Fixed vertex color initialization with default value in gles3 (PouleyKetchoupp) dcf65433f1 fix(Tree): get_meta condition (Fabian Stiewitz) 360fb0ffa8 Fixed link errors when building in debug with option module_regex_enabled=no (PouleyKetchoupp) e5b91a15e6 Improve code compeletion for virtual methods with signatures (geequlim) 72d11cd173 Add optional goto definition support for native symbols This action will show help for target symbol in godot editor and bring the godot editor window to foreground Improved markdown documentation for symbols. (geequlim) 666ed89011 Add generate script api to dictionary support Expose GDScriptLanguageProtocol singleton and classes for editor plugins (Not visiable in class tree) Fix minor bug in symbol resolve (Geequlim) 9618b0c63e Check client workspace directory is valid Drop test initialize message sent to client Remove unused code property for the parser class (Geequlim) b2f02317fa Improve symbol resolve for inner classes Only level one inner classes would be resolved currently but it sould cover most real world use case Improve documation parseing for const values Improve documation format for native symbols (Geequlim) 76c9e4ceb7 Improved performance for completion and symbol resolvation. Improved uri and workspace path translatation on windows platform. The smart resolvation is much faster than builtin's in the server side. The smart resolve mode is still disabled as default as the clients might be slow with a planty of completion items. (Geequlim) fa6d6a329c Add optional smart resolve sulotion The smart resolvaion can guess most symbols but it might be slow so disabled by default users can turn on it in the editor setting (geequlim) 37aafaaa9c Add a symbol pool to cache all native symbols and workspackes symbols. Implement hover Implement completion documentation resolve Implement hover documentation Implement go to definition (geequlim) f58560ac36 Add GDScript Language Protocol plugin (geequlim) 61ed6efa5b Add JSONRPC-2.0 implementation as a module (geequlim) deb73001ab OS_X11::set_window_maximized gives up after 0.5s (Carl Drougge) 09e3905c06 Updated doc for PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE (or_greater/or_lesser instead of allow_greater/allow_lesser) (PouleyKetchoupp) 049dd309fe check for unsigned_short support for gles2 depth buffer allocation (clayjohn) 48f28c68bc fix gles2 canvas shader uniform error,close #31201 (RaphaelHunter) a940ed781c Remove old doc comments in image_loader header (IAmActuallyCthulhu) 9f7a166c35 Show that identifier found in function names (Cameron Reikes) 7254284efd Adds support for undo/redo for in-editor color picker (miwanczuk) 69f7263cd8 Fix audio capture naming in Javascript (Saracen) 68ce87fbab Move "Go to Line..." from "Edit" to "Go To" in text editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) ca42541020 Tweak the size of the multiline text edit popup dialog (Hugo Locurcio) 1c872c75db Minor fixups to the theme editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 85f13a0d24 Add Basis constants and format Transform constants (Aaron Franke) 9fbba73dd5 Improve node Change Type option (Tomasz Chabora) 5ca7460421 Replace 'ERR_EXPLAIN' with 'ERR_FAIL_*_MSG' in "main" and "servers" directories (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) af5e0fff66 Remove ERR_EXPLAIN from scene/* code (Tomasz Chabora) 7d0c8a9041 fix usage of old macro when new variant intended (Robin Hübner) c55ce204b3 Replace 'ERR_EXPLAIN' with 'ERR_FAIL_*_MSG' in 'modules/mono' (Ignacio Etcheverry) 6ab118c464 Replace 'ERR_EXPLAIN' with 'ERR_FAIL_*_MSG' in "platform", "modules/gdnative", "modules/gdscript" directories. (Robin Hübner) 2e1b58c793 Fix Exponential Range Graphical Error (Emmanuel Barroga) 2339e85b78 Expression before 'is' may be null (Cameron Reikes) 790f9f628c Show matches found when searching the docs (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c69ff6833c Button object used after pressed is called (Cameron Reikes) eeb9268800 Minor cosmetic changes in some editor plugins (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 31584dd511 Move "Go to Function/Line" to "Go To" menu (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 345fcb96a2 Add particles icon to CPUParticles (Cameron Reikes) d366855abd Add Tree iteration instructions thorugh TreeItem (Twarit Waikar) 6c8a55aa0d Fix incorrect search member in visual shaders (Yuri Roubinski) e7b07e1e58 Fixes color picker in code editor - now it only changes one color (iwek7) 7bb7b77a07 Update icons in script editor when theme changes (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 8affda0916 implement accompanying error macros that come with an error message, to replace ERR_EXPLAIN usage. (Robin Hübner) 7123fab771 Add FuncRef.call_funcv (Bojidar Marinov) b33042507b Translation: Fix logic bug finding match for regional locales (Rémi Verschelde) ae4a382dd2 Improve error message in Node::remove_child() (Mitch Curtis) 2b08cc16f1 Handle all download errors in the asset library (Bojidar Marinov) 141ee27dad Fix corrupted TileMap saves due to missing/wrong format (Bojidar Marinov) 699afca7ef Fix error when going to a text file by clicking in a result from "Find in files" (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 50fd2deede [Mono] Make all structs seralizable (Aaron Franke) 62ed44d75f Add feature tag for hmd devices based on DOF (Cameron Reikes) 282deb9a7a Add Evaluate Selection option to Script Editor (Tomasz Chabora) cd2de77b04 Add Image.save_exr() (Marc Gilleron) c332eab864 Improve error message in Node::get_path() (Mitch Curtis) d1a35b5a97 Invert and adjust the default fog height values (Hugo Locurcio) 5e9052fae3 Allow copy/paste nodes between vertex/fragment/light modes in visual shaders (Yuri Roubinski) 2dbc817b93 Complete the Control class documentation (Tomasz Chabora) e0b5b21863 Add some code changes/fixes proposed by Coverity and Clang Tidy (qarmin) 80080f2655 Allow comma prefix to visual shader's expression parser (Yuri Roubinski) 189e4e59ad Fixed KinematicCollision.get_local_shape() - the local shape id was never set during move_and_collide() (PouleyKetchoupp) 14c16d6851 Added Thread Sanitizer (qarmin) 0d8c7c30a0 Fix Find in Files Not Working Properly (Emmanuel Barroga) befc2c0894 add forgotten calls to inspector_dock->update(...). (Hanif Bin Ariffin) aaad50e4d9 Fixed AnimationTreeStateMachine transition priority (last transition was always chosen instead of least cost) (PouleyKetchoupp) ffacd0a148 Removed unnecessary reassigns (Muller-Castro) 908f0eadba Default theme: make toggle_off_disabled.png the same dimension as other CheckButton images (merumelu) deec700497 Implemented check_vadjust in CheckBox & CheckButton. It was exposed to the editor, but wasn't used. (Ken Paulson) 459f5cb75e Tweaks related to Camera2D drag margins (Tomasz Chabora) 2e3264259b Let EditorPlugins set editor/distraction-free mode (Will Nations) 4a28657cf5 Tweak range steps in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) d0dc195da8 Some improvements to Mix visual shader function (Yuri Roubinski) c6f7015bca Fixed EOF flag not resetting on seek back (TGRCDev) 8b12498f8b Improve snapping in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) 8e4ae09639 Add Shortcut Settings for Quitting Editor (Emmanuel Barroga) dcd551bf78 Remove Editor dependency from SceneTree (merumelu) 43ee35431e Fix opening of sub-resource properties in visual shaders (Yuri Roubinski) b12240a199 Fix wrong mouse wheel position for MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED on Windows (Tan Wang Leng) 834d07cfc1 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 06a890f7a3 Update WindowDialog title when translation changes (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b24b3497d6 Implemented local shader constants (Yuri Roubinski) a9c10450bd [Core] [Mono] Optimize Wrap functions (Aaron Franke) 1e4398c345 Improve light theme colors in the editor for better readability (Hugo Locurcio) 6c83550dfc Fix Redundant Navigation Polygons (Emmanuel Barroga) 625b87633e Fix Wrong Shape Offsets in Tileset (Emmanuel Barroga) 6e2c27f84f Make keyframes easier to select in the animation easier (Hugo Locurcio) b65f6f7944 Accept also right-click event in LineEdit (Tomasz Chabora) 57fe284fe6 C#: Fix Color.ToHtml() (Ignacio Etcheverry) 0b94203a79 C#: Add Ide Connection library and server for the editor (Ignacio Etcheverry) 653039151a Fix row-column-swap in TileMap palette (rzllmr) 393f142495 Fix GLES2 rendering (Yuri Roubinski) 8a0767d883 Return back spacer for non-expression nodes in visual shader (Yuri Roubinski) 1a06496f45 Some Vector2i usage cleanup (Aaron Franke) 20154d3b2a Fix 3D manipulator the gizmo growing too large on small viewports (Hugo Locurcio) 1e6a52b215 Mark class_name line as safe in editor (shaderbeast) 770ce20ea3 Added link to docs for shader editor (Yuri Roubinski) b1af799b16 Select found text in Script Editor (Tomasz Chabora) cb3676726b Mention 32-bit integer limit in the PoolIntArray documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 6d6b9ccc9a Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) c123a8c4f5 Same method when redrawing as when theme changed (Cameron Reikes) 88f79802f6 Expose Script reflection methods to scripting API. (willnationsdev) 84698dfa3d Fix error when building assimp on older Mac OS X version. (follower) d57680cf34 Improve the gizmo axis colors and increase the manipulator opacity (Hugo Locurcio) 5718599bd2 Add Reopen Closed Script option in Script Editor (Tomasz Chabora) 2fae8832c5 Fix floor_max_angle comparison for impossible angles (David Sichma) 82e2efe591 Some visual fixes for Expression node (Chaosus) c34d75b678 Fix outerProduct function in visual shaders (Chaosus) 5c447cecd2 Add descriptive tooltips in VS editor (Emmanuel Barroga) 648313ab8a Don't add unsaved scene to previous scenes list (Kanabenki) 8b4c538ab2 Expose several GLES3 built-ins to GLES2 (Chaosus) 53ac260d19 Reverted fix that makes sense for collision_solver_2d_sat but not for the 3d version (PouleyKetchoupp) 47c615caf3 Cap the number of warnings/errors per second rather than per frame (Hugo Locurcio) 0243dc53b8 Tweak Area and PhysicsBody damping setting hints for consistency (Hugo Locurcio) f704506807 Implement copy/paste in visual shaders (Chaosus) 96c3004855 allow omnilights and spotlights to use negative in GLES2 (clayjohn) 7db96e22dd Fix ProgressBar Wrong Value with Border (Emmanuel Barroga) 4e617d2ca2 Correct typo and format of comments (IAmActuallyCthulhu) 518f0fb190 properly pass SCREEN_PIEXEL_SIZE to canvas light shader (clayjohn) 243f400ee2 Updated assimp to commit 1d565b0 with iFire (RevoluPowered) 2da1614beb Android: Remove unusable android_stl=no option (Rémi Verschelde) 13efc1bb06 Hopefully fix the random crashes with threads (santouits) d6ef5daf48 Android: Drop support for NDK < r15 (Rémi Verschelde) d8dae84c9a Fixed remote scene tree not collapsing (Silvano Cerza) 7de2c70e11 Turn `OS.set_min/max_window_size()` warnings into errors (Hugo Locurcio) 606b56b5fb Increase color preset slots (Tomás Antunes) 5c333270ed jpgd.h: Backport security vulnerabilities fixes from Google Android (Rémi Verschelde) 3502a85ba8 Fix strict-aliasing warning in OS_Windows::get_unix_time. (Ibrahn Sahir) 3f516622c3 Changes default coarse 2d zoom level from 1.5 to sqrt(2). (nobuyuki_nyuu) d6988b7d2b Make the expand icon in the bottom panel always be the same (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 10c015b730 i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 1babc23d95 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 051b5b3d15 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 3f25dde6b4 added round function to gles2 (clayjohn) 147990cb6d Fix 'GDNativeLibrary' editor being incorrectly opened (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 65101c9a20 Translate TabContainer titles, when inherited from node name (Florian Kothmeier) 508761e0cd Fix set_default_cursor_shape always sending motion event (Guilherme Felipe) b90ef52ece Find trailing whitespace and indentation in gdnative_api.json (Rémi Verschelde) a2c81a7455 Add a reference to pow to the description of exp. (Kaligule) abceb74b49 Remove useless variable and line in OptionButton (NilsIrl) dfecd62235 Change if to switch in OptionButton (NilsIrl) b1dbd114c4 Change cursor to multi-selection cursor when selecting text in RichTextLabel. (Teto) e02c5ef48a Optimize DirAccessUnix::get_next() for some file systems (Hadrien) d69409338b Improve platform selection in the GDNativeLibrary dock (NilsIrl) c6b82f108a Update transforms after timers update to make sure changes are made before render (PouleyKetchoupp) aec53acd7d Fix filter crash in EditorFileDialog for MeshLib/TileSet conversion (Chaosus) cb4d145c22 toggle CPUParticles2D visibility when redrawing (clayjohn) 1a981ef268 add project setting for max lights and reflections in gles3 (clayjohn) 7dbbb5eac7 [Mono] Deprecate Set methods (Aaron Franke) 68b5f101c7 Make it so that 2D viewport does not pan while editing tilemaps (Bojidar Marinov) 7e329a7251 Clarify is_action_pressed() for multiple assigned buttons (Tomasz Chabora) d6c9b377b9 Fix WebSocketClient crash when unref during signal (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4553f2e6b8 Update "Sorting Order" dropdown in Editor Settings (homer666) 47df933c27 update algorithm about paking float to vec4 to fix shadow shift and change rgba_shdow options (RaphaelHunter) 6c374f91dd Simplify editor settings related to font hinting and antialiasing (Hugo Locurcio) c2e91005ef Bugfix in GLTF import: Flipping boolean check. Reindexing should _NOT_ happen when blend shapes are present. (Joseph Catrambone) 472cda9047 Remove physics thread getting the gl context (santouits) a8ac739a5e Add Undo Close Tab option in tabs context menu (Kanabenki) ba63e0a5a2 Replace radion buttons with checkboxes in GDNativeLibrary editor (NilsIrl) 11cb4eb363 Add frame_cords accessors to Sprite and Sprite3D (groud) f494d5f10b Revert "Update Control margins when size is overridden by change to minsize" (Rémi Verschelde) 7f4059ceb7 [DOCS] Correct "fixed process" reference in KinematicBody doc (Chris Bradfield) d54df7b904 C#: Fix Transform2D.AffineInverse() (Ignacio Etcheverry) f12f3cf726 Disallow using of both tabs and spaces for indentation in the same file (Bojidar Marinov) 8821569689 Mono: Fix custom defines for Mono's MSBuild; remove xbuild (Ignacio Etcheverry) e8fc875619 Small adjustments to tooltips in '(Editor)FileDialog' (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6f6a9d9c09 Simplify editor settings related to window dimming (Hugo Locurcio) 2f2abadefe Fix Clearing Inspector for Remote Node (Emmanuel Barroga) b3cb58e7b3 Some resources are freed before they are saved (Cameron Reikes) 53d2a4e905 Snap transform gizmo values in the 3D editor (Aaron Franke) 21297a533e fix getting correct mingw-w64 version (santouits) 4e84478f4e Fix incorrectly updating csproj and not closing build issues file (Ignacio Etcheverry) dee9e9dc62 Display version information in the editor at all times (Hugo Locurcio) e51aa14208 Fix memory leaks with SyntaxHighlighters (Paulb23) c9befa63d2 Mono: Don't try to update project assemblies from project manager (Ignacio Etcheverry) 4ff360b73b Fix wrong placement of new line in 'PhysicsBody' warning (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 7f12618fdf Fix text position in the debugger's "Monitors" tab not being an integer (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) d83b8881ae Adds a meta on top of every generated class to hide 'Edit on Github' link (StraToN) 8ba50823c4 Make KinematicBody docs consistent regarding `test_only` argument (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 43238bb59a DirAccess: Drop compat get_next(bool *is_dir) which was hidden (Rémi Verschelde) 336846e547 Inspector: Fix PROPERTY_HINT_SPRITE_FRAME not behaving as RANGE (Rémi Verschelde) a2c4e4d6ff Center text in the debugger's "Monitors" tab (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c0cdbb7938 Mono: Fix regression: external editors not working on Windows (Ignacio Etcheverry) 513cc78f85 Mono: Add option to keep running after unhandled exceptions (Ignacio Etcheverry) ff7c37927a added pointMesh primitive (clayjohn) c3f69c6c76 Fix crash caused by a9a0d0fb15cc5e028dbf8dab8b46d3dc197c4678 (Guilherme Felipe) bd5b73108f Don't release action if it's not pressed (Tomasz Chabora) 3d9df3b2ed Fix undo problems with method and transform tracks in the animation editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) bf237f651c Added direction_to to GDNative (Chaosus) 12ae7a4c02 Update some dead links in the codebase (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 080c0bb7fe Added count method to String (Chaosus) d844e30614 Inspector: Make default float step configurable (Rémi Verschelde) 4a218b9862 Add 'Align Rotation with View' to spatial editor (malbach) 4c8fa414bb Increased max view distance in spatial editor plugin (Marcus Brummer) aab8da25ad Fix some code found by Coverity Scan and PVS Studio (qarmin) 9be52a5e0f Move "Open Screenshot" from the "Editor" menu to the editor settings (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 97e18f03db Make possible to edit multiple keys in an animation again (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b1839e5e85 fix contact shadows appearing when shading casting is off (clayjohn) 77724fde60 Fix type mismatch in iOS interface orientation checks (Rémi Verschelde) 5dae2ea777 SCons: Enable C++11 on the whole codebase (Rémi Verschelde) 9a84cef4fc Documents the need for input_pickable in _input_event (FlamyAT) 66d09a6b4c SCons: Fix uses of [].append instead of env.add_source_files() (Rémi Verschelde) 31eb116d49 Make `make_header.py` functional when run from any location (Hugo Locurcio) 63544e6b02 Emscripten: Do not define BINARYEN_TRAP_MODE='clamp' (Rémi Verschelde) 16288cabc0 doc: More formatting fixes (Rémi Verschelde) 5b20b49bf7 doc: Formatting fixes in EditorPlugin docs (Rémi Verschelde) 07e289963c doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 9f5b77acc9 Revert "Expose "meta" to the Inspector" (Rémi Verschelde) a1b4568ba9 Revert "Tweak SpatialMaterial's default metallic and roughness texture channels" (Rémi Verschelde) 150487e728 fix gles2 shadow transparency bug (clayjohn) 0197d86ab4 Mono: Fix editor API assembly not being updated (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2c85439da0 Make it a build error if a GetTypeInfo specialization cannot be resolved (Ignacio Etcheverry) d3652887df Project manager improvements (Marc Gilleron) b1e382178c Disable high-quality voxel cone tracing by default (Hugo Locurcio) ee9f46423b Revert "Optimize DirAccessUnix::get_next() for some file systems" (Geequlim) 4840d36654 Improve the Variant class documentation (Hugo Locurcio) cafb888361 Allow tab key to be used for shortcuts (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) b81fa47f38 zstd: Update to upstream version 1.4.1 (Rémi Verschelde) e37594824f Improve touchpad support in 2d editor viewport (Bojidar Marinov) 2acc1e3079 Add description for EditorPlugin.enable/disable methods (Henrique Campos) ec679dfffa Fix mono module build errors for release templates (Ignacio Etcheverry) c7b0eed757 Add docs for EditorInterface, EditorPlugin and EditorSceneImporter (Henrique Campos) 6694c119d0 Added lerp_angles built-in function (Chaosus) d7cf3c8e72 AStar and AStar2D examples fixed to not use 'as' keyword and also removed error causing code (unknown) b0e44c9e5d Removed an unused commit (unknown) 6cbaf7662f Changed some code showed in LGTM and Coverage (qarmin) 4dc717ea07 Make comparison operator== const (Hanif A) 4f72178868 Make custom types more subtle and more useful (Bojidar Marinov) 1b4d3f7d56 Changed large const string values to string ref in some assimp functions (unknown) 5d88f74677 Remove added pluginscript resource format loaders and savers on cleanup (Ivan Hilaire) df9c890022 Make multiline text edit grab focus when popping up (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) ed84c9e506 Don't allow to pass to _is_node_locked function NULL pointer (qarmin) 249fdd9f80 Adds contextual item in scene tree dock to wrap selection in a new node Fixes #20187 (Julian Murgia) 9384b6ab0e i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 0d779e7777 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) bdf54a7f9e Visualscript: Add types for base type get and set. (K. S. Ernest (iFIre) Lee) a60f242982 Add integer posmod and rename default arg names (Aaron Franke) 755689b0e9 Enable the script editor's "Auto Brace Complete" by default (Hugo Locurcio) 4474e01761 Update documentation for new VehicleWheel members (Jon Ring) 18103f2b89 Add per-wheel throttle, brake, and steering for vehicles (Jon Ring) ddf83d93b3 Improve preview and screenshot display in the asset library (Hugo Locurcio) bdffdd7e38 Fix binormal sign when using triplanar mapping (Bojidar Marinov) 2046d7b87a Added missing InputEvent documentation (FlamyAT) 8336590154 Fix stack underflows when yielding twice (Bojidar Marinov) 1898a559a9 Optimize DirAccessUnix::get_next() for some file systems (Hadrien) ce8a54b634 Lower the default directional shadow maximum distance to 100 (Hugo Locurcio) 422a8ffe02 Fix BMP loader to distinguish between compression types (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 19d261336b Minor improvements to the AssetLib (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 94c5e6a97e Document Tree column behaviour of min_width in conjunction w expand (Meriipu) 074115338e Remove useless casts to String (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) b07e46c59f Add a `platform=list` SCons argument to list platforms (Hugo Locurcio) e5f4a85a7e documented set_button_disabled (Meriipu) 0584911f9f CameraServer is needed for editor node (Cameron Reikes) d5c5aabbf2 Fix BMP loader incorrectly interpreting color table size (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) a04e99ce4d Update xatlas to f65a664. (K. S. Ernest (iFIre) Lee) d4bed7586d Lower priority of anchor helper input (Cameron Reikes) 65bb76ab35 Fix CurveTexture being listed as saveable to .png (Bojidar Marinov) ea949ab873 Fix invalid write in AudioStreamSample::save_to_wav (Bojidar Marinov) 600c153076 Fixed Make 3D viewport locked nodes unselectable as in 2D viewport #29903 (Nikhil Kumar) cfcc9ee9c1 Allows to use non-constants in the local shader array initializer (Chaosus) 9379cbc774 Added local array initializer (Chaosus) 2350af5e70 Fix losing scene modifications when renaming file (Emmanuel Barroga) 47c558b98a Expose audio callbacks as signals. (Saracen) d91346f720 Fix incorrect caret position when clicking a 'LineEdit' with a non-left alignment (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) efd55631e2 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) ba6fbe5fa7 Added DualShock Equivalents to Joypad Button 10 and 11 (Daniel Larson) 7a1b399df2 Use switch instead of if statement (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) 9e3455cb1e Show static functions inside classes in method list (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) c81ec6f26d Exposes capture methods to AudioServer, variable renames for consistency, added documentation. (Saracen) 643ea41c68 Completed documentation for BakedLightmap node. (Nathan Warden) c5d4bd9e34 Fixed editor_doc properties font alignment bug (unknown) e9c1e5aa7c Fix crash when changing Node type (hbina085) c37379456f Implemented local shader arrays (Chaosus) 0fb80d7b0f Use resize cursors when hovering or dragging guides in the 2D editor (Hugo Locurcio) fead4e369a Change p_stop_on_slope in 3D move_and_slide_with_snap (Demiu) e7f5640632 Added missed "textureProjLod" shader built-in overload for 3D textures (Chaosus) 5ef3374258 added individual particle random lifetime (clayjohn) e82b5e910a Better boolean indication in visual shaders (Chaosus) 81f62d68c2 Fix KinematicBody::move_and_slide (Demiu) 545bf86d39 Fix inconsistent lighting in GLES2 (SonerSound) e59ac40712 Mono: Better handling of missing/outdated API assemblies (Ignacio Etcheverry) 38d9434098 Add tilemap editor rotation hotkeys (Tomasz Chabora) 381faf83c3 Fix GraphNode immediately losing focus (Emmanuel Barroga) 0aaf6cb87c Remove unused Vulkan icon (Hugo Locurcio) b648d3e110 Fix TextureRegionEditorPlugin popping up even when explicitly hidden (Bojidar Marinov) 206d515783 Fix unreachable code detection in match statements (Shiqing) 350227013d Improve 2D RayCast and one-way collision drawing (Hugo Locurcio) 9387114ce1 Tweak audio cutoff property hints to allow reasonable values only (Hugo Locurcio) f451a40282 Fix huge multiline default values being generated (Bojidar Marinov) dd1589b2bc Fix potential crash caused by type mismatch in Ref (Shiqing) d56fc13cad Highlight GLES3 functions in the visual shader member panel (Chaosus) 707ce08cdd Implement CanvasItem line antialiasing in GLES2 (Hugo Locurcio) b5b1a56c04 Fixes and improvements in settings search (Shiqing) 9d6e1e3109 Added "Is" and "Compare" functions to visual shaders (Chaosus) 0727caadd1 Added triplanar uniform texture node to visual shaders (Chaosus) 26c0609656 Make the default return value on crash explicit (hbina085) 6d92750cf7 Fix AnimationTree editor messing up parameters when nested (Bojidar Marinov) f236b460e5 Some small fixes to warnings in python scripts (unknown) a2b2da2454 Removed invalid mix shader overloads (Chaosus) 5c0ee4a790 Improve line drawing in the 