That's my Repository... Packages for all Tastes!

Treviño’s Ubuntu feisty repository informations

Release name: feisty
Version: 7.04
Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Treviño's Repository - Many "misc" files for your Ubuntu 7.04...
For extra repositories look Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (7.04) Repository List (sources.list)

The following components are available:

3v1n0 (browse contents)
Treviño's Misc Feisty Fawn packages...
All the packages I build/package for Feisty (aMule, amsn, moto4lin, flash plugin [9.x], and more...)
Look at Contacts page for requesting packages
eyecandy (browse contents)
Many eyecandy 3D apps like Beryl, Compiz, Compiz Fusion Tools and Plugins and kiba-dock snapshots built under Feisty by Treviño using latest available (working) sources from git/svn/cvs...
More informations about Compiz and this GIT repo are available here.
To build the Compiz packages of this repository I'm using this bash script. Use it if you want create a repo for another arch or distro (debian based)! [help]

Here there only packages for x86, but there's also a repository with AMD64 Packages

This page has been dugg, thanks all!
Report any bug you find regarding Compiz on the Freedesktop BugZilla, regarding Compiz Fusion in the Compiz Fusion BugZilla while reports bugs about packages on this blog page.
eyecandy-amd64 (browse contents)
Many eyecandy 3D apps like Beryl, Compiz, Compiz Fusion Tools and Plugins and kiba-dock snapshots built under Ubuntu Feisty - AMD64 by Bernardo Bandos - jbs (jose.bandos [AT] gmail [DOT] com) using latest available (working) sources from git/svn/cvs...

More informations about Compiz and this GIT repo are available here.
To build the Compiz packages of this repository is used this bash script. Use it if you want create a repo for another arch or distro (debian based)! [help]
suspend2 (browse contents)
Ubuntu feisty kernels patched with suspend2
This repository contains all the ubuntu kernel related packages containing both the ubuntu patches and the suspend2 support to improve your hibernation (to ram/disk) experience!
This repo is actually under development, so use it with caution