2D editor (Hugo Locurcio) 4061e132ff Mono: Add old TTRs to GodotTools (Ignacio Etcheverry) c16e764bb2 Fix #29478 multiple modals possibly freeze (Shiqing) 3e727bc659 stb_vorbis: Update to upstream version 1.16 (Rémi Verschelde) ca71f7d3d0 freetype: Update to upstream version 2.10.1 (Rémi Verschelde) 2bbcc521b6 glad: Sync with upstream 0.1.31 (Rémi Verschelde) 518e23424e pcre2: Update to upstream version 10.33 (Rémi Verschelde) b5b3aa920b tinyexr: Sync with upstream a685e33 (Rémi Verschelde) bf6c301b9c Add access to interpolation fraction for fixed timestep interpolation (lawnjelly) 6321cc8da3 mbedtls: Update to upstream version 2.16.2 (Rémi Verschelde) f4e99e2e39 doc: Mention `Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED` is raw on Windows and Linux (Hugo Locurcio) f3b95560f4 Set a default value for project name when installing a project. (gaisama) 9eb0729a05 Mono: Fix Api HintPath and update old game projects (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2a8294ff24 Mono: Fix null dereference in EditorExportPlatformAndroid (Ignacio Etcheverry) 696a8fb657 Notify changes in properties that can be edited by 3D gizmos (Hugo Locurcio) 8ecbb6a20d Fix inability to insert keys via Insert Key context menu (Bojidar Marinov) 1abe12f5bb doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) caf20492cf Mono: Fix null exception in GenerateGameProject (Ignacio Etcheverry) 1994111037 Allow dots for class name in popup dialog (Ev1lbl0w) d5cb280313 Fix get_data layer argument when texture is TEXTURE_TYPE_2D_ARRAY (szamq) ace0c6ce38 Fix IndexOutOfBounds in FindMsBuildToolsPathOnWindows (Ignacio Etcheverry) c0a4f12fcc SCons no longer passes FrameworkPathOverride to MSBuild (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2da83a278b Mono: Add missing GodotTools.sln (Ignacio Etcheverry) 01cc7a996b Use reference to constant in functions (qarmin) 94d542042e Fix incorrect X position of line length guideline (Shiqing) a9a0d0fb15 Fix cursor blinking in integrated GPUs (Guilherme Felipe) d81d29dcbf Update xatlas to b7d7bb. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) d3f48f88bb Fix EditorNavigationMeshGenerator registered in Core API (Ignacio Etcheverry) e2a3ed3cd8 Added support for passing functions pointers (with a class instance as the first parameter) to method bindings (Andrettin) 2491c87f86 Add `width` and `antialiased` parameters to CanvasItem `draw_rect()` (Hugo Locurcio) eed2251f17 Add a way to copy the text of warnings shown in the editor (Bojidar Marinov) 0c19674621 Better detect Emscripten toolchain. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4af03e52bd Make SCons check for System MSBuild before Mono's (Ignacio Etcheverry) df6d1656fe Fix export templates ignoring assemblies in 'res://.mono/assemblies' (Ignacio Etcheverry) 1eb9abd4c5 Fix issue with displaying empty tooltip hint (Emmanuel Barroga) 4083d0c784 Fix "not" shader function return type (Chaosus) 5a631bf4f4 Added force_update_cache() to RemoteTransform and RemoteTransform2D (David Sichma) 349deabbe4 Fix issues where translations doesn't work (hbina085) 59ad47961f i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 5c8654882a i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 5fe5c4e8f1 Adds timeout property for httprequest (Zak) 5f68ae93b5 Clarify what %APPDATA% expands to in Windows (hbina085) 9580c2b13e TreeItem: Rename new button disable method to set_button_disabled (Rémi Verschelde) e57d0c8e60 Fix DynamaicFont outline does not draw using draw_char (RaphaelHunter) cdd41d446f Add a configuration warning when using ultrawide SpotLight with shadows (Hugo Locurcio) ff7184c5cb Improve the node configuration warning display (Hugo Locurcio) 28d3a6051c Use base `Color()` constructors instead of `Color::html()` (Hugo Locurcio) 862369f842 Display a count of matches when searching in the code editor (Bojidar Marinov) 3e305ea036 Fix WebSocketClient consuming data during hanshake (Fabio Alessandrelli) 069af23bdb Mono: Fix build errors with tools=no (Ignacio Etcheverry) dd22cc7527 C#: Fix some crashes during assemblies reloading (Ignacio Etcheverry) aa3b8f7dbb Fix Godot.Object.ToString() infinite recursion (Ignacio Etcheverry) 5ed3d34cd9 Fix --generate-mono-glue bug when directory doesn't exist (Ignacio Etcheverry) f1a37be69c SCons: Fix MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE string escape (Rémi Verschelde) 2f91e250f6 Add NULL-terminator the string passed to strtol. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 2c83255013 Fix C# bindings detection of abstract classes (Ignacio Etcheverry) b0cbf4e2b2 Fix InvalidCastException when loading script metadata (Ignacio Etcheverry) ebf2a4d553 Fix some issue with TileMap's and other nodes' boundaries (Bojidar Marinov) 32da4d7819 Add TCP connect timeout. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 11452dcf91 (Re-)Implement subprotocols in websocket server. (Fabio Alessandrelli) ff348e48f9 Removed a redundant check in PoolVector (hbina085) 9a77d748c0 Fixes minor issues found by static analyzer (qarmin) bb89cf6ab0 Provide documentation for String http_escape() and http_unescape() methods (lmp) cebb38e0b3 Clearify how hex_to_int expects a '0x' prefixed string. Provide a small hex_to_int example (lmp) c9445632e1 Hide "Max Rate Hz" if "Max Rate" is unchecked when importing WAV sample (Hugo Locurcio) a96dc30339 Removed a pair of empty braces (unknown) fe9ec58028 TreeItem: Added a setter for the disabled-property of buttons (Meriipu) ddfd67401f DOC: Fix spelling (Remi Rampin) 5fc8691176 particles: Return uniform density spheres. (Simon Puchert) 8934a26565 Added filter to SceneTreeDialog (unknown) a26f52db33 Clarify better what Node.raise does (Tomasz Chabora) 4b78e17b15 Optimize get_closest_point_to_segment*. (Simon Puchert) e222615e97 Fix editor remaining dimmed after certain actions (Bojidar Marinov) 6eb6895db8 Sort selected nodes in scene tree before duplication (Kanabenki) 4e4697b1c4 Added release function to PoolVector::Access. (Ibrahn Sahir) 776dc93571 Add microphone privilege settings support back into export and add privilege exist check to camera server for iOS (Bastiaan Olij) 70ba9ef612 Improve localization (Sayan Nandan) 597e6e1bd9 Give up finding item if started at beginning (Cameron Reikes) 4afb31cd52 Fix light area position in the selected completion (geequlim) 253cd73f1d Fix code completion for shader editor (geequlim) aba6f51ff9 Add Weblate badge to README.md (Luiz Lima) 8255b88d11 Make 'size_override_stretch' a property in 'Viewport' (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 3f5db82a89 Camera2D's offset now ignores the limit property (LikeLakers2) 18ba1bc824 cpu_particles: Return uniform density spheres. (Simon Puchert) e86f6faf64 MultiNodeEdit now only shows properties with the exact same PropertyInfo data (LikeLakers2) 17901da1a8 Keep track of default theme and project custom default theme seperatelly (Bojidar Marinov) a4ae7131c3 Fix ARVRServer crash at exit (qarmin) c43e050145 Fix parsing of enums allowing for juxtaposed identifiers (Bojidar Marinov) 3aff645114 when doing Vector3 slerp it is not necessary to have it normalized. (Toshiwo) 595763e0a0 Revert "Add editor menu to open the project data "user://" location." (Rémi Verschelde) 670d8127da Added DEPTH_TEXTURE to visual shaders (Chaosus) 343dcd9029 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 44df7c8b9b Add editor menu to open the project data "user://" location. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 0639946c72 Fix localize_path not always working (Ignacio Etcheverry) aa9908e4f6 Script API methods must return Ref instead of Reference* (Ignacio Etcheverry) 270af6fa08 Re-write mono module editor code in C# (Ignacio Etcheverry) e87e8c0485 Improve the CSG shape gizmo drawing (Hugo Locurcio) f99e84d180 Document constants in Transform/Transform2D (Marco Costa) 10cfd87414 Show icons for code completion options (Geequlim) 10f1e0f63a Prevent GLES2 bool uniforms from having a precision type set. (Marcus Brummer) 492c3196ae Dim the editor window while it's quitting (Hugo Locurcio) 2685d3324c Got replace-all working without breaking search (unknown) d2e915623a SceneTreeDock will reset the ScriptCreateDialog's inheritance base type (LikeLakers2) 0cd9a65aa4 Smarter node placement after duplicating (Tomasz Chabora) acbd0fea97 Use CheckBoxes in the editor instead of CheckButtons when applicable (Hugo Locurcio) a84124fd1d Make `--doctool` create directories if they don't exist (Hugo Locurcio) c3495ef652 Ensure that nested YSort preserves intermediate modulate values (Bojidar Marinov) 307eb34be0 Expose ResourceImporter to the scripting API (Ignacio Etcheverry) 839c3bd1bf Resolves Issue #30271 Reparent selection without flattening (Emmanuel Barroga) 4a58c0487a Hide command prompt launched by OS.execute (hoontee) 3380dc9638 Optimize header reads (avoid extra allocs) (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9233edd344 Godot addition to wslay, fixes MSVC build (Fabio Alessandrelli) aae6c075aa Remove libwebsocket. No longer used, yay! (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9e303ef71c WebSocket module now uses wslay library. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 542489a866 DocData: Re-expose parametric setters and getters (Rémi Verschelde) b25d1111c1 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) bdf51e8e49 Call out scaling in Spatial.translate docstring (Randall Fulton) c5ea4b27f9 FileSystem dock: Improve duplicate check for directory paths (Rémi Verschelde) ed7ed52151 Parse more informations for code completion (Geequlim) 1327e04fd3 Remove unused icons in the default theme (Hugo Locurcio) 40f4d3cf0f Add embedded PCK option to PC platforms (Pedro J. Estébanez) 57b2b275b4 Skip export of non-project libraries (Pedro J. Estébanez) c13be79594 Add TCP Server is_listening method (Fabio Alessandrelli) 24c52f1c2e Add b64 to string helper in CryptoCore (Fabio Alessandrelli) 6c512e21a9 Add sha1 functions to string (using new CryptoCore) (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0f6c572db6 Make easier to select keys that are at position 0 in AnimationPlayer editor (jens) 3abe6961dc Mono: Fix Array IndexOutOfRangeException not being thrown (Ignacio Etcheverry) 9f1a8ce6a2 Mono: Android build and shared libraries fixes (Ignacio Etcheverry) 1b8b36c771 Fix crash with TileSet(again) (qarmin) 2ef438c200 Fix inheriting from class_name messing up constants (Bojidar Marinov) f7de816f8b Fix parsing of arguments in constant expressions (Bojidar Marinov) 0ce59bf6dd Implement snapping for most 3D gizmos (Hugo Locurcio) b0d41847ed SCons: Use CPPDEFINES instead of CPPFLAGS for pre-processor defines (Rémi Verschelde) 09737ef6a7 Updated lightmap baker to dynamically calculate lightmap sizes based on surface area. (Nathan Warden) dea414abc8 Make the meta-data name attribute settable. This will facilitate reuse for ARCore integration. (fhuya) 527fb3968a Implement snapping in the CSG gizmos and 3D polygon editor (Hugo Locurcio) b021bdbf1f AppVeyor: Skip saving cache on non-master branches (Rémi Verschelde) 14e2a99129 Tilemap fix displaced textures and shapes and added center texture and compatibility mode (Ranoller) 190e866e4d ConnectionsDock: Add tooltip with signal description (Rémi Verschelde) f7dad789e9 Fix various memory leaks and errors (Bojidar Marinov) c798173332 Fix editor crash when StreamPeerSSL is unavilable. (Fabio Alessandrelli) f48bb8fac8 Fix few GCC9 warnings: (Martin Liska) 78af5625d0 i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) bc00332286 Fix TTR strings for VisualShaderNodes (Rémi Verschelde) c8de5760bd Use GCC 9 in travis. (Martin Liska) ce3e3b609c i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 564d93ff10 CryptoCore class to access to base crypto utils. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 266dc732ba doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 12e0dc1b65 Add XR mode selection to the Android export process. (fhuya) f34269e51c Fixed multichannel panning for AudioStreamPlayer3D. (zwostein) ab1cb10317 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) bd9cc84fdc Add option to remove array item and button to remove typed array item (Nathan Hold) 9fa2e07588 Explicitly set a channel map when initialising the Pulseaudio stream. (zwostein) 05de0eafab Add editor screenshot on control - f12. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 91d357f177 Add "Go To" menu to the script editor and move the bookmark and breakpoint menus there (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6edd06e566 Remove thread to prevent memory leak (qarmin) 98e7ec1e26 Revert "Add godot version in backtrace message" (Rémi Verschelde) 7d8d337b2c fix some crashes (Furkan Türkal) 3c154eb93b Remove unnecessary code and add some error explanations (qarmin) 398219a80e Fix Nintendo buttons in the @GlobalScope documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 310b03d97e Tweak gamepad button names to be consistent with the documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 2eac1a64f7 Fix HTTPRequest status checks. (Fabio Alessandrelli) a2f8297480 Draw the script editor's line length guideline below characters (Hugo Locurcio) 90b2415343 Export path may now be written as a relative path (SonerSound) a0cc62f000 Add a configuration warning when using Ignore mouse filter with tooltip (Hugo Locurcio) 78907d91f1 Update miniupnpc library to latest master (Fabio Alessandrelli) 68c6790baf Added example on how to use RandomNumberGenerator (tree786) 5aafc62a9b doc: Complete GlobalScope documentation (Rémi Verschelde) 0db138a621 doc: Enforce default values for OS properties (Rémi Verschelde) 1fbca7ed88 doc: Mark PhysicsBody bounce/friction as deprecated (Rémi Verschelde) 850a54a2a5 Fix uninitialized variables in Line2D, JSONParseResult and TileMap (Rémi Verschelde) 26f99beac3 CPUParticles2D: Fix gravity to be the same as in Particles2D and Area2D (Rémi Verschelde) a78373ddc2 doc: Remove null default values that can't be determined (Rémi Verschelde) b9aa13e591 doc: Remove hardcoded default values from descriptions (Rémi Verschelde) c6cea6e9b3 doc: Add default values to all properties (Rémi Verschelde) d9cefb34c1 ARKit for Godot 3.2 (BastiaanOlij) 410054db38 SceneTreeDock will now only attach scripts to the selected node if the ScriptCreateDialog was opened from the SceneTreeDock (LikeLakers2) 4961db8e88 ScriptCreateDialog should emit the script_changed signal first (LikeLakers2) 9f0c6a6009 Many fallthrough switch cases now have the FALLTHROUGH macro to tell the compiler that this is intended. (hbina085) 55234d62b0 Remove bogus nulls from generated default values (Bojidar Marinov) f531a92057 use vformat for duplicate strings (hbina085) f2fd5dfb91 Added descriptions to OS.get_splash_tick_msec() and OS.get_window_safe_area() (unknown) f4e1ed7e63 some variables in methods.py are not used (hbina085) e222e31fe6 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 42e5d825b4 Fixed cases of unsupported pointers being used to construct variants (Andrettin) fd39e94121 Pylint warning for extract.py (hbina085) f9cbd34fe0 Document SpinBox node (Zak) dc9659a9bf AStar get_closest_point/get_closest_position_in_segment enabled consideration (Craigory V Coppola) facafeb19a Fix an EditorPropertyResource bug where clicking on the flat buttons would not select the property in the inspector (LikeLakers2) fa0e66a88f Draw the outline as part of the Label font shadow (Hugo Locurcio) 7c11a1b162 Add support for creating editor icons per module (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) b71a339160 Clarify docs for _ready and request_ready (Tomasz Chabora) da7cf8b49f Added convertor from VisualShader to Shader (Chaosus) c540411a7f Fix ip_unix.cpp inclusion order for OpenBSD. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 4517db75b5 Properly disable SIGPIPE on OSX network sockets. (Fabio Alessandrelli) eeabb132ec Auto-change file extension in EditorFileDialog when filter changes (Chaosus) eb6e260918 Fix some bugs inside ColorPicker (Chaosus) 67b58de0f8 Fix memory leak in Tilemaps (qarmin) 9ebc146383 Ensure --export implies --editor (Bojidar Marinov) 316931998c Document PopupMenu node. (Zak) 13279a7da7 Add option to input value manually in EditorPropertyEasing (AnaDenisa) d29b1b7917 Fix ReferenceRect node (Zak) bd25e8d72a Fixed regression bug caused in #30095 and actually fix the issue it was supposed to fix(#26850) (unknown) f7f6115f76 Proofread and improve the whole class reference (Hugo Locurcio) d408c254a2 Fix small memory leak in OS.cpp (qarmin) 583f7adb51 Allow ColisionObject2D to get shapes from tilemaps (Bojidar Marinov) a86329c41e Fixed search highlight when search text not found or empty (unknown) 0c4c36d823 Add default values to the editor help, docs, and generated RST (Bojidar Marinov) fca9f0bb7f Move CODEOWNERS and ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md to .github folder (Rémi Verschelde) 2a63853720 doc: UPNP: Add example on how to open/close a port (tree786) fcd8faf2f4 Add encrypted files support to ConfigFile (Vasiliy Makarov) fccc9f71b7 Setup GitHub "Sponsor" button (Anders Nissen) 528c4722d6 doc: Don't use `GlobalScope` scope in hyperlinks, it's automatically inferred (Rémi Verschelde) bc82781f7d doc: Replace all [code]CONSTANT[/code] by new [constant CONSTANT] hyperlinks (Rémi Verschelde) 1bf448dd87 Properly expose all Error constants to scripting languages (Rémi Verschelde) 71d53637b5 doc: Fix scoped hyperlinks to same-class enums/methods (Rémi Verschelde) 86ed7a9884 doc: Complete and harmonize all _MAX constant descriptions (Rémi Verschelde) 0aec3c3113 Shows menu when dragging connection on empty space in visual shader graph (Chaosus) 7aa4622222 Free server id pools directly. (santouits) 6f2233d13a Bind is_point_in_polygon in Geometry singleton (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 867dda1124 doc: Proofread and complete various nodes (Rémi Verschelde) 1b53ea79e2 Centers the 2D viewport in the editor (Gilles Roudière) cb5233ee12 Document VisualServer.instances_cull_ray (Marc Gilleron) 00b15c19b7 Add a Direction property to ParticlesMaterial (Tomasz Chabora) a859643f7e Fixed parser treating compound assignment the same as assignment which gave wrong argument usage count (unknown) d1dbbd6515 Make sure that the resource previewer does not hang on exit (Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart) 8f23f4b44e UndoRedo add version changed signal (Alexander Holland) 261bdfa14d doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 6e9272eea8 Node: Fix logic of has/get_node_and_resource and document it (Rémi Verschelde) 4e5310cc60 Some code changed with Clang-Tidy (qarmin) 80a0d1701b Better pre-selection of search result nodes in "Create New Node" dialog. (Marcus Brummer) a9cff880d6 doc: Document EncodedObjectAsID, expose its property (Rémi Verschelde) d59dbda24f update emitting status on one-shot particles (clayjohn) 70036d8484 Fix certain items not appearing in search tree when a feature profile is set (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 54653565a4 Fix Popup::popup_centered not centering at the first call (Guilherme Felipe) 05b67514a6 Make visibility of update spinner editor-wide, hidden by default (Thomas ten Cate) 4c137bebe8 Extends wrapi/wrapf docs (Chaosus) 615ffb3507 doctool: Fix writing theme_item descriptions (Rémi Verschelde) f1bd1c268e Fix GridMap transform problems (Gwyneth Lowe) c48576f733 Allow '-' character in iOS reverse DNS identifiers dissallow underscores. (Nicholas Thompson) 9eeead4be3 Remove references to mouse stuff from OS (austinried) 45f78d786a Give TextEdit a custom color for font when read only is set (Gwyneth Lowe) f07e5ac153 Give LineEdit a custom font color when un-editable (Gwyneth Lowe) c81525ec05 Allow to remove 2D editor limits (Tomasz Chabora) 0f2b25f83e Line edit placeholders now react properly to translation changes. (Florian Marchal) 9f2f1f5e3d Fix scoped enum value reference, breaks GCC 5 (Rémi Verschelde) f34c8015cb Area2D: Fix argument type of body_* signals (Rémi Verschelde) 6843ad87a4 Add docstring for Object.set_deferred (Randall Fulton) 0716c59f14 Check if autoload nodes are != NULL before deleting them. (Marcus Brummer) 9f582a7c3e Document MarginContainer Node (Zak) 33c15799c7 Set to enum variables, only correct values (qarmin) ed504753f4 Fix undo references for conversion to CPUParticles (Rémi Verschelde) 7142064110 Correct typo that broke custom selected font color (Gwyneth Lowe) 5e21310343 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 679bb882fc Fix PoolVector resize and subarray. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 6baa3ff0de Add NULL check in SSL connect_to_stream (Fabio Alessandrelli) b3d772ed83 Display invalid value keys in AnimationTrackEdit (Rémi Verschelde) c58b7ab094 Fixed script and visibility icons's highlight height in tree (unknown) 0f14489ecb Center script line when double clicked on error in debugger (Dawid Wdowiak) d2833d4f4d Replace ` + "/" + ` with `String::file_add()` (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) e294f0872e TileSet: Don't error out on tile_ getters with wrong shape id (Rémi Verschelde) 1769cbc0e2 SCons: Default to builtin libpng/freetype on Linux (Rémi Verschelde) 7bed1a0f21 Fix expression node crashes (Chaosus) 64ecc8a5a3 properly set emitting when particles restart (clayjohn) 9986cf7005 editor save/delete layout dialog with layout list (hilfazer) ee07560abf Curve: Prevent forcing 1.0 min value to 0.99 (Rémi Verschelde) b3fe249e94 CPUParticles: Set linear velocity to 0, like GPU Particles (Rémi Verschelde) fae3df1204 Particles: Properly initialize angular velocity parameter (Rémi Verschelde) 03335e5250 Improve the `Engine.get_version_info()` documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 512f8ebb93 Fix some keyboards not working with Android (lawnjelly) 434fd71d2a add 2d physic optimization simlilar to 3d physics (yakun.zhang) c77ff48a85 Fix some editor crashes (qarmin) e5e3f86648 Multicast support in NetSocket/PacketPeerUDP (Fabio Alessandrelli) b574e476ec Implement IP.get_local_interfaces. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 9d3089181c Fix updating of collision shape when the transform is set (Jon Ring) 532a7ba06a Fix TextEdit Select (qarmin) 072e40368e Fix always true/false values (qarmin) ad504b926f Add option to toggle console window on Windows (Luka Dornhecker) 5d0040e340 Document ReferenceRect Node (Zak) 81065d53df Fix for #29810 (Elia Sarti) 4853870a18 SCons: Enable -Wclobbered in warnings=extra for GCC (Rémi Verschelde) 1e6fa5d1a5 Fixed shortcut events in BaseButton (now acts the same as ui_accept action) (PouleyKetchoupp) 80d732082b scale vertex lit lights by envorionment scale (clayjohn) 8a9b3d24f5 Fix minor onion layering control errors (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) e08fa103f2 Fix Emscripten root directory detection when building for HTML5 (Hugo Locurcio) f7200d6960 Deprecate armv6 support for Android (fhuya) 1c2ba35074 Add 'global_rate_scale' to the AudioServer (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 14f8ed3317 Added a Width Curve to Line2D + UVs fix (Tristan Grespinet) 38d3bfe971 Made use of semicolons more consitent, fixed formatting (JohnJLight) 9bdf110840 Fix set_pick_color error (Tomasz Chabora) 4ebedb5f11 Made constants fully upper case in camera server (Bastiaan Olij) be7bd97cb0 Added button to select all tracks in track copy dialog (Chaosus) 7b1e112f1d Fixed navigation schemes Modo/Maya when used with grid map tile placement (Zach Young) 33f55369cb Enforce Unicode encoding in MSVC (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 47e24dd1ee Fix animation keys selection with SHIFT/CTRL (Chaosus) 09907a28b3 added forgotten err_fail_index check (Furkan Türkal) 5e24611241 Png driver reworked to use libpng 1.6 simplified API (Ibrahn Sahir) ce1c840635 Linux: Check return values of posix read/write (Martin Capitanio) 108de5a734 Editor debugger now always handle connections. (Fabio Alessandrelli) b2d433c4a8 Prevent VehicleBody contact damping from exceeding the baseline value when roll influence is very small. When contact damping exceeds 1.0, the wheels will lose grip when the vehicle is not moving. (Jon Ring) e19b6296e3 Update macOS global mouse position at startup (bruvzg) 0764451dc5 doc: Improve docs for Resource* classes (Rémi Verschelde) d6176db271 Unexpose subclasses of ResourceFormatLoader and -Saver (Rémi Verschelde) 44a20a0f61 Added description to is_pixel_opaque() in Sprite.xml (unknown) 39e5c510fc Properly sort projects by name (Tomasz Chabora) 054ac5c8f5 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 6750e1b3cd GDScript: Improve error on Object to Object invalid argument calls (Rémi Verschelde) e36e9fdb1c Fixes crash with rigged meshes on some OpenGLES2 devices (lawnjelly) 49df253627 Document ItemList control (Zak) cc94a95fc9 Fix AStar set/is_point_disabled crash (Chaosus) 7d1ee6d3c3 change emit shape circle to sphere in CPUParticles2D (clayjohn) 4014888687 Fix endless controller iteration (Georg Wacker) 40db7b85af Linux: Check return value of chdir on cleanup (Rémi Verschelde) 340c2c0584 Fix minor typos (Yuri Chornoivan) 24ee8c3566 Add script to fix style issues and copyright headers (Rémi Verschelde) 8786075ec0 Added description to get_noise_1d() in OpenSimplexNoise (unknown) 3cdd701a14 Added description to get_loaded_locales() in TranslationServer (unknown) e5cfb9d6b2 Fix selection undo... for real (Tomasz Chabora) c0b3e20ca7 Tweak some editor property hints to be more flexible and consistent (Hugo Locurcio) cd22551d2d i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) e864237f1a i18n: Fix extract.py support for new TTRC (Rémi Verschelde) ea9a6672e0 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) fc568d9d5b Bring selected script in view of open scripts list (Emmanuel Barroga) 98d0c99652 Fix Range's "changed" signal emitting with a value even if binded to emit none (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 640ed6baba Remove useless cast from c-string to String (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) 1f81981b3d Document TextEdit node (Zak) 9c7cce3c9b doc: Sync classref with current source, fix formatting issues (Rémi Verschelde) 786a7341a7 Add an option to disable boot splash filtering (Hugo Locurcio) beb34a0458 SCons: Enable -Werror and -Wextra in 'dev' build option (Rémi Verschelde) a100471f6b Add support for bold fonts in the editor help (Hugo Locurcio) 89ce9a6f46 Mono: Fix -Wduplicated-branches warning (Rémi Verschelde) 5b2f098ed4 Expose WebSocket set_buffers and document it. (Fabio Alessandrelli) ee90da4acb Allow setting websocket buffers sizes internally. (Fabio Alessandrelli) b486f5dde0 glTF: Fix import of animations with INTERPOLATION_LINEAR (Rémi Verschelde) 68735d2a88 Fix compilation warnings in JS and Windows builds (Rémi Verschelde) 02ea99129e Adding a new Camera Server implementation to Godot. (BastiaanOlij) b3ae58d117 Minor enhancements to the dependency editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b924fb97d6 Add ability to limit maximum/minimum window size. (bruvzg) abe2c22966 Fix ENet incorrectly binding to wildcard. (Fabio Alessandrelli) d0eb99f970 Add documentation for AnimationNode* resources (Nathan Lovato) 9a173e5814 doc: Fix formatting, typos and some descriptions in new docstrings (Rémi Verschelde) bf97247cec Improve the default project naming in the Project Manager (Hugo Locurcio) 9773350537 Fix HTML5 build failed due to undefined symbol (Fabio Alessandrelli) 1d55207fd2 Fix TextEdit cursor.column having a negative value (Paulb23) c4e5ee1fd2 Fix RichTextLabel alignment tags not working properly (Elia Sarti) 31cc1bdb58 Fix pointer position in hidpi-corrected resolutions on web (Leonardo Giovanni Scur) 52696e98b4 fix CPU particles bug with local_coords and transform (clayjohn) 9f7713d98b [DOCS] Update CPUParticles[2D] classref (Chris Bradfield) 30b3591152 Expose ClippedCamera clip_offset (jfons) 349e924cad Changes to OS.has_feature() docs: (Ken Paulson) 265eaf1a2c Implementing 0-duration tweens Some light refactor Adding comments in functions (Devin Pentecost) c56ef88c5a Fix help source font setting and related cleanup (Rémi Verschelde) c72b78a6eb Add documentation for WebRTC classes. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 28683237c5 Check for inherited methods before attempting to create one when connecting a signal (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 2cce5699ea Limit Physics Process FPS above 0 (Emmanuel Barroga) a9581d2b3f Added constants for the main buttons and axis used in VR (Bastiaan Olij) 051ef5ead2 Take CSG into account for nav-mesh generation (jfons) 52dd0f8751 Implement missing orbit velocity for CPUParticles and CPUParticles2D (Rémi Verschelde) 0823d78374 Created a fallback from the "Save Theme" button to "Save Theme As" when a default theme is in use. (Kis Levente Lorand) fdd461ddd0 Minor cleanup in connections dialog file (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 484127c88f Enhancements and fixes for the editor feature profile (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c12fc1ade1 Add documentation for Bone2D (Nathan Lovato) 84d969a42a Cleanup some unecessary editor/ includes in scene/ (Rémi Verschelde) d89478975f Validate parameters of randi_range() (Tomasz Chabora) ef45f5ce75 filled out docs for various mesh types (clayjohn) e15c5489a8 Added script name tooltip for Open Script Icon (Emmanuel Barroga) 2cedf7173a BaseButton: Make shortcuts call virtual methods (Rémi Verschelde) c22dcca866 Fix error spam in create dialog when searching for nodes with some disabled (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 3168c25bad Added hint for windows export options (Zak) ca4c33cdad Add filter search for script list and the members (santouits) 75f1e93ac0 Remove some references to unimplemented features in the assetlib (Hugo Locurcio) 831dd19546 Check base scripts for signal receiving methods before warning about them missing (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 7fd7dac69c Add spacing between the icon and details in the assetlib list (Hugo Locurcio) d0c2005da1 CPUParticles: Do randomness ratio computations in phase instead of time (Rémi Verschelde) 2d28e393d6 Fix script create dialog (James Buck) 9206bcabaa CPUParticles: Fix inconsistent tangential acceleration (Rémi Verschelde) f18121824c Add missing license headers (Rémi Verschelde) 93c00dfcd9 Remove "Editor" from Windows PE file description (Rémi Verschelde) 6d16f2f053 Fix error macro calls not ending with semicolon (Rémi Verschelde) 99acec63f1 bullet: Sync with current upstream master branch (Rémi Verschelde) 1a397f46e6 Improved documentation of rsplit Method for String class. (Zak) 2a950f3a7c [X11] Add window borderless state detection, fix borderless state restoration after exiting fullscreen. (bruvzg) c7246d8e1e makerst: Fix format of [url] links in reST (Rémi Verschelde) 7a397d6976 Corrected spelling error (Ertain) 4a757a2d96 Always pass script path to external editor (Rémi Verschelde) 63d8dc0920 Fix third and fourth level (AltGr / ⌥ modifier) keys input in LineEdit. (bruvzg) b3010d9734 Fix connection info still appearing on scripts if the node source is deleted (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 37c2595526 Fix crash when frames are empty (qarmin) 215fed1fb3 Fix Tree button tooltips (James Buck) 553972453f Add button for toggling hidden files in EditorFileDialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) be6d48fcad Add toggle for hidden file visibility in FileDialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) e9b8ff273d Update VehicleWheel.xml (tree786) 307fe76089 Allow reselecting items in the "Favorites" and "Recent" lists in the create dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 53719b112a Make possible to reselect an item in the "Recent" list in the EditorFileDialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c9bc807ce4 Dim the project manager window while it's quitting (Hugo Locurcio) 1f6a590959 Apply a better fix for the EditorFileDialog crash on favorite (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 17e1be6478 Connect OptionButton selection to menu's "index_pressed" signal (James Buck) 15d284b281 Fix crash when selecting favorate directory on EditorFileDialog (volzhs) 99ba021404 Fix invalid crash in mesh_add_surface (qarmin) bb1c5f5525 Enhancements for the audio bus editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 463d0988dd Make humanized size rounding clearer by padding decimals with zeroes (Hugo Locurcio) 746bfc3662 Fix display of large sizes in the editor monitors (Hugo Locurcio) 26f9d907d4 Remove obsolete mono patch for pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol (Ignacio Etcheverry) f1e2324605 Adding details about `Image.lock()` function (Maxime Leroy) e4f90337f2 Treat hiding_enabled as bool throughout (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) 9f6b470ea8 Display a "loading" placeholder while icons are loading in the assetlib (Hugo Locurcio) ae839bd0d8 Expose String.http_escape and String.http_unescape (geequlim) 024d595850 Fixing returned alpha component for inverted method (Maxime Leroy) c90fb3ec6c Add in missing 'FLAG_DRAW_NEXT_FRAME_IF_VISIBLE' to Flag enun (kbajno) 416a7d06de Fix Vector3 slerp method normalizing cross product (Toshiwo) 1810a901d2 Drop the physics mouseover whenever a input has been handled. (MrCdK) 74d336d0f4 Added export hint to 2D and 3D physics and render layers. (MrCdK) 685451967c Fix RichLabelText::_process_line crash (qarmin) def0485ca9 Make docs search hide nodes disabled by the editor feature profile (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6a23eff748 Reversed operator in SortLifetime fixing #29440 (SamSindt) 2621131549 Fix 2D Line crash (qarmin) 64626f682e Fix a random SSL crash I saw once. (Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart) 3de3f87657 Fix ARVRAnchor and ARVRController error spam (qarmin) 8d993f6357 Fix crash with get_keywords_color (qarmin) fc23c8f941 Add tooltip for the dependencies buttons in the orphan explorer dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 31218a07de Improve conections dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) f26e9daab5 Make tilemap texture origin point top-left. (Ranoller) f472f0491c Allow to change 2D pan hotkey (Tomasz Chabora) ecda25b050 Add a margin to "checkable" property checkboxes in the editor inspector (Hugo Locurcio) 61cd8ed441 Normalize WebRTCDataChannel properties. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0bccf96c73 Add WebRTCMultiplayer (Fabio Alessandrelli) 6516098d12 Use uppercase for all hexadecimal constants in the editor help (Hugo Locurcio) 53c0a29fb0 Fix memory leak after closing files (qarmin) 9af94d650f use def ANDROID_ENABLED so android features are not included in javascript builds (clayjohn) df0a69bbac Fixes NaN errors with anchors mode (Gilles Roudière) 605c5c71f4 Save inside the Points of AStar the neighbours that aren't connected (Daw11) 360fb3af50 [macOS] Fixes hotkeys on "Dvorak - QWERTY ⌘" keyboard layout. (bruvzg) 6be7fea798 Fix subtile picking in TileMap editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 0ac7715a27 Fix moving and renaming files (Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart) ff0c863cb1 Mono: Fix SCons options added to the wrong environment (Ignacio Etcheverry) c478f2cb1a Add a separator in debug output for readability (Tomasz Chabora) 8a1a067b91 Fix GraphNode not adding seperation after the first node (Bojidar Marinov) 328805ae31 Update sponsors (Rémi Verschelde) 33bcd97700 Update DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 8ff72987c0 [macOS] Fixes unicode input with IME mode inactive, Improves IME mode documentation. (bruvzg) 54863b20e6 Removes redundant "display/window/per_pixel_transparency/splash" setting, improves per pixel transparency documentation. (bruvzg) 412a0b73e9 Fix error spam when typing in the TileMap editor's search box while having no results (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6b7d8fd946 Fix TileMap editor not correctly copying atlas tiles (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 77b6f3e812 Adding missing description for method and fixing typo (Maxime Leroy) 6f1f887078 Improve @GDScript.assert documentation (Nathan Lovato) 0a03ed7544 Remember selected subtile when updating the TileMap editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 2f75471f24 Fix crash when searching Tree with no selection (Tomasz Chabora) b615277a07 Improve the performance monitor display (Hugo Locurcio) 923aaf970f Remove unnecessary assignment (Dawid Kurek) 8245db869f Small fixes to unrechable code, possibly overflows, using NULL pointers (qarmin) 2b8b1d7c46 added MultiMeshInstance2D node for using MultiMesh in 2D (clayjohn) 14df9e5cb2 Android build and export for the mono module (Ignacio Etcheverry) b5bbedb45a Properly catch certain errors in Dictionary declarations (Bojidar Marinov) cc004485bc Escape node names when saving to .tscn (Bojidar Marinov) cbd31d9f0b Fix errors when attempting to set UNIX permissions when unavailable (Hugo Locurcio) e1e3fcc908 doc: Fix DocData.merge_from copying old setters and getters (Rémi Verschelde) 17adece6ad Add windowing before FFT to avoid flickering spectrogram (Martin Dahlgren) f78c7377c9 Make FFT size and oversampling adjustable for pitchshifting (Martin Dahlgren) 21a0dad58a Improve the documentation of the Object class (Nathan Lovato) 6f31143996 Add HeightMapShape mesh in CollisionShape gizmo (JFonS) a3462c97ad Bind missing FLAG_DISABLE_Z enum value in ParticlesMaterial (Rémi Verschelde) c2a2a1083d Remove MeshLibrary from disable_3d=true builds (JFonS) 8ea67380d0 Better visual shader icon (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 962652f14b Properly add "texture_changed" signal to MeshInstance2D (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a5f1635bf2 Fix pausing in audio player editor acting the same as stopping (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b29387c859 Travis CI: Build Linux export template with `disable_3d=yes` (Hugo Locurcio) 59f403de0b Fixed get_item_at_position being weird (Tomasz Chabora) f247832832 Add configurable strength value to InputEventAction (Gilles Roudiere) eed5967c02 Fix GDSCript inner classes be freed after compile (geequlim) eed3753357 Reload text shaders when externaly edited, issue 19852 (Paulb23) dc981d8af7 Display longer Git hashes in engine version dialogs (Hugo Locurcio) c2d4abf62e Added constant support to shaders (Chaosus) cfb9709c10 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 662c8f95ec Allow to change Position2D gizmo size (Tomasz Chabora) e92c09ba4e doc: Make all tutorial links track "latest" in master branch (Rémi Verschelde) 9f8bed3cdb Improve the curve editor rendering (Hugo Locurcio) 9e18e94dc1 Ensure main scene is set when running on device (Tomasz Chabora) af2c742f53 Fix and expose String::strip_escapes(), use it in LineEdit paste (Rémi Verschelde) 9de912caf5 Improvements to incremental search (Tomasz Chabora) 2b4e828b55 Fix array overflow when saving scene preview (qarmin) 63c2d1bce1 Hide remote scene tree when adding new scene (Cameron Reikes) 7056c825a3 Add sub-resource name when available to script editor (UziMonkey) b06dc6ba8c Correct typos in RigidBody axis lock documentation (Cheeseness) 847a74d588 Fix crash when inherit in rootless unsaved scene (Tomasz Chabora) 2c3536810a Setup Godot to support the Oculus Mobile SDK. (fhuya) e0e0d8b229 fixed an issue where there is no edited function but user double clicks on an available functions (hbina085) adcbcf87dd Add track_set_key_time() to Animation (Tomasz Chabora) fe98a31743 Sync Animation editor with Inspector (volzhs) 1141ab8b25 Allow undo conversion to CPUParticles (Tomasz Chabora) e16e5012ca Revert "Fix AnimationPlayer editor length and step synchronization" (volzhs) 392f6f89cd Fix memory leak in Text Editor and FileSystem Dock (qarmin) b42df97edd Check error code before using FileAccess to create a preview and crashing. (K. S. Ernest (iFIre) Lee) 647fb155c3 Fix constant redrawing of the editor when selecting a Control in a Container (Bojidar Marinov) 9ad9d1f3b3 Don't localize paths that contain but are not in the resource path (Rémi Verschelde) ac14efcdfb Decrease the editor FPS cap when the window is unfocused (Hugo Locurcio) a9ddf2a449 More accurate description of valid Parents (Aspin) a3aa98cb88 Improve AudioStreamSample documentation. (follower) 147b2403e4 audio_server.h : fix typo in comment (minor) (Arthur Brainville) 21078621dd added ability to undo conversion of Particles2D to CPUParticles2D (hbina085) a32f020b53 Properly unlock mutex (qarmin) 0bc37de744 Added 2D functions to AStar (Chaosus) 669db2a50a Add Android Studio support. (fhuya) 9f29c28918 Check if parent is null before updating trasnform (Cameron Reikes) ce542bced1 Implement Clipboard API read when supported. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 2b436dd50e Kinda working HTML5 clipboard paste. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 7fbb6d986f Automatically add new line to scripts (Matheus Lima Cunha) aabd9980d1 Changing method signature in other class in not recognized in working class in typed GDScript #28685 (Goral) 4f4513f99c Remove some redundant lines (James Buck) 5dc50327cf Escape quote char for non-Windows OS (ShyRed) 02bac239d9 FileAccessEncrypted: Be more explicit on decryption failure (Rémi Verschelde) 586539d867 Fix wrong property binding for NavigationPolygon::vertices (Rémi Verschelde) c2e2bcbca9 Fix -Werror=maybe-uninitialized in GLES2 on release builds (Rémi Verschelde) cd3d538f12 Fix incorrect scroll when the user perform first action on visual shader (Chaosus) 5c01e066e1 Fix BaseButton not emitting signal with virtual function (volzhs) b0279192cb .gitignore improvements for Windows/macOS (Max Hilbrunner) 30474b8215 Improve the PrimitiveMesh-derived class documentations (Hugo Locurcio) 506436b28a Remove duplicate audio bus plugin registry (Twarit) 679e4b5987 Align boolean/color track icons to other keys in the animation editor (Hugo Locurcio) 66a36ba474 Fix some unincialised variables (qarmin) ffb6aab1f4 Add Quick Open dialog (Mitch Curtis) 6e46701e64 Android: Include Joysticks/Gamepads which are available on app start. (wombatstampede) 3a365c1fc0 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 6fe957de63 Add a depth parameter to Camera::project_position() (Cheeseness) 86e4677fb4 Add HSV mode to color picker (Tomasz Chabora) 7e9e023e5f Keep editable children on node duplicate (Tomasz Chabora) be341e1931 Be able to add to the editor setting tabs. (K. S. Ernest (iFIre) Lee) 0f76df2397 Add OS clipboard set support to OS Javascript (Fabio Alessandrelli) 0823ae7ae4 Node::duplicate: Don't set name if original node is nameless (Rémi Verschelde) c00427add3 Added move_toward functions for float, Vector2 and Vector3 (Giacom) b10dd110e5 Print engine version to stdout when starting Godot (Rémi Verschelde) fad0338beb Make animation editor change tracks positions instead of swapping them (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 2b59bd7695 separate culling state management from material (clayjohn) 3b5112567a method list no longer forwards drag commands to script list (AlexHoratio) f23e1aab34 Implemented remote scene tree filtering (Silvano Cerza) 44de8b4964 Added a bunch of scalar constants to visual shaders (Chaosus) d426dcabf8 Fix GetTypeInfo error due to missing include (Ignacio Etcheverry) 560f5cb104 Actually fix animation editor's bottom panel button not being pressed on certain occasions (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) e975d9dcdb Fix uninitialised member variable 'meta_hovering' in RichTextLabel (Ibrahn Sahir) ce2c45bde7 add get_camera_rid method (Jummit) 1772bb1657 Fix SCons automatic platform detection on Linux (Hugo Locurcio) 03c210f7b2 Fixed typo in SConstruct (dankan1890) a156b7976d Fix Segmentation fault and reduce memory consumption (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) 90ea9dfede Fix TextEdit blocking scroll without scrollbar (Tomasz Chabora) a019641e73 Deselect hidden nodes on filter (Tomasz Chabora) be80b0b83c Scons: Autodetect platform if not specified (Max Hilbrunner) ffe067f53d Include SConstruct in .editorconfig (Max Hilbrunner) fbf4135fc1 Add example usage for get_rect() (Tomasz Chabora) eb0cced3c0 Improve SSAO performance and quality (Hugo Locurcio) 19786f77ef [Mono] Change Atan2 arguments to Y X (Aaron Franke) ca1932636f autocomplete for enum values (hilfazer) 60e711a115 Add Godot constants to Mono project builds (ShyRed) 4c55a909ad fix radiance map settings (clayjohn) 757a1de58d Fix "Node not found:" error message when adding tracks (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 33fd5538d0 Tweak the particle animation node configuration warning message (Hugo Locurcio) e5f5a71d27 Fix "Index out of size" TextEdit's spam to output (Chaosus) f3c5db662d Don't allow PathFollow offset outside bounds (Tomasz Chabora) 502dbc7c4a Use highp precision for gles2 shader uniforms if not explicitly set. (Marcus Brummer) 900d90bb61 Git: Explicitly list binary files as such to avoid EOL change (Rémi Verschelde) c4f797644d Fix animation editor's bottom panel button not being pressed on certain occasions (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b3c2305160 Add "GUI skinning" tutorial link to the 'Theme' doc (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 58279eda27 Add "transparent" to named color list (John Gabriel) d29d856933 Place the spatial editor's top left buttons in a container (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 2964e198e0 Hide non-applicable CLI arguments in the server platform (Hugo Locurcio) e12b482022 Improve bookmarks (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 3f174c86d0 Fixed scene tree update after changing node name in tool script (PouleyKetchoupp) 01491aaf32 Improvements to scroll handling (Tomasz Chabora) e1816ee0cb fixed problem where the script lists gets ordered even when ordering is disabled (hbina085) 2b9ed68d6a Add native window/taskbar icon support for Windows and macOS. (bruvzg) 5e9400b2e3 Don't modulate canvas on invisible color change (Tomasz Chabora) 9d309096c9 fix file system not refresh on exFAT (XiaoLongHan) 47b8615a2e [DOCS] Add descriptions to AnimationNodeStateMachine[Playback] (Chris Bradfield) 47f628a013 Fix getting max magnitude in AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer (Martin Dahlgren) 24e9a881c0 Expose 2D Delaunay triangulation in Geometry singleton (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 426bcc9941 Change "Return" to "Returns" where necessary in XML documentation (Sean Heffernan) ebcfe28475 Fix parse error when extends from subclass of named classes (Geequlim) 3365595254 do not compute fog when using unshaded in GLES2 (clayjohn) 04ebf294f3 C#: Implement ScriptInstance::to_string (Ignacio Etcheverry) 6b7c8ef327 Auto-expand current node type when replace node (Matthias Schmitt) aebca30c43 Fixed virtual method not showing up in autocomplete and docs (WiggleWizard) 63068e2ccd Check project settings live before lookup in crash handler (Ibrahn Sahir) 2abe7deae8 fix no depth test and render_priority sorting (clayjohn) 48e4d62554 fix un-scaling in Spatial::look_at_from_position (Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes) fe62b69419 Fixed naming issue when duplicating an export (AMS21) b660247216 Fixed uninitialised variable in x11 null cursor creation (Ibrahn Sahir) 48bd2e459f Added native binding for dictionary duplication (shaderbeast) 1add4c15ab Various improvements to NavigationMesh generation (jfons) de378ef012 Fix 'TextEdit's line wrapping being highlighted incorrectly (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 7b6473fec5 [Mono] Misc Basis and AABB improvements (Aaron Franke) 88153fbb61 Fix 2D bones ignored by onion skinning (Pedro J. Estébanez) 883ef8570a Expose 2D polygon boolean operations in Geometry singleton (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 9bf48db891 Build Clipper with `tools=no` and patch it to auto-disable exceptions (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) b7e737639f Fix non UTF8-encoded thirdparty files (Rémi Verschelde) 0acdeb2e12 Update .gitattributes to encompass all text files (Rémi Verschelde) c1e733466b [GDNative] fix godot_variant_evaluate function (thomas.herzog) e70ea5d97b Makes the expression node to apply expression only when the focus leaves out (Chaosus) d8a5fcd3d1 Initialize readonly/editable in LineEdit and TextEdit controls (Ibrahn Sahir) c18e4f0f01 Add undo/redo to Node2D bone creation (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 9b76c56098 Fix C# build error in MarshalUtils debug code (Ignacio Etcheverry) 6d38754a06 Fix expression node parsing when input_port + \0 is occured (Chaosus) b5c8205312 Fix bottom panel visibility behaviour in the theme editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6f2abd68f2 Fix few bugs in expression node (Chaosus) 57a03f0f02 Restrict Autoloads from having keywords as their names (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 5e8017721a Refactor BaseButton event handling (volzhs) 2d84ec5468 Pass mouse events to SpinBox from its LineEdit (Tomasz Chabora) 92f67ceef3 i18n: Skip unsupported locales for editor translations (Rémi Verschelde) 86f6d08923 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 1595dfb5db i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) e350c81673 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) 3ea778e66e Implement shadow to opacity (Bastiaan Olij) 5648924eef Expression node for visual shaders (Chaosus) 7ec7dba766 Fix Theme Editor Preview (Swarnim Arun) 6f97022041 PageDown key selects last one when left items count is short (volzhs) f78baa5f93 added a const keyword for a methods that return constant literal... (hbina085) 6ab7fb4976 Clear overrides on passing null (Swarnim Arun) 13680885b6 removed a redundant NULL check in assimp editor of a pointer to an array declared in the same statement block (hbina085) 66b930a266 Replace call to 'mono_runtime_object_init' with manual ctor invoking (Ignacio Etcheverry) 3b17e6de33 Remove ghost of canvas zoom controls during onion skinning (Pedro J. Estébanez) 4dd9efe757 Fix canvas zoom controls lazy position update (Pedro J. Estébanez) 7155477caa Fix history state setup in VisualScript (Swarnim Arun) 4b20959d99 SCons: Keep exceptions and rtti on Android, iOS and HTML5 tools build (Rémi Verschelde) a411067829 Allow empty replacement texts in the Find in Files replace dialog (Hugo Locurcio) b00d7bfc3f Travis: Update clang-format to version 8.0 (Rémi Verschelde) 6920c82742 Style: Fix issues with clang-format 8.0 (Rémi Verschelde) f3b8fe47b0 doc: Document default value for PhysicsBody collision layers (Rémi Verschelde) f8a9844d80 Renamed EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.should_generate_small_preview() to generate_small_preview_automatically() Added can_generate_small_preview() so the generator uses generate() or generate_from_path() if it returns true Added can_generate_small_preview() and generate_small_preview_automatically() to the scripting languages (MrCdK) 1808c5113a Fix some shape2d get_moment_of_inertia error (yakun.zhang) 4de6c94eb0 [StateMachine] Fix error message for travel method (Guilherme Felipe) cc2d862733 Scale environment lighting correctly in GLES3 (clayjohn) 20168b5fbf Clarify auto_advance. (Ryan Roden-Corrent) 5b6e7935d1 Fix upper/lowercase in some UI strings (Dalai Felinto) c35f4e8808 Initialize padding on PoolByteArray serialization (Lukas Zanner) 5626a1ec20 MessageQueue::flush now always destroys parameters of a spent message (Ibrahn Sahir) e0574e1d98 Fix typos with codespell (Rémi Verschelde) 719a9a9c1c Added Fresnel and OneMinus to visual shaders (Chaosus) c121d8871d Allow project export to be canceled (George Marques) 5a4bf4f369 C#: Marshalling support for IEnumerable<> and IDictionary<,> (Ignacio Etcheverry) 2713b44da7 Fix "Open Project Data Folder" in the editor (Hugo Locurcio) 20ebfefad1 minor change in scriptEdtiorPlugin ref #28943 (Elias Rammos) bd8f345e71 Fix VisualScript Change Base Type title (Jummit) 71808b38bc NULL global_tag for non exposed classes (RameshRavone) 27e17fa5de Fix saving scenes when multi-closing scene tabs (Tomasz Chabora) 89a9f4621f Resolve: #24682 CSGPolygon - weird end cap (Jason) cbf2d3cdc4 Removed an unused and leaked CheckButton instance in theme editor plugin (Ibrahn Sahir) 5fe2bf125a Add description for EditorPlugin.update_overlays (volzhs) 9ff708f008 Optimize Basis constructor for Axis Angle (Aaron Franke) 22ee26849e [macOS] Allow using user provided `.icns` files for exported app icons. (bruvzg) 5f862ee186 Now able to "Copy Node Path" from Remote tab". Fixes issue 28585. (hbina085) 5f5507cc62 Update Control margins when size is overridden by change to minsize (James Buck) 3197898c88 Add "String Formatting" tutorial link to the 'String' doc (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a8a0392c12 Fix text_edit drawing incorrect chars when syntax highlighting enabled (Paulb23) d39ffc101b Fix Object::get_indexed for simple properties. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 3bc0445e05 Allow to undo TextEdit.set_text (Tomasz Chabora) cc7be6c643 Use a binary heap for the open list of Astar (Daw11) c1c8555565 Improved CCD calculation algorithm (Andrea Catania) c9b9ba26db Directories can now be dragged into the script editor (Hayden) 102f73b88a Add support for [url=] tag to makerst.py (Stanislav) 729b1e9941 WebRTC refactor. Data channels, STUN/TURN support. (Fabio Alessandrelli) c38d9180df Revert "Revert "Implemented terrain raycast acceleration"" (Rémi Verschelde) 58cec3efc4 Fix OS_UWP::execute's signature after cd4449e (Rémi Verschelde) a4a0e64245 Fix indexing failure in NativeScriptLanguage::unregister_binding_functions. (Frank Secilia) 6622091eaf Fix OS_Javascript execute method (Fabio Alessandrelli) a95563208f Update GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor. (Fabio Alessandrelli) be8dc97be7 Fix leftover connection to the "Open" signal in FileSystemDock (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 81e48e2cf3 ScriptEditor: Changed the shortcut for contextual help in ALT + F1, to resolve the conflict with the help menu opening shortcut. (dankan1890) 996abb83e3 doc: Fix issues found by the parser (Rémi Verschelde) 30da18c01a doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 3bfa080c9c Fix NaN with get_action_strength (Gilles Roudière) 7a8e4f64b8 Fix tilemap displaced textures and shapes with origin point BOTTOM_LEFT and CENTER and other casuistry (Ranoller) 55d11330b0 fix lighting bug introduced in clear color changes (clayjohn) 641922782e Make Xcode recursive search frameworks in project dir (Vasiliy Makarov) 9df1a2442b Show function name in debugger stack trace (George Marques) bdc6649b79 Keep GDScript functions in stack while yielding (George Marques) 1cfa74bf92 Improve the CanvasItem documentation (Hugo Locurcio) c66bcedb7a Make "Onion Skinning" toggle its own button (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 587986f654 Properly update script button when undoing a script addition (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 65c211d303 Implement ability to render viewports directly to screen (clayjohn) deb7152724 Quit the Project Manager when Command + Q is pressed (Hugo Locurcio) 5c252092e1 added radiance when using clear color and fixed brdf (clayjohn) e875f05c3b Improve the anchors and margin workflow (Gilles Roudiere) aecbb330f3 Fix GDNative library resource loading. (Fabio Alessandrelli) 76f262d2f4 Better handle some self-RSET/RPC in MultiplayerAPI (Fabio Alessandrelli) 1d056d3921 change call mode to self when adding nodes with node search (Jummit) abeb61f220 AnimatedSprite: Add from spritesheets now work as expected. Fix #28030 (dankan1890) d02ecd5a18 updated description of Array.shuffle to properly describe that it uses the same common seed at every runtime, thus being reproducible in general (hbina085) 537ee747be Apply sprite frames editor FPS value correctly upon _animation_select (freestraws) 4cf3113a1a Fix orientation of generated navmeshes (Bojidar Marinov) 1b9d26765f Allow constructing larger data types by swizzling (Jesse Dubay) cbc68a3e04 Change rules of indenting for spaces (miwanczuk) dcf27c71b7 Make possible to create inherited scenes via the RMB menu in the FileSystem dock (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 42d6205e8c Add RegEx substitution testcase and fix relevant docs (Ryan Stein) c9abff4bae add hotkeys to tileset editor (ahouts) fedf9cd379 Open selected folder when pressing the "Open" option in the menu (Bojidar Marinov) 68bee3d9a2 Allow or_greater for most properties of NavMesh (Bojidar Marinov) 9e97bac0cf Fixes to ClippedCamera (JFonS) 8c7ee6dac4 Tweak the default low-processor usage mode to be 144 Hz-friendly (Hugo Locurcio) 793b50651d Script Text Editor: respect Move Down and Move Up shortcuts on macOS (Mitch Curtis) 5714a5f4ea X11: Check if "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS" atom is supported. (bruvzg) 9285aad8b3 Fix AudioEffectRecord messing up the effect stack by not writing to dst_frames (Bojidar Marinov) 702b539405 Change "ID" to lowercase "id" (Aaron Franke) bba77fe387 Avoid _can_call_mode resetting error message in MultiplayerAPI (Fabio Alessandrelli) 70ead9455f [EditorSpatialGizmo] Fix error in intersect_ray (Guilherme Felipe) 920403c489 Scroll back to top when changing directory in FileSystem dock (volzhs) 68c3728b47 Revert "Merge pull request #26053 from qarmin/back_scroll_to_start" (volzhs) 36e9af4812 Docs: Add tutorials for KinematicBody2D (Guilherme Felipe) 77278f6bac Release GridMap floor field focus when mouse exited (Lisapple) e34eb5c26c Fix texture resource reload bug (Daniel Rakos) 182a04b1da Replacing filename with path in tooltip into FileSystem dock (Lisapple) f61ab2fe83 Enable BC6H compression for all HDR formats (Daniel Rakos) 19b8c51e1d Change empty scene closing on new inherented scene to a better approach (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 699140000c Revert "Merge pull request #28715 from YeldhamDev/inherent_scene_close_empty" (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) ece6d37eef Improved the AnimatedSprite docs; added description to speed_scale. (Ken Paulson) b363125568 Fix SHADOWS_DISABLED flag in GLES2 (Guilherme Souza) e4dea0595a Add transform support to deal with Bullets centering of shapes (Bastiaan Olij) 4bb0df7060 Center shape according to logic Bullet applies (Bastiaan Olij) 9dc4c762a7 Fixes to the DDS loader (Daniel Rakos) ed37912e66 Support Mac OS hotkeys in line_edit (megalike) ca80ebe9f6 Fix AnimationPlayer editor length and step synchronization (Timo Schwarzer) df18c8c413 Remove reduz from some autorequested code reviews (Rémi Verschelde) 958c915f60 Update AUTHORS and DONORS list (Rémi Verschelde) 648cc7c0f5 Make editor close empty scene when creating an inherited one (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a242bf464a Fix 'TabContainer' not updating its tab titles when locale is changed (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 0bfcf8bc2f Add bookmarks for easier code navigation (Tomasz Chabora) 28bff3d1ad Implement Lanczos image filter (Daw11) 77ab9ba252 Fix generation of Mono Glue for Visual Studio 2017+ (ShyRed) 2206c5e9c0 fix CollisonShape changing shape cause crash when not in a tree (yakun.zhang) d33b4f4de8 FIX Script editor doesn´t send unsaved script #28693 (Ranoller) 359d7f178c Fix ParallaxBackground breaking when moving it out the scene tree (Colin Redman) 5ce9bfcb4f Document dictionary erase return value (lopho) c6310e9a7e Support Mac OS default delete char hotkeys (megalike) f7eb426e2e Allow overriding how scripted objects are converted to strings solves #26796 (Leonard Meagher) f0757f31a4 Fixes VideostreamGDNative crash on audio_channel=0. (Anish) 37f4d51a75 Make 'TabContainer' update when icon/title is changed (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 0b8a785539 Make second parameter of substr optional (Tomasz Chabora) 4270403724 Fix crash when trying to set fallback or next pass with one of parent (qarmin) 1170b78e28 Update of RigidBody2D class description (Thomas Karcher) f1b7b74d65 Fix navmesh not finding optimal paths (Bojidar Marinov) 8a8b7af638 Fix collapse visual shader tree (Chaosus) 3d47dad2b1 Remove unused `panelf` and `panelnc` styles (Bojidar Marinov) e57d761f9b Fix build visual_shader_editor_plugin (Chaosus) 52651509f0 Make "Find in Files" always available in the script editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) a3d5aec68d added MSAA to GLES backend (clayjohn) 39398f173e Fix Mac OS move cursor behaviour (megalike) b291cfde1b Fix default values not being read correctly in VS, take two (Bojidar Marinov) 3eb5d1b525 Hide "Built-in Script" option in the script creation dialog when not possible (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) acadfe0a49 Add "disabled" icon for 'CheckButton' (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) e03f9ead21 Do precision comparison to prevent the creation of keyframes with a time that already exists. (Jared) 73d95f1006 Make small changes to the script dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 6cb4ef1c55 Fix script dialog asking for correct inheritance when not needed (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) d6489374e7 Fix regression in 'PopupMenu' when icons have different values for width and height (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) f9d9530902 Fix slight issues with autocompletion and member lists in GDScript (Bojidar Marinov) da73bcca6f Document CollisionObject2D pickable requires collision_layer (lopho) dc7533517f Update editor_settings.cpp (Siddharth) aff9320ff2 Fix typed arrays and dictionaries getting their values shared (Bojidar Marinov) cdf54d6c5f Ignore a warning in _get_socket_error (-Wlogical-op). (marxin) 867b96eb71 Locales: Add some missing locale names (Rémi Verschelde) 62b7132947 Fix input entries when switching to new visual shader (Chaosus) 818f756d90 Add a property hint for DynamicFont size (Hugo Locurcio) 505ab3d225 Fix First Ctrl+R and Ctrl+F not showing long name variables correctly (theoniko) 6bd271139d Fixing Curve2D/3D baked interpolated values (Maxime Leroy) 4f9408a0f8 Freetype clone env for no-SMID single file (Fabio Alessandrelli) 432460a355 VS: Give the generic search the current base type. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 4e6420b5a8 VS: Better ux (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) a9c6c98a67 Change order of Visual Script Search. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) 92ea1c3cca Add godot version in backtrace message (lupoDharkael) 3c159ea379 Added missed inputs for other modes in visual shaders (Chaosus) be414e4476 Revert "Update libwebsockets to 3.1 (plus UWP patch)" (Fabio Alessandrelli) d9eaa3e093 Fix Remove Missing Project projects on Windows (qarmin) 17d14fe511 Support Mac OS default move cursor hotkeys (megalike) 4009d26022 Fix pvrtc encoder Always resize image to square of power2 Enable mipmaps only if original texture has it enabled Fix #28534, #28541 (Vasiliy Makarov) c86b03abd8 Expose TextEdit's drawSpaces feature to GDScript (miwanczuk) 04b49264f2 Small documentation improvements (Jiří Procházka) 2684e81682 Fixed game crash, regression of #26977 (Andrea Catania) 48bfa9d17a Fix regression on 'PopupMenu's minimal size (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) aa4e27084f fixes 27543, adds a copy button for the editor log (kbake) 4eedb97802 Fix missing argument for vsnprintf_s (Ignacio Etcheverry) 60e16e4a0d Set range and change EDITOR_DEF to EDITOR_GET (Guillermo) 620ec4703f Make "decimal" functions more consistent (Aaron Franke) e37d723695 fixes bug when setting projection matrix (clayjohn) 23fd2a9175 Fix script dialog path validation to handle spaces correctly (DrNochi) 22ce1e2709 Expose more surface tools and add create_from_blend_shape. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) fda3a568ef Issue-28355 - show spaces in editor (miwanczuk) 07e2a86fc4 GridMap editor fixes and improvements (Daniel Rakos) c991379b81 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 9da3d736ad Fix sign-compare error from #26051 (Rémi Verschelde) a8114b9936 Forgot a parameter in the ARVR gdnative bindings for notifications (Bastiaan Olij) 0562b78f40 Properly expose PhysicsServer methods (LATRio) d52b70fb5e SCons: Always use env.Prepend for CPPPATH (Rémi Verschelde) 1d86929dcb Fix application window not listed in taskbar (X11) * for executable * for editor and exported executable (on older Cinnamon versions) (MJacred) e949d6c2ae Fix build error after #27294 (Rémi Verschelde) 33c39e4c25 Add and expose to Font a function to get the rect size needed to draw a word-wraped text (Mariano Suligoy) a7ef836c69 Fixed a few issues with the bezier animation track editor, fixed the Travis CI errors, added TTR to bezier value labels and rounded them to 3 decimal points (Ben Hickling) bab8c760e8 Set range for line spacing (gsegovia2018) 1001c7fdde issue-28446 - disable higlighting all occurences of string in editor if only whitespaces are selected (miwanczuk) 9be8424ef9 Added an is_valid function to FuncRef so script can check if it is safe to call it. (Rikhardur Bjarni Einarsson) 80e9e93e27 Add Popup::popup_centered_clamped method (homer666) 7ae3809f4b Fixed GLES2 transparency order (clayjohn) 470b80cc55 C#: Support resource type hint in exported arrays (Ignacio Etcheverry) e5c8e4019b Warn when opening imported anim in AnimationPlayer (homer666) 4131b2b891 Renames captions of Scalar/VectorInterp in Visual Shaders (Chaosus) 9dba47a743 Allow to keep local transform when reparenting (Tomasz Chabora) f7a45eb0de Make 'Line/TextEdit's context menus hide their editing options when in readonly mode (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) b8e09f98c4 Make buttons that trigger popups have the same scale (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 99958c99da [TileMapEditor] Improve tool picking usability (Guilherme Felipe) 106d1f3c3c Refresh import dock on change "animation/storage" (homer666) b0956915c9 macOS: make Command + Left go to first non-whitespace character (Mitch Curtis) 62e0262951 Update edited keyframe's snap mode properly (homer666) ce6ab56e9f Fix the unclickable links inside the doc (Daw11) 876c509a9d Removed function to compute time, should not be that useful in practice. (Juan Linietsky) e8858a9a44 changed references to array types in arraymesh doc (clayjohn) 11fb4ffbf8 Added docs to AudioStreamPlayer for get_mix_time (Juan Linietsky) c2027c8233 Added functions to further improve music timing (Juan Linietsky) be2e8e4047 Convert line endings to CRLF in `OS.set_clipboard()` on Windows (Hugo Locurcio) 040b59c010 Properly deal with clicking on audio stream change or stop (AudioStreamPlayer only) (Juan Linietsky) af9bb0ea15 Clean up latency related functions (Juan Linietsky) e2dd0c101e Make TileMap overridable "set_cell" function called on undo/redo (Samuele Zolfanelli) 60eec47077 Revert "Fix AudioStreams::stop possibly causing a small noise" (Juan Linietsky) c709dfdf06 [Input] Release keys/actions pressed if window loses focus (Guilherme Felipe) 20e442a9f6 Reverts the change made to the editor progress dialog in faaecd6987ba27056b1866bc57e78a7246795c22 (MrCdK) 3380565e4b C#: Generate the correct integer and floating point types (Ignacio Etcheverry) d1fa546dc9 Undo support for locking and grouping for both 2D and 3D (Sintinium) 9742d0c323 Spatial::look_at() now preserves its scale values (Rodolfo Ribeiro Gomes) 1a1b35721a Send notifications to ARVRInterfaces (Bastiaan Olij) 63d1a80656 Removed a call to `set_blocking_enabled` from function `enet_socket_create` since it is already called from https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/thirdparty/enet/host.c#L63 (Tarik02) bb3089895c Implement function enet_socket_set_option using ENetSocket class's methods. Implemented options: - ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK - ENET_SOCKOPT_BROADCAST - ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR - ENET_SOCKOPT_NODELAY Not implemented options: - ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVBUF - ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDBUF - ENET_SOCKOPT_RCVTIMEO - ENET_SOCKOPT_SNDTIMEO (Tarik02) 791e1294c3 Mono: Lazily load scripts metadata file (Ignacio Etcheverry) f5940e2909 Limit the size of the Manage Editor Feature Profiles dialog (Hugo Locurcio) c0fcd55f96 fix builds made with Clang on some Linux distros (Michele Valente) b652fcd241 Added set_as_bulk_array, fixed transform2D saving and documentation to MultiMesh (Bastiaan Olij) 225b61ab2a libpng: Update to upstream 1.6.37 (Rémi Verschelde) 7a9735eef4 Fix uniform title color in visual shaders(regression) (Chaosus) f275de24ee Make 'EditorPath' into a proper 'MenuButton' (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 61a844aa61 Adds flag AMBIENT_LIGHT_DISABLED to GLES2 (Guilherme Souza) 2041e21eb5 Allow floating-point values in the idle parse delay editor setting (Hugo Locurcio) fc65cc64b9 Fix Crash On Close When 3D Is Disabled (AnthonyYoManz) 340252727b C#: Mark generated property accessor methods as Obsolete (Ignacio Etcheverry) c20a3823a2 C# bindings generator cleanup (Ignacio Etcheverry) 3189560d52 Update .gitignore (Linux User) b659e1eb2b Use approximate equallity methods in many places (Aaron Franke) c577ec6ae4 [Mono] Approximate equality (Aaron Franke) 7f7d97f536 [Core] Expose approximate equality methods to GDScript (Aaron Franke) b2e1c9c276 [Core] Approximate equality (Aaron Franke) 51f9042a5b add option to use ThinLTO (Michele Valente) bc7863775c Cancel tooltip when hiding the node it belongs to (James Buck) 6169e755aa Add Close Others/Right/All for scene tabs (Tomasz Chabora) f662f1505e Fix scroll for texture_region and polygon_2d editor (Guilherme Felipe) 32b9b3159a Set switch_on_hover to true for the remaining menus (Guilherme Felipe) d3cc9c0bf1 Support for binary literals in GDScript. Added an error that shows if a point is written in a hex literal. Added highlighting for binary literals in GDScript (jude-lafitteIII) 9fc84061dd i18n: Sync translation template with current source (Rémi Verschelde) d6994c9b70 i18n: Sync translations with Weblate (Rémi Verschelde) eb155bc91a SCons: Clean xatlas SCsub from thekla/poshlib defines (Rémi Verschelde) 446f8a2cc2 Fix crash regression in visual shader (Chaosus) 6b117c44fb Added TranslationServer::get_loaded_locales to return an array of all locales with a loaded Translation (Ken Paulson) 6fb19bebbb [Tilemap] Fix typo (Guilherme Felipe) 9f16a67754 Debugger's inspector doesn't clear it values on every debug action (Elias Rammos) cf5881f574 Rename wrong field. (Juan Linietsky) a424d39f76 Remove forgotten strings in configuration files (Juan Linietsky) faaecd6987 Fixes to make exporting more responsive. (Juan Linietsky) d93c354807 Fix invalid mono log file name on Windows (Ignacio Etcheverry) 350bcce041 Expose 'TextEdit's tab drawing and folding to GDScript (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) c2a669a9f0 SCons: Review uses of CCFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and CPPFLAGS (Rémi Verschelde) 436d000066 Improve the ProjectSettings documentation (Hugo Locurcio) 3a3df84d3b Fix connection lines glitch in visual shaders (Chaosus) 692205da33 Make multimesh invisible initially in CPUParticles (Daeil Kim) 21ca9f6c7c Disallow loopback connection in visual scripts and visual shaders (Chaosus) 4bca3236d1 Make small changes to the new connection info on script feature (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) ea56d18256 doc: Sync classref with current source (Rémi Verschelde) 8d867cf7c5 Also disable C and C++ specific warnings in thirdparty code (Rémi Verschelde) 9ac770be45 Removes preview from existing transform nodes in visual shader (Chaosus) e3b7f9e1ca AnimationPlayer FPS mode fixes (homer666) 342266d782 Modify ResourceImporterScene to split animations with blendshapes. (K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee) dac9a5ba96 Fix "Name" popup's size in theme editor (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) f06b62028e Save Layout When Scene Is Closed Via Context Menu (DixiE) 9bfa63496a Added a marker in text_edit that tells which row is executing. (Rikhardur Bjarni Einarsson) b89d8bb56c Separated description from the preview content and centered the playbutton for video thumbnails in the Asset Library Editor (gdupr) 2fedd2559c Fix crash when restoring script editor state (Paulb23) 325f6c6581 Added inspector plugin documentation. (Juan Linietsky) a93ff8d210 Add undo for Sprite Editor (Tomasz Chabora) f2c26098a9 Revert 8d3345a, I thought this was non functioning but it is.. (Juan Linietsky) be11b6f04d Removed incorrect "Transform" preview from visual shaders (Chaosus) 1aaab30a2b Hide "Tilemap" menu properly in CanvasItem view (homer666) eb53c0fb32 Enlarge Vector3 constant node in visual shaders (Chaosus) 2cf6d8d334 Made virtual function begin with _, for consistency. This was not yet used, anyway as no API is bound for this. (Juan Linietsky) 0fcbf4da8f [StateMachine] Fix play position (Guilherme Felipe) 5c5c3a590a Fixes build for Windows cross-compilation (Kenneth Lee) d8de9cc20f Small fixes to connection dialog (Guilherme Felipe) a9d4cde0f5 Allow adding disabled shapes (ShyRed) 2fc2d82465 Disable Project Export button after deleting preset (qarmin) b4d561013f Revert "RichTextLabel: Adding the ability to change the default cursor" (Rémi Verschelde) 6484da5721 Import 4/1 bit bmp images (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 458827efc2 Revert "Implemented terrain raycast acceleration" (Rémi Verschelde) de33ef2d1b Disable GI probe capturing lights with bake mode disabled (Daniel Rakos) c230c6db98 Fix drawing of checkable editor properties (James Buck) 479649b5fb Fix typo count_count to count (qarmin) 33a0011ab2 Added bindings for methods related to obtaining base an instance from VisualInstance (Juan Linietsky) ebe54833a9 Fix popup visibility for OptionButton, MenuButton and ColorPickerButton (Nikolay Neupokoev) f46899e922 Expose visible instance count to multimesh (Juan Linietsky) c52f890626 Don't try to statically allocate 2x 8193 pointers (Hein-Pieter van Braam-Stewart) f104731b81 Add missing enum value to Performance::get_monitor_type (Daw11) 9d0b3b300c fixed an access after free in OS_X11::set_context. (Ibrahn Sahir) 17166f5640 autocomplete for $" and $' (hilfazer) a1fc73e6d3 Add Attenuation Model "DISABLED" for AudioStreamPlayer3D (Nils ANDRÉ-CHANG) 36f955e4f3 Minor "Merge From Scene" improvements (homer666) 0fc0641e7d Fix rotation offset/snap fields being cut off in Configure Snap dialog (Hugo Locurcio) 516b80cd65 Fix completely #14835 -proper selection reset on undo (Zach Young) da2a0a3814 Call minimum_size_changed() on redo/undo if expand_to_text_length is true (Carsten Klein) ac1c523989 Fix 'LineEdit' offset limit not accounting for the right/clear icon width (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) d0f0f1f1cb Fix TGA indexed images loaded with flipped color table (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) 35a0162167 Improve wording of various messages and make casing more consistent (Hugo Locurcio) 824f68483f Add ability to expand/collapse nodes recursively in scene tree dock (Andrii Doroshenko (Xrayez)) aa7d10b2bc Small improvements to the new Sprite Sheet dialog (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) 12a01a33aa Tileset-Editor: Added alternative tool for drawing a rectangular shape. (dankan1890) d84acb98d0 Fix 'LineEdit' contents not ending before the clear button if no right icon was set (Michael Alexsander Silva Dias) d835738045 Small ux improvement (Guilherme Felipe) 8b1b2f6a4c Fix editor tooltip formatting (James Buck) 34a3cad8e8 Require only one click to deploy to Android if one device is connected (Hugo Locurcio) a6562cd004 Display connection information in the script editor (Paulb23) f25b057846 Fix disable_3d=yes -Wunused-variable errors (Rémi Verschelde) c1444ebeaf Fix typo in SpriteFrameEditor preview draw (Rémi Verschelde) 20b0046945 Object::script may not be a valid Ref